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Research Proposal on

Gender Discrimination and

Reproduction of Social
Relations in textbooks of
Primary level in Sindh


Background Introduction: ........................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Rationale/Justification: .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Needs/Niche of the Study: .................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Research Philosophy of the Study: ....................................................................................... 4


Aims/Objectives of the Study: ................................................................................................. 5


Research Questions: ................................................................................................................ 5


Hypotheses............................................................................................................................... 5


Significance of the Study......................................................................................................... 5

1. Background Introduction:
Education is considered one of the main supports in the development of any society. All types of
the developments in the world are based on Education. It is an evident from the fact that in the
world only those nations have made progress and development which have a sound education
system. Pakistan is a developing country with many challenges for example, economic
depression, terrorism, energy crisis, and education is one of them. Education in Pakistan is under
development with many issues. Textbooks are considered the most common teaching material
used in the classrooms and one of the most significant problems in the textbooks is that it
encourages gender discrimination. Gender discrimination in education sector is a factor leading
to poor development. This research will investigate the inclusion of gender roles in text through
illustrations and images in the English, Sindhi and Urdu language textbooks and reproduction of
social relations at the Primary level textbooks published by Sindh textbook board and,
questionnaire and interviews.
1.1 Rationale/Justification:
Textbooks are not the only source of knowledge for people but they shape thoughts and attitudes
by transmitting a societys culture. Gender images and roles are essential parts of any culture,
hence, the manner in which the genders are depicted in the textbooks play a part in building the
image of male and females in a learners mind; textbooks present a gendered picture of the world
and thus encourage girls and boys to take up the stereotypical positions constructed for them by
these books.
Textbooks can prove to be one of the most powerful tools to shape learner about human rights,
values and gender equality. Why is it so that female characters are not used in description as
businesswoman, engineers or police officer? In the textbooks, no image has been used to
describe male character working in the house and the household works are already restricted to
female characters in books. This is how school has become a major medium of internalizing the
gender roles and stereotypes directly and indirectly. It has been found that in stories, female
characters are mostly described as working in traditional roles. These sorts of stereotypes can be
proved harmful; these can suppress individual expression and creativity, as well as hinder
personal and professional growth. In other words, the textbooks have portrayed female image
stereotypically. Hence, it seems that the textbooks are gender blind in nature. In this sense,
gender imbalance favoring male in the textbooks means to give no importance to woman in
society. So the messages delivered by such a gender biased school textbooks will be taken by
students as males are more brave and active as compared to female.
1.2 Needs/Niche of the Study:
Gender biased textbooks as one of the important factors contributing to the academic failure and
resultant dropout among girls from schools. Moreover, women portrayal in textbooks roles, may
act as stereotype risk for girls which may result in their low performance. This stereotype risk
may, in further consequences, negatively impact their enrolment in middle, secondary and higher
classes. Additional to this, female under-representation and stereotypes in textbooks are one of

the key factors hindering womens entry into high ranked career. Further, such textbooks do not
offer learners, the space to imagine a different set of gender relations. It is important to note that
unless the textbooks are not gender balanced, children will continue to absorb the biases of
existing understanding of society and reproduce these stereotypes in future.
Following are the needs for conducting this study,

Need for improved role models of girls in textbooks.

The need is not only to have gender aware textbooks but to have gender
sensitive textbooks.
The textbooks, instead of emphasizing traditional roles of women, should also include
females in technical activities as chemist, astronaut, doctors, engineers, astronomer and
researcher in a laboratory may be helpful.
Gender expert/consultant at any level of the curriculum and textbook development
process should be hired for training the concerned people in creating and developing
gender sensitive/responsive curricula, textbooks and other teaching and learning material.

1.3 Research Philosophy of the Study:

For the investigation of the gender inclusion of the English, Sindhi and Urdu language textbooks
at primary level in Sindh, the research will use mixed-method approach and will collect
quantitative as well as qualitative data in five selected primary schools of Sindh. The data will be
collected using the questionnaires distributed to primary school English, Sindhi and Urdu
teachers, and parents of students, students will be verbally interviewed by recording their views
in tape recorders, and interviews will also be conducted from head teachers, curriculum experts
and educationists from Sindh. Along with that the content analysis of the textbooks of English,
Sindhi and Urdu implemented at the primary level will be carried out.
A total number of 15 textbooks from published by Sindh text board, prescribed for primary
level of English, Urdu, Sindhi, (language books) will be reviewed.
Tools of Data Collection:
1. Content analysis.
2. Interviews with curriculum experts, educationists and Head Teachers.
3. Questionnaire for teachers and parents.
4. Verbal interviews using tape recorder from students.

2. Aims/Objectives of the Study:

Following are the main objectives of this study.
1. To assess the importance and coverage through roles and images of gender in the
textbooks at primary education level in Sindh textbook board.
2. To see whether women are given equal representation or they are subjected to apartheid
treatment in the text.
3. To investigate the impact of the males and females of gender roles and images in the
textbooks upon society.
3. Research Questions:
1. How much coverage is given to female roles and images in the textbooks?
2. Are women given positive or equal representation with male in the text?
3. What kind of the idea or image of males and females of gender roles and images in the
textbooks is being constructed by society?
4. Hypotheses
The following hypotheses are formulated for this study:
1. H1. Females stereotypical roles in illustrations and images are more prominent than the
males in the textbooks.
2. H0. Females stereotypical roles in illustrations and images are less prominent than the
males in the textbooks.
3. H1. Negative stereotypical images of females are more than the positive images.
4. H0. Positive stereotypical images of females are more than the negative images.
5. H1. The construction of the world of males and females of gender in the textbooks
constructing negative idea of female upon society.
6. H0. The construction of the world of males and females of gender in the textbooks
constructing positive idea of female upon society.
5. Significance of the Study
The study will be significant for

Teachers and parents

Authors of the textbooks.
Thinkers and writers to reflect female image positively.
Policy makers and educationists

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