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Hello and welcome to Week Eleven of the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan. We hope
you are having an excellent week!
This is a great time to embrace change, opportunity and hopefulness. If you are like me,
your ambition to:
a) get caught up on the past
b) handle the present
c) launch into the future
may be getting the best of you if, and I say if, you tend to get a little impatient. It is hard
to get it all done in a short period of time (especially if your eyes are extremely big!). But
again, remember we're running a marathon where the ultimate goal is overall
improvement and success in the major areas of our lives. And just like compound interest,
the slow but continual steps toward your predetermined goals will come more clearly into
focus each day.
On the other hand, if you're not engaged in the above process of:
a) cleaning up the past, which releases additional time and energy (it's amazing how
quickly time and energy once spent cleaning up unfinished projects can be redirected and
invested into accomplishing much more productive and rewarding pursuits and goals)
b) doing the daily activities (this prevents less cleanups of item a) above and keeps you
from having to pay the penalties of neglect)
c) engaging in your future (this is where the biggest prize is, only 3-5% are able to make
the future investments of time and planning in the midst of doing their very necessary
daily activities)
then by all means start the process. A little bit does make a difference. It is the first step
that creates the momentum to make the next step. The act alone of engaging in steps a, b
and c is the critical beginning place, in spite of how long or far the journey may seem. It's
the consistent and steady movement in the right direction that makes the small
incremental investments fairly painless and also creates the confidence and excitement to
be truly self-motivated and driven toward your ultimate goals and purpose.
In this week's edition Jim and myself cover Essential Number Three Physical Health, Part
Two- Nutritional Health/Healthy Foods Education. As Jim and Chris both point out,
and as clich as it might sound, nutrition is the fuel that our bodies run on. And if given
the choice of material gain or the opportunity to live a healthy and vibrant life, I think we
can see that the subject of nutrition and health is, or least should be a major priority in our
daily lives.
Copyright Victory Management, Inc. with JRI 2004


So set aside some time to read and ponder Jim's, mine and Chris's thoughts and complete
the workbook exercises below.
By all means make it a healthy and great week--your future depends on it. Take the First
(or Next) Step and Make it a Great Week!
Take care,

Copyright Victory Management, Inc. with JRI 2004


The Third Essential for Life Success: Health, Part Two
Nutritional Health/Healthy Foods Education
When we look at health we are looking in the context of humans consisting of three
distinct parts or layers: the Body (the physical nature), the Soul (the mind, will and
emotions) and the Spirit (the part of us that transcends this world and communes with
We'll cover these three layers in four different parts this month and next. This month
were looking at the four aspects to physical health.
1. Physical Health Exercise/Metabolism Retraining. Last week we looked at the very
important area of exercise/metabolism retraining. We discovered that the area that most
people initially think of when they think of health is, "I need to exercise", is so very
important. It is the first thought that occurs to most of us. And this is true, we do need
exercise, and last week we took an even more in-depth look at this important topic, why
we need to do it and got some great personal insight tips from Chris.
2. Physical Health Nutrition/Healthy Foods Education. Concentrating on the area of
nutrition, it is very important to make sure that we fuel our body properly because our
body gets its energy from the foods we eat, just as a vehicle runs off of the fuel we put in
it. If we put the wrong kind of fuel into our body, it will not run properly. If we put the
right kinds of foods in, it will run like the strong engine of an expensive sports car! This
week well review this topic.
3. Physical Health- Supplementation. Scientific research proves that our expected life
span has significantly increased! A person of 50 or younger today may very live to be a
healthy 140 years of age!! Supplementation is the key to not only living longer, but to
living really well and happy during that long life! Just think looking and feeling
fantastic as you play with your great, great grandchild in the back yard! The secret is in
knowing what supplements are the right ones for you and how to judge them.
4. Physical Health- Life Success and Circle of Influence. Yes, our physical health has
EVERYTHING to do with practicing Life Success. And it has everything to do with who
we spend time with. Long-term results come when our focus reflects an attitude of being
goal directed and results oriented. When we acknowledge all the results we receive on a
day-to-day basis, in each area of our life, and how it ties into our physical life, we want to
continue to see them and certainly never lose them. Life Success helps us do that. Those
we spend time with dictate our physical health up to 85% good or bad. Understanding
how that works allows our health to improve.
Again, this week we will focus on the second aspect, Physical Health:
Nutrition/Healthy Foods Education.
Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


The body is a fantastic gift we are given at birth, this physical masterpiece that is ours for
life. It grows and develops and is the vehicle with which we go through our entire lives.
You only get one body, and it's important to make the most of it. This is why it is so
important for us to take seriously the issue of physical health. The body is in a natural
state of decay. So it is our job as stewards of our body to keep it in tip top physical shape
and treat our bodies well; which can help delay significantly the process of aging. With
proper care, our bodies can stay finely tuned; especially now with the medical
advancements we have available to us in this generation, we can experience the longest
life spans in the history of mankind. Today, one of the fastest growing segments of
society is the 80-year old and over group! The average lifespan for both men and women
living in the US is now in the mid to late 70s. Incredible!
One of the key aspects of keeping our bodies fit is the nutritional aspect. Now, before we
go further, let me say that the following advice should not be taken as specific medical or
nutritional advice you should see your physician for that and/or follow a dieticiandirected program instead these are general guidelines for leading a physically fit
lifestyle as it relates to nutrition. With that in mind, let's take a look at some specific
guidelines for physical health as it relates to nutrition. Here are my top tips:
Get Back to the Basics. There are two parts to physical health. You know them. You have
heard them many times. Together we would all say: Eat right and exercise! In its simplest
form, physical health comes down to these two basics: Eat right and exercise. This is the
premise on which the Thin&Healthy program is built. When these two are combined,
permanently, lasting weight loss and health results can take place. Last week we talked
about exercise. And this week we'll cover the eat right message. Simply put, we must
eat right. This is a key that is pretty simple to monitor. We all have a basic understanding
of what it means to eat right. Pick one of the following as a good vs. not-so-good choice
for a snack: A handful of nuts or a candy bar?
For dessert: A small portion of fruit or a pint of ice cream? We all know what it means to
eat right. It is a simple concept and one we would do well to focus on.
A good analogy to help put this issue of nutrition in perspective would be to think of your
body as a vehicle. Now, imagine for a moment that you had worked hard and had been
able to save enough money to buy the car of your dreams. Maybe it is a fine luxury car
that costs $75,000. You love every aspect of it. It gets you where you want to go and it
gets you there in style! Now, after driving for a few hours, you are going to run out of
fuel. So, you turn to the owners manual and find it tells you that you need to use a
specific kind of fuel; superior grade unleaded fuel. Would you then go fill up the car with
diesel? It wouldnt run right if you did. It wasnt designed for diesel. In reading the
owner's manual, you would also see a recommended grade of fuel in order for the car to
run at its most efficient level. There will be an octane suggestion; it might be 89. Now,
the car could probably run on 87 octane, but not as well as on 89. So you would put in 89
octane. The idea is that you must fuel the vehicle properly. The same is true with our
bodies! Our bodies are designed to run on good fuel. There are other fuels that we can put
into our bodies but they wont run as efficiently if we do.

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


Most of the time people tend to eat what they eat because they want something that tastes
good at that moment. What would happen if we began to eat not on what we crave but
what our body needs for fuel? It would revolutionize our physical health. If we begin to
view our bodies with the body as a vehicle analogy and the need to fuel it properly, we
will find that our bodies respond by running better, more efficiently and for longer
periods of time. That sounds good to me! Start to think of your body as a vehicle that
needs to be fueled properly.
Consult with a Physician or Dietician. I would strongly encourage you to have a visit
with a person or program who has expertise in the area of nutrition. Sit down with your
physician or dietician or weight management coach and go over your nutritional plan.
Even if you are not overweight and in good shape, I would encourage you to visit with
your healthcare professional anyway. Just because you arent overweight, doesnt mean
that you cant improve your nutrition, which will in turn improve your health.
Take in a Healthy Supply of Good, Nutritional Fuel. Unlike the vehicle we drive, our
bodies can run well on a wide variety of foods. Could you imagine if you had the exact
same kind of food every time you ate? That would get boring very fast! Fortunately, we
have vast amounts of foods that can fuel our bodies properly--all of the healthy choices of
fruits, vegetables, breads, grains, meats and dairy products that can help our bodies
operate at maximum efficiency. Be sure to eat a wide variety of foods and enjoy them!
Stay Away from Things that are Not Good for You. What would you do if you went
outside one evening and found the neighborhood kids playing a prank on you and getting
ready to fill you cars fuel tank with sugar? You would put an end to that quickly! Why?
Because you dont want the neighbor kids to have fun? No, because sugar isnt good for
the car! And the point is there are certain things you wouldnt fuel your car with and there
are certain things you shouldnt fuel your body with either. The more diligent we are in
staying away from foods that are not good for us, the better our bodies will run.
All Things in Moderation. That is the old saying. Most of the health
problems, nutritionally and otherwise, come from a lack of moderation. Can we eat sugar,
sure just not too much. Can we eat some pie sometimes? Certainly, but not too much.
We have a nutritional problem in our day anorexia - that many young people fall into.
They eat too little and as a result suffer from many health problems. Moderation means
we dont eat too much or too little. We eat in moderation. We fuel our bodies properly.
We dont weigh too little or too much. We weigh just right for our body frame.
Develop Good Eating Habits. Part of the problem we experience in our
nutrition has to do with our habits. What do we do habitually? Do we get in the habit of
stopping at a fast food place every day for lunch and eating high fat foods? Or do we get
in the habit of taking ten minutes every evening before we go to bed to prepare a lunch
we can take with us that is filled with healthy foods? That is a habit that will pay for itself
with nutritional soundness. Just as we need to do in so many areas of our lives, we need

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


to develop good eating and nutritional habits. We are a product of our habits in so many
Develop a Lifelong Plan of Nutrition. One of the best things we can do is to sit down and
take time to develop a plan of nutrition that is sustainable long-term. I believe one of the
reasons that so many diets fail long-term is because people change the way they are
eating to ways that will allow them to lose weight, but are not realistically sustainable
long-term. Once they have lost the weight and gotten to a weight they like, they stop
eating the way they were when they lost the weight and they go back to eating the way
they like to eat. What happens? You guessed it they gain the weight back. To ensure
long-term nutritional health we need to have a sustainable long-term plan of nutrition.
The plan should be something that is nutritionally sound, one that we personally enjoy
and one we are able to commit to. The plan should be one a person can follow for the
rest of their life. Thats why including ALL food groups is vital.
Again, remember that just as you invest money and time in the pursuit of health in other
areas of your life, to also invest in this area of nutrition as well. Your body will thank you
for it!
Until next week, let's do something remarkable!
Jim Rohn (and Donna Krech)

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


Next week we will cover Physical Health Part Three - Supplemental Health
Hi, this is Chris Widener and in this section we will take a look at some questions and
action points that will help us think deeper about nutritional health but first a couple of
more practical points on nutrition!
On next week's conference call with Donna and John Krech, and Greg Landry, who is an
exercise physiologist, well discuss some practical ways to maintain good nutrition in this
fast-paced world of ours. Here are two practical points that really stood out to me:
Plan. People end up eating poorly when they dont plan. Very often it is when we eat on
the spur of the moment that we eat poorly. Take some time to plan your meals,
including when you are on the road. Be sure to recognize that you will be on the run and
plan accordingly. A little bit of planning will go a long way toward keeping you
nutritionally fit.
Have a standby food. There will be times that you are caught. That is, you dont have
time to cook a nutritional meal, or you havent planned well. It is good to have a standby
food that you have ready that will take the place of a regular meal. I (Chris) keep some
good nutritional snack bars in my car for those times I need to eat quickly. Then I can
choose to eat one of them rather than do the drive through of a fast food restaurant.
Jim talked about how to be an effective persuader, saying that it is one thing to present,
but quite another to persuade.
Here are Jims top tips for being effective at persuasion:
1. Become a good storyteller.
2. Deal in accurate facts. Do not exaggerate. Exaggeration erodes your self-confidence,
your reputation and your effectiveness.
3. Use quotes from others. Let their thoughts and wisdom add to your presentation.
4. Be a straight-talker. Tell it like it is.
Challenge people with, Lets go do it. One can put a thousand to flight. Two can put
ten thousand to flight.
You can change anything starting today.
Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.
Teenager Event: Jim Rohn and Kym Yancey
Peer pressure.
You face it all of your life. Even adults face peer pressure.

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


The question we must all ask is: Who do we listen to?

1. Always be careful about who influences you.
2. Influence can be subtle.
3. Look for positive associations.
4. Sometimes you must disassociate.
5. Sometimes you must limit association.
6. Actively pursue and find good associations.
Thoughts on unkind words:
All hurts will heal.
Dont speak ill of others. You never know the damage it can do.
The Ant Philosophy
1. Ants never quit.
2. Ants think summer all winter.
3. Ants think winter all summer and prepare for it.
"In five years you will be the same as you are today except for two things: the people you
meet and the books you read." -- Charlie "Tremendous" Jones
Jim Rohns 3 Key Areas of Personal Development for Teenagers:
1. Goals.
2. Personal Development be better this year than you were last year.
3. Financial Independence.
You must do what you have to as quick as you can so someday you can do what you want
to as long as you can.
See you next week,
Chris Widener

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


Questions for Reflection:

Q. How is your nutrition? Is it good? Do you pay much attention to
it? Are you in good nutritional health?

Q. If your body were a car, how would a mechanic rate how you are fueling your vehicle
on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the best)?

Q. Have you ever thought that if you arent overweight that you dont need to think about
nutrition? If so, in what ways might this be hindering your health?

Q. When was the last time you spoke with a weight management coach or other
professional about your nutritional life? Is it time to get back in for a visit?

Q. Which of Jims points above do you need to take most closely to heart? Why?

Q. In what five ways could you most simply improve your nutrition?

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004



Action Steps This Week:

Here are six action steps you can take this week to begin a better nutritional life:
1. Set up an appointment with a coach, physician or dietician to speak with them about a
good nutritional plan.

2. Determine at least three ways that you can improve your nutrition.
3. Take action to moderate at least one aspect of your nutrition that is out of balance.
Using moderation, bring at least one area of your eating into balance. Write
comments here.

4. Take time to plan your nutrition for the week rather than flying by the seat of your
pants. Write your plan here.

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


5. Find a good standby food that you can use rather than going somewhere that isnt
good for you nutritionally. Write two or three ideas here.

A Look Forward:
This week we will be listening to CD 8 of the New Millennium series.
Here are just a few of the incredible things you will learn on this CD:
A look forward to CD Eight:

Tony Jeary VIP Breakfast

Undisclosed Secrets of Success
Tips, Techniques and Processes
Four Levels of Learning
Bob Burg

And More!
95% of your emotions are determined by the way you talk to
- Brian Tracy

Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


Notes for CD Eight from the Jim Rohn New

Millennium series:

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Copyright Victory Management, Inc with JRI 2004


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