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IWeekly Readerl

Volume 68
Issue 2

Edition 1

September 14, 1990


Lions are wild animals.

Baby lions are called cubs.

News Understanding: Most lions live in Africa,

though some live in India. A
of lions is called a
La CI lULl

pride. A pride is made up of 10 to 35 lions: up to

three adult males, several females, and cubs .

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News Corner

A Whale
On the Playground
Children made a whale.
They made it on the playground.
They used flour to make the whale.

Understanding: Students in East Haddam,

Connecticut, drew the outline of a sperm whale on

their playing field. The 60-foot-long whale took 115

pounds of flour.

Photo/lUustration Credits: Page 1, C> 1986 Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures; p. 2, AP; p. 3 art by Kathy Allert (top); art by Jean Meyer (bottom); p. 4, art by Susan
Buddy Bear, Bonnie, Nibbles, and Weekly Reader are trademarks of Field Publications.
WEEKLY READER EDITION 1 (ISSN 08903220)-Copyright c> 1990 by Field Publications. Weekly Reader is a federally registered trademark of Field Publications. Executive and
Editorial Offices: 245 Long Hill Road, Middletown, CT 06457. Material in this issue may not be re~roduced in whole or in jart in any form or format without specialrfdrmiSSiOn from the
ublisher. Issued 27 times ~~..!.~e school year, weekly excel,'t f,!r Thanksgi~~:'::!~; .we':.:_aJ,,~~"~~~_'!!:_~:;:'=:'~:'x'!~~~~~~~~~::i.";!~~:;.,b~"':;ld j~ubli~ations, 4343

Health News

Eat a Good Breakfast

A good breakfast is
cereal or bread
egg or meat

juice or fruit .

Understanding: Studies have shown that eating a

good breakfast helps children ,do better in school.

Buddy Be rTM Good Cit z~


Dear Girls and Boys,

We have a rule about not
running in school.
I broke the rule.
Look what happened to me!
What should I have done?

Understanding: Rules are usually made for reasons.
Buddy discovered one reason for the rule about not
running in school.

Buddy'sTM Puzzle Page

Choose a Good Breakfast


Understanding: Ask ci~~~ circle the pictures of

s their choices. Then have
good breakfast foods .

them put an X through the objects that are not good

breakfast foods . Discuss those choices.

Know the News

Read each question with the children, and have them

circle the correct answer.

1. Is a baby lion called a kitten?


2. ~s eating breakfast good for you?


The Weekly Reader characters in an
exciting new show - ''KIDS-TV"!
Banana Monkey... Quacker... Buddy Bear...
Robbie Raccoon ... Misty Skunk ... and D. J.
Macaw create their own TV news program!
There's a laugh a minute!
But they do get out the news kids want to
know-about the environment, the homeless, space exploration ... and more!
Beginning at 4:00, Monday, September 10
exclusively on SHOWTIME.

- - - --4.-- ____-'--ominll



Hubbls Snace

&IBS_CODe~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Volume 68
Issue 1

IWeekly Readerl

Edition 1

September 7, 1990

School Is Open
We go to school.
News Understanding: Most schools in the u.s.
open for the year in late August or early September.

School is a place where students learn new things,

meet new people, and make new friends.

This issue has been mailed early. The second issue will. be dated September 14, 1990.

School News

A School Playground
We play safely at school.

Understanding: Safety is important on the

playground as well as in the classroom. Students
learn safety rules at school.

PIrotoIlUusl7atiml Credits: Page I , Dan BunIen; p. 2, 0 1987 Lawrence Migdale; p. 3, UPI, (~); art by Jean Meyer, (bottom); p. 4, Pam Zagarenski
Supplement: Pages 2a - 2d, Jean Meyer.
WEEKLY READER EDmON 1 (ISSN O8OO-322O) -CopyriR:bt 0 1990 by Field Publications. W""Iol1/ Reader is a federally registered trademark of Field Publications. Executive and
EditmiaI Offices: 245 Loog HilI Road, Middletown, CT 004:>7. Material in this issue may not be reproduced in whole or in pan in any form or format without special pemrission from the
Issued 27 times during the school year, weekly except fol' Thanksgiving week, four weeks at Christmastime, and three weeks in the second semester, by Field Publicatioos, 4343
t;quity Drive, Columbus, OH 43228. Classroom subscription price fol' ten or more copies sent to one address: $1.65 per semester per student, $2.35 fol' the school year. Single subscription
rate on crde!s totaling fewer than ten copies: $4.70 per year each, payable in advance. Published also in Braille by the American Printing House fol' the Blind, Louisville, Ky. Second-class
postage paid at Columbus, Ohio, and additional enlIy. Printed in U.S.A. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Weekly Reader EditiOlll, Publication and Subscription Offices, Field
Publications 4343 ~it1J Drive, Columbus, OH 43228.

IWeekly Readerl- SociIII Studies Supplement

A Supplement to
Weekfy Reader
Edition 1, Issue 1
September 7,1990

Mrs. Diaz works at Buddy's school.

Mrs. Diaz is Buddy's teacher.



A principal works at Buddy's school.

A nurse works at Buddy's school.

A librarian works at Buddy's school.


A custodian works at Buddy's school.

Buddy's School
Help Buddy find the library.

Science News


Some storms have rain.

Some storms have strong winds.
Understanding: There are many kinds of stonns.
Fall is hurricane season in some parts of the country.

Hurricanes are one kind of stonn that brings high

winds, rain, thunder, and lightning.

Buddy Bear Good Citizen

Dear Girls and Boys,
My name is Buddy Bear.
This is my friend Nibbles.
We want to be your friends.

Understanding: Children will learn about friendship
with Buddy Bear and Nibbles.



Buddy'sTM Puzzle Page

To the teacher: Help children listen to follow
directions. Ask children to look at and name the
pictures in the first row, and then mark the school.
Follow the same procedure for the other rows. In the


Know the News

second row, mark the blue umbrella. In the third row,

mark the school. In the fourth row invite children to
write their name or initials.

--- ~ -------~-------~-------------


To the teacher: Read each question to the children.

If necessary, help them identify the words Yes and No.
Then have children circle each correct answer.


1. Do you go to school?


2. Does your school have a

3. Is there a ~torm today?




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