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What is Static Electricity?

At it's simplest, static electricity is an electrical charge that cannot


3.1.17 Static Electricity. An electric charge that is


It is created when two objects or materials that have been in contact

with each other are separated. When in contact, the surface electrical
charges of the objects try to balance each other. This happens by the free
flow of electrons (negatively charged particles) from one object to the
other. When the objects separate, they are left with either an excess or a
shortage of electrons. This causes both objects to become electrically

only for the effects of its electrical field component

and that

This charge separation is most

noticeable in liquids that are
in contact with solid surfaces
and in solids in contact with
other solids.

manifests no significant magnetic field component.

Gangguan dan bahaya listrik statis terutama disebabkan oleh
munculnyapotensial yang besar (0.1 - 100 kV) dengan arus
yang kecil (0.01 - 100mikroampere) yang dihantarkan melalui
media dengan hambatan besar (10^8hingga 10^15 ohm).
Fenomena dengan arus listrik kecil dan voltase besarinilah
yang membedakan listrik statis dengan aliran listrik lain pada

Static electricity is commonly produced when:

liquid flows though a pipe or hose, or though an opening in a pipe or hose
spraying or coating
blending or mixing
filling tanks, drums, cans or pails
dry powdered material passes through chutes or pneumatic conveyors
non-conductive conveyor belts or drive belts are moving appliances are plugged
electrical outlets

The flow of clean gas over a

solid surface produces
negligible charging.

If these charges don't have a path to the ground, they are unable
to move and become "static". If static electricity is not rapidly
eliminated, the charge will build up. It will eventually develop
enough energy to jump as a spark to some nearby grounded or
less highly charged object in an attempt to balance the charge. A
good example of this in everyday life is lightning. Lightning is
produced by a discharge of electricity from one cloud across an
air gap to another cloud or between a cloud and the earth.

People can also accumulate static charges

by clothing or footwear. This is most likely to
happen in dry atmospheres, such as heated
in winter, or when walking across carpets and then
touching a metal frame or door.

What Are the Hazards

of Static Electricity?
The main hazard of static
electricity is the creation
of sparks in an explosive
or flammable atmosphere.
These sparks can set off
an explosion or fire.
Thedanger is greatest
when flammable liquids
are being poured or

For static electricity to be a hazard,

four conditions must be met:
1. There must be a means for a
static charge to develop.
2. Enough energy must build up to
cause ignition.
3. There must be a discharge of this
energy (a spark).
4. The spark must occur in an
ignitable vapour or dust mixture.

Sekalipun pengumpulan muatan dan loncatan listrik

statis terjadi padabeberapa system, semisal pengisian
tepung ke dalam suatu silo,penyalaan/percikan api
tidak akan terjadi hingga beberapa tahun
sedemikianhingga ke-empat kondisi di atas terpenuhi.

Evaluating the Hazard of Static Electricity

5.1.1 The following are two basic steps
in evaluating static belectricity hazards:
(1) Identifying locations where charge
separates and accumulates

Hidrogen adalah zat kimia yang sangat sensitive terhadap

penyalaan ini,muatan dalam baju seseorang atau radio
Frequency dapat dengan segeramenyebabkan percikan api
pada uap hydrogen oleh karena energi penyalaanhydrogen
sebesar 0.016 mJ, bandingkan dengan metana yang 0.21
mJ (dapatnyala dengan hot spot, , atau ammonia yang 680
mj. Semakin kecil energipenyalaan tentu saja kemungkinan
loncatan listrik statis berubah menjadipercikan api menjadi
lebih besar.

(2) Assessing the ignition hazards at

these locations
The basic process is outlined in Figure

6.1.2 Ignition hazards from static electricity can be controlled by the

following methods:
(1) Removing the ignitible mixture from the area where static
electricity could cause an ignition-capable discharge
(2) Reducing charge generation, charge accumulation, or both by
means of process or product modifications
(3) Neutralizing the charges
Grounding isolated conductors and air ionization are primary
methods of neutralizing charges.

5.3 Measuring the Charge on a Conductor.

5.3.1 The voltage on a conductor is proportional to the charge it
supports and is expressed by the following equation:

5.4 Measuring the Charge on a Nonconductor.

5.4.1 The charge on a nonconductor cannot be measured
using a direct contact electrostatic voltmeter. A noncontact
electrostatic voltmeter, or field meter, must be used. A
noncontact electrostatic voltmeter senses the strength of
the static electric field from the net charge on or in the


V = potential difference (volts)

Q = charge supported by the conductor (coulombs)

C = capacitance of the conductor (farads)

5.3.2 The voltage on a conductor can be measured by direct contact using

a voltmeter, provided the impedance of the voltmeter is high enough so
that it does not discharge the conductor and the capacitance is small
enough so that it does notcollect a significant charge from the conductor.
An electrostatic voltmeter with input impedance greater than 1012 ohms
can be used for measuring voltages on most ungrounded conductors.
Since conductors have the same voltage at every point on their surface, it
is not important where the test probe of the voltmeter touches the surface
of the conductor.

The field strength is proportional to the static electric force

per unit charge and it describes the electric forces present
near a charged object. For practical purposes, an electric
field is the force that one experiences or measures around a
charged object

During an audit, precautions should be taken that are
consistent with the equipment and the materials in the
area where measurements are to be taken. The primary
ignition hazard comes from introducing a grounded

electrode, such as the housing of a field meter (see Section

5.4), into the vicinity of a charged surface, thus providing

a route for a static electric discharge. The surface
being measured should always be approached slowly
while observing the meters response. Extreme care

How Can Static Electricity Be Controlled?

Most static electricity control measures provide ways for the
static charges to dissipate harmlessly before sparks occur.
Some ways to prevent static charges from accumulating on
materials are:

bonding and grounding


should be taken so that neither instruments nor testing

static collectors

techniques cause ignition of flammable atmospheres.


Appropriate safe work practices should be employed

when taking measurements in and around physical hazards
such as moving belts, webs, and pulleys.

Bonding and grounding

Bonding and grounding are common controls for static electricity.
Bonding is connecting two or more conductive objects with a
conductor, such as a copper wire, that equalizes the potential charge
between them. Bonding is also connecting various parts of equipment
and containers that are electrically separated by, for example,
gaskets or caulking compounds. Note that bonding does not eliminate
the static charge.

bonding adalah penyambungan dua ataubeberapa wahana

sedemikian hingga memiliki potensial listrik yang
sama,sementara grounding adalah penyambungan satu
atau lebih wahana yang dibonding sedemikian hingga
potensial listrik wahana tersebut sama dengan bumi demi
mencegah loncatan listrik statis.
Patut dipertimbangkan ketidakefektifan bonding karena
vibrasi, korosi atau karena lupa setelah wahanatersebut di
maintained. Kasus kasus dimana terdapat cathodic
protection pada system perpipaan dan secondary
containment yang melibatkan penyekatan plastic (untuk
kepentingan environmental) sedemikian hingga bonding
dangrounding sulit dilaksanakan.

Grounding is connecting one or more conductive objects directly to

the earth using ground rods, cold water copper pipes, or building
steel. Unlike bonding, grounding drains the static charges away as
quickly as they are produced.

A designated ground source is

preferred. Connectors for bonding
and grounding, such as copper wire
and clamps, must provide a good
conductive path.
To ensure this:
remove all dirt, paint, rust, or
corrosion from areas where
connections are to be made use
connectors that are strong enough
for the job use flexible connectors
where there is vibration or
continuous movement connect
metal to metal

When dispensing flammable liquids, both bonding and grounding

are required. Ensure that the receiving container is bonded to the
dispensing container before pouring the liquid, and that the
dispensing container is grounded (see Figures 4 and 5).

Bonding or grounding will

not eliminate the surface
charge on vessels holding
flammable liquids. To prevent
static in these cases, make
sure that the nozzle is
touching the bottom of the
vessel so that the liquid
discharges horizontally. Also,
lower the rate of flow. These
two measures will prevent
the free fall and turbulence
that generate static.

Non-metallic containers, such as polyethylene plastic or glass, cannot be grounded.

To minimize the build up of static charges near the surface of liquids being poured,
limit the filling rate to velocities less than 1 m/s by using a grounded lance or
nozzle extension to the bottom of the container to limit free fall, or use antistatic
All metal parts on plastic containers must be bonded to the fill pipe on the
container being emptied. However, as far as possible, avoid using plastic containers
for holding flammable liquids and plastic sheets for wrapping.

Another control is the use of antistatic additives (as in fuels). The
additive increases the conductivity
or lowers the resistance of the liquid.
It also reduces the time it takes for
the static charge to leak through the
wall of the container and to the
Meningkatkan konduktifitas pada kantung/karungplastic dapat dilakukan
dengan topical antistatic agent. Sementara memasangblower yang dapat
membantu ionisasi di atas plastic pembungkus yangnonconductive juga
dapat secara efektif mengurangi kemungkinan loncatanlistrik statis.

A relative humidity of 60% to 70% at 210C (700F)
may prevent paper or layers of cloth and fibers
from sticking together. A high relative humidity,
however, is no guarantee against the accumulation
of static electricity. Therefore, don't rely solely on
humidification as a control measure in areas where
there are flammable liquids, gases, or dusts.

peningkatan kelembaban dari 45% menjadi 65% saja secaraefektif mengurangi

kemungkinana loncatan listrk statis, meski efeknya tidakcukup besar pada
permukaan yang hidrofobi macam poliolefin. Kenapakelembaban mempengaruhi
listrik statis? Pertama karena pembentukan suspensidari debu yang sangat lembut
menjadi berkurang, yang kedua karena kelembabanmenaikkan energi penyalaan.

Static collectors
Devices that collect static electricity can be used
on moving belts, plastic film, and similar nonconductive
materials. Some examples of static
collectors include: needle pointed copper combs;
spring copper brushes; and metallic tinsel bars.
A static collector works by its closeness to the
source that generates the static electricity. If a
discharge occurs, it is captured by the highly
conductive collector; this prevents long hot
sparks. To be effective, collectors must be
properly grounded.

6.5.1 General. Air can be made to contain mobile ions

will be attracted to and will eliminate unbalanced
static electric
charge from surfaces. In the use of air ionizers, one
consider certain factors that can influence their
such as environmental conditions (e.g., dust and
and positioning of the device in relation to the material
processed, machine parts, and personnel. It is
important to
note that these control devices do not prevent the
of static electric charge. They provide ions of opposite
to neutralize the generated static electric charge.

6.2 Control of Ignitible Mixtures by Inerting Equipment, byVentilating, or

by Relocating Equipment.
6.2.1 General. Despite efforts to prevent accumulation of static electric
charges, which should be the primary aim of good design, many operations
involving the handling of nonconductive materials or nonconductive
equipment do not lend themselves to engineered solutions. It then becomes
desirable or essential, depending on the nature of the materials involved,
to provide other measures, such as inerting the equipment, ventilating the
equipment or the area in which it is located, or relocating the equipment
to a safer area.
6.2.2 Inerting. Where an ignitible mixture is contained, such as in a
processing vessel, the atmosphere can be made oxygen deficient by
introducing enough inert gas (e.g., nitrogen or combustion flue gas) to
make the mixture nonignitible. This technique is known as inerting. When
operations are normally conducted in an atmosphere containing a mixture
above the upper flammable limit, it might be practical to introduce the
inert gas only during those periods when the mixture passes through its
flammable range. NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems,
contains requirements for inerting systems.

6.2.3 Ventilating. Mechanical ventilation can be used to

dilute the concentration of a combustible material to a
point w ell below its lower flammable limit (LFL) in the
case of a gas or vapor or below its minimum explosible
concentration (MEC) in the case of a dust. Usually, this
means dilution to a concentration at or below 25 percent
of the lower limit. Also, by properly directing the air
movement, it might be practical to prevent the material
from approaching an area of operation where an otherwise
uncontrollable static electricity hazard exists.
6.2.4 Relocating Equipment. Where equipment that can
accumulate a static electric charge is unnecessarily located
in a hazardous area, it might be possible to relocate it to a
safe location rather than to rely on other means of hazard

Controlling static electricity on people

Controls to prevent or reduce static from building up on
people include:
conductive flooring
conductive clothing and footwear (to allow the charge to be
conducted away; these items must be free of dirt and other
cotton or linen clothing instead of wool, silk, or synthetic

Mengendalikan Pekerja yang Bermuatan,Perlu diwaspadai bekerja dalam

AC/pemanas ruangan, sehingga kelembaban menjadi sangat rendah
apalagi jika seseorang tersebut menggunakan kaos kaki yang
nonconductive(mengandung enerji penyalaan 10 mJ).

Untuk urusan ini sepatu antistatisdengan hambatan antara 1 hingga 1000

ohm jamak tersedia di pasar. Bekerja dalam ruang yang panas dan
humiditasnya rendah membuat seseorang menjadi lebih bermuatan.Bahan
baju dari polyester sepatutnya dihindari karena tidak anti api dan bisa
menempel di kulit jika terpapar api.
Loncatan corona-brush dapat terjadi jika seseorang melepaskan baju
luarnya (jaket dan sweater)karena terjadinya pemisahan dua baju yang
bermuatan (baju dalam =kemeja/kaos terutama dari bahan sintetis, dengan
baju luar = jaket/sweater).
Karenanya melepaskan jaket/sweater harus dilakukan jauh-jauh dari
flammable area. Penggunaan gloves yang impermeable terutama jika
pekerja tidakmenggunakan sepatu yang antistatis pada pekerjaan yang
sangat potensialmenimbulkan loncatan listrik statis seperti melepaskan
lembaran-lembaranplastic atau ketika memasukkan konduktor ke dalam
tangki yang berisi debubermuatan menjadi beresiko. Bahkan jika pekerja
tersebut bekerja padaruangan yang memiliki gas dengan energi penyalaan
yang rendah, seperti asetilen, etilen, hydrogen dsb.

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