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Digital Telephony


1. Redundancy means the ________

a. Transmission rate of the system
b. Symbols are to be repeated
c. Time between failures
d. Time between successes

Datacom &

11. Ethernet is a baseband system using CSMA/CD

operating at ____
a. 10 Mbps
b. 20 Mbps
c. 30 Mbps
d. 40 Mbps

2. The digital information is contained in both the

amplitude and phase of the modulated carrier.
a. PSK
b. FSK
c. QAM
d. ASK

12. Use of coaxial cables in interconnecting

networks is limited to an overall length of __.
a. 1500 ft
b. 1500 m
c. 1500 km
d. 1500 kft

3. The input signal is a binary digital signal and a

limited number of out put phases are possible.
a. PSK
b. FSK
c. QAM
d. ASK

13. What identifies how the stations are

interconnected in a network?
a. Topology
b. Architecture
c. Topology or architecture
d. Topology and architecture

4. A radio channel is composed of ___VB

a. 1800
b. 900
c. 10800
d. 8064

14. _______is a data communications network

designed to provide two-way communications
between a large varieties of data communication
terminal equipment within a relatively small
geographic area
a. Private Area network
b. Local Area Network
c. Wide area network
d. Ethernet

5. What equation defines the composition of an

ISDN basic access line?
a. 2B + D
b. B + D
c. B + 2D
d. 2B + 2D

15. ______ is the mode of transmission in public

data network in which data are transferred from
source to the network then to the destination in
an asynchronous data format
a. Synchronous mode
b. Start/stop mode
c. Packet mode
d. Circuit mode

6. A digital network where voice, video, text and

data are multiplied into a single network for
processing and are transmitted prior to use.
a. Frame delay
b. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)
d. Synchronous digital hierarchy(SDH)

16. A seven digit character can represent one

of______ possibilities.
a. 7
b. 14
c. 64
d. 128

7. Non-ISDN equivalent can be connected to ISDN

line by the use of ____.
a. Terminal equipment
b. Terminal adapter
c. Modem
d. Network adaptor

17. ______ is defined to be the maximum rate at

which information can be transmitted through a
a. Bit rate
b. Baud rate
c. Coding
d. Channel capacity

8. A special voice encoder/decoder used in

digitizing speech signal only is
a. PCM
b. PWM
c. Vocoder
d. PFM

18. Who developed the fixed-length binary code for

a. Samuel Morse
b. Emile Baudot
c. Alexander Graham Bell
d. Guglielmo Marconi

9. Equation used to determine the number of

Hamming bits in the hamming code.
a. 2n = m+ n +1
b. 2n > m +n +1
c. 2n > m +n +1
d. 2n < m +n +1

19. Inventor of pulse-code modulation for the digital

encoding of speech signals.
a. R.V.L. Hartley
b. J.R. carson
c. H. Nyquist
d. Alex Reeves

10. What determine which network configuration is

most appropriate?
a. Application layer
b. Presentation layer
c. Network layer
d. Data link layer



Datacom & Digital

20. Serial binary data interchange between DTE and

DCE at rates up to 20 kbps. RS 232 is its EIA
a. V.26
b. V.24
c. V.42
d. V.32

c. 84 88 kHz
d. 88 92 kHz
30. ________was the first fixed length 5-bit
character code.
c. Morse code
d. Baudot code

21. RS 232 is normally an interface between DTE

and DCE. What is its signal rate?
a. 20 kbps
b. 30 kbps
c. 40 kbps
d. 50 kbps

31. Amplitude shift keying is also known as ______.

a. Up/down keying
b. On/off keying
c. Front/back keying
d. I/O keying
32. PCM system require_________.
a. Analog signal
b. Large bandwidth
c. Digital signals
d. Fiber optics cable

22. What is multiplexing?

a. The process of increasing bandwidth on a
b. A technique that enables more than one
data source to share the use of a
common line
c. Mailing letter at the post office
d. The ability to share frequency by time

33. Which theorem sets the limit on the maximum

capacity of a channel with a given noise level?
a. Nyquist theorem
b. Hartley theorem
c. Shannon-Hartley theorem
d. Shannon theorem

23. In ____ modulation the carrier is a periodic train

a. Amplitude
b. Analog
c. Digital
d. Pulse

34. _______is the difference between the original

and reconstructed signal.
a. Quantizing noise
b. Fade margin
c. Noise margin
d. Noise figure

24. Which of the following pulse modulation

techniques is a digital transmission system?
a. Pulse duration modulation
b. Pulse position modulation
c. Pulse width modulation
d. Pulse code modulation

35. What are the steps to follow to produce a PCM

a. Sampling,coding and quantizing
b. Sampling,quantizing and coding
c. Quantizing,sampling and coding
d. Coding, quantizing and sampling

25. A process where the higher amplitude analog

signals are compressed prior to transmission
then expanded at the receiver.
a. Compressing
b. Expanding
c. Encoding
d. Companding

36. ________ identifies how the different stations in

a multipoint system are interconnected.
a. Network topology
b. Star network
c. Ring topology
d. Bus network

26. _______uses a single bit PCM code to achieve

a digital transmission of analog signal
a. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
b. Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)
c. Delta Modulation(DM)
d. Phase Modulation(PM)

37. A transmission where data are inputted directly

on the cable.
a. Broadband
b. Base band
c. Digital
d. Analog

27. The line speed of bell system T1 carrier system is

a. 64 kbps
b. 3.152 Mbps
c. 1.544 Mbps
d. 6.312 Mbps

38. Synchronous modems cost more than

asynchronous modems because
a. They are larger
b. They must contain clock recovery
c. The production volume is larger
d. They must operate on a larger bandwidth

28. How many channels does a super group have?

a. 60
b. 600
c. 1800
d. 10800

39. When one station is designated as master and

the rest of the stations are considered slaves,
message handling is _______.
a. store and forward
b. polling

29. The output frequency at the channel combiner of

channel 7 is
a. 76 80 kHz
b. 80 84 kHz


Digital Telephony


d. Token passing

Datacom &

d. The same in all modem computers

50. Clear to send is a signal passed from the local
modem to the local terminal when data port is
ready to transmit data. It usually occurs in
response to
a. Data set ready
b. Request to send
c. Data terminal ready
d. Data carrier detect

40. A store and forward switching.

a. Circuit switching
b. Packet switching
c. Message switching
41. A timing signal generated by an oscillating circuit
that is used to synchronize data transmission.
a. Clock
b. Start bit
c. Quantizing
d. BCC

51. Digital to analog converter in synchronous

modems send signals to the
a. Modulator
b. Transmission lines
c. Terminal
d. equalizer

42. Which system allows different types of networks

to be linked together?
a. OSI
c. Bell System
d. AT & T

52. What is the data rate of the ISDN Basic access

B channel?
a. 32 kbps
b. 64 kbps
c. 144 kbps
d. 192 kbps

43. A _____ that interconnects LAN having identical

protocols at the physical and data link layers.
a. Bridge
b. Router
c. Gateway
d. Hub

53. How many bits are there to present 8

a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5

44. A _____ that interconnects LAN that has totally

different protocols and format
a. Bridge
b. Router
c. Gateway
d. Hub

54. How many number of equiprobable events are

there for 8-bits of information?
a. 256
b. 132
c. 2400
d. 512

45. All bits in a character can be sent/received

a. Serial data
b. Parallel data
c. Full duplex
d. Half duplex

55. Which character code is used without parity bit?

a. CCITT number 2
c. CCITT number 5

46. A system that perform parallel-to-series

conversion of a data link.
a. DTE
b. DCE
c. Modem
d. FEP

56. The percentage of bit errors relative to a specific

number of bits received; usually expressed as a
number referenced to a power of ten.
a. Bit error rate
b. Transmission rate
c. Distortion
d. Parity check

47. Which mode of transmission achieves less than

full-duplex but more than half-duplex.
a. Full/full duplex
b. Echoplex
c. Isochronous
d. synchronous

57. The process of one type of device imitating

another via a hardware/software package.
a. Conversion
b. Emulation
c. Imitation
d. Simultation

48. Rules governing the transmission of digital

a. Data communications standard
b. Line protocol
c. Isochronous
d. Digital communications

58. A digital modulation technique that results in two

different frequencies representing binary 1 and
a. FSK
c. ASK

49. Codes must be

a. Eight bits per character
b. Either seven or eight bits per character
c. Agreed upon in advance between sender
and receiver

59. One dit is equal to _____ bits.




Datacom & Digital


69. A symbol to represent a data communications

facility within the wide area network.
a. Hub
b. Cloud
c. Server
d. Gateway

60. A quadratic signaling has _____ possible states.

a. 16
b. 4
c. 8
d. 32

70. All bits in a character are sent and received

_____ in serial port.
a. One at a time
b. Simultaneously
c. In group of 2 bits
d. In group of 3 bits

61. What is the smallest unit of information in binary

transmission system?
a. Byte
b. Digit
c. Bit
d. Nibble

71. Message switching is ____ network.

a. Hold and forward
b. Forward
c. Hold
d. Store and forward

62. The lowest layer in the ISO protocol hierarchy.

a. network layer
b. physical layer
c. transport laye
d. datalink layer

72. Packet switching is _____ network

a. Hold and forward
b. Forward
c. Hold
d. Store and forward

63. Modem is referred to as

a. Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
b. Universal synchronous receiver transmitter
c. Data terminal equipment
d. Data communication equipment

73. Polling is an invitation by the primary to

secondary equipment to ____ a message.
a. Store
b. Receive
c. Transmit
d. Read

64. A signaling method relating to a multiplicity of

circuits is conveyed over a single channel by
labeled messages.
a. code signaling
b. syncronous
c. common channel signaling
d. asynchronous

74. An 8-bit character code.


65. ______ is a network operating system within

several buildings in compound.
a. Internet
b. Novell netware
c. 10BASE-t
d. intranet

75. Equipment that interfaces the data terminal

equipment to the analog transmission line.
a. Modem
b. Muldem
c. Multiplexer
d. Codec

66. What is the Nyquist sample rate for a voice input

of 10 kHz?
a. 10 kHz
b. 20 kHz
c. 30 kHz
d. 40 kHz

76. A communication network design for transferring

data from one point to another
a. Public Telephone network
b. Public Data network
c. Value Added Network
d. Packet Switching network

67. What is the minimum number of bits required in

PCM code for a range of 10,000?
a. 12
b. 9
c. 14
d. 8

77. A conceptual network in which all transmission

lines handle digital or digitalized data.
a. LAN
b. WAN

68. How many levels can be represented in PCM

transmission system if the binary numbers
00000000 to11111111 are used to represent
signal levels?
a. 256
b. 64
c. 128
d. 512

78. A data communications component that provides

control or supporting services for other
computers, terminals, or devices in a network.
a. Host
b. Communication controller
c. Cluster controller
d. Interface equipment


Digital Telephony


79. Which data network configuration let computers

share their resources?
a. Peer to peer
b. Hierarchical
c. PVC
d. LAN

Datacom &

89. Digital telephones and integrated voice-data

workstations are examples of what type of ISDN
a. TE
b. TA
c. NT2
d. TP

80. A means of improving the quality of a private-line

circuit by adding amplifiers and equalizer to it.
a. Line equalizer
b. Line amplifying
c. Line conditioning
d. Line encoding

90. How many OSI layers are covered under the

X.25 standard?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 7
d. 2

81. Direct distance dialing (DDD) network is

commonly called
a. Private-line network
b. PT network
c. Dial-up network
d. Trunk network

91. With _____, a station monitors the line to

determine if the line is busy.
c. Token Passing

82. A type of server that allows multiple users to

take advantage of a single printing device.
a. Print
b. Client
c. Network
d. File

92. CCITT standard concentrating on data

communications over the telephone network.
a. V series
b. X series
c. I series
d. T series

83. _____ ensures that the transmitter and the

receiver agree on a prescribed time slot for the
occurrence of a bit.
a. Bit or clock synchronization
b. Modem or carrier synchronization
c. Character synchronization
d. Message synchronization

93. Broadband uses

a. TDM
b. Space multiplexing
c. FDM
d. Statistical multiplexing
94. _____ uses the connecting medium as a singlechannel device.
a. Broadband transmission
b. Digital transmission
c. Base band transmission
d. Analog transmission

84. Characters that must be transmitted other than

data are called
a. Parity
b. Error
c. Overhead
d. Hamming bits

95. Which is considered as the fastest LAN

a. Ring
b. Bus
c. Star
d. Tree

85. The generating power polynomial x7 + x5 + x4 + x2

+ x1 + x is equivalent
a. 101101110
b. 101101111
c. 010010001
d. 10110111

96. What is the most widely used data

communications code?
a. Gray
c. Baudot

86. A central device into which each node of a star

network is directly connected
a. Hub
b. Central pointer
c. Router
d. Repeater

97. Mark and space refer respectively to

a. 1 and 0
b. Dot and dash
c. Message and interval
d. On and off
98. What is the other name for parity?
a. BCC
b. LRC
c. VRC
d. CRC

87. To ____ is to send a file to a remote computer.

a. Upload
b. Download
c. Call
d. Transmit
88. A microcomputer attached to a network requires
a. NIC
b. RS 232
c. Software
d. Protocol

99. A device that performs routing functions and

protocol translation from one network to another.
a. Gateway



Datacom & Digital

b. Bridge
c. Router
d. Repeater
Not important characteristic of the physical
a. Electrical
b. Mechanical
c. Logical
d. All of them

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