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Open Source Online Fax & Email to Fax Solution

Introduction and Installation


Installation of Basic Requirements
Freeswitch Installation
Plivo Installation
ICT Fax Front End Installation
Email to Fax / Fax to Email Service setup

1. Introduction
ICTFAX 2.0 is an open source multi-user and web based
software solution for service providers based on open source
Freeswitch, Plivo Framework and Drupal 7. ICTFAX is an email
to fax gateway, supports G.711 faxing , PSTN faxing and T.38
origination and termination.

Similar to previous version, ICTFAX 2.0 can be used in

following faxing scenarios
Email to fax / web to fax / fax to email
G.711 based Fax Origination / Termination / Gateway
T.38 based Fax Origination / Termination
PSTN based Fax Origination / Termination / Gateway

2. Demo
Visit ICTFAX Demo site and use following credential to login
Admin Account
Username: admin
Username: demoictfax
User Account
Username: user
Username: demoictfax

3. Download

4. Installation of Basic Requirements

1. Installation
ICT-FAX is a unique and complete faxing solution with billing featuring T.38 support,
Email2Fax, Web2Fax, Fax2Email and Billing.
2. Install Basic System Requirements
1. CentOs 6
15. Curl
2. Apache 2
16. mysql-devel
3. MySQL 5
17. Sendmail
4. PHP 5.3.3
5. php-mysql
6. php-gd
7. php-curl
8. php-imap
9. perl
10. perl-DBD-mysql
11. libtiff
12. ghostscript
13. ImageMagick
14. poppler-utils

To install above requirements issue following commands at shell prompt

yum -y install httpd mysql-server mysql mysql-devel
yum -y install php php-common php-cli php-gd php-imap php-curl php-mysql
yum -y install perl perl-DBD-mysql
yum -y install ghostscript ImageMagick poppler-utils curl sendmail sendmail-cf
following dependencies are required for Freeswitch installations
yum -y install git make
also install yudit for text to pdf support
cd /usr/src
wget ""
tar xzf yudit-2.9.2.tar.gz
cd yudit*
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
before continue, make sure that MySQL and Apache is running
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
service httpd start
service mysqld start

5. Freeswitch Installation
ICTFax is based on Plivo Framework.
So you need to setup and run freeswitch provided by
Instructions on how to install Freeswitch are given
at and repeated here for your convenience:
Download and run the FreeSWITCH installer on your system
Note: Currently, this installer is tested on CentOS > 5.5 and Debian-based distros.
# wget --no-check-certificate ...
# chmod +x
# ./
* Run FreeSWITCH
Run in Foreground
# ./usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch
Run in Background
# ./usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch -nc

6. Plivo Installation
Locate the folder "plivo-devel" in the extracted ICTFax directory.
1. Stop plivo service (if any) and clear /usr/local/plivo
2. Copy and Paste plivo-devel folder in /usr/
3. Go to /usr/plivo-devel and Run using following command:
#./ /usr/local/plivo
4. Go to /usr/local/plivo/bin directory and Run plivo service using the following
#./plivo start
NOTE: There may be some errors while starting plivo cache server. But make sure that
plivo default server is running.

Plivo Configurations
1. Go to /usr/local/plivo/etc/plivo/default.conf
2. Enable EXTRA_FS_VARS by removing # before it.
3. Set variable in plivo config as EXTRA_FS_VARS = variable_duration
Modify above urls according to your installation settings.
Don't forget to remove # sign before DEFAULT_HANGUP_URL and EXTRA_FS_VARS.

7. ICTFax Front End Installation

1. Database
Database Installation:
Create "ictfax" database in mysql (Run 'CREATE DATABASE ictfax' query on mysql)
2. Frontend / Web GUI
Locate the folder "wwwroot" in the extracted ICTFAX directory.
Rename this folder to ictfax and copy-paste it to /usr directory.
1. Create a symbolic link for /usr/ictfax in /var/www/html
ln -s /usr/ictfax /var/www/html/ictfax
2. Now visit http://DOMAIN.COM/ictfax
and follow the installation instructions for
ICTFax (drupal based) front end installation.
3. Once you are done with installation, visit the website
and login as site administrator with username and password
that you provided during installation.
4. Now comback to Web GUI and go to Modules menu and enable all modules in "ICTPBX
System" Package.
5. Now you'll see menu item Fax Account, ICTPBX System and others in your Navigation

8. Email to Fax / Fax to Email Service setup

1. make sure that your desired domain's MX records are properly configured for
email2fax server.
2. install sendmail service and enable sendmail service at startup.
2a. Also make sure you have created linux user "freeswitch".
3. enable sendmail to listen on public ip address look for following line in
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
4. and change line mentioned above into
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp, Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
5. apply changes
m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
6. Add freeswitch to list of trusted user
echo "freeswitch" >> /etc/mail/trusted-users
7. Add your domain name in allowed local domain list to let sendmail receive mails
for that domain
echo "FAX_DOMAIN.COM" >> /etc/mail/local-host-names

8. route all mails for none-existing addresses into freeswitch mailbox so we can
receive emails for addresses likexyz_number@FAX_DOMAIN.COM
echo '@FAX_DOMAIN.COM freeswitch' >> /etc/mail/virtusertable
makemap hash /etc/mail/virtusertable
9. grant proper permission to apache user on mail folder
chmod +t /var/spool/mail
10. restart sendmail service so changes can take affect
service sendmail restart

11. login at ictfax web interface as admin (ictfax)[[BR]]

12. goto administrator => mailhandler => Add Mailbox and set following fields
E-mail address: fax@FAX_DOMAIN.COM
Folder: /var/spool/mail/freeswitch
POP3 or IMAP Mailbox: IMAP
Mailbox domain: *** must be empty ***
Security: Require password (leave empty if you haven't set already)
Delete messages after they are processed?: TICK / Yes

13. setup cronjob so incoming email can be processed after every 5 minutes
echo 'MAILTO=""' > /tmp/freeswitch_cron.txt
echo "*/5 * * * * wget -O /dev/null
'http://FAX_DOMAIN.COM/cron.php?cron_key=your_key' 2>/dev/null" >>
crontab -l >> /tmp/freeswitch_cron.txt
crontab /tmp/freeswitch_cron.txt
14. You can find your cron url by logging in at your web interface as admin. Go to
Reports -> Status Reports.
Copy your Cron URL and paste at the above URL and then run above lines at the
command prompt.
NOTE: make sure that /etc/hosts.allow is properly configured for accepting mails, and
smtp port (25) is not blocked by firewall. if so Add following line to
/etc/sysconfig/iptables above the last reject/drop rule:
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
Also DO NOT enable CLEAN URLS, because plivo has been configured to use default

15. Create a content type "fax" with three additional fields "to" of type text, "from"
of type text" and "file" of type file.
Go to Admin => Structure => Feeds Importer => Mailhandler nodes. Click Override
and then in Processor field make sure Fax Processor is selected. Click Mapping in
fax processor. Make sure that your to, from and file fields are correctly mapped to
toaddress, fromaddress and attachments respectively.
16. Now you are ready to send faxes through your email. See Admin/User Guide for
further details.

Thanks For Watching

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