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The most advanced Laser system - Leading edge technology and

medical devices for the fertility field - Saturn 5 Active Laser System
for Ablation of the Zona Pellucida - Saturn 5 Active Laser System at
Blossom Fertility Centre Surat - What is Saturn 5 Active Laser System
in ART Process? - Assisted Hatching with Active Laser System Accurate, Easy and Safer Laser drilling for IVF procedures Introduction of new Laser for PGD and Embryo Biopsy

Assisted Reproductive Technology is evolving every day. The area of human assisted
reproductive technology advances at an astonishing rate. Assisted Reproductive Technology
(ART) includes in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET), gamete intrafallopian transfer
(GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), and frozen embryo transfer (FET). These techniques
also apply to oocyte donation and gestational carriers.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have become
accepted medical treatments for infertility. Through these procedures, many couples with
otherwise untreatable infertility have given birth to healthy babies.
Over recent years lasers have been used increasingly in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratory.
The procedures for which lasers are now routinely used include laser assisted hatching or
thinning, blastomere biopsy, trophectoderm biopsy and polar body biopsy.
The latest addition to the Assisted Reproductive Technology is the Saturn 5 Active Laser
System. Saturn 5 Active Laser System is the latest cutting-edge ART technology and is the
most advanced, safest and fastest laser system for laser assisted hatching in repeated IVF
failures and laser assisted biopsies of embryos for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in
recurrent missed abortions,IVF failures and to detect genetic abnormalities like Thalassemia,
Downs syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, cystic fibrosis etc in infertile couples embryos.

By using Saturn 5 or Saturn 5 Active laser systems, (the highest power lasers currently
available), the embryologist can improve the safety of laser procedures compared with lower
power systems. The Saturn 5 Active offers major new features for easier, safer and faster
laser drilling for IVF procedures, benefiting both embryologists and embryos.
The Saturn 5 Active directional laser system now comes with the new Biopsy Mode allowing
accurate and automated laser drilling along a pre-defined line and Multi-Pulse option making
procedures quick, accurate and effortless.
Key Features of Saturn 5 Active Laser System
The new Saturn 5 Directional laser system provides safe and effective laser ablation of the
zona pellucida. The Saturn 5 Biopsy Mode is helping you to advance improvements in biopsy
methods; potentially reducing procedure time, and lowering the incidence of blastocyst
collapse and the need to mechanically tear off cells. Using the Biopsy Mode, you can draw a
straight or curved line along the sample and then select the number and size of the holes on it,
then simply fire. The laser will ablate exactly along the chosen path. It means you no longer
need to move the holding pipette at all. Indeed, for assisted hatching a holding pipette is not

In short key features of Saturn 5 Active laser systems are:

Biopsy Mode: New biopsy mode allows accurate laser drilling along a straight or curved
drawn line.
Safest Power: Lowest laser pulse energy for minimal energy near critical cells. Zone
feature ensures cell safety.
Precise: Sub-micron accuracy and unique computer controlled laser with guaranteed
laser alignment.
Rapid: Faster than ever directional laser increases functionality and decreases
procedure times.
Easy to Use: Intuitive RI Viewer software package with streamlined interface.
Programmable foot pedal controls software and laser functions including the new
biopsy and multi-pulse modes
Versatile: Compatible with all popular brands of micromanipulators and inverted

Benefits of Saturn 5 Active Laser System

The new Saturn 5 Active directional laser system uses cutting edge fiber-optic, laser and
robotic technology delivering the best in speed, safety, accuracy and smooth operation. By

employing a higher laser power, Saturn 5 Active applies less energy to achieve a specified hole
size in comparison to lower power laser systems. The Saturn 5 Active also has a new faster
motor helping to cut down on procedure times. The Saturn 5 Active laser system has a red
pilot beam that confirms the shape and focus of the beam, as well as guaranteeing the exact
position of the ablation laser. The Saturn 5 Active laser is a Class 1 laser product as defined by
international laser safety standards. It is CE-marked and FDA cleared.

The moveable Saturn laser can ablate the zona exactly where you want to, without having to
move the embryo. Also the new Biopsy Mode allows to accurately make holes in either straight
or curved lines along the zona. Saturn 5 laser has really improved and speeded up the
procedures. The Saturn 5 Active laser is very impressive as it gives you a lot of freedom in how
you do the procedures, the software is very easy to use and it offers a modern, clean user
interface featuring:

One click mouse or foot pedal image capture and video recording
Measurements tools
Laser simulator for training and demonstration purposes
An Exclusion Zone which indicates how close to critical cells the laser can be fired Very
comprehensive and the Biopsy Mode helps to process the cells for PGD and helps
patients obtain a healthy baby.

The new laser system makes the procedure quicker, easier and safer to perform than ever
before. The Saturn 5 laser has really improved and sped up ART procedures. To biopsy a
blastocyst, the laser must be used multiple times throughout the procedure to separate the
trophectoderm cells, and therefore it is important that the laser moves, rather than the
blastocyst. With Saturn Active, it is possible to keep the blastocyst and biopsy/holding

pipettes in the one place and use the computer to move the laser to the desired point on the
blastocyst. This is the major difference between the Saturn Active and other laser systems.
The Blossom Fertility and IVF Centre offers state-of-the-art class 10000 IVF laboratory and
equipments, and specialist clinical, scientific and nursing care. Excellent success rates are
achieved for most types of fertility treatment at our clinic. The latest addition to our IVf
Laboratory and equipments is Saturn 5 Active laser system. It is most advanced ,safest and
fastest laser system for laser assisted hatching in repeated IVF failures and laser assisted
biopsies of embryos for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in recurrent missed abortions, IVF
failures ,and to detect genetic abnormalities like Thalassemia,Downs syndrome, Muscular
Dystrophy, cystic fibrosis etc in affected couples embryos. Saturn 5 Active laser system for
Assisted Hatching, Blastomere Biopsy and Blastocyst Collapsing is giving an excellent results and
a cutting edge to the clinic over others.
To know more about the features, benefits and the latest technology involved in Saturn 5
Active laser system from our fertility experts you may contact us at or fix an appointment with our fertility specialist at 261
Summary:Saturn 5 Active Laser System is the latest cutting-edge ART technology and is the
most advanced, safest and fastest laser system for laser assisted hatching in repeated IVF
failures and laser assisted biopsies of embryos for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in
recurrent missed abortions,IVF failures . The new laser system makes the procedure quicker,
easier and safer to perform than ever before. The Saturn 5 laser has really improved and sped
up ART procedures.
Advanced laser system, Saturn 5 Active Laser System, Saturn 5 Active, Directional laser
system, ablation of the zona pellucid, laser assisted hatching, laser Biopsy Mode, IVF laboratory,
Laser for PGD and Embryo Biopsy, trophectoderm biopsy, ivf, ivf laser, assisted hatching,
blastomere biopsy, polar body biopsy, laser ivf equipment, ivf failure, laser hatching, ART
procedure, blastocyst collapse, active IVF laser, Saturn 5 Active assisted hatching, IVF
treatment, IVF clinic, IVF laser specialist in surat, Saturn 5 Active at blossom, Advanced laser
system at surat,

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