Sunteți pe pagina 1din 4

cd --------------------------------------------goto home dir

cd - --------------------------------------------goto last visited dir

cd .. -------------------------------------------goto previous /one step
cd ~---------------------------------------------goto home dir
clear--------------------------------------------clear screen
chown owner filenames----------------------------to change
chown owner:group filename-----------------------to change file
owner and group
chmod 777 filename-------------------------------to change
permission------------ugo-user group other---r=4 w=2 x=1 -R-for folders
cp -p filename /locati0n/---------------copy file-withsame time
crontab -e---------------------------------------crontab/cronjob edit
crontab -l---------------------------------------crontab/cronjob list
cksum filename-----------------------------------this give a unique no
to file . this is use to verfify file copied to other location.
date---------------------------------------------to get date time
df -k h ------------------------------------------disk partion h in human
df -k . -----------------------------------------disk free in current
du (du -sh *) ------------------------------disk used(list all directry
disk utilisied in current dir)
du -sh * ----------------------------------------show file size in this
du -sk * --------------------------------------- to find which file using
how much of file space
find . -type f -name "*.gz" -mtime +30 -exec ls -l {} \;----------to
search file old than 30 days

gzip -9 filename---------------------------------high level compresion

gzip -1 filename---------------------------------fast compresion
gzip file----------------------------------------gzip a dir------it will
gunzip fils.gz-----------------------------------to ungzip
hostname name------------------------------------to change server
history -n---------------------------------------list n no of previous
commands ran
history------------------------------------------list all previous
commands ran
id-----------------------------------------------id group with ids(uid gid
groups ){uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin
kill -9 process id ------------------------------kill process
kill -3 process id-------------------------------thread dump: give line
stack of thread info
ls -R--------------------------------------------list file in each directory
ls -ld-------------------------------------------list only directories
lsof | grep Bbarsrr | wc -l----------------------give count of no of
files opened.
ls -l----------------------ls -l for linux
mkdir dirname --------------------------------make dirctory
mv oldfilename newfilename-----------------------rename a file
nslookup servername------------------------------server details ip
name dns
netstat -s -P tcp--------------------------------tcp parameters
netstat ip---------------------------------------it will constatly update
new connections
nslookup servername------------------------------ip servername
pwd----------------------------------------------present working
prtconf | grep Mem-------------------------------ram of serevr
rmdir dirname -------------------------------remove dirctory
rm file name -----------------------------remove file
rm -rfi -----------------------------------------r>remove recursively
f>forcefully i>it will ask yes/no
scp id@servername:/location/filename . ---------to copy files
from other to this box .
scp filename id@servvername:location-------------scp file

sftp id @serverip--------------------------------sftp
ssh servername/ip--------------------------------login to server with
current user
ssh 1d@servern ----------------------------------login to server with
ssh -l id servername-----------------------------login to server with
sudo su - -------------------------------------switch to root id
sudo -l------------------------------------------displays the list of sudo
access given to ur id
su - user id-------------------------------------switch user
service httpd restart----------------------------to restart httpd
top----------------------------------------------cpu utilization details
tar -tvf file.tar -------------------------------list the files inside tar
file.--to see the contents of the file without untarring its
tar -cvf file.tar file---------------------------tar a directory --it will
create new
tar -xvf file.tar--------------------------------untar tar file Tape
tar -zcvf file.tar.gz ffolder--------------------tar gzip
tar -zxvf file.tar.gz ---------------------------untar gun zip
tar -tvf file.tar--------------------------------test of untar .what
happen when untared
tar -czf 17642.tgz /opt/JAS/firemon.log.txt------tar& gzip file
tar -A-------------------------------------------to append to existing tar
traceroute chk connection
telnet ip 23-------------------------------------to login to server
telnet hostname port-----------------------------to test port on
du -sk * | sort -rn | more
uuencode filename filename | mailx gkrishno@in.
/usr/ucb/ps -auxxww | grep -i "SGD71-A-1"
find . -xdev -depth -size +10000 -exec ls -l {} \;|more


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