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High-Definition Software Measurement

May 1999

Precise software estimation, measurement, and project control leads to

successful application development projects.
by Michael Mah
My friend Seth called me recently with excitement in his voice. Among his many attributes,
hes an audiophile, an aficionado of high-end music reproduction. He had just acquired some
silver core speaker cables, which run between his amplifier and speakers.
You have to buy these cables, he said. The definition and resolution in the playback are
incredible. The musics dynamics are more vivid and alive. He was thrilled that his system had
even more capability and accuracy to extract information from a compact disc, making the
musical experience sound more realistic.
You may be wondering how this conversation sparked a retrospective on software
development. How does high-definition audio or television reproduction map to software
In high-definition audio, the finely articulated resolution might illuminate the emotional and
stylistic nuances between how Vladimir Horowitz or Mitsuko Uchida interprets Mozarts Piano
Concerto No. 23. These details might be indistinguishable with a cheap player or an AM radio.
In the same vein, high-definition television images look virtually three-dimensional, much
better than Grandmas old black and white Quasar.
You could describe many software management frameworks as the old stereo console or black
and white TV, smearing vital management information into a blurred continuum. These
frameworks cant manage the multimillion dollar investments that could determine whether or
not a company will be competitive in the twenty-first century.
What Works
High-definition software measurement can reveal the detail you need to understand software
productivity and what drives it. Its metrics can demonstrate ways to improve software
processes in a more surgical and less shotgun-like manner. They can quantify the benefits, or
the speed bumps, of technologies like Java, component-based development, object-oriented
development, client/server, and frame engineering.
In my 13 years specializing in software development management, Ive often been asked how
software measurement, or metrics, can raise productivity. What should we measure to speed
development and cut cycle time? How can we estimate better so our projects dont miss their
deadlines? People want to understand the differences between successful and unsuccessful
projects and development methods.
Yet many software development managers only have access to what I call low definition
software management information. Low definition information cant reveal the level of detail
you need to answer important questions. Its often dated, unreliable, or inconsistent. The
metrics are usually two-dimensional, such as productivity in units of output over effort, while
the challenges you face are multidimensional, such as deadlines, cost targets, reliability
requirements, and staffing. The result is projects that are completed late, over budget, and
with poor reliability.

High-definition software measurement can reveal and help you understand the differences
between various development processes. You need to know how to use that information to
make realistic estimates and subsequent promises for new projects or releases to
management, customers, and the marketplace. If you cant do this, youre flying blind.
Metrics that Matter
You can begin with what the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute describes as the
minimum data set, otherwise known as the four core metrics. These are size, time, effort,
and defects. For completed projects, the minimum data set links these metrics into a cohesive
relationship. Projects take a certain duration (months), expending a certain amount of work
effort (person-months), as a function of the number of people working on the project. Their
hard work results in a system that represents a certain amount of functionality (size), at a
certain level of quality (defects). Anyone embarking on a measurement program should start
with these four core metrics. They will tell you what happened on past projects, and help you
gauge the functional throughput recently demonstrated by your organization and its
management processes.
Why these four? Often, projects are managed by just two metrics: project milestones and
effort (proportional to cost). The other two, size and defects, are often neglected. Yet size and
defect metrics are critical, as they represent what has been built (or will be built, for new
projects) and the quality of the end result.
It would also help to add one or two more metrics for past projects. One is the amount of
rework, another is the degree of software reuse. For additional background on these metrics
and their use, see The SEI Core Measures: Background Information and Recommendations
for Use and Implementation (The Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute, July 1994) by
Anita Carleton, Robert Park, and Wolfhart Goethert.
What Doesnt Work
To help you determine how you can apply this information to new projects and understand the
differences between effective and ineffective software development processes, lets examine
the dynamics of bad project estimation. Bad promises top the list. Software development
organizations are saddled with bad promises. Its catastrophic, based on the number of failed
projects reflected in industry statistics. In worst-case scenarios, degraded relationships
between vendors and customers have caused a rise in software-related litigation.
Tom DeMarco, noted researcher and author of Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams
(Dorset House, 1999), says, As impressive as growth of the software industry has been, it is
outpaced by growth of software-related litigation. It is not unusual for a large software
development organization today to have upwards of 50 active cases on its hands, (Cutter IT
Journal, April 1998).
Tim Lister, co-author of Peopleware, adds, Most litigation ends up focused on measurement,
management, requirements practice, or some combination thereof. According to Lister, The
things you do to win a litigationthat is, to be the less damaged loserare: do careful
measurement work, focus on good management practice, and conduct exhaustive and
thoughtful analysis of requirements. These are also, coincidentally, three of the principal things
you should do to avoid litigation.
Two common scenarios seem to contribute to this state of affairs:
Scenario A: First, management mandates the deadline. The project team has 10 months to
deliver. The project is loosely determined (no one sizes the application, because
requirements are in flux.) A bottom up estimate of the required work effort is constructed

lets say, 200 person-months. The 200 person-months estimate is mandated into a 10-month
schedule. A team of 10 people is assigned to consume the 200 person-months over 10
If the 10-month schedule gets compressed to 6 months, then management stuffs 200 personmonths into 6 months, and assigns 33 people to the project.
Some of this scenarios obvious and critical flaws are a mandated deadline without regard to
project requirements and team productivity; subjective (and often optimistic) estimates of the
effort put forth to complete each task; no software size estimation (for example, no estimates
on the number of programs, modules, object classes, requirements, source lines of code, or
function points); violation of Brookss Law, which states that manpower and time are not
interchangeable (for example, you cannot cut the schedule in half by doubling the staff.)
Scenario B: Analysts determine that an application might total 8,000 source lines of code, or
800 function points. Management assumes the team can build at a rate of 1,000 lines of code,
or 10 function points, per person-month of effort. Simple math yields that the project should
expend 80 person-months. Eight people are available, so the schedule is 80/8 = 10 months. If
management says to get it done in 6 months, then it is decided that 80/6 = 13 people should
be assigned to the project.
A fatal flaw in this scenario is the use of simple and unreliable ratios of productivity such as
source lines of code or function points per staff month (size/effort), which omit schedule
metrics. Again, this violates Brookss Law.
While most people agree that Brookss Law is a given, its surprising how often development
teams unknowingly violate it, often because of dictated schedules.
But heres a rule of thumb: Given an uncompressed, nominal schedule, you might cut the time
by 20% if you double the staff. Think 20% cut with 200% effort, based on regression analysis
of thousands of completed projects, such as those cited in Lawrence H. Putnam and Ware
Myerss book Industrial Strength Software (IEEE Computer Society, 1997). Expect defects
found during testing to rise about six-fold, according to these same statistics. Put simply,
software schedules for complex, large projects are difficult to compress.
The best way out of this box is to negotiate functionality. You can do this by estimating
backward. What do I mean by this? Put simply, you use your own metrics to find your own
development proficiency. Lets assume a 10-month deadline is a given. In this case, working
the problem backward, would mean determining how much functionality can be built within a
deadline X, with Y people, given proficiency Z. Proficiency Z has to be in multiple dimensions
not only in output per unit effort, but also in output per unit time.
You can merge these latter two ratios into an efficiency parameter encompassing output per
unit time, per unit effort. You can map this to a useful index. One such index is known as a
process productivity index, put forth by the pioneering metrics research by Larry Putnam. It
has less risk of dangerous linear misinterpretation. Best of all, its calculation is in the public
The concept of the index is straightforward. Higher values represent higher development
proficiency, lower project complexity, or a combination of the two. Lower values represent the
inverse. When researchers from my company calculate this across a heterogeneous industry
database of several thousand projects, patterns emerge showing higher values for well-known
information technology class applications such as billing and financial systems. The patterns

also show lower values for complex, embedded engineering applications like factory
automation, switching, or avionics systems.
Productivity Charts
A straightforward yet valuable way to determine how fast your organization develops
applications is to generate a chart showing the speed of past projects (time) across small,
medium, and large projects (size), as shown in Figure 1. You can use this chart for information
you gathered on your past projects.
A schedule productivity chart has a horizontal, or x, axis labeled size. This measure is not
team size, but rather the amount of the new and changed code or functionality. (You could
also measure the size of programs, modules, objects, function points, and so on.)
The vertical ory axis reflects the schedule in months of elapsed time. Chart the schedule by
project for the software main build, or construction phase. This comprises detailed design,
coding, testing, integration, and deployment.
An upwardly sloping pattern means longer schedules for larger projects. If you draw a line
through the lower limit, that line will represent the fastest schedule your projects exhibit. If
you draw a line through an upper limit, it will show the longest schedule that your projects
exhibit. Projects with less requirements, larger teams, lower staff turnover, and better
processes, tools, and methods tend to be on the lower bound. The converse is true of projects
on the slower, or upper bounds. The lines that represent these bounds will likely curve. They
will show your projects range of performance.
For new projects, you can mark deadlines on the y axis, and see the maximum amount of
functionality that can be built in that time frame by reading the x axis. You can do this for
charts of effort as a function of project size to generate effort productivity charts, as shown in
Figure 2. This will help you ensure you dont over-promise by taking on too much work (sign
up to too much functionality) within a given deadline and effort (or cost) budget.
Commercial Software Estimating Tools
A common reaction to collecting software metrics, much less high-definition metrics is, We
dont have any data. But you do. The information may be buried, but you can still gather it
one project and one day at a time. Start small and youll have a rather impressive historical
database before long.
A wealth of information will begin to unfold, even with just a handful of recently completed
projects. Say goodbye to Grandmas old Quasar. Youll see patterns that help your team
estimate the people, schedule, and amount of functionality required for the next project. The
charts I described will reveal valuable trends with credibility based on facts. You will begin to
know your organization better.
Commercial estimating tools can greatly help you gather data by automating the hard bits.
The best of them will use your own historic project data, letting you enter these factual
profiles, and calibrate efficiency values to your own development process, tool environments,
and project complexity. Some may even contain modern industry benchmarks to help you
sanity-check any scenario that you explore. The degree of sophistication and value these tools
provide will be a function of the resolution of the information that they accept and produce.
Be conscious that, like high-definition audio or video equipment, all software estimation tools
are not alike. Tools will give you an answer, but how good will that answer be? Sometimes
freeware is exactly that. Grandmas Quasar and the new digital high-definition televisions
both show an image, but theyre not the same.

You can find the Carnegie Mellon SEI cost and schedule estimating checklist in Robert Parks
report, Checklists and Criteria for Evaluating the Cost and Schedule Estimating Capabilities of
Software Organizations (Carnegie Mellon University, 1995). The report tells you how to build
six critical disciplines for reliable estimation. Estimation tools should provide capability in these
important areas, with an adequate degree of resolution and sophistication. They are:
A corporate memory (or historical database)
Structured processes for estimating size and reuse
Mechanisms for extrapolating from demonstrated accomplishments on past projects
Audit trails (values for cost model parameters used to produce each estimate are recorded
and explained)
Integrity in dealing with dictated costs and schedules (imposed answers are only acceptable
when you follow legitimate design-to-cost, or plan-to-cost, processes)
Data collection and feedback processes that foster capturing and correctly interpreting data
from work performed.
Striving for the Best
High-definition software measurement is within the reach of many software organizations. It
starts with things like the SEIs four core metrics, but can extend beyond them to add
additional dimensionality. Why these initial four? Because they relate to what the software
industry is striving to achievebetter, more reliable systems with more functionality, more
speed, and at less cost.
To ensure that you make promises within reach, you need to make reliable estimates for how
much your team can build, usually within predetermined deadlines. These estimates require
scoping software size and getting a handle on what to sign up for, based on your organizations
historical capability. Estimating backward is crucial to negotiating realistic amounts of
functionality that you can promise within a mandated deadline.
High-definition software measurement has two additional domains. These are long-term
productivity and process improvement, and midstream project runaway prevention.
Runaways happen all too often. They occur after you launch a project, and demands for more
functionality arise but the deadline is held fixed. high-definition software measurement can
prevent the disastrous effects of these kinds of pressures.
Last, dont reinvent the wheel. A lot has already been researched. Assembling useful
information and applying it practically is within everyones reach. The world is complex,
dynamic, and multidimensional, yet many people rely on two-dimensional information for
multimillion dollar decisions. Your software management information displays can and should
rise to the challenge, and get out of the realm of Grandmas old Quasar.
The Four Core Metrics
Here are the definitions of each of the metrics described by the Carnegie Mellon Software
Engineering Institute and the moderate and higher resolution characteristics of each:
Size: What has been built, or what must be built, as countable entities.

Moderate Resolution: Number of programs, modules, processes, function points, and lines of
code. All represent the building blocks of a system.
Higher Resolution: Functionality, including new code (or programs, function points, modules),
changed code, and reused code without changes. In these cases, size should be non-comment,
non-blank source statements (as opposed to physical lines, which include comments and
blanks). Size profiles of simple, moderate, and complex programs, entities (for example, source
lines of code per program), or source lines of code per function point by development language.
Time: Elapsed time in months for each of the major development phases.
Moderate Resolution: Elapsed time for the project from the start through deployment.
Higher Resolution: Elapsed time for each major development phase (for example, feasibility
study phase, functional design phase, main build phase (detailed design, code, test), and
maintenance phase. Relative proportions of these values as a function of the main build time
(for example, five months functional design, ten months main build, two months overlap).
Therefore, functional design time equals 50% of the time spent in main build, with a 40%
overlap. Extra credit: milestones throughout the design, code, build, and test phases as a
percentage of the overall main build schedule (for future estimates).
Effort: Full-time equivalent person-months of effort expended during the project.
Moderate Resolution: Person-months of effort expended throughout all phases.
Higher Resolution: Person-months of effort broken down by development phase or by
development labor category, relative proportions of these values as a function of the main build
effort, amount of overtime spent or overtime by development phase or calendar time.
Defects: An error in analysis, design, or coding that affects required performance.
Moderate Resolution: Number of defects found during testing.
Higher Resolution: Number of defects by severity category (major, moderate, and minor)
found throughout system integration testing. Rate of discovery over time. Also, defects
reported within first 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days of operational service. Extra credit: defects
found throughout early phases of unit coding and testing, and defects found during design and
code walkthroughs.
Michael Mah

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