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Instructions: Please complete the following form based on a lesson that exemplifies your teaching and instructional
strategies. If selected to continue to the personal interview, you will need to present a component of this lesson in a
ten minute presentation. Please limit your submission to 300 words in English.
Candidate Name:


Jorge R. Lorenzo R.

The Aplhabet

Grade Level/Age of Students:

Beginners/11-13 year-old students

Student Learning Objectives: Please describe skills, knowledge, and/or behaviors you expect students to
learn/perform upon completion of this lesson.
Students will be able to learn, memorize, pronounce and practice the English Alphabet and review some

colors while they are playing the UNO game.

Materials: Please list any materials necessary for completing this lesson (e.g., classroom board, technology, reading
material, art supplies, etc.).

A set of Uno game cards (It has been modified the classic game from numbers on each card to a
different letter of the alphabet on each card).
Activities/Procedures: Please describe the major activities and procedures you use to facilitate this lesson.
1- Ask your students to form a group between six and seven players.
2- Tell your students that this game is played like the original UNO game.
3- The object of the game is to be the first person to finish all the cards in your hand. When you have just one card left, you
must say "UNO" out loud. If you don't, and the other players notice before you play your last card you must pick up 2 more
cards from the deck.
4- Deal out 3 cards to each player.
5- The remaining cards are left in the middle of the players.
6- The first person can play any letter-card they wish to start the game. The next player must play a card that matches the
same letter as the previous or has the same colour. Example: A Yellow "Y" can be played on a Red "Y." A Yellow "Y"
cannot be played on a Red "W." A Yellow "Y" can be played on a Yellow "W." Match the colour or the letter. If a player has
two or matching cards in their hand, they can be played at the same time.
7- Special Cards: +2 makes the next person pick up two cards. +4 WILD makes the next person pick up four cards. This card
can be played on any colour and also changes the colour of play to owner's choice.WILDThis card can be played on any
colour and also changes the colour of play to owner's choice. X Skip. This card causes game-play to skip the next player.
Reverse: This causes game-play direction to reverse. Speaker card: The player who plays the 'speaker' card chooses
someone else in the group to read out all their cards held.

Assessment: Please describe how you will determine whether students have attained the learning objectives you
listed above.
Students will :

1- demonstrate knowledge of alphabet recognition.

2- say the alphbet in English when they have got the speaker card.
3- pronounce each letter of the alphabet while they are playing the game with no help.

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