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Title of Activity:

2 Extremes

Number of Teams & Group Size:

Involve all participants as 1 big group

Logistics Needed:

Time Allocated:
10 20 minutes

Sharing of views or preferences on a particular issue

Preparation & Set-Up:

Prepare a list of at least 20 questions
Each question has 2 options, which are direct opposites of each other

Directions for Conducting the Activity:

1. Get all participants to stand up, and gather in the middle.
2. Inform them that you will be presenting them with a list of questions. After you
present / ask each question, they are to move to the left, or to the right, of the
play area.
3. They will move in accordance with their choice. If a participant selects option
1, they move to the left. If they choose option 2, they move to the right.
4. Carry out the activity, asking / presenting 1 question at a time. After each
question, you may ask participants to share why they chose that particular

Specific Rules:
1. When presented with each question, participants must choose 1 of the 2
options. They cannot remain neutral.
2. Participants are to move to the left, or to the right side of the play area,
depending on their choice. Option 1 = Left. Option 2 = Right.


Learning Points:
Respecting Others Views / Preferences
Perspective & Perception
Similarities & Differences
Resisting Peer Pressure
Taking A Stand On Issues

Facilitator Notes:
Some suggested questions include:
Coffee OR Tea?
Sweet OR Savoury?
Big party OR Intimate meal?
Grow plants OR Rear pet animals?
Dogs OR Cats?
Pop music OR Rock music?
Good looks OR Charisma?
TV OR Movie?
Summer OR Winter?
Sleep in OR Wake up early?
Do the dishes OR Mop the floor?
Stop time OR Able to fly?
Invisibility OR X-Ray vision?
Read peoples minds OR Know the future?
Happy for 12 hours daily and poor OR Sad for 12 hours daily and rich?
Health OR Happiness?
Stranded on an island alone OR Stranded with someone you hate?
True love OR $10 Million dollars?
Live without mobile phone OR Live without internet?
Invest in real estate OR Invest in stocks & shares?
Good boss, terrible colleagues OR Terrible boss, good colleagues?
End world hunger OR End world hatred?
Receive $300 on the 300th day from now OR Receive $1 daily for 300 days?
Donate cash to charity OR Volunteer with a charity?
Ridiculed now, but remembered for your deeds later OR Respected now, but
forgotten later?

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