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Kelly Teague
Professor Rieman
UWRT 1103
September 24, 2014
Individual Analysis

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:40 PM

Comment [1]: MLA Format: 24
September 2014

When one first hears the word genre, it is common to associate that term with
the topics of fiction, nonfiction, romance, or mystery. Genres are not just categories of
literature and are not only used by writers. Everyone uses genres throughout the day;
whether it is picking a suitable outfit for a party or deciding what food to eat for

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 1:03 PM

Comment [2]: List some different genres
that you experience throughout the day.

breakfast, we all have experience with genres. Genres tell us what is appropriate for
certain situations, which was important to keep in mind in my groups Framework For
Success project.
Our habit of mind that we were focused on was Responsibility. Being aware of
our audience was important in deciding what three genres to pick for this assignment. We

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:54 PM

Comment [3]: Tie in the middle school
audience with genres that fit that age group
Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:44 PM
Comment [4]: Try and outline the topics
that will be discussed in the rest of the
paper so the reader wont think it is just a
project review.

discussed ways that we could present the information to students without boring them
with a classic PowerPoint on why responsibility is important and how to practice it in
your every day life. Since responsibility seems like common sense and something that
everyone has, we wanted to have genres that would appeal to ninth graders as well as
college students. Taking the participants age into account led us to the ideas of social
media, a personality quiz, and a game. We each took responsibility of one of the genres
so that we could put in as much possible time into them. I volunteered to take control of
the Twitter Page since I have experience with that social media.

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:45 PM

Comment [5]: Our main audience is
eighth graders.
Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 1:06 PM
Comment [6]: How? What was our
thinking process behind that decision?

Teague 2
I had to research how to create a new Twitter account because it has been many

years since I created mine. I only use social media to interact with friends, so creating a
Twitter page on tips and advice was new to me. To get an idea for how to format this
genre I researched other Twitter pages that are used solely for information and marketing
purposes. I noticed that the majority of tweets made by these organizations were links. I
realized that this was because of the 140-character rule in tweets. To maximize the
amount of information being given, posting a link to go somewhere else and read more
than 140 characters is more efficient. Readers can get more out of a single tweet this way.

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 1:05 PM

Comment [7]: How can the 140-
character rule help the students? Maybe it
keeps things short and sweet so they dont
get bored?

I mimicked the style of these other accounts and found websites and articles to post on
our page.
Writing the information on the twitter page gave me experience with a different
set of conventions than the standard essay. The language on Twitter is less formal and

Zachary Shytle 11/30/2014 8:21 PM

Comment [8]: Include your contribution
to the other genres as well because you
were influential in those decisions.

does not require proper syntax or diction. In fact, it would be abnormal to post complete
sentences. The hash-tag is a very famous tool that originated on Twitter that is used as an
afterthought to an incomplete sentence. It can also be used to look up trending topics. Our
twitter page created the hash-tag how to be more responsible. The hash-tag is not
something that is conventional in essays, newspapers, magazines, or textbooks-but is only
acceptable on social media. I learned that conventions change based on the type of genre
that is being used.
Our group split up the three different genre analyses based on the genre that each
group member spent the most time on. Because we all have different styles and ideas, we
found that breaking up the work was easier than trying to find a time for us all to sit down
and write three analyses together. After we all completed our rough drafts we met back

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:49 PM

Comment [9]: You could discuss how the
informality of social media can keep kids
interested in what is being tweeted, unlike a
typical newspaper or magazine.
Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:50 PM
Comment [10]: This sentence seems like
it would be better suited to go at the
beginning of the paragraph because the
entire paragraph is about conventions.
Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:54 PM
Comment [11]: Go into more detail about
what you did during your writing process.
How did you analyze the decisions you
made for the twitter page?

Teague 3

up to revise. We created a rotation of reading and editing. Two group members would
read the other group members paper and discuss it. After all of the papers had been read
we were able to compare and contrast our works. When we saw that one paper was

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 1:02 PM

Comment [12]: Combine these two

lacking a major point that another one included, we would add it. We did this method
until we felt that all of our analyses covered our project as a whole.
All of the environments that our group composed in were electronic and fairly
simple. It was easy to work on the different genres at home on our own and be able to
email each other links and attachments to view each others progress and input ideas. If
we were to have chosen a handwritten format it would have been difficult to share our
work with each other in between our class meeting times. We were able to get the most

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 12:58 PM

Comment [13]: Discuss where you
personally composed. Get in to more detail
of what worked well in different places and
what was not so productive.

participants this way as well since we could send the link to the Twitter page, survey, and
personality quiz to other college students. I used my own social media to post these links
and have all of my friends contribute to the experiment.
Before the Framework for Success project I did not have a good understanding
of genre. As I learned more about what genre actually was I realized that I already
practiced it on a regular basis. Understanding that different situations call for different
genres is a part of growing up and expanding your knowledge. The development of the
eight Habits of Mind is crucial for success in college as well as life after college. This
project has given me the opportunity to practice with genre and responsibility.

Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 1:00 PM

Comment [14]: If you didnt have a good
understanding of it, than write how you
gained a better understanding about it in
the body paragraphs. Your conclusion
should just sum up the main points you
wrote about.
Zachary Shytle 9/22/2014 1:02 PM
Comment [15]: Tie in your writing
process and the different aspects that you
talked about to get the ideas to the reader
one last time.

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