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2. Who is HanesBrandsInc?

HanesBrandsInc is parent company Other brands include:

HanesBrandsInc is publically traded on the NYSE (Symbol: HBI), and is based out of WinstonSalem, North Carolina. Global consumer goods (shirts, bras, panties, underwear, socks, hosiery,
casualwear and activewear) company with more than 100 years experience Earned $4.2 billion in
sales revenue in 2008 and employs over 50,000 employees worldwide.
3. Misson Statement & Core Values Mission Statement: To profitably grow our leading brands by
intimately understanding our consumers, out-executing our competition and leveraging our
sustainable competitive advantage. Core Values Integrity / Ethical Standards Inclusivity /
Diversity Quality / Superior Performance Reliability / Commitment Offers Global Business
Practice Handbook & Global Standards for Suppliers Handbook Per HBI website: HanesBrands
was pivotal in the creation of the Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production (WRAP) program in the
late 1990s to establish common standards in social compliance. Our Global Environmental
Management System (GEMS) ensures smart environmental principles are integrated into our daily
business: waste minimization, resource conservation, minimizing overall environmental impact, and
enhancing value.
4. Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy may These standards are really just common
sense. -Ethics Focus Group and Training Participants
5. People to Report to:HBI Internal Structure 1. Supervisor HanesBrandInc established a Corporate
Business 2. Manager Practices Committee 3. Human Resources Committee consists of executive
officers of HBI 4. Internal Audit 5. Legal, Compliance & Established appropriate ethical and legal
standards & oversees compliance with laws, regulations, and HBIs established Global Risk
Management Business Standards 6. Safety Coordinators 7. Environmental HBI designated a
Corporate Business Practices Officer Coordinators Responsible for overseeing day to day
implementation of 8. Employee Assistance standards & compliance of HBI ethics in communication,
training and assessment. Programs Business Practice Officers have been established in the United
9. HBI Corporate States & abroad Business Practices Officer Legal, Compliance & Risk
Management Department 10. eMail, Website or Business Practices Resource Phone Number 24
hours, Phone Contact 365 days a year with translators available! HBI
Zone (possible intranet) provides more information about policies.


7. HBI Code of Conduct Expectations are thoroughly outlined in two pamphlets: Global Business
Standards Focused on expectations of employees Sections include Responsibility to Ourselves,
Each Other, Our Consumers, Our Stockholders, Our Business Partners, Our Communities
Discusses: Human Rights, Fair treatment & opportunity, Diversity, Harassment, Safety and Health,
Product Safety, Quality and Value, Marketing, Confidentiality, Conflicts of Interest, Gifts Favors and
Entertainment, Community Commitment, Environmental, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and
International Trade Regulations Global Standards for Suppliers Outlines expectations for
suppliers & other business partners Topics covered include: Confidential Information, Fair
Competition and Anti-Trust, Accuracy of Business Records, Communication Standards, Monitoring
and Compliance and HanesBrandIncs expectations. Includes acknowledgement card for proof of
receipt & promise to abide

8. HBI Production Massive Global Supply Chain Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China
(North and South), Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Germany, Guatamala,
Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico,
Thailand, Turkey and the United States. Participation in the Fair Labor Association requires
submitting to unannounced Independent External Monitoring audits. HBI offers many
communication channels for suppliers employees Real world effectiveness has to be
questioned? Cultural limitations No clear verification of compliance procedures, aside from
acknowledgement card.

9. + HanesBrandsInc is an active participant in the Fair Labor Association HBI joined the FLA on
February 13, 2008 HBI is currently undergoing accreditation process FLA offers 2-3 year
implementation schedule U.S. and overseas operations must be in compliance with 10 Obligations
of Companies 1. Adopt and Communicate FLA Code 2. Train Internal Compliance Staff 3. Provide
Employees with Confidential Reporting Channels ( 4. Conduct Internal
Monitoring 5. Submit to Independent External Monitoring 6. Collect and Manage Compliance
Information 7. Remediate in a Timely Manner 8. Take Steps necessary to prevent persistent forms of
noncompliance 9. Consult with civil society 10. Pay FLA dues and meet other procedural

10. HanesBrandsInc Stakeholders Employees Strives to achieve managerial excellence and easy
reporting practices for employees. Consumers Product Safety, Quality and Value, Honest
Marketing and Confidentiality of Personal Data. Stockholders Ethical and truthful procedures for
Business Records, Efficient Inquiry Handling, Confidential Information, Conflicts of Interest
Business Partners Set purchasing practices, Competitive Information, Anti-Trust strategies.
Communities Legality, Community Commitment, Environmental Best Practices, Political Activities,
Government Requests, International Trade Regulations Global Business Strategy Materials clearly
outline strategies for responsible management and interaction between stakeholders.

11. Better Business Bureau Hanes Brands Inc is and has been accredited with the BBB since
1959. A- rating partly because Length of time Business has been operating Business started
locally 2006. Number of complaints processed by the BBB: Last 36 months: 25 Last 12 months:
16 All complaints were resolved.

12. HBI Controversy in Dominican Republic TOS Dominicana Factory in the Dominican Republic
Also a large supplier for Walmart Controversy in 2007 surrounding Unionizing of Factory
Employees Mass firings ensued after employees began organizing a Union HanesBrandsIncs
website addresses the issues surrounding TOS Dominicana directly. Shows video of employees
working and testimonials from employees Violations included Intimidation, spying on workers
outside of the factory, refusing to recognize the union, aggressive harassment, coercion to sign
documents. Issues have since been resolved.

13. Haiti Relief Operations HBI contracts three large suppliers in Haiti, two near Port-Au-Prince
Hanes Brands Inc sent $2.2 million in support for victims in Haiti 10 days after the January 12 th
earthquake operations were resuming HBI setup supply strategies for food, water and basic
necessities for Haitian contract workers. HBI sent 2,000 tents worth $250,000 to Haiti to shelter
employees post- earthquake

14. Living the CSR Strategy HBI seems concerned about not just talking about proper CSR
Strategy, but actually implementing it. Rocky history of sweatshop operations, but they have since
been taken care of. Clear guidance from Global Standards for Suppliers Quick response to reports
of employee abuses HBI seems to be thoroughly ethical in its business practices.

15. Sources HanesBrandsIncs Global Business Standards

Pamphlet HanesBrandsIncs Global Standards for Suppliers Pamphlet Google Image Search Fair Labor Association ( Better Business
Bureau of Northwest North Carolina ( MarketWatch
( Green America Today ( WikiPedia

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