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Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose ones attitude

e in any
given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way.
Freedom is the thing for which people have fought very hard to get it over history.
According to the dictionary Freedom is the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever
you want to, without being controlled or limited.
There are several types of freedom:
1. Negative liberty: freedom from constraint in the form of tangible action against the person or her property or
(much more commonly) the threat or fear of such
2. 2. Positive liberty: the freedom to do something. You
are not free to travel, for example, unless you can afford a fare.
3. Individuality: the freedom to develop and express a
unique personality and life-story in both the public and private
4. Freedom from manipulation: I am treated as a means to
someone elses ends when the other person sways, threatens, or
pays me to do what he wants
5. Freedom to make the world (or to live in a world that
we make). Society is an artifact. We are born into the society of
our ancestors, with all its flaws.
6. Equanimity: freedom from the dread, doubt, disquiet,
and sorrow that are consequences of being vulnerable and
mortal creatures who care about other fragile living things.
To me, freedom means to be able to learn from my mistakes. If I didnt have freedom, I would have to
do what the top authorities always tell me to do. I dont have any room for mistakes so it would be harder to
learn about life.
Freedom also means having the time to do
things right. No freedom, in this case, would
mean that I wouldnt have any time for
fantastic, clever thoughts. I would have to do
things extremely precise and quick. When I
dont have freedom, I am under pressure
constantly. While I am under so much
pressure, it makes it a more stressful world to
live in. For me, freedom is the basis of our
lives, because it allows us to aspire to and
achieve greatness. Think about it- what would
we do if we did not have the ability to say

No, use ambition, or be creative? How about not being able to attend school, choose our own spouses, or
work wherever we desired? You see, if we did not have these privileges, We are allowed to express our
differences because of our freedom, and therefore can create different opportunities, friendships, and career
options to expand and improve our lives. Freedom means that every individual has a chance to grow to become
everything they know and wish they could be. Freedom gives hope for opportunity and a life without dictators
or a controlling government. Freedom gives confidence, inspiration, and fulfillment.
Freedom to me also means travel. It means being able to pick up and move to new places whenever I feel the
urge. It means choosing to earn money doing something that I love, being on purpose. It includes paying
attention to my health and healing so that I can feel free with my body and with my weight.
Freedom means knowing I am not stuck in any situation, that in fact I have the power to be able to create
EXACTLY what I want in my own life. To some people this may sound far fetched, and yet it isnt.
It means that you can live where you want to live and go to church where you want. You do not have to ask
anyone for permission to do these things when you have freedom. Freedom means being able to read whatever
books you want to, and watch what you want to on television. Mostly, when you are free, it means that you can
have your own opinion and that you can share that opinion with other people even if they dont agree with you.
For these reasons, and a whole lot more, freedom is a very important thing to have in your life. . I think it would
probably be terrible without freedom. I couldnt even picture the world without it. It would seem as if we were
prisoners in a jail if other people told us where to live, what to read or what to believe. And I cant imagine not
being able to share my opinions without being afraid of what might happen.
I think that a world without freedom would be a lonely place. Another thing that we wouldnt have without
freedom is school. I wouldnt mind that so much, but I would miss my friends a lot. It is good that we have the
freedom to learn. Another thing that we probably wouldnt have is afternoon or after-school activities. There are
many things that you wouldnt be able to do if you didnt have freedom. It is scary to think how different life
would be without the things that being free promises us.
In conclusion freedom means to me life.


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