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k State Symbols and ionic equations

Students will be assessed on their ability to:
k. carry out and interpret the results of simple test tube reactions, such as displacements, reactions of acids,
precipitations, to relate the observations to the state symbols used in equations and to practise writing full and ionic

Exam Questions
Most compounds of lead are insoluble, an exception being lead(II) nitrate. Therefore a
good method of preparing lead(II) sulfate is

adding dilute sulfuric acid to lead metal.

adding concentrated sulfuric acid to lead metal.

adding dilute sulfuric acid to lead(II) nitrate solution.

adding dilute sulfuric acid to solid lead(II) oxide.

An important reaction which occurs in the catalytic converter of a car is

In this reaction, when 500 cm3 of CO reacts with 500 cm3 of NO at 650 C (the
operating temperature of the catalyst) and at 1 atm, the total volume of gases produced
at the same temperature and pressure is

500 cm3

750 cm3

1000 cm3

impossible to calculate without knowing the molar volume of gases under these
(Total for Question = 1 mark)

Sodium burns in oxygen to give a pale yellow solid X.
(a) (i) 1.73 g of sodium reacts with 1.20 g of oxygen.
Calculate the empirical formula of X.

(ii) The molar mass of X is 78 g mol1. Give the molecular formula of X.

(iii) Write the equation, including state symbols, for the reaction of sodium with oxygen to produce X.

(iv) Calculate the volume of oxygen in dm3 (at room temperature and pressure) which reacts
1.73 g of sodium. (The molar volume of any gas at room temperature and pressure=24
dm mol .)

(v) Calculate the number of oxygen molecules that react with 1.73 g of sodium.
(The Avogadro constant = 6.02 1023 mol1.)

>(b) If sodium is burnt in air, compound X is not the only product. Suggest why this is so.
(Total for question = 9 marks)
When aqueous solutions of barium chloride and potassium sulfate are mixed, a white
precipitate forms. The ionic equation for the reaction is


Cl (aq)

2Cl (aq) KCl2(s)

SO4 (aq) BaSO4(s)


K (aq)

Ba (aq)

Ba2+(aq) + SO42 (aq) BaSO4(s)

(Total for question = 1 mark)

A 2Mg(s) + O2(g)

MgO(s) + 2NO2(g) + O2(g)

B Mg(NO3)2(s)

C MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2O(1)

D Mg(s) + CuSO4(aq) MgSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
(a) Which equation is not balanced?

(b) Which equation can be classified as a displacement reaction?


(Total for question = 2 marks)

This question is about the properties of ions and ionic compounds.
(a) Solid calcium carbonate, CaCO3, has a giant ionic structure.
(i) Draw a diagram (using dots or crosses) for a calcium ion. Show ALL the
electrons and the charge on the ion.

(ii) Complete the electronic configuration for a calcium ion.

1s ...................................................................................................................................................................

(iii) Would you expect a calcium ion to be bigger, smaller or the same size as a
calcium atom? Give TWO reasons to explain your answer.
(iv) Explain why ionic compounds have relatively high melting temperatures.
(b) Changes in the concentration of ions in a solution can be estimated by measuring the
electrical conductivity of the solution.
(i) Explain why solutions of ions are able to conduct electricity.
(ii) Suggest why aqueous solutions of calcium chloride, CaCl2(aq), and barium
chloride, BaCl2(aq), of the same molar concentration, have different electrical

(iii) 1 kg of a solution contains 0.100 mol of calcium ions, Ca2+.

What is the concentration of the calcium ions by mass in
parts per million (ppm)?
[Assume the relative atomic mass of calcium is 40.]

*(c) Some buildings are made from limestone, which is mainly calcium carbonate. Gases
in the atmosphere such as sulfur dioxide, SO2, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2, can be
responsible for damaging these buildings.
Describe how these gases come to be present in the atmosphere and explain how
they can damage a limestone building.
(d) The lattice energy of calcium chloride, CaCl2, is -2258 kJ mol-1 based on an
experimental Born-Haber cycle and -2223 kJ mol-1 based on theoretical calculations.
Would you expect its bonding to match the ionic model? Justify your answer.
(Total for question = 15 marks)

Magnesium chloride can be made by reacting solid magnesium carbonate, MgCO3, with
dilute hydrochloric acid.
(a) Write an equation for the reaction, including state symbols.

(b) Give TWO observations you would make when the reaction is taking place.
(c) In an experiment to make crystals of hydrated magnesium chloride, MgCl2.6H2O,
magnesium carbonate was added to 25 cm3 of hydrochloric acid with concentration
2.0 mol dm-3. The molar mass of magnesium carbonate is 84.3 g mol-1.
(i) How many moles of acid are used in the reaction?
(ii) What mass of magnesium carbonate, in grams, reacts with this amount of acid?

(iii) Suggest why slightly more than this mass of magnesium carbonate is used in practice.
(iv) How would you separate the magnesium chloride solution from the reaction mixture in (iii)?
(v) The magnesium chloride solution was left to crystallise. The crystals were separated and dried
carefully. A sample of 3.75g of hydrated crystals, MgCl2.6H2O, which have molar mass 203.3 g mol-1, was
obtained. Calculate the percentage yield of this reaction.

(vi) Give ONE reason why the yield of crystals is less than 100%, even when pure compounds are used in
the preparation.

(d) Lattice energies can be measured using the Born-Haber cycle, or calculated from
electrostatic theory. Lattice energies of magnesium chloride and magnesium iodide
are shown below.

(i) What does this data indicate about the bonding in magnesium chloride?
*(ii) Explain why there is a greater difference between the experimental (Born-Haber) and theoretical
lattice energies for magnesium iodide, MgI2, compared with magnesium chloride.
(e) Blood plasma typically contains 20 parts per million (ppm) of magnesium, by mass.
(i) Calculate the mass of magnesium, in grams, present in 100 g of plasma.

(ii) Magnesium chloride can be used as a supplement in the diet to treat patients with low amounts of
magnesium in the blood. Suggest ONE property which makes it more suitable for this purpose than
magnesium carbonate.
(Total for question = 16 marks)

Examiners report
None for Q1-2

Many candidates calculated the empirical formula correctly as NaO.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

1:1 ratio of Na:O had not been made explicit, but the correct answer NaO was given so
both marks were awarded.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Always show every step in your working.
A surprising number of candidates gave a molecular formula for a compound for which the molar
mass was not 78 g mol1.
Many candidates were awarded both marks, but a significant number gave the state symbol for
Na2O2 as (aq) rather than (s).

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This is a correctly balanced equation, with the state symbols which are also correct, the
answer scored both marks.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Always consider state symbols carefully when asked for them in an equation.
Most candidates gained the second scoring point which required the calculated moles of oxygen,
O2, to be multiplied by 24 dm3 mol1 in order to obtain the volume of gas in units of dm3. There

was some confusion, however, between calculating moles of oxygen atoms, O(g), and moles of
oxygen molecules, O2(g).

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This is a well laid-out answer which scored both marks.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Set out your answers to calculation questions in an orderly way as illustrated in the
above response.
This question was generally well answered, although sometimes candidates chose to calculate
the number of oxygen atoms instead of molecules.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This was the correct response, which scored the mark available.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Always check which type of particle (atom, ion or molecule) is being referred to in the
This proved difficult for the majority of candidates. A significant number of responses included
incorrect references to the presence of hydrogen gas, H2, in air.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This response scored a mark as it acknowledged that other oxides of sodium may have
been formed in the reaction described.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Be aware of the gases present in air.

No Examiner's Report available for this question
No Examiner's Report available for this question
(a) (i-ii)
Although for many this question was an easy start to the structured questions, a significant
minority dropped at least one mark.
Surprisingly, this occurred in part (i) as well as part (ii), with an incorrect number of electron
shells being the most common way to fail to score.
It's worth reminding candidates that transfer of key skills from GCSE, such as 'dot and cross'
diagrams, is a feature of AS and they should not just focus their revision on new concepts, such
as s, p and d orbitals.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This is a clear, well presented answer to part (i), scoring both marks.
However, it looks like the candidate has attempted (incorrectly) to
give the electronic configuration for a calcium atom in part (ii).
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Pay careful attention to anything written in bold on the paper. It's done
deliberately to help guide you towards answering the question. In this case it
shows the question requires the electron configuration of the ion, not the atom.
(a) (iii-iv)
It was quite rare to award two marks in part (iii) and this item did help discriminate at the higher
Whilst the vast majority recognised the ion was smaller, justifi cations were not always clear. For
instance, many described simply loss of electrons, rather than loss of an electron shell, which
was not quite creditworthy. In addition, the idea of increasing effective nuclear charge, whilst
acceptable in this context, did lead to a number of responses that suggested some candidates
believed the actual nuclear charge was increasing, rather than the increase of its net effect on
the remaining electrons. The best answers using this approach made it clear the number of
protons remained the same, but now outweighed the number of electrons.
Part (iv) showed that most candidates understood the clear link between the strength of the
many ionic bonds in a lattice and related this clearly to the input of energy needed to break up
the structure. A few failed to score in this question either because they answered in terms of
intermolecular forces or metallic bonds.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

In part (iii) 'stronger positive charge' without further clarification
seems to imply more protons in the nucleus, so this answer was
only awarded one mark, for loss of an electron shell.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

This answer would have been improved if the candidate had clarified why they
believed they were subject to 'greater positive charge' for example by stating that
the ion has more protons than electrons.
(b) (i)
The majority of candidates believed that delocalised electrons caused conductivity in ionic
solutions. Of those who recognised the charged particles were ions, most went on to score the
mark by emphasizing their freedom to move.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This answer didn't score as, although it recognises the
movement of charged particles is needed for a substance to
conduct, it states, incorrectly, that in the case of a solution
those particles are electrons.
(b) (ii)
The misconception regarding electrons in b (i) further hindered candidates in this item. A very
simple answer regarding the size of the ions affecting the conductivity would have sufficed. It
was acceptable for such an argument to be based on the ions alone, or in their hydrated form,
that they were different sizes, without any further justification.
However, many candidates tried to justify the difference in terms of number of electrons, as they
seemed to believe, as shown in part (i), that compounds release electrons on dissolving to allow
(b) (iii)
This calculation seemed unfamiliar to some candidates who, despite often scoring marks on
calculations in questions 16 and 17, found this very difficult.
Although essentially a scaling exercise, many did not appreciate this and left their answer as
parts per thousand. Many others divided through by a million rather than scaling up to parts
per million. As this is a relatively straightforward task, the poor responses from some centres
suggests its relative novelty to the specification means it isn't as well practised as some other
numerical tasks.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

Although this candidate is unsure how to scale
to parts per million, they have made some effort
to show what calculations they are attempting
and label their answers accordingly. Hence
we were able to award this candidate 1 mark
for correctly determining the mass of calcium
present in the solution.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Try to always label any values you have calculated
so it is clear to the examiner what you are
attempting to do.
Many responses showed a good understanding of the processes involved in this question and
examiners were pleased to see generally sound chemical principles used to explain a 'real
life' problem. When candidates failed to score it was generally due to omissions rather than
incorrect chemistry. For instance, some ignored the first part of the question and didn't discuss
the source of the gases. Others gave vague generic answers for the source, such as 'pollution
from factories or industry'.
However, some excellent explanations of the formation of nitrogen oxides in car engines were
seen from more able candidates. Some responses for the third mark did not score as they
assumed the process was just physical, rather than chemical, tending to just describe erosion
not any preceding chemical reaction.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This answer shows understanding that a chemical reaction with
the limestone is integral to the process damaging the building,
but has not recognised the acidic nature of the two gases in
aqueous solution. To improve, the candidate should have
followed the guidance in the question and considered how the
gases came to be present in the atmosphere in the first place.
It was not expected that candidates should recall whether the bonding in calcium chloride is
considered almost completely ionic or partly covalent, but that they should use the data to help
form an opinion. Just under half the candidates managed to do this, with many of those arguing
that the difference was small enough that the substance could be considered to match the
ionic model. A minority of candidates came close to scoring by attempting to justify covalent
character in terms of polarization, but neglected to use the data to support their argument.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This candidate makes a statement that could be correct, as the
specification does not expect candidates to recall the precise
level of difference in theoretical and experimental lattice
energies. However, they did not use the data to support their
answer so just missed out on the mark.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

Data and information in the stem of a question is

there to help candidates. Always read it carefully

to see if it could be useful in your written answer.
The question was linked to practical work on preparation of a salt. The formula of magnesium
chlorideappeared early in the question, but some candidates did not use it in the first equation.
The question alsoreferred to the magnesium chloride solution, but many candidates used the
state symbol (s) for magnesiumchloride in the equation. This was not penalised unless there
were other errors.
In (b) observations were required, and though most candidates realised that bubbles or
effervescence wouldbe seen, they found it harder to suggest a second observation.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
This question asks for TWO observations, so they must be distinctly different.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This answer has described one observation in two ways (fizzing and bubbling). Saying
that a gas is given off is not an observation, as most gases are invisible.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This answer has described two different observations. As candidates are unlikely to
know whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic they could just say that a
temperature change occurs.

Many of the calculations in (c)(i) were well done, but failure to appreciate the 1:2 ratio when
calculating thenumber of moles of magnesium carbonate in c(ii) was common. However,
allowance was made for answersbased on incorrect reacting ratios in the original equation.
Answers to (c)(iii) were sometimes imprecise, and it was not always clear that an excess of
magnesiumcarbonate would use up all the acid.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
If an excess of magnesium carbonate is used, all the acid will be used up and the
excess solid is easily filtered off to leave a pure solution of magnesium chloride.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This does not say what reacts fully. The magnesium carbonate will not react fully as it is
in excess.
The answer should say that all the acid reacts fully.

Answers to (c)(iv) often included heating or distillation, and were not based on removing the solid
magnesium carbonate.
Calculating the percentage yield in (c)(v) caused difficulty, and some candidates simply divided
theactual yield by the mass of magnesium carbonate they had calculated previously, without
calculating thetheoretical yield.
In (c)(vi) answers had to be related to the experimental procedure, not mistakes by the
experimenter. Onlya few candidates had a clear idea of the experimental limitations on yield, and
there were many generalanswers. In questions like this comments should be specific about how
the loss in yield occurs and it is not enough just to refer to human error.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
There are several possible answers as well as the one below. The answer could have
referred to filtering. Solutions soak into filter paper, so the solute will be lost and the
yield of crystals reduced. If hydrated crystals are heated too strongly when they are
being dried, they would lose some of their water of crystallisation.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This answer gets the mark for the idea that material is always lost when transferring
chemicals from one container to another.
Answers to (d) required careful wording. A statement in (d)(i) that magnesium chloride was more
ionicthan covalent was not accepted. The data shows that the bonding is very close to the ionic
model, but doesnot exactly match it. There are very many ways of expressing this but it had to
be reflected in the answer.In (d)(ii) candidates often referred to the size of iodine molecules and
atoms, but to gain credit it had tobe clear that the ionic radius was what mattered. Again, there
were many ways of expressing the idea ofincreased covalent character or polarisation of the
iodide ion, when explaining the difference in theoretical
and experimental lattice energies.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Answers to this question need careful wording. In (d)(i) the data shows that the bonding
is almost completely, but not 100% ionic. The different values for magnesium iodide

occur because the iodide ion is larger than the chloride ion and the iodide ion becomes
polarised. If magnesium chloride was described as having some covalent character in
(i), the answer in (ii) had to make clear that this is increased in magnesium iodide.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This is a good answer scoring full marks.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This doesn't state the type of bonding in magnesium chloride. In (ii), it does not refer to
ions or state clearly that the iodide ion is larger than the chloride ion, though it would get
a mark for the idea that there is more covalent character in magnesium iodide than in
magnesium chloride.

The calculation on parts per million in (e)(i) was well done, and there were many sensible
suggestions aboutuse of magnesium chloride in (e)(ii).

1.3 k Mark scheme



Q4 D

Q5.(a) B



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