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BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE Sue Tyson-Ward TEACH YOURSELF BOOKS Acknowledgements ‘Many thanks to Mrs Lucia Cooper for materials and guidance and, as ever, to Sarah Mitchell at Hodder for her total encouragement. And to Brazil, for instilling the fire of ite. Viva! or UK rer: esr emtaet Bonkpolat Li 39 Milton Park, Aingn, Oxon OXI4ATD. Tele: (400128 400414, Fas (40 0235 O04, Line are pe ra 800 6, ‘Mootay te Saturday, vith 24 bur meatag newering svi. El addres: crdrebookpaat nda oder plo contact NTHCantemparyPulbing, 4258 West nis BOND 1975 USA. Tle) 619 530, Pax bt 67029 Lag cenowod asthe utara sure fr elf uel eroing— with mar than ‘bali epes scl worlwide th Teach Yours wees nodes or 20 een ‘he els of languages era, hob, sorts, and othe eu acti, Brith ibrar Cataloging in Pabiation Data ‘Nestle ro for this tie alae em the Betish irary rar of Cores Ctalng Card Number: 9-727 int publ in UK 1907 by HodeeHedioe Pe, 38 Busan Rod, Lon NWL SED, Ft published in US 1987 ty NTCContporary Publishing 4255 West Touhy Avenue, molawood (Cag lin 06161975 USA ‘Toe Tea Youre mead gy are eit ahs of Haier & Stun Lad Copyright © 1097 Se Tyo. Ward ‘In UK Al ight reser No pat ofthis publication maybe reprucd or rans inany form ar by any ens ero rma, nding perp, rsdn or any infortencoage a eral yt, iat perme orang os a pablsher or under coe om the Cops iensing Agwey Limited. Further ‘eal sch cee ir repeogrpie repre) ay bs oad fo he (Copa Licasing Agcy Lined, 0 Teter Cort Rand, Londas WIP SU. ‘US: Al igharservd. No prt of ths nk nay erp, tre in a retrieval Sse oe transi ean fm by yeas ete, hana peeping, rather ibaa or felon of MTOCoaompearyPablting Coe. ‘Typeset Tranet Lad, Coveney, England. Pred Great Brita oe Hodder & Stoughon Beatin a disin of Heder Hendin Pl, 38 stn ad, Londba NWI SBH by ox & Wyenan Land, Rdg. Berkshire Inpresnnomter 12 11 10 9.8 7 Yer ‘s0¢ 2085 2002 201 2100 ——— CONTENTS — Introduction 1 Pronunciation Guide 1 Seu passaporte por favor Your passport please 1 ‘entifying people; Introducing yourself and addressing people; Saying helos and goodbyes; Checking into your hotel 2 Vocé é casada? Are you married? 18 ‘Talking about yourself and family, Talking about your home town; Giving your address and telephone number 8 Onde 6 sua cidade? Where is your town? 30 Deseribing where your home town is; Describing your belongings and recovering lost property; Deseribing what things are made of, Colours 4. Huma farmécia por aqui? Is there a chemists around here? 40 ‘Asking and understanding basic directions; Talking about. the weather; Understanding time; Saying ‘there isvthere are’ 5 Aque horas comega? What time do you start? 52 Discussing your work; Discussing how you travel to work; Daily routine 6 O.que fax no seu tempo livre? What do you do in a your free time? Discussing leisure time; Talking about what you like doing; Leisure facilities and entertainments 7 Pois nio? Can Ihelp you? n Obtaining goods and services; Buying clothes and shoes: Discussing sizes 8 Que vai comer? What are you going to cat? aL Ordering a meal; Making requests; Typical Brazilian food 9 Vai viajar? Ave you going travelling? a Means of transport; Asking for change; Departure and arrival times Revision exercises on units 1-9 100 10 Tem um apartamento livre? Do you have a room fee? Obtaining a hotel room; Making minor complaints; Brazilian meals and mealtimes 11 Que tal esta? What about this one? Likes and dislikes; Preferences; ‘Shopping for souvenirs; Buying snacks 12, Por que nio vamos ao teatro? Why don't we goto the theatre? Planning an evening out; Getting tickets for entertainment; ‘Making invitations; More on time 13 Btudo? Is that everything? Obtaining postal services; Buying groceries, Dealing with car hire, parking and petrol 14 Vocé esté livre amanha de tarde? Are you free lomorrow afternoon? “Making plans forthe future; Arranging to meet people; Telephone calls; Months 15 Como foi a viagem? How was the journey? ‘Talking in the past; Discussing a visit you've made; Deseribing actions 16 Quanto custaram? How much did they cost? ‘Talking about what you've bought; Identifying your own property; Mare on the past 17 Era tudo tio diferente Iwas all so diffrent Talking about something you saw earlier; Identifying strangers; Realling how a place used tobe 18 O que voos tem? Whats the matter? Describing illness and ailments; Dealing with the chemist and doctor, Coping with an aceident; Saying farewell Revision Key to the exercises Vocabulary Niimeros cercises on units 10-18, Grammar Index 105 15 12 133, 4s 156 166 173 195 201 au 215 —— INTRODUCTION — ‘This course is designed for the absolute beginner and requires no previous knowledge of any foreign language, The aim of the course is ‘a enable you to use Brazilian Portuguese in everyday situations and ‘alco to provide some background information about Brazil and Brazilian culture ‘The Portuguese of Brazil is different from that of Continental Portugal in three main ways: vocabulary, grammatical structures, ‘and, most important, pronunciation. You could consider the two variants of the language in the same way as American and British English, It is widely considered that Brazilian Portuguese is actually ‘easier to understand than European, as the Portuguese speak very ‘quickly, with their mouths closed very much around the words, and ‘they often ‘eat’ the beginning and ending of words. Ifyou are learning Brazilian Portuguese, be assured that people will understand what you are saying (apart from the odd few words) throughout the Portuguese-speaking world, Iti important for you to understand that you are not learning ‘Brazilian’, but ‘Brazilian Portuguese’. It is ‘surprising how many people (including some native speakers) believe ‘Brazilian’ is actually a language. It is not, it is a variant of the Portuguese language. Portuguese is nota difficult language to take on board if you have had ‘some experience of another Latin-based (or Romance) language, such as French, Spanish or Italian, Pronunciation isthe main area you will need to concentrate on. Many people erroneously believe that, as it Jooks like Spanish, it will sound that way too. Constant practice with

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