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Colman, Robert W.; Clowes, Alexander W.;

Goldhaber, Samuel Z.; Marder, Victor J.; George, James N.


Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and

Clinical Practice, 5th Edition

Copyright 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
> Tabl e of C ontents > P art I - B asi c Pri nci pl es of Hem ostasi s and
Throm bosi s > Secti on A - C oagul ati on and i ts Regul ati on > C hapter 12 Fac tor X I

Chapter 12
Factor XI
Peter N. Walsh
David Gailani
Coagulation factor XI, previously known as plasma thromboplastin
antecedent (PTA), was first identified by Rosenthal et al. (1) as a
deficiency in the plasma of patients with abnormal bleeding and,
subsequently, was found to be particularly common in patients of
Ashkenazi Jewish descent (2,3). Factor XI is present in human
plasma at a concentration of 4 to 6 g per mL (approximately 30
nM) and was first purified from bovine (4) and human (5) plasma
as a 160-kDa homodimeric protein that participates in interactions
with coagulation proteins of the contact phase of blood coagulation
(6,7,8,9). Factor XI is the zymogen of a trypsinlike serine protease
that is activated by factor XIIa and by both thrombin and factor
XIa (10,11), and it can then recognize factor IX as its normal
macromolecular substrate in plasma (12,13,14).


The factor XI gene, 23 kb, is located on the distal end of the long
arm of chromosome 4 (4q35) (15,16). The gene contains 15 exons
with 14 introns, the first exon coding for the 5 untranslated region
and the second exon coding for a signal peptide (see Fig. 12-1).
The complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) for human factor
XI was originally isolated from a gt11 expression library from

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human liver, demonstrating that the messenger RNA (mRNA)

consists of 2,097 nucleotides (17). Factor XI is synthesized as a
polypeptide chain with a typical leader sequence of 18 amino acids.
The mature protein consists of 607 amino acids encoded by 13
exons, the first 8 of which (exons III to X) encode four tandem
repeat sequences termed apple domains, whereas the remaining 5
exons (exons XI to XV) encode the trypsinlike catalytic domain.
The introns are located at a similar position within each of the four
apple domains; the last four introns are located in the same
positions as those in the genes for human tissue plasminogen
activator and human urokinase (15). The cDNA for factor XI
contains a stop codon (TGA) and a potential polyadenylation
sequence located 21 nucleotides upstream from the poly(A) tail
within the 166 nucleotides that constitute the 3 noncoding
sequence of the mRNA. In addition, there are five potential
N-glycosylation sites found in each of the two identical chains of
factor XI. The cDNA sequence of factor XI is highly homologous
(58% identity) with human plasma prekallikrein (17), which, like
factor XI, contains four apple domains that have considerable
structural homology with the N-terminal domains of plasminogen,
hepatocyte growth factor, and numerous nematode proteins,
referred to as the PAN module, as well as with a microneme protein
from Eimeria tenella (18,19,20). Nonetheless, a recent examination
of the puffer fish genome found orthologs for 21 of 26 different
proteins involved in coagulation and fibrinolysis, with the exception
of genes for the contact system proteins (i.e., factor XI, factor
XII, and prekallikrein), suggesting that the gene duplication
leading to factor XI and prekallikrein must be a very recent event
in evolution (21). This suggestion is particularly intriguing in the
context of the observation that the presence of a tyrosine or
phenylalanine at position 225 (chymotrypsin numbering induced
system), which correlates with the presence of an AGY codon for
serine 195, confers the property of Na + induced allosteric
regulation of catalytic activity in serine proteases, such as
thrombin and factors VIIa, IXa, and Xa, which apparently evolved
from a thrombinlike ancestor. On the other hand, the presence of a
proline at position 225, which correlates with the presence of an
TCN codon for serine 195, precludes Na + induced allosteric

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regulation of catalytic activity in serine proteases, such as factors

XIa, XIIa, and plasma kallikrein, which apparently evolved from a
trypsinlike ancestor (22). The human factor XI gene promoter has
recently been cloned and characterized (23). A binding site for the
transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear-4 (HNF-4) appears to be
required for hepatocyte-specific expression of factor XI (23). A
full-length cDNA for murine factor XI also has been cloned from a
murine liver cDNA library. The 2.8-kb murine cDNA codes for a
protein of 624 amino acids with 78% homology to human factor XI
(24). The recent molecular cloning and biochemical
characterization of rabbit factor XI (25) discloses a protein with
87% identity with human factor XI (91% within the catalytic
domain) in which a His residue replaces the Cys321 that forms an
interchain disulfide linkage in human factor XI, thereby explaining
why rabbit factor XI migrates by sodium dodecyl
sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) as
monomer (26). In contrast, rabbit factor XI exists in plasma as a
noncovalent homodimer and is functionally identical to human
factor XI (25).
Although little is known about the details of processing and
posttranslational modifications that factor XI undergoes during its
biosynthesis, it is clearly found to undergo glycosylation at N72,
N108, N432, and N473, but not at N335, another potential
glycosylation site (17). In addition, it appears that not only does
dimer formation (mediated by the A4 domain of factor XI) occur
during intracellular processing but dimerization also is required for
normal biosynthesis (27,28,29). Therefore, type III mutation of
factor XI (see section, Molecular Genetics of Factor XI
Deficiency), in which F283 in the fourth apple domain is
substituted by L (27), is characterized by impaired dimerization
and secretion, as demonstrated (28). Subsequent studies, in which
the A4 domain of factor XI was substituted by that of tissue
plasminogen activator (tPA), demonstrated dimerization that was
specific to the A4 domain and that was required for normal
secretion of the protein. Therefore, the A4 domain of factor XI
contains residues that initially mediate noncovalent dimerization of
the two subunits, which are then stabilized by the formation of the
interchain disulfide bond involving C321. These events appear to

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be essential for dimer formation and secretion.

The normal site of synthesis of plasma factor XI is thought to be
the liver because factor XI levels decrease in liver disease and a
patient with previously normal hemostasis is found to develop
factor XI deficiency after receiving a liver transplant from a factor
XIdeficient donor (30). Furthermore, Northern
blot analyses of mRNA from various tissues show that murine
factor XI message is expressed exclusively in the liver, whereas
mRNA for human factor XI was identified in liver, pancreas, and
kidney (24).

FIGURE 12-1. Amino acid sequence and primary structure of

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human factor XI. The signal sequence (numbered 18 to 1)

is removed during biosynthesis by signal peptidase by the
cleavage of the GE bond between -1 and -2. Factor XI
circulates in plasma as a homodimer connected by a single
disulfide bond linking C321 in both of the fourth apple
domains. The 14 introns (A to N) are shown by solid arrows.
The exons are denoted by IIXV amino- to carboxy-terminus,
with exon II representing the propeptide and exon I (not
shown) representing the 5 untranslated region. The four
apple domains (consisting of 90 to 91 amino acids) are labeled
as A1, A2, A3, and A4. The site of cleavage catalyzed by
thrombin, factor XIa, or factor XIIa during the conversion of
factor XI to factor XIa is shown with a small, curved arrow. The
three members of the catalytic triad (H413, D462, and S557)
are circled in bold. The four N-linked carbohydrate chains (i.e.,
N72, N108, N432, and N473) are shown by solid squares.
(Figure redrawn and modified from McMullen BA, Fujikawa K,
Davie EW. Location of the disulfide bonds in human coagulation
factor XI: the presence of tandem apple domains. Biochemistry

Human factor XI is a disulfide-linked homodimer containing
approximately 5% carbohydrate (i.e., 0.6% hexose, 2.7%
N-acetylhexosamine, and 1.7% N-acetylneuraminic acid), with a
molecular weight (M r ) ratio of approximately 143,000. Factor XI is
present in human plasma at a concentration of 4 to 6 g per mL
(approximately 30 nM) in the form of a zymogen that requires
proteolytic activation to develop serine protease activity
(5,8,31,32,33). The zymogen form of the protein is unique among
coagulation factors because it is a disulfide-linked homodimer
consisting of two identical polypeptide chains. Each factor XI
polypeptide contains 607 amino acids; each can be proteolytically
activated by factor XIIa at an internal R369I370 bond to yield a
heavy chain (i.e., 369 amino acids) and a light chain (i.e., 238
amino acids) that contain a typical trypsinlike catalytic triad,

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consisting of H413, D464, and S557, with a typical trypsinlike

substrate-binding pocket (17,34). After cleavage at R369I360
bond, the catalytic domain contains an amino-terminal sequence of
characteristic of most serine proteases. The M r of the homodimer is
135,979 without carbohydrate, and 143,000 with four carbohydrate
chains at N72 and N108 within the heavy chain and at N432 and
N473 within the catalytic domain, whereas no carbohydrate is
present on N335, another potential N-glycosylation site (17).
The primary sequence and domain structure of factor XI, including
its disulfide linkages, are shown in Figure 12-1. The
amino-terminal 369 residues of each factor XI monomer after
propeptide cleavage comprises the heavy-chain region of factor
XIa, which consists of four tandem repeat sequences of 90 to 91
amino acids, each containing six or seven cysteine residues that
form three internal disulfide bonds. Each repeat sequence, or apple
domain, contains an amino acid sequence that is 23% to 34%
identical to the other apple domains of factor XI and that is 58%
identical to the corresponding apple domains of plasma
prekallikrein. In both plasma factor XI (17,34) and plasma
prekallikrein, a characteristic disulfide-bonding pattern links the
first and sixth, second and fifth, and third and fourth cysteines in
each of the four apple domains (34). An additional cysteine is
present at position 11 in the A1 domain of factor XI and forms a
disulfide bond with another cysteine residue, whereas C321 in the
A4 domain is disulfide-linked to the corresponding C321 to form
the homodimer (34).

Platelet factor XI coagulant activity and antigen are present in
well-washed platelet suspensions and constitute approximately
0.5% of the factor XI activity in normal plasma (35,36,37,38,39),
from which it can be concluded that there are approximately 300
molecules of platelet factor XI per platelet. Platelet factor XI
migrates on SDS-PAGE with an apparent M r of approximately
220,000, which decreases to approximately 55,000 after reduction,
compared to plasma factor XI that has an M r of approximately

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160,000 and a subunit M r of approximately 80,000 (35,36,37,40).

From these facts, it has been suggested that platelet factor XI
could represent a disulfide-linked tetramer of four identical M r
subunits, each being a truncated form of plasma factor XI lacking
exon V, or, alternatively, it could represent a M r protein disulfide
linked to a platelet membrane protein (36,41,42). A possible
candidate for this putative platelet factor XIbinding membrane
protein on the platelet surface is glycoprotein Ib (GP Ib) (M r
approximately 170,000). This possibility is supported by studies
demonstrating that platelets from patients with the hereditary
giant platelet (Bernard-Soulier) syndrome who lacked GP Ib
contained no detectable factor XI activity in washed platelet
suspensions (43). It is not known whether platelet factor XI is the
product of an alternatively spliced mRNA lacking exon V in
megakaryocytes (41) or that of a full-length factor XI mRNA in
megakaryocytes or liver (44), and whether the protein undergoes
posttranslational modifications. By using reverse-transcriptase
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), 12 of the 13 exons (excluding
exon V) coding mature plasma factor XI were amplified from
human platelet mRNA. A factor XI mRNA transcript of
approximately 1.9 kb was detected by Northern hybridization in
megakaryocytic cells, compared with approximately 2.1 kb in liver
cells. Factor XI cDNA was cloned from a megakaryocytic library,
and the sequence was found to be identical to that of plasma factor
XI, with the exception of the absence of exon V. The splicing of
exon IV to exon VI maintained the open reading frame without
altering the amino acid sequence, except for deletion of amino
acids A91R144 within the amino-terminal portion of the apple 2
(A2) domain. These observations have led to the suggestion that
platelet factor XI is either an alternative splicing product of the
factor XI gene or the product of a separate gene lacking exon 5
and is localized to platelets and megakaryocytes but absent from
other blood cells (41). In contrast, recent studies have confirmed
the presence of factor XI mRNA amplified by RT-PCR from platelets
and megakaryocytes that constituted only a full-length message
that is identical to mRNA from liver (44).


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Factor XI Activation
Plasma factor XI circulates as a zymogen in human plasma as a
complex with high-molecular-weight kininogen (HK) (7), which is
required for binding of factor XI to negatively charged surfaces
(45) (see Chapter 6). Factor XI can be activated by three
biologically relevant proteases: factor XIIa, factor XIa, and
thrombin (5,10,11). It can participate in the contact phase of blood
coagulation in a reaction that requires the presence of anionic
surfaces for optimal surface-mediated in vitro activation by factor
XIIa (6,7,45,46,47). However, because deficiencies of factor XII,
prekallikrein, and HK are not associated with hemostatic
abnormalities but deficiency of factor XI produces abnormal
bleeding complications in at least 50% of affected individuals
(2,3,48,49,50), it has been suggested that the more relevant in
vivo pathway for activation of plasma factor XI might be by the
feedback activation by thrombin or, possibly, by autoactivation by
factor XIa (10,11, 51). A recent study that requires confirmation
suggests that glycoprotein I binds factor XI and inhibits its
activation by thrombin and factor XIIa, whereas cleaved
glycoprotein I binds factor XI but fails to inhibit activation of factor
XI (52). All three proteases (i.e., thrombin, factor XIIa, and factor
XIa) cleave each monomer of factor XI at the R369I370 bond,
generating the new amino-terminal sequence of the catalytic
domain, I-V-G-G, which then activates the catalytic triad of the
serine protease. It has been postulated that on anionic surfaces,
such as in extracorporeal circulation, a ternary complex is formed
when factor XI, in stoichiometric complex with HK in plasma, is
adsorbed to the negatively charged surface, where factor XIIa
recognizes it as a substrate (6,7,45,46,47,53,54,55,56). The factor
XI homodimer is thereby cleaved to generate two disulfide-linked
heavy chains (M r 45,000 to 50,000) and two active-sitecontaining
light chains (M r 30,000 to 35,000) (5,8).

Functional Domains of Factor XI

Specific three-dimensional information on structure is not available
for either plasma factor XI or platelet factor XI. Although
reasonable predictions can be made about the structure of the
catalytic domain of factor XIa by homology modeling on the basis

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of the known structures of serine proteases such as trypsin, no

such information is available about the apple domains of factor XI
or about the only other known protein with high homology (58%)
to factor XI (i.e., prekallikrein) (17). However, molecular models of
all four apple domains have been published (57,58,59,60,61) on
the basis of energy minimization calculations and the known
disulfide linkages within the apple domains (34). From these
molecular models and on the basis of the use of monoclonal
antibodies, conformationally constrained synthetic peptides, and
recombinant proteins (62) with site-directed mutations, the
binding sites within factor XI or factor XIa for a number of
physiologically relevant plasma or cellular ligands have been
identified and characterized. This information is summarized in
Table 12-1.
HK (57,59,64,66,67), and the kringle 2 domain of prothrombin
(51,64,68) have all been shown to bind to contiguous subdomains
within the carboxy-terminal half of the A1 domain (E1S90).
Molecular modeling of the three-dimensional structure of the A1
domain demonstrates the possibility that three surface-exposed
loop structures are present, each consisting of antiparallel
strands connected by -turns Although these structures may not
conform precisely to the actual structure of factor XI once it is
determined from nuclear magnetic resonance or x-ray
crystallography, the models have been used to predict the amino
acid side chains that might mediate various ligand interactions and
to design experiments using conformationally constrained synthetic
peptides and recombinant A1 domain constructs. Thereby, it has
been determined that HK binds to a subdomain within the A1
domain comprising residues F56S86, whereas thrombin binds to a
partially overlapping and contiguous site comprising subdomain
A45R70. Different amino acid side chains appear to be essential
for these interactions because E51 and E66 are important for
thrombin interactions with factor XI but not for HK binding,
whereas V64 and I77 are important for HK binding but not for

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thrombin binding (66). The kringle 2 domain of prothrombin can

bind to a subdomain comprising residues A45S86, but fine
mapping of this site has not yet been accomplished (51,68).
Occupancy of these sites by their respective ligands is likely to be
important in promoting the binding of factor XI to platelets either
in the presence of HK and Z n ions or prothrombin and Ca 2+ ions,
leading to the preferential activation of factor XI by thrombin (and
also by factor XIIa) on the GP Ib subunit of the GP Ib/IX/V
complex on the platelet surface (51,64,65).




FXI/HK Domain

Complex with HK in

A1 (E1S90)

presence of
Zn 2+ promotes FXI


binding to platelets





FXI activation by
FXIa or thrombin

kringle 2

Complex with
prothrombin in


presence of Ca 2+

A1 (E1S90)


A1 (E1S90)


promotes FXI
binding to platelets
and FXI activation
by thrombin


Activation of FXI by
thrombin on GP Ib
expressed on

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FXI/Platelet GP

Membrane binding



for FXI activation



? Binding to




Dimerization of FXI







Activation of FXI by














Membrane binding
of FXIa for FIX





? Binding of FXIa







Inhibition of FXIa;



Binding of Kunitz


protease inhibitor







domain of PN2 to

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catalytic domain of

FXI, factor XI; FXIa, factor XIa; ?, specific information not available.

The A3 domain of factor XI also has been identified as the locus of

binding sites for both platelets (61,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76) and
heparin (77,78). Therefore, activated platelets expose specific
reversible, high-affinity binding sites for factor XI that requires the
presence of HK and ZnCl 2 (92), or prothrombin and CaCl 2 (51).
Binding of factor XI to activated platelets through the A3 domain
(61) is required for optimal rates of factor XI activation by factor
XIIa (93) or by thrombin (51). The sequence of residues within the
A3 domain of factor XI
(i.e., N235R266) that comprises a contact surface for interaction
with a platelet receptor consisting of the GP Ib subunit of the GP
Ib/IX/V complex (73,74) contains amino acids that mediate this
binding, including N248, R250, K255, F260, and Q263 (70,72). The
A3 domain of factor XI also contains all the binding energy
required for interaction of factor XI with heparin in a
heparin-binding consensus sequence (i.e., T249F260) that
contains amino acids K252 and K253, and possibly K255, which at
least in part mediate the binding of factor XI to heparin (77,78).
A major role of the A4 domain of factor XI is to mediate dimer
formation between the two identical polypeptide chains comprising
factor XI through disulfide bond formation at C321
(17,28,29,34,79,80). The functional significance of the event has
been postulated to facilitate efficient activation of factor IX by
dimeric factor XIa on the platelet surface (81), where factor XIa is
protected from inactivation by protease nexin-2 (PN2)(87,90,94).
It has been clearly demonstrated that the A4 domain mediates
noncovalent interactions between the two identical subunits and
that the dimer is stabilized by covalent linkage between two
cysteine residues in each monomer at position 321

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(17,28,29,34,79,80,82,83). Furthermore, a natural mutation in

factor XI resulting in diminished intracellular dimerization and
secretion of the protein involves mutation of F283L, which implies
that F283 is important for noncovalent dimer formation (28). In
addition, a sequence of residues (i.e., A317G350) within the A4
domain of factor XI appears to contain three peptide structures,
possibly consisting of three antiparallel strands that together
comprise a contact surface for interaction with factor XIIa. This
site may participate in the activation of factor XI by factor XIIa

Early observations suggesting that platelets participate in the
contact phase of blood coagulation (95,96,97,98,99) were
subsequently confirmed by the evidence that isolated human
platelets activated with either adenosine diphosphate or collagen
could promote the proteolytic activation of factor XII by kallikrein
and, subsequently, the activation of factor XI by factor XIIa in the
presence of HK (38,93,100,101). The mechanism underlying the
role of activated platelets in the activation of factor XI involves the
generation of high-affinity (dissociation constant, K d approximately
10 nM), specific, saturable binding sites (approximately 1,500 sites
per platelet) on the surface of activated platelets that require the
presence of HK and Z n 2+ ions (92). The observation that HK also
binds to platelets under similar conditions originally suggested that
the two proteins bind to the platelet surface as a complex
(102,103). However, it has subsequently been shown that HK
interacts with factor XI through a surface-exposed site
encompassing residues F56S86 within the A1 domain (57,59,104),
resulting in the exposure of a platelet binding site encompassing
residues N235R266 within the A3 domain of factor XI (61).
Perhaps most importantly, it has been demonstrated that
prothrombin can substitute for HK as a cofactor for the binding of
factor XI to the surface of activated platelets and for
platelet-mediated factor XI activation by thrombin (51). In this
way, prothrombin appears to bind to a site in the A1 domain of
factor XI contiguous to the site used by HK for binding to the A1
domain (51). Occupancy of this site results in the exposure of a

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surface in the A3 domain of factor XI that binds with high affinity

and specificity to the surface of activated platelets, resulting in an
approximately 5,000- to 10,000-fold acceleration of rates of factor
XI activation by thrombin (51), as shown in schematic form in
Figure 12-2. The platelet receptor that binds factor XI and
colocalizes it with thrombin for efficient activation has recently
been shown to consist of the GP Ib subunit of the GP Ib/IX/V
complex that is localized within platelet membrane microdomains
referred to as lipid rafts (73,74). This interaction of factor XI with
surface membranes of activated platelets has been shown to be
mediated by binding of residues (i.e., R250, K252, K253, K255,
F260, and Q263) within the A3 domain of factor XI (75) to the
leucine-rich repeat motifs of GP Ib (76). Finally, it has recently
been demonstrated that activation of factor XI by thrombin on
activated platelets requires the interaction of factor XI and platelet
GP Ib with thrombin anion-binding exosites I and II, respectively

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FIGURE 12-2. Schematic diagram of the role of prothrombin

and high-molecular-weight kininogen in factor XI binding to
activated platelets and thrombin-mediated factor XI activation.
The crescentic figure represents the activated platelet surface.
A1, apple 1 domain; A3, apple 3 domain; II, prothrombin; XI,
factor XI; XIa, factor XIa; HK, high-molecular-weight
kininogen; K2, kringle 2 domain of prothrombin.

Endothelial cells can expose specific, saturable, high-affinity

binding sites for both factor XI and HK, which raises the possibility

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that endothelium as well as platelets can participate in the

activation of factor XI by factor XIIa
(107,108,109,110,111,112,113). However, it has recently been
shown that what was interpreted as a specific interaction of factor
XI with the endothelial cell surface is an artifact of binding to
microtiter plates. Activated platelets, but not endothelial cells,
participate in the initiation of the consolidation phase of blood
coagulation. Moreover, the interaction of factor XIa with activated
platelets, but not with endothelial cells, promotes the activation of
factor IX (87,114). Therefore, the endothelial cell surface is
generally regarded as anticoagulant and nonthrombogenic (see
Chapter 45), and it has been suggested that the binding of HK to
endothelial cells may be
more important for the regulation of bradykinin production
(115,116,117) and for the activation of prourokinase (118) and
plasminogen (115,118) than for the procoagulant functions
promoted by factor XI (87,114,116,117).

Factor XIa Enzymatic Activity

After activation on artificial surfaces, factor XIa remains surface
bound and recognizes factor IX as its normal macromolecular
substrate (12,13,14,119). In the presence of calcium ions, factor
XIa cleaves factor IX, a single-chain 57,000-M r glycoprotein with
17% carbohydrate, at an internal R145A146 bond, forming an
intermediate that is subsequently hydrolyzed at an R180V181
bond to generate active factor IXa and to form a M r activation
peptide, 50% of which is composed of carbohydrate
(12,13,14,119,120,121,122,123,124). The light chain of factor XIa
or catalytic domain (i.e., C362V607) contains a typical trypsinlike
catalytic triad comprising residues H413, D462, and S557, which
are activated when factor XI is cleaved at R369I370 bond to
expose a new amino-terminal tetrapeptide, I-V-G-G, typical of
trypsinlike serine proteases. The serine protease active site of
factor XIa can cleave and activate two major macromolecular
substrates, including factor IX (12,13,14) and factor XI (10,11). In
addition, factor XIa (and plasma kallikrein) has recently been
shown to activate prohepatocyte growth factor, raising the

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possibility that they may regulate processes that involve the

HGF/c-Met pathway, such as tissue repair and angiogenesis (125).
The interaction of factor XIa with its preferred macromolecular
substrate, factor IX, involves Ca 2+ binding of factor IX to a
substrate-binding site within the heavy chain of factor XIa
(14,84,126). The dependent location and characterization of this
substrate-binding site have been studied in two laboratories with
conflicting results (58,85,86). One of these studies used molecular
modeling and conformationally constrained synthetic peptides to
identify a sequence of residues (i.e., A134L172) within the A2
domain of factor XIa that contains three antiparallel strand
connected by trun that have the characteristics of a
substrate-binding site for factor IX because they act as competitive
inhibitors of factor IX activation by factor XIa (58). In contrast,
recombinant factor XI proteins, in which each of the four apple
domains is individually replaced with the corresponding domain
from the homologous but functionally distinct protein prekallikrein,
revealed that when the A3 domain of prekallikrein was inserted
into factor XIa, the Michaelis constantK m for activation of factor IX
was 35-fold higher than the K m for activation by wild-type factor
XIa or by the other factor XI/PK chimeras (85,86). Mapping of the
A3 domain of factor XIa by alanine-scanning mutagenesis has
identified residues in the N-terminus (i.e., I183V191, and
possibly S195I197) and the C-terminus (i.e., F260S265) of the
A3 domain that are required for factor IX activation (86). Recent
evidence indicates that the interaction of factor XIa with factor IX
is dependent on the carboxyglutamic acid domain of factor IX
(127). Therefore, the putative substrate-binding site for factor IX
resides either within the A2 domain or within the A3 domain of
factor XIa. A possible resolution of these two apparently conflicting
studies is that intimate interdomainal interactions between A2 and
A3 may be required for maintaining an intact substrate-binding site
that interacts with the Gla domain of factor IX.

Cellular Interactions and Regulation of

Factor XIa
The regulation of factor XIa depends on its localization (i.e.,
whether it appears on the platelet surface, in the proximity of

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endothelium, or in the plasmatic compartment of the blood). Within

the plasma, four separate serine protease inhibitors (serpins) have
been demonstrated to inactivate factor XIa: antithrombin III,
1 -protease inhibitor, C1 inhibitor, and 2 antiplasmin
(8,31,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137). It has recently
been shown that another serpin, protease nexin 1, which is not
present at physiologically significant concentrations in plasma but
which is secreted in low concentrations from platelet -granuales,
inhibits factor XIa in the presence of heparin with potency greater
than that of C1 inhibitor (138). Factor XIa also has been reported
to be inhibited by plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (139) and
protein C inhibitor (140). The inhibition of factor XIa within the
plasma compartment has been postulated to occur predominantly
through the action of protease inhibitor (130), although studies
on the modulation of contact system proteases by
glycosaminoglycans indicate a selective enhancement of the
inhibition of factor XIa by C1 inhibitor (141) and by protease nexin
1 (138).
Because factor XIa can be formed on the platelet surface
(38,92,93,101) and it can bind to high-affinity (K d approximately
800 pM), specific, saturable receptors (130 to 500 sites per
platelet) on activated platelets in the presence of HK, the binding
being mediated by the catalytic domain of the enzyme and distinct
from those for factor XI (87,88,89), it has been suggested that
factor IX activation by factor XIa might also occur on the platelet
surface (142). Although the binding of factor XIa to platelets does
not appear to enhance rates of factor IX activation (81,87,142),
both factor XIa (87,88) and factor IX (143) can bind to
high-affinity, saturable receptors on activated platelets. Within the
environment of activated platelets, factor XIa is regulated by
different mechanisms from those operative in plasma because
platelet-bound factor XIa is protected from inactivation by
1 -protease inhibitor (132). In addition, platelets are known to
secrete inhibitors of factor XIa (144,145,146,147,148) including
PN2, a truncated form of the transmembrane Alzheimer -amyloid
protein precursor that contains a Kunitz-type serine protease
inhibitor domain. PN2 is a potent inhibitor of factor XIa (inhibition
constant, K i 2.9 to 4.5 10 -10 M) that has considerably enhanced

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inhibitory activity in the presence of heparin (K i 2.5 to 4.5

10- 11

(90,91,94,146,147,148,149,150), which provides a template for

the assembly of factor XIa/PN2 complexes (90). Although the
release of PN2 from activated platelets inhibits plasma factor XIa
activity in the environment of the hemostatic thrombus,
platelet-bound dimeric (but not monomeric) factor XIa is protected
from inactivation by PN2 (81,87,94). In contrast, endothelial cells
have no such protective effect, suggesting that whereas factor XIa
is protected from inactivation by PN2 when bound to the platelet
surface, inactivation of factor XIa by PN2 might be enhanced on
the surface of endothelial cells that contain heparan sulfate
glycosaminoglycans. Therefore, it has been suggested that the
colocalization of dimeric factor XIa and factor IX to the activated
platelet surface may serve to localize the factor IX activation and
subsequent coagulation reactions to the activated platelet surface
that contains specific, high-affinity, saturable binding sites for the
enzyme factor IXa. In the presence of factor VIII, the occupancy of
these sites can increase the catalytic efficiency (k cat /K m ) of factor
X activation by more than 20 millionfold (143,151,152,153).


Hereditary deficiency of factor XI is an autosomal disorder
characterized by trauma- and surgery-related hemorrhage, and
only rarely by the spontaneous soft tissue and joint bleeding that
is typical of factor VIII or factor IX deficiency (154,155,156,157).
Clinical manifestations and treatment of factor XI deficiency are
discussed elsewhere (see Chapters 58 and 59). Bleeding is highly
variable, although it tends to be more prevalent in patients with
severe reductions in plasma factor XI (<0.2 U per mL)
(49,154,158). Patients with milder factor XI deficiency (0.2 to 0.5
U per mL) can experience bleeding complications and those with
very severe deficiency (<0.05 U per mL) may not bleed excessively
(2,3,49,154,158,159). This situation has contributed to difficulties
in establishing patterns of inheritance. First described by
Rosenthal in 1953 (1), factor XI deficiency was initially considered
a dominant disorder with variable penetrance (48,160,161). This

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contrasts with other inherited coagulation protease deficiencies

that are usually symptomatic in the homozygous or compound
heterozygous state. Hypothetically, the dimeric structure of factor
XI could explain some cases of apparent dominant transmission (5)
because heterozygosity for a factor XI gene mutation could result
in formation of defective heterodimers with normal factor XI (see
following text). In contrast, Rapaport et al. suggested that factor
XI deficiency exists in major (i.e., factor XI level <1% to 20%) and
minor (i.e., level 30% to 65%) forms, which is most consistent
with a recessive or intermediate mode of inheritance (2). A
recessive inheritance pattern is generally accepted for the more
common forms of the disorder caused by the type II and type III
mutations (see subsequent text) (3,156,162).
Although factor XI deficiency is rare in general, it is common in the
Ashkenazi Jewish population, in whom the abnormal allele
frequency is estimated to be 5% to 11% (154,163,164). More than
90% of abnormal factor XI alleles in the Jewish population are
caused by two-point mutations of roughly equal prevalence, E117
Stop and F283L (154,164). E117 Stop (type II mutation) truncates
the factor XI polypeptide within the A2 domain and is essentially a
null allele (27). Homozygotes for E117 Stop, therefore, lack plasma
factor XI antigen or activity. F283L (type III mutation) is located
in the A4 domain (27,154), an area that is critical for dimer
formation (29). F283L causes a partial defect in dimerization
(28,165). Because dimerization is a prerequisite for factor XI
secretion, the F283L mutation causes retention of monomeric
factor XI within cells (28,165). Homozygotes for F283L have
plasma factor XI levels that are approximately 10% of normal
(154) and the factor XIF283L in plasma is dimeric and functions
normally (28). Heterozygotes for E117 Stop and F283L have
plasma factor XI levels of 52 18% and 67 24% of normal,
respectively, (154), and exhibit relatively few bleeding symptoms,
consistent with a recessive mode of inheritance.
More than 80 mutations in the factor XI gene associated with
factor XI deficiency have been reported since the original
description of the type II and type III mutations
A partial list of those associated with single amino acid

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substitutions is shown in Table 12-2. Most cases are characterized

by commensurate decreases in plasma factor XI activity and
antigen (49,50,158, 166,167,168), consistent with the fact that
nearly all mutations that give rise to factor XI deficiency reduce
protein secretion [cross-reactive material negative (CRM)
deficiency] (27,154,169,170,171,172,173,174,175). Gene
mutations that result in CRMfactor XI deficiency appear to fall
into three mechanistic categories (a) mutations that interfere with
or prevent the synthesis of the factor XI polypeptide, which include
premature stop codons, such as E117 Stop
(27,171,176,177,178,179,180,181,182), frame shifts
(175,179,183), deletions (184), intronic splicing defects
(170,172,175,183,185), and, probably, amino acid substitutions
that cause protein instability or severe structural perturbations
(perhaps most of the mutations in Table 12-2); (b) mutations that
interfere with protein dimer formation (i.e., F283L and G350E)
(28,165), resulting in retention of factor XI monomer in the cell;
and, (c) mutations that result in a poorly secreted polypeptide that
can form homodimers or heterodimers with normal factor XI
polypeptide, effectively trapping a portion of the normal factor XI
polypeptide in the cell (G400V and W569S) (165). This third
mechanism may account for families in which factor XI deficiency
is inherited as an autosomal dominant condition (160,165,186).
Experiments in fibroblasts demonstrate that cotransfection of
factor XIG400V or W569S with wild-type factor XI reduces
wild-type protein secretion (dominant negative effect) (165). The
negative effect on factor XI release is not seen during the
cotransfection of wild-type factor XI with the type II or type III
mutations, which is consistent with the apparent recessive mode of
inheritance for these mutations (165).







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Apple 1

Reduced secretion



Apple 1

Reduced secretion



Apple 2




Apple 2

Premature termination



Apple 2




Apple 3

Reduced secretion



Apple 3

Reduced secretion



Apple 3

CRM platelet binding




Apple 4




Apple 4

Reduced secretion



Apple 4

Reduced secretion



Apple 4

Reduced secretion



Apple 4

Reduced secretion




Apple 4


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Apple 4





Apple 4






Reduced secretion





Reduced secretion





Reduced secretion
dominant negative





Reduced secretion





Reduced secretion










Reduced secretion





Reduced secretion





Reduced secretion





CRM + mild defect in

factor IX activation





CRM + defect in factor

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IX activation





Reduced secretion
dominant negative










Reduced secretion

CRM+, cross-reactive material positive.

Base pair refers to position in the human factor XI cDNA (17).

A few factor XI mutations are associated with dysfunctional protein

in plasma (CRM+ deficiency) or with protein secreted by
transfected cells in culture. Factor XIQ226R and factor XIS248N
were identified in a compound heterozygous individual with
recurrent epistaxis that caused iron deficiency anemia (174).
Factor XIQ226R does not appear to have a considerable functional
abnormality (174) and is probably a polymorphism (190). Factor
XIS248N has activity similar to that of the wild-type factor XI in
plasma clotting assays (174) but is defective in platelet binding
and is activated poorly by thrombin on the surface of activated
platelets in vitro (72). Because thrombin-mediated activation of
factor XI on platelets is a likely physiologic mechanism for factor
XI activation in vivo (51,81,191), the defective interaction with
platelets may explain the bleeding symptoms in the patient and his
family members. Zivelin et al. (189) identified a patient who was
homozygous for a G555E substitution in the catalytic domain, with
normal factor XI antigen level and very low factor XI activity
(<0.01 U per mL). This mutation interferes with interactions of
factor XIa with factor IX and that of factor XIa with the serpin
inhibitor antithrombin III (189). Heterozygosity for a P520L
substitution was identified in a child with mild bleeding symptoms
(188). Although it is not known if the patient is CRM+ factor
XIP520L is expressed by transfected fibroblast in culture and has

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a mild defect in factor IX activation. Finally, E350A and T575M are

associated with discrepant antigen and activity levels (182);
however, the functional consequences of these mutations have not
been reported.


A great deal of information has been acquired on the physiologic
role of factor XI through the study of patients with factor XI
deficiency and through the definition of the associated genetic
defects. However, in many patients, the reported lack of
correlation between the plasma level of factor XI and the severity
of clinical bleeding manifestations (2,3,42,49,154, 158,159)
emphasizes the incomplete nature of the understanding of how
factor XI participates in hemostasis. The molecular characterization
of platelet factor XI [either as an alternative splicing product of
the factor XI gene lacking exon V and expressed exclusively in
megakaryocytes (41) or as the product of a full-length message
that is identical to mRNA from liver (44)] and the demonstration
that a small number of selected patients with severe plasma factor
XI deficiency and minimal or absent hemostatic defects have
platelet factor XI by flow cytometry (42) support the suggestion
that platelet factor XI can participate in hemostasis and may even
substitute for plasma factor XI (35,36,42,43,49). However, future
studies are required to determine the biochemical relation between
plasma factor XI and platelet factor XI, including the mechanisms
and enzymes that activate these two proteins and the substrate
specificity of each of the activated proteases.
An important tool to facilitate investigations of the physiologic
roles of plasma factor XI (and possibly of platelet factor XI) is the
development of a murine model of severe plasma factor XI
deficiency using the technique of homologous recombination in
embryonic stem cells (192). In this model, the murine factor XI
gene (24) was disrupted by the introduction of a neomycin
phosphotransferase gene into exon V, resulting in the absence of
factor XI activity in plasma and of factor XI mRNA from liver. No
evidence of hemostatic deficiency was detected in homozygous null
mice, and the genotypes of progeny from mating of mice

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heterozygous for the factor XI null allele showed the expected

Mendelian ratio of wild-type, heterozygous, and homozygous null
animals, suggesting that increased intrauterine mortality did not
result from severe factor XI deficiency. It is not known whether
normal murine platelets contain platelet factor XI, but if they do, it
is possible that disruption of exon V with a neomycin
phosphotransferase gene would not prevent the expression of
platelet factor XI that lacks exon V. Future studies with murine
factor XI knockout models may provide important insights into the
relative contributions of plasma factor XI and platelet factor XI to
physiologic and pathologic processes.
The details of the clinical manifestations and management of factor
XI deficiency are presented in Chapters 58 and 59. However,
insights into normal physiologic function can be gleaned from
certain clinical facts. For example, responses to the infusion of
plasma in patients with factor XI deficiency provide evidence that
the recovery of factor XI is greater than 90% after infusion and
that the half-life of the plasma protein is S2 22 (mean SD)
hours (193,194). Another clinical fact worthy of note is that
patients with severe plasma factor XI deficiency are especially at
risk for bleeding from tissues with high local fibrinolytic activity,
including the urinary tract, the nose, the oral cavity, and the
tonsils (154,195). Moreover, factor XI can be activated by
thrombin (10,11,51) and appears to play a role in the protection of
fibrin clots against fibrinolysis (196). These facts suggest that
factor XI, in addition to its procoagulant activity, has an
antifibrinolytic activity. This factor XIdependent downregulation
of the activation of fibrinolysis (196) has been postulated to occur
as a consequence of a factor XIdependent burst in thrombin
generation, resulting in the activation of thrombin-activatable
fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) or procarboxypeptidase B
(197,198,199,200), which inhibits the activation of plasminogen by
removing carboxy-terminal lysines from fibrin that are essential for
plasminogen binding and activation (199,200,201).
In addition to its demonstrable role in hemostasis, recent evidence
has focused attention on the possible contributions of high levels
of factor XI as a risk factor for venous thrombosis (202) and
cardiovascular disease in women (203), although inherited factor

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XI deficiency apparently confers no protection against acute

myocardial infarction (204). One recent study followed 600
patients with a first episode of venous thromboembolism and found
an increased risk of recurrence, especially among those with
increased levels of TAFI and factor
XI (205), whereas another study showed that increased levels of
TAFI, but not factor XI, increased the risk of venous
thromboembolism in patients with factor Leiden carrier status
(206). These studies are consistent with the results of an
investigation in rabbits demonstrating increase in rabbit jugular
vein thrombolysis by antibody neutralization of factor XI because
of diminished indirect activation of TAFI (207). Two recent studies
in mice with targeted factor XI gene deletion, either alone (208) or
in combination with targeted deficiency of protein C (209), showed
protection from FeCl 3 carotid thrombosis (208) or from early
lethality caused by thrombosis in protein-Cdeficient animals
(209). Another study reported the dependence of surface- and
tissue-factorinitiated thrombus propagation on factor XI in
primates (210). Therefore, factor XI levels may comprise a
significant risk factor for thrombosis, and the factor XI molecule
may constitute a reasonable target for the development of
antithrombotic drugs.
The physiologic pathways by which plasma factor XI and platelet
factor XI are activated and the mechanisms by which they
participate in normal blood coagulation and hemostasis are
important aspects of a revised theory of blood coagulation that
focuses on the assembly of coagulation protein complexes on the
platelet surface. The original theories of blood coagulation
(211,212) envisioned a series of enzymatic reactions initiated by
activation of intrinsic blood coagulation by the assembly of the
contact proteins on a foreign surface. However, the absence of
bleeding complications in patients with deficiencies of factor XII,
prekallikrein, and HK, and the presence of hemostatic defects in
patients with factor XI deficiency, has led to a search for
alternative pathways of factor XI activation. Although the
demonstration (213,214) that the tissue factorfactor VIIa complex
can directly activate not only factor X but also factor IX has been

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used to suggest an explanation for the absence of bleeding

manifestations in patients with contact phase deficiencies (215);
this observation does not account for the presence of abnormal
bleeding in some patients with factor XI deficiency. Nonetheless,
evidence exists that the initiation of blood coagulation in vivo is a
consequence of the formation of the catalytic complex that occurs
when factor VII or factor VIIa is assembled on the transmembrane
protein tissue factor found in many cell types (216). Furthermore,
the discovery of the tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and the
elucidation of its mechanism of action provides some of the
information necessary to understand why both factor XI and factor
VII appear to be necessary for normal hemostasis
(217,218,219,220,221,222,223). The complex of tissue factor and
factor VIIa is almost immediately inhibited when a complex is
formed between factor Xa and TFPI (224,225). Therefore, the
generation of factor Xa results in the immediate inactivation of the
enzyme complex that initially forms it (i.e., tissue factorfactor
VIIa). Furthermore, it has been observed that the formation of
thrombin through the extrinsic pathway is transient and that the
continuous generation of thrombin by the intrinsic pathway is
required to assure normal hemostasis (225). All of these
observations suggest that factor XI is required for normal
functioning of the intrinsic pathway and that an alternative
mechanism for the activation of factor XI exists independent of the
contact proteins.
A schematic model of the mechanism of factor XI activation and
the expression of factor XIa enzymatic activity on the platelet
surface is presented in Figure 12-2. Both Naito and Fujikawa (10)
and Gailani and Broze (11) have independently demonstrated that
human factor XI can be activated either by thrombin or by factor
XIa (i.e., autoactivation of factor XI). Although the kinetics of
factor XI activation by thrombin in solution are quite unfavorable,
the presence of dextran sulfate as a negatively charged surface
enhances the rate of activation of factor XI by thrombin by
approximately 2,000-fold (10, 11,226). However, the presence of
either HK (10,11,227) or fibrinogen (227) have major inhibitory
effects on the autoactivation and the thrombin-mediated activation
of factor XI in the presence of dextran sulfate. On the other hand,

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activated platelets have been shown to promote factor XI

activation by thrombin at initial rates that are two- to fivefold
greater than that promoted by dextran sulfate and 5,000- to
10,000-fold greater than that in solution in the presence of either
HK and Z nC l2 or in the presence of prothrombin (or prothrombin
fragment 1) and CaCl 2 (51). On the activated platelet surface,
thrombin has been shown to be the preferred activator, compared
with factor XIIa or factor XIa (64), and the platelet receptor that
binds factor XI and thrombin for efficient activation is the GP
Ib/IX/V complex (73), within membrane microdomains referred to
as lipid rafts (74). The factor XIa thereby generated then binds to
a separate, unknown, high-affinity, low-capacity receptor through
the catalytic domain (in contrast to factor XI, which binds to GI
PI via the apple 3 domain) to promote factor IX activation by
dimeric factor XIa, which is protected from inactivation by the
platelet-secreted Kunitz inhibitor, PN2, a potent inhibitor of
unbound factor XIa (81,94,87,88,89).

This study was supported by research grants from the National
Institutes of Health: HL46213, HL70683, PO1 HL74124, and PO1
HL64943 to PNW and HL58837 to DG. DG is an established
investigator of the American Heart Association. We are grateful to
Patricia Pileggi for assistance in chapter preparation.

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