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European Pipe Marking - Directive 67/548/EEC




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European Pipe Marking Standards

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Labeling Resources

Pipes that are visible and containing

dangerous substances must be
labeled in accordance with the
directive 67/548/EEC.

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Safet y Label Resources

The Directiv e 6 7 /54 8/EEC is the directiv e regarding the

regulations for the labeling, classification, and packaging of
dangerous substances.
Safety signs m ust be placed where hazards cannot be av oided
or reduced by prev entiv e m easures. Labels used on pipes m ust
be v isible in the m ost dangerous points, such as v alv es and
joints and at reasonable interv als. The dim ensions of the pipe m arkers m ust be proportionate to the labeling surface.
Learn m ore about the proportions and other label requirem ents from this free pipe marking guide.
Pipe and cont ainer labels must have t he following
informat ion on t hem:


The nam e of the substance

Danger sy m bols
Standard phrases
The European Com m ission num ber (EC)
The EC Inv entory includes the substances in the
'European Inv entory of Existing Com m ercial Chem ical
Substance' (EINECS)
For substances listed in Annex I, the words EEC label

Pipe Markers must be applied at the

following locations:
On all pipe sy stem s leading into and away from a m anifold
sy stem .
Within one m eter of pipework passing through a wall, bund
wall, boundary fence or other barrier, or entering the ground.
On all pipework in a loading gantry , adjacent to the m ain
control v alv e or flow-m eter for each pipe.
Within one m eter of hose connection points.
On long runs of pipelines at interv als not exceeding 50 m eters
where the pipeline is v isible along its length, otherwise at 8
m etres.
On long runs of pipelines that trav el from grade up into
elev ated pipe-racks m arkers shall be fitted to the indiv idual
lines at the point that the lines rise into the
rack and then at the point the lines com e down from the rack.
On the suction and discharge piping adjacent to any pum p.
At tee connections, v alv es, and any other point where
identification would be required in norm al operation.



BS - 12D45
RAL - 6003


Y ellow
BS - 08C35
RAL - 1007


Light Blue
BS - 20E51
RAL - 5024

Fire Serv ice

BS - 04F53
RAL - 3020


BS - 10A03
RAL - 9007


BS - 06C39
RAL - 8007

Acids & Alkalis

BS - 22C37
RAL - 4005


Elect rical
BS - 06E51
RAL - 2008

Other Fluids

BS - 00E53
RAL - 9005

Where pipework enters or exits a tank.

At any point where identification is required in an em ergency
or of a hazard.

We carry supplies and prov ide serv ice or repair for discontinued labelers, sign printers, and poster printers.



European Pipe Marking - Directive 67/548/EEC

Call 1-888-326-9244 today for more information

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