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Why use Strong Typing?

Strong Typing for Excel

An add-in which allows formulas to be augmented with
type meta-data to help ensure formulas work as intended
or to highlight logical issues with formulas in a spreadsheet.
Benefits at a glance:

Use techniques from programming to improve error

detection rates in models
Identify changes made by others that introduce errors
Create templates from models to re-use proven
Document your models more thoroughly
We look forward to working with you!


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Executive summary
Studies have shown that any moderately complex new spreadsheets model is likely to
contain errors. Moreover, those studies show that even expert users are able to find
barely half the errors.
A spreadsheet model created by a user is a form of program, the spreadsheet tool a
programming environment and cells are its lines of code. The design of spreadsheet
applications makes them easy to use, but that ease of use comes at the price of
omitting most of functionality a programmer would
expect to find in a programming environment,
tools that help to identify and mitigate errors.
Is it any wonder, then, that spreadsheet
models contain errors?
Strong Typing adds to Excel key features a
programmer would take for granted but which do
not exist in any mainstream spreadsheet
environment. Using these features, the author of
a spreadsheet model can more easily find,
identify and fix errors such as invalid or incorrect
cell references.

Errors the spreadsheet problem

Study after study has shown that spreadsheets
contain errors. They contained errors at their
inception and they contain errors today. The EU
Spreadsheet Interest Group (EUSprIG) lists
horror stories1 involving spreadsheet errors that
have led to material errors or spreadsheets being
used to obscure problems. Some of these are not petty problems, some involve gains
(or more usually) losses of $Bns.
The problem is that no one can see these errors. An expert will take a look at a
spreadsheet model, pronounce them OK and their results are accepted. But research
shows that:
a) Humans make errors in as many as 5%2 or their actions when those actions
involve logical operations; and
b) Even experts are able to find barely more than half the errors in a spreadsheet.
So in a spreadsheet containing 100 hand crafted formulas (not ones just copied) it can
be expected that 5 will contain errors and only 3 of those errors will be found. 100
formulas is not many formulas in a spreadsheet model so there are likely to be many
more errors in new production spreadsheets. The reference to new spreadsheets is
important. If a spreadsheet is stable then over time errors will be found and corrected.
But even so, perhaps not before damage is done.

Panko What we know about spreadsheet errors

Strong Typing for Excel from Lyquidity: create more robust spreadsheet models

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Best practices
Responsible spreadsheet users take steps to minimize the incidence of errors. For
example, separating input, calculation and output cells; using external reviewers;
documenting the spreadsheet models and lots of testing. But even so, errors persist.

Learning from software engineering

The collection of spreadsheet formulas that constitute a model is really a program so
surely it should be possible to borrow practices and ideas from software engineering to
increase the error detection rate.
We believe it is.
The best practices above are certainly used in the development of software products.
But there is much more that can be borrowed from software engineering. For example,
the tools used by programmers responsible for creating robust software applications do
much more to help the software engineer identify and avoid errors than does, say,

Strong Typing
If a spreadsheet model is a program then its cells are the lines of code and formulas are
its language. There are many languages used by software engineers and there are
different ways to characterize these languages. For example, declarative vs imperative,
functional vs non-functional, general vs domain-specific. Another relevant way
characterize languages is dynamic vs statically typed.
Dynamic languages include JavaScript and PHP. Most web pages contain some
JavaScript, while PHP powers many web sites and is used to create the popular Blog
software, WordPress.
Dynamic languages are considered
easy-to-use because theres no
compile step. Just write code and run.
Statically Typed
Statically typed languages include C,
C++, Java, C#. Any operating system
you care to think about has been
developed using C or C++, Microsoft
Office is created using C++ while
Android is a mobile operating system
created using Java.
Dynamic vs Static
Dynamic languages are considered
easy-to-use, not only because theres
no compile step, they dont require the
programmer to do as much abstract
thinking. For example, there no need
to define more types than the small
number of built-in ones provided by the
language, such as Number, String and
Dynamic languages are also more
For example they will
coerce values from one type to
Strong Typing for Excel from Lyquidity: create more robust spreadsheet models

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another. If the program is asked to add a piece of text containing the digits 1 and 2 to
the number 8 it will coerce the text to the number 12 and then add it to the number 8 to
yield a result of 20.
Dodging the need to add types, sounds like a great way to go, but the result is usually
error prone code. Adding Type information to program code allows programming tools
to warn the programmer when program code includes logical inconsistencies. The
compile step performed by statically typed languages is responsible for identifying these
inconsistencies and for testing all routes through the code,
code that when using a dynamic language may never be
exercised during testing.
For these reason it is uncommon for significant programming
projects to depend upon a dynamic language if there is an
alternative. Where a dynamic language cannot be avoided,
there are often tools to retro-fit a type system.
For example EBay, which must rely on JavaScript because it is
the only practical choice for browser-based applications,
created VJET3, so their programmers are able to write
JavaScript, but in a way that allows them to include type
information. Microsoft has recently released a tool called
TypeScript4. This is another tool to allow JavaScript to be
written in a way that can include type information.

What is a Type?
In a spreadsheet a value representing, say, Revenues is just a
number. Likewise, a value representing the concept Cost of
Goods Sold is also just a number. We all know what numbers
are but in this context, number is a Type.
Because both concepts are numbers and especially if any
local label is removed (or wrong) then unless the spreadsheet
user knows one value represents the concept Revenue its
not possible for that user to distinguish the value for Revenue
from the value for Cost of Goods Sold as both values are just
In a language with a Type system such as C++ and Java the
values can be tagged with custom Types. For example, there
might be a Type called revenues and another called cogs
both of which are extensions of the more fundamental Type
If the value representing Revenues is assigned the Type revenue and the value
representing Cost of Goods Sold is assigned the Type cogs, then the language tool
being used is able to generate warnings if the user attempts to use Revenues when
Cost of Goods Sold is expected. This eliminates a whole class of potential errors that
plague applications created using dynamic languages.
In the context of a spreadsheet model, this means it becomes possible to ensure that
when the formula for Gross Profit includes a reference so to the value for Revenue it
really is the value for revenue not some other invalid account.


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Cant a Name be used to provide Type information?
Names are commonly used to provide a human readable tag for a cell and when used
in cell references within formulas, it can make the whole formula more readable.
The formula =A1-A2 might become =Revenue-CostOfGoodsSold
Using Names to identify a cell or range of cells is a great idea. But the use of Names
doesnt provide any validation that the reference is correct. If the Name definition is
changed the changed definition may or may not reference a valid cell in the context of
the formula.

So what sort of language is Excel?

Excels formula syntax can be characterized as a Dynamic, Domain specific, functional
language. Like other dynamic languages it supports only a small set of native types.
This means there is no restriction imposed by the tool on using one value when, in fact,
another should be used. Like other dynamic languages there is no compile step during
which all the code can be evaluated and reviewed for inconsistencies.
Maybe then, it is not surprising that, like other dynamic languages, the results of
its use are often error prone.

What other software engineering features can be borrowed?

The Type system is a key feature that should be applied to spreadsheets. Others
Structured unit and system tests
Test-driven development

When creating a cell reference in a formula, the scope of the reference is the sheet.
That is, it is valid that the reference is to any cell in the same sheet. But what if you
want to ensure the reference is to a cell or cells in a column of Actuals or that the
reference is to a cell in the set of input values for this years Budget?
In a programming language, a scope defines when variables are valid to use. In an
analogous sense, Strong Typing Scopes allow you to define a set of cells that are valid
in a specific context. As a result, Scopes allow formula validations to be fine-tuned.

Its common for programmers to want to test that values being passed to functions in a
program meet specific
requirements such as being
positive or having a value
between two bounds. These
tests are called Assertions.
Failed assertions cause the
output of a message to alert
the programmer of potential
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Assertions in Strong Typing fulfil this role. Assertions apply to cell references and allow
the model builder to make assertions about characteristics of the reference. There are
many assertions and examples include checking that the referenced cell is in a specific
or column/row, that the referenced cell is not blank or has positive value, does or does
not contain a formula or is formatted in a specific way.
Excel and other spreadsheet tools include facilities that can be used to implement some
assertions. For example, conditional formats can be used to color code cells based on
their result value. However this is limited to the end result value. Strong Typing
assertions apply at the level of the cell reference so can be used to guard the values
being supplied to, say, built-in functions.

Structured unit and system tests

Testing is a pre-requisite when developing software applications. Software
development tools include facilities to create and run unit tests (which test small units
such as a function) and system tests (which test groups of units).
The purpose of Strong Typing is to test the validity of formulas. By default, individual
cells are tested. However any range of cells or a whole spreadsheet can be tested.

Most software applications are composed of components. The use of components
allows code to be re-used so that multiple applications can benefit from using code that
has been tested and will be updated to address any issues identified in the future.
Excel supports the use of templates which also promotes the re-use of proven
spreadsheets. Strong Typing meta-data is stored within a workbook so this meta-data
will be part of a template if that template is based on a workbook that has been marked
up using Strong Typing. But an Excel template will be a whole spreadsheet like a
whole application. Sometimes it will be better to be able to re-use just portions of a
spreadsheet that has been marked up with meta-data.

Strong Typing supports the ability to save arbitrary portions of a spreadsheet as a

template. Saved templates include formulas and corresponding meta-data. The saved
Strong Typing template can be imported as a portion of another spreadsheet. The
formulas and meta-data from the template will be imported into the new spreadsheet.

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The next steps

Contact us to begin a free evaluation of Strong Typing.
I look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you and find out more about your
requirement and show how Strong Typing is able to meet them.

Strong Typing resources on-line

Full information about Strong Typing is available on our web site:

Strong Typing for Excel from Lyquidity: create more robust spreadsheet models

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