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Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

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NOTE: This test consists of 85 items and each item will be given a weight of 1 point.
For items with multiple answers, it will be ALL or NOTHING.

Part 1: VuGen and Scripting

1. Which programming language is commonly used for Vugen scripts?
VB Scripting
Visual Basic
2. You want Vugen to not generate any lr_think_time functions in your script. What can be modified in
the default settings to accomplish this?
Modify the Run-time Settings and select Ignore think time.
Modify the Run-time Settings and select to multiply recorded think time by 0.
Modify the Recording Options and deselect the Generate think time greater than threshold.
Modify the Recording Options and deselect the Generate fixed think time after end
3. How do you initialize a variable in VUGen? Choose all that apply.
int var1,
int var1;
int var1=2;
int var1 ==2;
4. Match the following information:
a. Recording toolbar

b. Tools toolbar

Tree toolbar

d. Debug toolbar

__B__ Contains commands which connect Vugen to

other applications such as LoadRunner
Controller, Quality Center and Performance
__D__ Contains buttons such as breakpoints and step
by step validation of the script
__C__ Contains commands which allow the user to edit
Vuser steps from the tree view
__A__ Contains replay, start, stop and insert traction

5. The parameter braces can be changed/defined in Vugen.

6. What are the different update methods? Choose all that apply.
Each Occurrence
Each Iteration

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

7. In the statement below, what needs to be added to obtain and display the current value of parameter
lr_error_message(Customer %s account not found, ________________);
8. What are the types of Parameter? (select all that apply)
External Data
Internal Data
Data Files
User-Defined Functions
All of the above
9. Think time within a transaction by default is included in the transaction time.
10. A function that can be used in correlation.
11. Used in documenting business processes and create reports with summary information about your
test run. This contains information such as Parameter List, Snapshots, Step Descriptions etc.
Business Process Reports
HTML Reports
Crystal Reports
12. The AND operator, which is used in combining two simpler Boolean Expressions
13. Used to comment a single line in Vugen
14. A placeholder used to introduce a variety of input values during testing
15. What should you do prior to automatic correlation after recording?
None. You cannot automatically correlate after recording
Run the script at least once
Take note of dynamic values in the LoadRunner Script
16. Pauses between iterations.
Think Time
17. Which script runtime-setting is present in all protocols?

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

18. Which of the following are Run Properties used in setting the Run Logic in Vugen?
19. Context sensitive recording that uses web_submit_form
20. Analog recording that uses web_submit_data
21. What function is generated in the Vugen Script after clicking the boxed icon below, in the floating
toolbar during recording?

22. What is being illustrated in the boxed area below?

Task Pane
Information Pane
Summary Pane

23. What is being illustrated below?

Test Results Window

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

Playback Summary Window

Results Summary Window

24. What is the correct syntax to be able to complete 10 iterations in a FOR loop?
for (i=1; i<10; i++)
for (i=1; i>=10; i++)
for (i=1; i<=10; i++)
25. Where will you configure Vugen to prompt for results directory before playback?
Run-time Settings
General Options
Recording Options
26. What function causes the script to use the next available value of the parameter?
27. What Vugen functionality is illustrated below?
Simulate Parameter
Data Wizard

28. When you forgot to enable correlation during recording, what is the most efficient way to include
these correlations in your script?

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

In Recording Options Correlations: Select Enable correlation during recording, select the
rule and regenerate the script
In Recording Options Correlations: Select Enable correlation during recording, select the
rule and re-record the script
Under Vuser menu, click Scan Script for Correlations
29. When you forgot to enable correlation during recording, what is the most efficient way to include
these correlations in your script?
You do not need to do anything. Auto Correlation rules are global and are available to all
testers using the same Controller machine.
Under the File menu, you select Zip Operations, then export to zip file. You have the new
tester import the file into his script.
You export the correlation rules to a .cor file and then have the new team member import the
.cor file into his Auto Correlation rules.
30. You want to have your script always check for the following text on every page: Service Unavailable.
What is the most efficient way to accomplish this?
Add a verification checkpoint on every page
Add an Environment Check for the text
Create a Content Check rule for the text
31. You want to apply Script A Run-time settings, parameters, extra files and actions to Script B. How can
this be accomplished?
Export Script A setting to a .cor file, then import settings to Script B
Save Script A as template, then apply the template to Script B
Select the option to create a new Vuser from, then select Script A
32. You want to have your script define a different e-mail address to each user during a registration
process for an e-commerce site, using the following format: Your script will
execute a maximum of 50 iterations. How can this be accomplished?
Define a file parameter, start at 1, block size per Vuser: 50, number format:
Define a unique parameter, start at 1, block size per Vuser: 50, number format:
Define a random number parameter, minimum number: 1, maximum number: 99999, number
Define a sequential number parameter, minimum number: 1, maximum number: 999, number
33. Where should you place the web_reg_save_param function in a script?
Before the page that contains dynamic data
Before a web_url function
Before the page that retrieves the dynamic data
Before a web_submit_data function

Part 2: Performance Testing Concepts, Controller and Analysis

34. Gives us the information on the number of users for a particular transaction and the time of the load.
The peak usage and off-usage are decided from this.
Task Distribution Diagram
Business Process Mapping
System Architecture
Transaction Profile
35. In the sample task distribution profile shown below, when does the least database activity occur?

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

8 to10 AM
10 AM to 12 PM
12 to 2 PM
6 to 8 AM

36. Select the three criteria by which you will identify the business processes (BPs) to use for a
performance test.
Passed unit testing
Mission-critical BPs
Uses unique data
Returns dynamic data
Heavy throughput
Include all BPs
Affects legacy systems
37. One of your customers requirements is that their web site should be able to handle 25,000 users at
any time, logging in and performing different transactions. Part of your information gathering is to
determine concurrency. What level of concurrency represents the customers requirement?
38. Complete the statement: To validate that the hardware to be used for the test environment is
sufficient to meet the performance tests, a ____________________ is performed using a small
number of business processes and users.
Production Run
Benchmark Run
Aggregation Run
Run for Tuning
39. What type of information will you need to gather to determine how business processes affect different
components in the system architecture? This is especially useful during the load test; it can help
isolate the source of bottlenecks.
Task Distribution Diagram
System Monitoring
Transcontinental Remote Users

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

Business Process Mapping

40. Match the scenario type with the action being described.
a. Top time Transactions Run
__D__ This scenario run shows the responsiveness of a
site under low stress and helps you validate
business process functions for concurrent
usage, with data being used in the test.
b. Full Load Run
__B__ This scenario applies the entire load through slow
ramp-up. The scenario is repeated until any
bottlenecks found are investigated and corrected
for optimum system performance.
c. Scalability Run
__C__ This scenario allows you to see the final limits of
the system and helps determine a safety factor
for your system.
d. Debug Run
__A__ This scenario is run to help you isolate the
slowest transactions and helps you identify any
system bottlenecks on major problem areas.
41. Which of the following would most likely represent a system under test (with respect to flow of data
from the user).
client -> app server -> web server -> database server
client -> web server -> app server -> database server
client -> database server -> web server -> app server
all of the above
42. What is the best practice for choosing monitor measurements for follow-up load test?
Add the default measurements
Add specific measurements after discussing with the subject matter experts
43. Which statement is an example of a conceptual goal?
The update transaction should function during heavy usage.
The update transaction must attain 200 concurrent users during peak time.
The search transaction should respond within 5 seconds during normal usage.
The login transaction should respond within 4 seconds or less during heavy usage.
44. Data resident in your database whose existence is essential for conducting business.
Master Data
User-generated Data
External Data
45. Data which may be impossible to know before the application is run.
Master Data
User-generated Data
External Data
46. A performance test objective that defines that the system is stable enough to go into production.
Product Evaluation
47. The LoadRunner component which can be installed in UNIX.
Load Generator

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

48. Set of user steps performed within an application to accomplish a business goal
Test Script
Functional Steps
Business Process
49. Which is illustrated by a username and a password?
Date Constraint
Unique Constraint
Data Caching
Data Dependency
50. Where can you find your license key information?
LR Launch Screen
LR Controller
LR VuGen
LR Analysis
51. What are the two main types of Service Level Agreements available in the Controller and Analysis?
Per Time Interval
Errors per Second
Over the Whole Run
Average Hits per Run
Average Throughput per Run
Average Transaction Response Time
52. What is the maximum number of graphs that can be displayed in LoadRunner?
53. What are some of the scenario run-time settings
Vuser quota
Random sequence seed
54. In the Controller: ramp up, duration and ramp down are found under:
Edit schedule
Scenario Schedule
Run-time settings
55. The Controller is installed in which machine?
Windows machine
UNIX machine
Both of them
None of them
56. Where can you not add a rendezvous?
57. What is the LoadRunner term used to define a collection of Vusers within a scenario?

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

58. In General Options, this tab allows you to toggle between running a Vuser script in animated mode or
non-animated mode.
Replay Tab
Parameterization Tab
Environment Tab
Display Tab
59. There are four types of licenses. Match each based on the description.
a. Temporary
__B__ The license never expires.
b. Permanent
__D__ The license is limited by a start date and an
expiration date.
c. VUD-based
__A__ The license is granted for a pre-defined number
of days after product installation.
d. Time-limited
__C__ The license is limited by a number of Virtual User
Days. This license enables the user to use the
product an unlimited number of times within a
period of 24 hours.
e. Plugged
__E__ The license requires a dongle.
60. Which can be added to the script to emulate heavy user load?
Load Generators
Rendezvous Points
Think Time
61. I want to distribute the Vuser to each script via percentage assignment. Which option should I choose
when creating a scenario?
Manual Scenario
Goal-Oriented Scenario
Both Manual and Goal-Oriented Scenario
Simulated Scenario
62. What is the status of the load generator if a connection from the Controller to the load generator could
not be established?
63. How many complete transactions will there be per minute, if a test will run for 2 hours with 5000
users, if 1 iteration is completed in 5 minutes?
64. Ways on how to schedule a scenario in terms of applying settings to the Vusers.

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

65. You are running a test and notice that during the ramp-up, the response times are beginning to
drastically increase. How can you instruct LoadRunner to stop ramping-up Vusers and hold the
current number?
Press the STOP button on the Controllers main window
Press the PAUSE button on the Interactive Schedule Graph
Select the option to wait for the current iteration to end before stopping
Select the Vusers in the Ready state from the Vusers window and click the STOP button
66. What does the elapsed time in the Scenario Status window refer to?
The time that has elapsed from when all Vusers have finished initializing
The time that has elapsed from when all Vusers were in the running state
The time that has elapsed from when you press the Start Scenario button
The time that has elapsed from when the Vuser entered the running state
67. You configure a scenario to start with a delay of 5 hours just before leaving from work. You return the
next morning to find that the scenario did not run. Why would this happen?
You failed to save the scenario
You failed to save the schedule
You failed to connect to the load generators
You failed to press the Start Scenario button
68. You are running a load test to simulate a call center. The representatives log in to the application in
the morning, perform their business processes during the day, and logout before leaving at the end of
the day. You notice that the login transaction is failing for some users and none of the users have
started their business processes. Which configuration is most likely defined in your scenario?
The login business process is in the vuser_init section and the Vusers are defined to initialize
all Vusers before running.
The login business process is in the vuser_init section and the Vusers are defined to initialize
1 Vuser every 10 seconds.
The login business process is in the action section and the Vusers are defined to initialize all
Vusers before running.
The login business process is in the action section and the Vusers are defined to initialize 1
Vuser every 10 seconds.
69. When analyzing the Vuser log files from a scenario run, you see the following log file from one of the
Start auto log message stack Iteration 1.
Starting action Create.
Create.c(5): Notify: Transaction Login started.
Create.c(7): Error -27728: Step download timeout (1000 seconds).
End auto log message stack.
What was the Run-time Setting, Logging option set to?
Standard Logging
Extended Logging
Always send a message
Send a message only when error occurs
70. You want to emulate a call center for an airline. All representatives login in the morning, perform their
business processes, and logout at night. In one day, a representative will create 40 flight
reservations, modify 10 flight reservations and search for 20 flight reservations. A representative
cannot perform a modify without performing a search first. Which run logic will satisfy the load testing
Create-67%; Search-16%; Block0 [Search, Modify]-17%
Create-57%; Search-29%; Block0 [Search, Modify]-14%
Create-57%; Search-29%; Modify-14%
Create-67%; Search-16%; Modify-17%

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

71. When the CPUs of servers show different % Utilizations, this could be due to a load balancing issue.
Which behavior is an indicator of this scenario?
Throughput goes up and down
The number of connections differs widely from each server
Network latency is high
Time to first buffer is high
72. You want to modify the Server Resource Monitor Data Sampling Rate. However, this option is
currently disabled. What should you do to remedy this?
Start the wlrun.exe process on the Controller machine
Close the scenario; start the rstat.exe process on the load generator; reopen the scenario
Disconnect from the Load Generator; modify the data sampling rate; reconnect to the load
Do nothing as Monitoring of Server Resources is not an option because the customer did not
purchase any Server Resource Monitors
73. You are meeting a new LoadRunner customer. The application under test is a call center application
used by the customer representatives. The representatives are located in Florida and Georgia. A
large customer base resides in Texas and Washington. The servers are located in California. Where
would you place the load generator machines?
74. From which two tier should the Load Generator be connected?
Web Server
DB Server
Application Server
75. Recommended performance monitor sampling interval for large tests.
76. Recommended performance monitor sampling interval for small tests.
77. How will you know if the LR Agent is enabled?
When a cloud icon is present in the Task Bar
When the load generator name is present in the load generator list
When the Vusers successfully go to its running state
When a satellite dish icon is present in the Task Bar
78. It details transaction response time as a service level and identifies percentage of transactions
completed over time.
Transaction Response Time Distribution
Transaction Response Time Percentile
Average Transaction Response Time

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

79. What are the formats of Analysis Reports

HTML Format
Excel Format
Word Format
All of the above
80. Lets you focus on a specific measurement within your graph
Drill down
81. Graph which describes the period between a browser request and the first reply.
Time to First Buffer
Average Transaction Response Time
Connections per Second
82. Graph which identifies the Web pages that take the most time. It helps isolate DNS resolution, SSL
and connection issues
Page Download Time Breakdown
Page Component Breakdown
Downloaded Component Size
83. This new LoadRunner feature allows the user to define loading of Vusers in a scenario by dragging
data points.
Scenario Groups
Global Schedule
Interactive Schedule Graph
Scenario Schedule
84. Which option in the Analysis Tool allows you to compare a measurement in a graph with other
measurements during a specific time range and view similar trends?
Drill Down
Auto Correlate
85. Which Analysis graph shows the complete path between the source and the destination machines?
Windows Resource
Network Delay Time
Time to First Buffer Breakdown

Few more questions:-

86. Which of the following information are considered relevant when gathering system
usage for a performance test?
a. System architecture
b. Business processes
c. Application modules about to be unit-tested
d. Financial data such as general ledger and P&L statements
Answer: - System architecture, Business processes

Mock Exam Performance Testing Capability

87. Each business process takes a certain amount of time to complete. Under ideal conditions,
you determine this amount of time as ________________________
Answer: - Preferred response time
88. You want to determine how many users are active on a Web site during a twenty-four
hour period. What type of diagram can you use to map the business processes and the
volume of each across a fixed time line?
Answer: - Task Distribution Diagram
89. How many transactions will need to run per minute if a load test has to run for two
hours with 5000 users, assuming an average transaction length of five minutes?
Answer: - 1000 transactions per minute
90. This value represents the number of users performing business processes on the
during the busiest time frame of an atypical day (e.g. holiday). What do you call
this value?
Answer: - Peak load

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