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a Coca-Cola company

Mercedes Padro

HONEST TEA original packaging

HONEST TEA design brief

What are we creating?

a redesign of a bottled iced tea, connoting key words natural,

organic, & sustainability.

The audience?

McKara is a health conscious twenty-five year old. She works as a

designer for Hallmark and is married to a nutritionist. The
collective household income is $120,000 a year. The couple lives in
Olathe, Kansas. McKara enjoys natural products and shops at the
local farmers market on the weekends. She runs five miles every
morning at 5 am. After her daily run, she goes to a local coffee
shop and heads to work by 8 am.

HONEST TEA research/inspiration

HONEST TEA thumbnails/sketches

HONEST TEA concepts

HONEST TEA concepts

HONEST TEA concepts

HONEST TEA prototypes

HONEST TEA prototypes

HONEST TEA color + type studies

HONEST TEA material studies

HONEST TEA material studies

HONEST TEA mango white tea

HONEST TEA pomegranate

HONEST TEA moroccan mint

HONEST TEA studio photos

HONEST TEA studio photos

HONEST TEA studio photos

HONEST TEA context photos

HONEST TEA context photos

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