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0 Growth and Developmental data for Primary and Secondary Dentition

from birth to 6 months old. No visible teeth in mouth.
Primary dentition only
6 months to 2 years old: All primary teeth are erupting into the childs mouth over this period
2 to 6 years old: all 2- primary teeth are present, no visible permanent teeth yet
Mixed Dentition
6 years old: permanent teeth start to appear, beginning with first molars ( 6 year old molars).
These are followed by loss of mandibular central incisors
6 to 9 years old: All eight permanent incisors replace primary incisors that are exfoliated
9 to 12 years: all four permanent canines and eight premolars replace primary canines and molars
12 years old: second molars ( 12 year molars) emerge
Adult dentition only
After 12 year ( second )molars erupt, 28 permanent teeth are present, all primary teeth have been
exfoliated and replaced
17 to 21 years old: third molars emerge, if present, and full complement of 32 teeth are achieved
1.1 Order of emergence of primary teeth
The first primary teeth to erupt are the mandibular central incisors, at about 6 months of age,
followed by mandibular laterals and then the maxillary incisors( centrals before laterals). Next to
emerge are the primary first molars, then canines and finally second molars. Thus, the last
primary teeth to emerge, thereby completing the primary dentition, are the maxillary second
moalrs, at about 2 years ( 24 months of age).

Figure 1.1.1: order of primary tooth emergence

1.2 Order of emergence of secondary teeth

The above table shows the eruption sequence for permanent teeth. After the 6 year molars
erupt , just before the childs sixth birthday, the order of eruption for the succendaneous teeth is
the same as the order of exfoliation of the primary teeth they replace. The centrals erupt before
laterals, and mandibular incisors erupt before their maxillary counterpart/ The first permanent
incisors to erupt are the mandibular central incisors ( close to 6 years) and the last incisors to
erupt are the maxillary lateral incisors ( close to 9 years old). Mandibular laterals and maxillary
centrals erupt from 7to 8 years old.
Next, adult canines and premolars erupt between ages 9 and 12. First, mandibular canines
emerge (close to 9 years old), and then premolars replace primary molars( between 10 and 12
years old). Finally, maxillary canines are the last primary teeth to be replaced ( close to 12 years
old). This is often evident when the permanent maxillary canines are crowded facially as they
erupt. Note that for the adult dentition, most teeth in the mandibular arch erupt slightly earlier
than their maxillary counterparts; the only maxillary tooth to emerge before its mandibular
counterpart is the maxillary second premolar, which precedes the mandibular second premolar.
The emergence time of mandibular canines are about 9 years, while maxillary canines emerge
last, at about 12 years of age

Figure 1.2.1 the usual order of secondary dentition tooth emergence

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