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aphelion - point in a planets or comets orbit tat is farthest from the sun
2. asteroids small bodies that orbit the sun between the orbit of the Mars and Jupiter, also
called minor planets.
3. atom smallest particle of an element that can be combine with other atoms to form a
4. auroral rate of change of velocity.
5. barometer instrument to measure atmospheric pressure.
6. black hole - a star that has died upon using up all its energy source.
7. blue white star a young star initially shines with a blue white star.
8. Bodes Law calculated that there should be another planet between the orbit of Mars
and Jupiter.
9. camera these are usually attached to telescopes to take pictures of heavenly bodies.
10. centimeter this is the unit of width is usually used.
11. comets a celestial body that orbits the sun from the edge of the solar system.
12. commensalisms one organism benefit while the other is harmed.
13. community populations in a ecosystem taken together.
14. competition type of relationship in which organism vie against each other for the use or
control of resources
15. compound these are substances
16. conclusion is a statement about the results of the experiment
17. consumers animal depend on the plants because they cannot produced their own food.
18. contact force are present when there is physical interaction between two objects.
19. constellation these are the group of stars.
20. controls the power or authority to regulate the restrain.
21. dipa is the distance from the tip of the middle finger of one hand to the tip of the
middle fingers of the other hand when the arms are stretched sideways.
22. dangkal is the length between the tip of the thumb when the hand if fully stretched.
23. dali is the length between the end joint and tip of the thumb.
24. distant it is the relationship between the moving object covers and the time it takes to
cover the distance.
25. deceleration moving object eventually stop when no additional force is exerted.
26. decomposers one of the groups of the biotic member of the ecosystem.

27. dependent variable relying on something or someone else.

28. earthquake is any movement or shaking of the ground which lasts anywhere from a
few seconds to a couple minutes.
29. eclipse darkening or obscuration of one celestial body by another.
30. effort arm arm of a lever on which effort is exerted.
31. effort distance distance from the effort to the fulcrum in lever.
32. ellipse it is a slightly flattened circle.
33. epicenter part of the earth surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
34. evaporation it is the underground streams where much of it is recycled.
35. exosphere it is the above of the thermosphere.
36. first class lever this is the fulcrums.
37. force is a push or pull that affects object
38. friction force that opposes a moving object
39. fulcrums the support on which a lower pivots.
40. galactic star clusters are formed of exploded stars.
41. galaxies stars exists in big groups
42. Gas Giant - mentioned above are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
43. Globular - is a tiny globe; a drop
44. Gravity - the attraction between celestial bodies.
45. Horizon - It is the sky & ground seem to meet.
46. Inference - is a conclusion based upon known information or observation.
47. Information - a body of knowledge or data.
48. Ionosphere - reflects radio waves that make long distance possible on earth.
49. Kilograms - it is for largest mass.
50.Kinetic Energy - the energy of a body attribute to its motion.
51. Law - a code or system of conduct established by custom or authority.
52. Length Kilometer the distance between two points.
53. Light Years - is a unit for distance used in describing intersection distance.
54. Litre - the unit usually used for measuring liquid volumes.

55. Lunar Eclipse - occurs when the earth is directly between the sun and the moon.
56. Magma - it is also believed that the molten substances.
57. Magnitude energy generated by an earthquake.
58. making prediction where are animals eat another animals
59. mantle it is the solid part of the earth.
60. mass is the amount of material an object has.
61. meniscus this curved surface.
62. mercury is the closest planet to the sun and the eight largest.
63. meteorite meteor that reaches the surface of the earth with vaporizing.
64. meteoroids piece of interplanetary dust or rock.
65. methamorphic rock the changes rocks
66. minor planet these are the asteroids
67. milky way it is the solar system belong to the galaxy.
68. model is a avisual representation something or is difficult to see.
69. molecules are very very small and cannot be seen by the naked eye.
70. moon unlike the sun, does not produce its own light.
71. mountain province rich in copper and gold deposits.
72. multiplier to increases or grow in number.
73. neap tides higher than at average high tides and lower than
74. Newton using for measured to forces
75. nitrification formed through the action of bacteria.
76. nova a very bright star that form the explosion of a small dim star.
77. nuclear energy energy generated by the fusion of nuclear particles
78. oblate speroid shape of the earth.
79. observation is information that has been gathered using the senses.
80. oceran tides there is a conection the moon
81. ozone layer part of the stratosphere made up of ozone the shield of the earth.
82. parasitism are relationship between organism in which one benefit harmed.
83. Pegasus the winged horse.

84. perihelion the point in planet orbit when it is nearest to the sun.
85. perturbation the slowing down of Uranus in its orbit due to Neptune gravitational pull
86. pheric pressure this is the pressure.
87. physical property changes in appearance but not in chemical composition.
88. planet their bodies that revolve around it.
89. population the people of an area or of a particular grouping.
90. potential energy energy comes in various form.
91. precipitation is the process in which water from the atmosphere fall back to the
92. predation a relationship between organism in which one eats the other.
93. producers organism that make their own food , such as plants and planktons.
94. protostar it forms a radiating ball.
95. redstar further cooling changes a yellow star.
96. resistant arm the distance from the fulcrum to the resistance load.
97. richter magnitude scale used to measure the energy generated by an earthquake.
98. rock a hard natural formation.
99. rolling friction process where the components of crude is boil
100. romblon for most marble producing site. (minerals these are naturally )

fossil forel scale of earthquake intensities scale use to measure the damage
done by earthquake


rotation the spinning motion of the earth around its axis


salinity is the degree of saltness of water.


satellites this is the orbiting object.

105. Scientific Method this orderly way of solving problems.

106.Sea Breeze - the result of motion of air from sea to land during the days.
107. Sea Floor - the outward floe of magma to both sides causes.
108. Second Class Levers - the effort is between the resistance & the fulcrum.
109. Sedimentary Rocks - formed when underwater deposits of materials are cemented
110. Sediment - are file rocks particles that setters from the batlon.

111. Sharing Information

- a portion due or contributed.

112. Simple Machine - this is the latter.

113. Soil Texture - this refers to the size of the soil particles.
114. Sliding Friction - this is due to the kind of substance present in the soil.
115. Solar Eclipse - occurs when the moon is directly between the sun & the earth.
116. Solar System - is composed of the sun & all the bodies that revoke around.
117. Speed - the time rate which an object travels a certain time.
118. Spring Balance - a device used to measure force.
119. Spring Tides - higher than average high tide or lower than average low tide.
120. Static friction

- Static friction occurs when the two objects are not moving relative to
each other

121. Stratosphere - middle layer of the atmosphere 10 to 40 km up.

122. Subsoil - lighter, compact, bottom layer of the soil, as distinguished top soil.
123. Sun - is the center of family of heavenly bodies that composed our solar system.
124. Super Nova - the exploding star.
125. Superstition - force due to intermolecular forces that make object.
126. Surigao Del Norte in Mindanao - another rich and famous for its product.
127. Technology- is the application of science in everyday life.
128. Tectonic- are due to movement of tectonic.
129. Temperature- feeding amount of energy.
130. Terrestrial Planet- mercury, venus, earth 7 mars-small solid planet.
131. Theory- the hypothesis become.
132. Third Class Lever- lever with the effort between the fulcrum and the resistance.
133. Tide- another kind of energy that involves water is tidal energy.
134. Time- as the number of time the experiment.
135. Top Soil- dark loose soil with organic matter on which plants grows.
136. Trials- are the number of time the experiment.
137. Tsunami- huge waves caused by underwater earthquake.
138. Ursa Major- this is the popular constellation.

139 Ursa Minor- this is the smallest bear.

140. Variables- the factor that change during an experiment.
141. Visual Telescope- refracting telescopes have lenses gather light.
142. Volcanic- the molten magma force.
143. Water Cycle- natures way of recycling water on earth.
144. Weight- measure of the gravitational pull of object.
145. White Dwarf- would then collapse from the inward force.
146. Yellow Star- second of the five stage of a star life.
147. Yellow Dwarf- a star that has suddenly exploded.
148. Zambales- a rich chromite deposits.
149. Zamboanga & Agusan Del Sur- also a site for Marble industry.

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