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1. Nutrition is important for all stage of life cycle.

What is the role of nutrition for

Adequate nutritional status is essential for efficient immune function.

2. Iron requirement is increase during pregnancy. Please explain iron requirement of

women before and during pregnancy? How will you advice a married woman to
meet her iron requirement for her pregnancy?
Iron requirements of women before pregnancy is estimated at 1mg/day. During pregnancy
women need approximately up to 7mg/day. My advice is a good nutrition intake for pregnant

3. What is the best time to introduce the complemantary feeding to the infant? Please
explaine why first 1000 days of life is important?
Between 4 and 6 month of age when the mature sucking movement is refained
and munching movement begin, the introduction of strained foods is approriate.
First 1000 days of life mean is 9months ofgestationor270daysin utero, andthefirst
2 years ofa child's growthorfor730days. The first 3 month is the periodin whichthe organs
begin to take shape. They need adequate supply of nutrient from the mother, if
inadequate, the babywillmake adjustments accordingly.Theadjustmentcan be througha
cell numberreduction,organsize reductionandreducing the size of the body itself, this
change unfortunately can also deform the baby, making its shape to become abnormal, all
this to fitwiththe limitednutritionalintake. Unfortunatelyonce it happens, it is permanent.


















malnourishedin thefirst1000 daysof life, has threerisks:

the risk ofnon-communicable diseases/chronic, depending on theorgansaffected.

Whenthe kidney is malformed, the child willsuffer fromhypertensionandrenal
impairment, when thepancreasis malformed, the child will beat riskof type

2diabetes, this is also true for other major organs such as hearts that will make the
child prone to heart disease and so on.

whenthe brainismalformed,the child will experiencecognitivegrowth restriction,

resulting in lessintelligenceandcompetitiveness; and

impairedheight growth, so the risk ofshort/stunting.

This situationwas not onlyinter-generational nature(from mothertochild) butis

trans-generational(from grandmothertograndson). It is estimated thatthe impacthasover

100 years, meaning thattheriskcomes fromthe problemthatoccurred about100years ago,
andits impactwill besustainedin thenext100 years.

4. Briefly describe how do you plan for nutritional assement of under 5 years old
children in a village?
1. Select fresh, high-quality fruits, vegetables, or meats.
2. Be sure that all utensils, including cutting boards, grinder, knives, and other items, are
thoroughly cleaned.
3. Wash hands before preparing the food.
4. Clean, wash, and trim the food in as little water as possible.
5. Cook the foods until tender in as little water as possible. Avoid overcooking, which
may destroy heatsensitive nutrients.
6. Do not add salt or sugar. Do not add honey to food intended for infans younger than 1
year of age.
7. Add enough water for the food to be easily pureed.
8. Strain or puree the food using an electric blender, a food mill, ababy food grinder, or a
kitchen strainer.
9. Pour puree into an ice cube tray and freeze.
10. When the food is frozen hard, remove the cubes and store in freezer bags.
11. When ready to serve, defrost and heat in a sewing container the amount of food that
will be consumed at a single feeding.

5. Briefly explain why inflamation

is important for biochemical nutritional

The inflammation can interfere with the assessment of nutritional status indicators. For
example plasma retinol & carotenoids concentrations are depressed, plasma zinc depressed,

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