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Journal_Abroad or back home

Pg. 566
It must be stated, however, that with foreignizing tendencies, although more information is
given about the foreign culture, there is always risk of incomprehension as the difficulty of
understanding the text is raised to a higher level. However, in the realm of children's literature,
domesticating and foreignizing reveal delicate matters since translations have a great impact on
how children see foreign cultures.
To conclude our discussion at this point, we must say that, as translators are constantly
involved in decision-making processes, they should always be careful when choosing which
strategy they are going to use. Their decisions will depend on several factors such as purpose of
translation and age of receiving audience among others, but, it is always important to be
consistent in their decisions in order not to cause confusion on the readers and to interrupt the
natural flow of reading and understanding.
Journal_Reaching a foreign audience
Pg. 2
For the purposes of this paper, I am adapting Olk's definition (2001) of culture-specific material,
given in the context of textualtranslation,6 to the particular context of film. I understand
culture-specific material to encompass the verbal and non-verbal (visual and auditory) signs
whichconstitute a problem for cross-cultural transfer because they refer to objects or concepts
that are specific to the original sociocultural context of the film i.e. that, at the time of
distribution, do not exist, or deviate significantly in their connotational value from similar
objects and concepts in the target culture(s) considered.
Journal_The challenges of translating childrens literature alice
Pg. 226
Translating Carrolls novel (1923), Nabokov considered primarily his future readers abilities and
interests, creating a translation that would be as accessible as possible to the mind of a child.
Journal_Translation and intercultural education
Pg. 280
Keeping intercultural education in mind when translating for children it is important to maintain
the cultural references of the original text, and pay attention to the issues of acceptability
and readability. The translated text should not maintain the linguistic discourse of the original
language as we have to pay attention to the future readers, the children. They will not like a

text with strange-sounding sentences and complex grammatical structures. Different treatment
should be given to those cultural markers which introduce Spanish readers to new worlds.
Readers will understand that it is a foreign text and should feel that they are reading a
translation if not only for the exotic names, places, food, clothes, customs, etc. (see Pascua
2000 and 2001). Unlike the norm in Spain a few decades ago, which required translated texts to
sound very Spanish, this way of translating emphasizes the different something essential on
translating multicultural literature.
Thesis_Childrens literature and its translation. An overvie
Pg. 11

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