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An algae extracted, heat-resistant gelling agent, agar-agar is used in molecular
gastronomy to make all sorts of gelified shapes : pearls, spaghetti, lentils, p
risms, etc.

Agar-agar is a natural gelling substance stemming from the cell walls of red alg
ae, of the gelidiacees family, like gelidium and gracialaria. It has long been u
sed in several Asian culinary traditions. Moreover, the name agar-agar is of Mal
ay-Indonesian origin and means jelly. A Japanese legend tells that the original
manufacturing process of the agar-agar was discovered in the mid-seventeenth cen
tury. One winter evening, a Japanese officer would have been offered a tradition
al dish of jelly concocted from gelidium seaweed boiled in water, by the owner o
f a small inn. After dinner, the innkeeper would have thrown the remnants of jel
ly outside. Within a few days and after several cycles of freezing, thawing and
drying in the sun, a white substance seems to have appeared which the landlord w
ould have collected and boiled. He would have obtained a gelatin whiter than the
original and whose texture in the mouth would have pleased the Japanese ever si
nce. The same process of freezing and thawing is still used today, on a large sc
ale, to extract and purify the agar-agar of the seaweed from which it originates

Agar-agar is used for its gelling capabilities and the unique properties of the
gels obtained by it. Gelling occurs when a solution of agar-agar has cooled in a
liquid that was previously brought to a boil. Depending on the species of algae
used, gel formation will take place at temperatures between 32C and 43C. (90F and
The agar-agar gel will retain its firmness even when subjected to temperatures g
razing 85C (185F), unlike gel-based gelatin, which melts at 37C (99F). This wide gap
between the temperature at which a gel is formed and the temperature at which i
t melts is unique.
Agar-agar does not impart flavor or smell to mixtures; it actually promotes the
release of other aromas in the mouth. It is usually used in very low dosage, sin
ce gelling is evident at levels of concentration of agar-agar below 1%. The firm
ness of the gel is directly proportional to the concentration of agar-agar used
in a dish. The weaker the dosage of agar-agar, the more supple and fragile the g
el will be; the stronger the dosage, the more firm and brittle the gel will be.

Industry applications
The remarkable heat resistance of agar-agar gels make them excellent stabilizers
and thickeners in pie fillings, icings and meringues. This same property is a t
remendous asset to the transportation of goods, by allowing greater flexibility
in controlling the temperature.
In combination with other vegetable
orbets and ice cream, as well as to
ogurt and cream cheese. The gelling
preparation of fruit confectionery

gums, agar-agar may act as a stabilizer in s

improve the texture of dairy products like y
properties of agar-agar are also used in the
which are particularly popular in Asia.

About 90% of the production of agar-agar is thus directed towards the food proce
ssing industry; the remainder is mainly used in the health field. Agar-agar gel
is used as bacterial growth gel in Petri dishes, from microbiology laboratories
around the world. In addition, agar-agar is used in dentistry as a material for
moulding the teeth. These are just some of the many uses of agar-agar.

Creative cooking applications

Agar-agar is one of the flagship additives of molecular gastronomy. It is used t
o make dishes with unusual shapes and textures such as pearls and spaghetti gels
. There is simply to dissolve the powdered agar-agar in a boiling aqueous liquid
, then let it set while cooling, using various techniques. It is also incorporat
ed into preparations using a food siphon to produce very light foams.
Agar-agar preparations are heat resistant, thereby making it possible to serve h
ot foams and gels.

Healthy cooking applications

Agar-agar has the advantage of being calorie-free. It is also 80% fibers and can
therefore affect regularity of the bowel.
In jams, agar-agar holds better than pectin and because of a very good release o
f flavor in the mouth, it amplifies the taste of fruit and thus reduces the amou
nt of sugar needed in a recipe.
Lastly, agar-agar is an ideal vegetable substitute for animal gelatin.

Tips and tricks

The gelling properties of agar-agar are activated only if the solution is boiled
for about two minutes. There is only then to let it rest in a cool place or at
room temperature so that it gels.
A hand blender is recommended to dissolve agar-agar. A whisk can also be used bu
t in order to prevent lumps from forming, the agar-agar powder has to be poured
slowly and gradually. Another technique is to first dissolve the agar-agar in a
small amount of boiling water, which will then be poured into the final preparat
ion. It is important to remember that agar-agar is not soluble in all liquids, b
ut only in water. For example, agar-agar will not dissolve in oil or pure alcoho
l. Water will therefore have to be added to the mixture.
Animal Gelatin Substitute
Of vegetable origin, agar-agar is an ideal substitute for animal gelatin. As lit
tle as 2 g. of agar-agar powder replaces 3 sheets of gelatin, that is to say 6 g
. Unlike gelatin, agar-agar is truly tasteless and odorless, which may be prefer
able for certain recipes. Furthermore, it holds better when removed from a mold
and also keeps better. Finally, the agar-agar foam produced with a food siphon a
lso holds better than animal gelatin foam, this property allows for lighter and
airier textures.
Adding fondant

Agar-agar gels have a firmer texture and are more brittle than gelatin, which, u
nlike agar-agar gels, usually melts at a temperature approaching that of the ins
ide of the mouth. To reproduce the effect of fondant in the mouth that gelatin h
as, tara gum can be added to the preparation of agar-agar. This will soften the
mixture and make it creamier.
When one tries out a recipe of his/her own, one must be able to determine the ri
ght mix of agar-agar and liquid. As the solution of agar-agar gels only during t
he cooling period, the mixture can be brought to a boil, then only a small amou
nt can be cooled at room temperature. The gelling should usually be done within
three minutes or less. If the result seems too runny, there needs only to add a
small quantity of agar-agar to the preparation; if it seems too stiff, a small q
uantity of liquid must be added.

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