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Chonnanun Pungah 5540037722 (Mr.

Whortons class)

WhiteNoise Music Monthly Directors Meeting
Friday, 14 November 2014
11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Mickel-Rex Tower, Room 303


Ingo Peters, Chairperson


Will Handrich
Bill Whorton
Scott Oltman
Andrew Lobb


Jill Metcalfe

Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the WhiteNoise Music Committee was

held on Friday, 14 November 2014, in room 303 in the MickelRex Tower. The meeting was called to order by Ingo Peters,
Chairperson, at 11:00 a.m.

Approval of Minutes:

Minutes from the last meeting are approved with the correction
of Bill Whortons last name to be spelled Whorton.

Officers report:

Marketing and Business Development Director (Bill Whorton):

There will be no change in current marketing plans and
programs. Future business development will be coordinated with
the directors and the CEO. As do opportunities arise, the key is
flexibility and not fixed planning will be the guideline followed
in getting better market share.
Digital Music and Media Director (Scott Oltman): the targets of
online sales were exceeded by 8% and bringing the label to 1.7
million in sales this month. The 75% of the labels artists are
now on iTunes music store, a 12% increase from last month.
Bobby Valentine is also in a top 10 playlist this month.
Classical Music Division Director (Will Handrich): 12,700 units
were sold for a total a 21,672 Dollars. Following the success of
earlier, Music recording releases 2 new albums this month, Misa
Lomamay the pray and the Music by Johannes, both being
performed by Vox Anglica. In addition, 2 more albums will be
released by the end of December. To a discussion about the
lacking classical music revenues, one of the reason is that the

cost of performers is very high relative to the sales, therefore the

label should think about recruiting a classical musicians from
Eastern Europe and Russia, where the performers are cheaper.
This issue will be put on December monthly meeting.
New Talent Division Director (Andrew Lobb): To sign a new
star to the record label, he traveled to Europe to check out the
upcoming Talent and in Spain and Austria. The trip went over
the budget. The budget is 15,000 Dollars. Because of having to
make some changes to the plan that the crew went to see
Norwegian star about signing in Norway, it is going 4,000
Dollars over the budget. It will be in contact with the Finance
Department and signing Norwegian star will be later discussed in
new business.
Old Business:

The renewal of Scotty H.s contract. He had been in the record

label for 30 years and in the last meeting, he tried to negotiate to
renew his contract regarding his behavior and contract. Now the
motion by Ingo Peters is to cancel his contract because of finance
and reputation damage causing by him. Chelsea Miller, Scotty
H.s agent, moved that WhiteNoise music has been found on
Scotts hits, so the label shouldnt be canceling his contract, but
instead raising his salary. The motion to terminate Scott H.s
contract carries 4 to 1. A motion approved.

New Business:

Marketing and Business Development Director (Bill Whorton):

Reintroducing cassette tapes because Vinyl made a big
comeback, people are going crazy old vinyl disks. Therefore, the
label should get involved in becoming number1 in cassettes. Yet,
Scott Oltman argues that cassettes audio is easily broken and
has short life. Bill Whorton has abandoned the motion.
New Talent Division Director (Andrew Lobb): New talent to
consider signing. He moved that a label should prepare a contract
and sign him to the label. No seconded. The votes are 4 to 1 in
signing Norwegian singer to the record label.


Jill Metcalfe, the secretary, has had her baby, flowers and good
wishes can be sent to her today after the meeting.
Shark Entertainment has invited the label to a Christmas party on
December 24, 2014.
The next meeting is on Friday 12 December 2014, 11:00 a.m.
12.00 a.m. Room 303 of Mickel-Rex Tower.


The meeting was adjourned at 11.30 a.m.

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