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'p1rar:lacists.lsociat workel'S,
Aiarch tiTe cotreci defirzition uiitl.-t.t:its.psrsorz: radiaJrogy iechd itni*,
potters, colsulianis, pediatricians, qpeeclr ti.,erapists;.plysio-ter4pis-rs, generalpractitioners,.occupatiori-al'
laundry siaff, p++.ie1rn:.1 o.4*;[ie1
iherapists, chiropodisis, dietioiaus;,,fi6i"


patien-rs u,ho have difficuities speaking- 2. They rnove patienls on be1is, t.oileys a$d'
speciaimeais and gii;ii advi.-ce
u,heelcbairc. 3 . They. 1".k 4fr* people's'fe"t. i. f4iy"*odr
"* $;,1 , '
most appropriate foo-d. 5. They;are.responsibie for, prepare and dispqqe medicine. 6 The,sq rioctof$ chlldren- 7. Serjoiaedical'peopie who -g-rre e4pert advice a:rd are respongible.tor
deci.sioli-arakiirg 8. Thelr$-ve:pafsag6 and exeroirf to r"r'rot" speaifrd bodily funitioas. 9, Thel-,
operate on patients to repairikin damage or improve a patient's appearance. 10. Their siorle is

i.They assist




r"hrbi-Xit fion and assisiance of people recovering from or suffering frsm iilness. 11. Th-ey operateequipmeut in the X-ray d.eparhn ent. 12. They rvorle together *,iilr rredical personnel in hospital a:rd tr.y
torieal wiflr apatient's problems at home. 13. They cleau and'organizebed 1inen. 14. These doctols "
may refer their patients to li.ospital to see a speciaiist o rto recei-i,e,sFecialist care'


Matclt eaclt of tlte follotaing descriptiotts witlt tirc con:ect wot'd: sheets, maltress. ffi]tcli, fuol-ley;
cutdn,'drip stand,, bedpar:, tray, bedspread,,obse,rvations cbart, oxygsn point, urine bottie, hoist,
ra.heelchair, piilora', cail buttoq blanket, basin, aame band, monkeypole.


i . Tiris coi,ers 'rhe bed to keep off the dust.2. Something to rest oire's head on. 3. Apaiiett confuaed
to bed :a,ili iiave to use this to uri:rate aad riefecate. 4. Patienrs use ihis when they need to call a nurse .
5- For identification, -ihis is rryor-n bl,parients aroun<i their wrist. 6. A narrow bed used fol tr-anspoiting
patierus. 7. 14rash your hands irere. 8. A mechaaical der.icd for iifting and patients. 9. Drau'n
arould a patient's bed to provide some p:ivacy. 10. Two ofthese oathebeti are sto^aightened regularly
and -washed every feu, days. 1 1. Meals are brougfut to tire beri on flris- 12. Tirese keep ihe patient u'arnr.
13. Male patienis confined to bed use this to urinate. i4. Suspended above the bed, ttris can be used
b-v tb.e patier:t to pu11himself/herself up. 15. Patients lie on this, it's sometimes hard and sornetimes
sofi.l 16. l:rtravenous fluidbags are suspended onthis. lT.Paiienis who can situp coi:rfortably can be
n-aiisported in one of these. 18. A patre* with a btoken leg will need 2 cf tliese to get arouird. 1 9. 4
mask and tube fi'on:'rhis will -supplyb4ygen to the patrent.20- The patient?s- condition is recorded here.'
f-heifollowing phrases ctre spokett by a nurse canyiltg out nasago-sttic iritubatiort. Tliey are ali nzixed
z.rp. Pat tlzent in ihe con'ect order.
i - Nora, I'11just ch.eck ihat we've got it in the right place, so I'm goirg to pass just a little bit of a:r ilto
tlre trrbe and listen io it. Can you let me listen to your stomacb, please ?
2. O& can you sit fom,ard ou your chair, please ? That's it ! No-w can ycu jusi iift your head a 1itt1e ?
That's fine ! Nou, I'm jusi going to mark the lenght of tube w-e need with'this iape. That's it.
3 , Yes, that seenis fine. \lreli done I Now- I'lljust put a little bit of tape over ihe tube to hold it i: place.
That's ii ! Ail over. You can relax now.
4- N'ou, just a littie spm)/ iri your left nosiril. That's file ! Nou,i-r'you lt ant tne to stop at al:y til:e jusi
raise -voui irand. CI'i ? Riglf^ novr here comes the first bit. You're Coirr.g -,'eryr p'rsll.
5. Helio i\4rs. Tru:rer.l'm
5. Nora,, can you just benci youriread foi-ward a little a:rd I'd iike you io tahe a sip oft'ater ihough rhis



7- Not',', you're going

io l:.ave an operatior tomonou, and ll,e need to make sule iiiat;vour stor:rac! i5
ell1pry- lTrrhat I'd lilre ic ic ii slide eTilni?fasti-*#el,l:i-*=ug1i7ei;ir.-iose aad rici,n nro
,vou-r -sto:r:acl:.
!' \/^*r-^
s'"'- YE r="eii. No-w, taile ano-rner sip. Thai's
I U',j;; L1q.r.rrrg -'^r,r'ir. And notl'anorlie;.. Gooa. We're aiincst

there. 'rfu'eii ricne

9 . Don't -worry' it $rori't cause you afly patn but it -wiil feei
a bii un cotifonabie. It's noi the most pieasar-ji
of things bui we'l1 take it careiully. Are you cK about this ?


Tlzere a:'e two ietiers be!o',+. Orze is a leiterfi'on: a generfrl practifiozter to tt- consultarti arrd the oiher
otle the consu{tatzt's repiy. Fill in the ndssing words- Choose
f"cm tlrc followitzg: discomfort, drip,
exarriinatio4 findfugs, grateful, iastance, nasal obstructioa. opiaioq persist, persisteutly, respoud.
respo::ds, respouse

Consultant: Dr Holger Bauer

Patient name: John Gardner

DOB: rul}7l80

llear Mr Bauer
I r'"'ouid be (1) gratefui ifyou could see this young aatr who has had a (2) ... blocked nose over the
fer'v mouths. On two occasiors I have noted. pol5ps. They (3) ... to asmalt degree to

{4) -..spray, but continue to (5) .... I would be gratefi:l for your
Yours siacerel3,,
A,:rdrerv Connor



of Otoiartlngol o gy
patieai consliltation: Jchri Gardner, IICE l4lTjig*
( clieic r9/a6/az)

Dep artiuent


Dear Dr Connor
Tl:ar:k you for aslcing me to see this 21-year-old telecommunica.r.ioits esgineer.
Presentation and (7) ...:
He complains of iong-standing nasai (8) . . on both sides v,ritir only parrial (9) ... to Beconase
jris ears pop occasioneily
spray. FIe aiso saVs
uasal (1 1)
"' ' On(12) "' todayhisnoseshowed congestednasalmucosa andpolypoidrniddietui-binate and s:nall
middle rneatai poiyps.
i:::pressions and pia:::
L: the first {13) I have started hirii on a course of r';asonex nasal spray x,'hich is a mcre
sterojd tha:: Beconase. I shall see him agaul ir: rr.,,,o nronihs'
timc to se- hov; he (14)
Yours sincerely
Holger Bauer
C onsuliant Otolarymgo logist

CJtoose tJte carreci y,ord in eacl-t of ihefolloy,ittg.
1. She nelvoitsly waited foi tire post to fiild ou.t x,iretirer sire had pasi/r*;asse,i iler friral nrirsipg
exarlitlation-).Heseems io iravepui on a ioi ofr.veiehiAl,aitiniire jastfeu,nroi:ijis. 3. Ane-*,sjsiirisrie

:edge af the ciry l"ras norl: beeri r'b.U.i:d_rcr_Ihc_uex_lrosp5al-a__One qualiq, thal all uir:-ses prusi
; patieacerpatieatS. 5."She'is-veryeonca:ieri that her hair loss -wiii resuit ia her becoarinE
balled.roaid - 6,D'artng the proceriure she began ta ieel unra,eii aud feii she u,as golagto fdrrrt/iaint.
He iras bl.rr etpettencingpaiji ili the lumbariumbffreg:,on or.the back. g. L-.he surgeon uses a iarge
nurnber of siobs/sr,'JLbs to mop up flre blood. 9. Muscular dystrophy is a disease *,h"r-" the m. uscles
rr"aisuwasie a'way.l0.HesuffeEsfromamusculartic/tickinhislefteye.

nrajor breaic/brake to his right femur. 12. AfterssssTinlorcou-elin!, somemicrobialpathogens rnay
be bom/boi:ee on t-he uiin4 eniiancing tbe spread of #""tion.f35"fb;t"*, off duty the doctor
slrould'chequelcheck that alt intavenous cannulae ar.e working satisfacto ,ti U,."fU" -*o*oa h",
Yery slot'to heei,flreal. 15. Tlie rioctor vvas calTedu,hen tre cdia began to eroll,n/proan wrth parnli
The skin ra'as badly pitted/pitied with the scars of acu.e. 17 . Asthe:':iectio" t""t fr"iO nlr rr-p"ru*r.
beean to soar/sore.



Mcitcit the conil?xoty ncunefar a disease wiih iis medical equivclent.

Afedical name
serebrai paisl'
cerebral ir:frrction / bieedinE
helpes sinlpJex
iieipes zoster
infectious xf oltonuci eo sis
inyo cardiai infarcti on
rubeola; neorbilii
\/arf c.eua
Commo:r lrame
Ger:mafi r:reasles, polio. th::ush, warts , heart attack, heat spots /neetlerash, cold sore,
s,*,elling. (to be)
spasiic, belching, glanduiar fever, heartbum, baldness, chickenpox, hardening ofthe
arteries, ir:easles.
bad breath, indigestion, housanaid's knee, piles, shingles, tennis elbow, stroke, il,ind.

Match tlte def'nifiotrs tttith the folotuitzg tetzls: sig:rs, sequeiae, differential diag:rosis,
cor:suiiation, slmdrome, aetiology, hrstory, p.ogoos:.s, abn-omrality, eonplicatioirs, prevlntiou,

syi:rptoms, diseas e, examin stisn, diagnosis.

i. the long-tenr: resirlts of an illaess or treatment,

2. identifying se'eral ilaesses wrrich the patieut may
3' things \^/rong with the body which the patient complains
cf or experieilces.
4. a study of the patient,s fo{f.
5. the causes ieading to al iifiess.
6- a, u,usuai feafuire whicrr,ray be u,onying or dangerous.
7- a rneeiing betu,een patie't and doctor to discuss pioblems.
6. tlie idei:tification of a particular iliness.
9' a change in tire str-ucture or funciion of the organs or tissue of the boriy.
1 0. takhg aray the cause of illness or
ftr<iuig ii earl1,.
1 1 . a gr oup of sigus whicrr ale characteristic
of a particular i jlless.
i 2. add.itionai prcblems ro ihe or-igrnal iliness.
13. iike11, ouicome of an j]lness.
14. a patrer$'s medical background, problems. belravioru arrd iifes$,Ie.
1-5- s,irat tire doctoi car see of the i11ness.

e INFECTTCUS DESEASES - fi,ord Bu"i!di11y

i-ise rJze rnoirl, on thi righito, jiiir,


i. The ... of equipmeut is necessai3, io kili spoies.

2- Saie pru*iii. ircludes tir.e safe -. - of *,a"t".


3. Hands must be carefirlly waslied after . .. with.body fluids.

4. A patient wiiir a i.igniy infectious disease may have to be cared for in .. -.
5. S orne disease or-eauisms may trtgger an in flemrn alory .- .in ihe body.
6. The ... of influenzadepends onthe straia of virus qa-usingit.
7 .In the case of mriups the period of . .. is very long,
8. Iu mos-r Europearr countries, -.. agair:st many childhood diseases is available.
9. A loug ... is often required after gianduiar fever.
i0. Ivlany viral diseases are hrou,n to cause -.. of the tonsils.
1 1. A progratxme of .. . has made diphtheri a averyrare disease in Britain.
72. Tetanus is zu ... by the Ciosrridium tetani bacillus.
13. TSphoid fever is spread by . .. of food or d.rinir contanrinated by bacilius fiom iifecteC faeces.
i4. If
is not removed
it may iead to the . .. offhe stra:uel.

E Prepositiotzs
Fitt in tlze nissing prepositions in the setztettces below. Choose fi'otn the followiitg. Sonte of the
preposiiions areuserincot'elhant once'. aboul agai:rst, a3ong, by, dowl, fi-om, ir-r, iato, of. oil, to. uritl.

to anorher person i1g-ef+S- ! oirect contact witlr ihe pa-uent.

2. Lifection may be
in water con'raminated ... sewage.
3. Malaria is transmitted ... the bite of a mosquito.
4- Toxins reieased .. . the blood circulation may produce fever.
5. A rasir is probably due ... a viral infection.
6. Tire severiBr of the disease depends ... the particular viral strain
7. A secondary iafeciion ca:: be treated . -. the appropriate aniibiotics.
8. These are six patients suffering ... the flu.
9. Patients must be warned ... flre dangers of secondary infection.
10. Tire nreasles rash appears . . . the forehead and then spreads ... the body.
I i .-Ihe.Ge::rnau-iueasles rash consists -. . pink macules.
i 2. Girls slrould be riacciuated , - . rubella if they have rrever had it.
13. Laryargeal spasm ulay cause difficuity ... swallowing.
14. Arrtibiotics are effeitive . .. the Bordetella pert'nssis bacillus.
15. h: tire past manypeople died ... smallpox.
16. Children are routiirely in:munized . - - polio, l',,iroopiag cough aud other diseases.
17. Typiroid fever is caused . .. Sahuonella tlphi.
i 8. Precautions rnusi be taken to prevent the spread . . - ir:fectiou.
1 9. Childreri are often concemed .. . a rash on tirerr- skin.
20. You're corning fine We'llhave you home in no time!
2i. The baby is grorvilg quickly and puttilg ... u,eight.
22. Slre fainted but quickiy ca?lle ...
23. She's done sorneihiug ... her bach. She's having difficulties moving
24. Try to keep . . . this diei tor the next four r,,,eeks.
1. Disease can spread

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