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I wonder to where the universe came from!

The Big bang and all the other theories are pathetic. Even if considered to be true (real). Then,
what was there before the bang (or) what caused the bang and where did the cause come
The beginning and the end is unreachable to the mind.
And So, It goes on and on and on...
This approach, that the universe came from something is useless and fraud. A different
approach is needed.
We came into existence and the most important thing is to know why and for what and how ?
Even before we go in search of the reality/ source/ truth/ Infinite /Absolute; we need to clearly
accept that it cannot be known by the intellect, the mind and its reasoning.
Surprisingly, the mind itself does not exist. Its a group of thoughts built into a concept that is
being perceived by us as something that exist.
So, how can it be known? Its been hidden and its so very easy to find that you wont believe it.
The mind is just a group of perceived thoughts. And, the thoughts we think are just flashes from
all our collective experiences right from our birth.
The thoughts can take us nowhere near the source (truth) behind our life existence. But, when
you observe your thoughts, you will find that there is an observer. That observer has no
thoughts because, he is observing the thoughts.
He is also not a mind as the mind itself is a bundle of thoughts packaged as something which
really is nonexistent. That observer is the real You. To prove this and to be more confident, let
us do a Self inquiry.
The inquiry applies to everything that can be known (or) everything that exists ranging from
you, me, a tree, a dog, an atom, elements and all that you can think of.
Inquiry on one thing is more than enough as it is the same to all the enquired.

Let us take ourselves as the enquired.

Self Inquiry on Myself:
Who am I?
I am Mr. X. But, I am not that. It is just a name, just a sound wave. I am not that. See we have
unconsciously identified ourselves with our name. Poor me..
So, Am I this body?
Nopes! I say that I am tired; I have a headache, my eyes, my ears, my hand and so on. So, I cant
be all that.
Who is the one that is saying its mine (my head, eye, hand and so on)?
Coming back. I am not my name, not my body. So, am I the mind?
The mind is just a perceived thought. I think that there is a mind and that its job is to think. In
thinking so, we forget that we are actually thinking and unconsciously believe that we are the
mind, which actually we are not.
Believing that mind exist is itself a thought. So, I am not the mind too.
I am now only left out with the thoughts which make up the mind, the body and my name.
They are all just thoughts.
I cannot be a thought (or) a sum total of thoughts put together.
Now, I am not the thoughts. So, what is that which is left behind?
That thoughtless awareness is what I really am.
Heres the real thrill. When you do the same inquiry, you are also stripped of your name, body,
mind, thoughts and all that there was and you found that you are the thoughtless awareness.
And that same awareness that are you am I too. Everything else is that too. Even the tree, when
stripped of its name and form ends up as that thoughtless awareness, which is just you, me, the
tree, the elements, planets, galaxy, universe and existence too.
How Beautiful?

Whatever words we try to put them in for the sake of explaining, they all end up in vain.
It is not the knowing. It is what that knows, The Knower. It has no name, no form, no
attribute, no movement and cannot be denoted as this (or) that and cannot even be pointed at.
But, within it all are created, sustained and become nonexistent and that is who you really are.
This is your giving to myself.
Thanks, The Thoughtless Awareness

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