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Kelompok B1:

1. Ririn
2. Sae
3. Rima
4. Abdillah
5. Izza
6. Elzan
7. Ami
8. Okta
9. Aap
10. Elsa
11. Sangetta
12. M. Adil
13. Osi

Pengumpulan tanggal 16/12/2014, mulai jam 7 malam sampai 7.20 malam. Yang ngumpul
tidak sesuai jam, tidak rapi, banyak tidak dijawab kemungkinan jadi presentan
*(Times New Roman; ukuran 12; Justify; space 1,5) Tolong sumbernya jangan lupa

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1. A 9 years old girl came to the Moh. Hoesin Hospital with complain of pale and
abdominal distention.
2. She lives in Kayu Agung. She has been already hospitalized two times before (2009 and
2010) in Kayu Agung General Hospital and always got blood transfusion.
3. Her younger brother, 7 years old, looks taller than her. Her uncle was died when he was
21 years old due to the similar disease like her.
4. Physical Examination
Compos mentis, anemis (+), wide epicanthus, Prominent upper-jaw
HR: 94x/mnt; RR: 27x/mnt, TD : 100/70 mmHg, Temp.36,7oC
Heart and Lung: Within normal limit
Abdomen: Hepatic Enlargement x 1/4 , Spleen: Schoeffner III
Extremities: Pallor palm of Hand. Others: normal
5. Laboratory Results:
Hb: 7,6 gr/dl, Ret: 1,8 %, WBC: 10,2 x 109/lt, Thrombocyte: 267x109/lt, Diff.count:
Blood film: anisocytosis, poikylocytosis, hypochrome, target cell (+)
MCV: 64 (fl), MCH: 21 (pg), MCHC: 33 (gr/dl), SI within normal limit, TIBC within
normal limit, Serum Feritin: within normal limit


1. A 9 years old girl came to the Moh. Hoesin Hospital with complain of pale and
abdominal distention.
a. Bagaimana hubungan usia dan jenis kelamin dengan keluhan yang dialami pasien ?
b. Etiologi dan mekanisme dari pale? (4,1,7)
c. Etiologi dan mekanisme dari abdominal distention ? (6,8,10)

2. She lives in Kayu Agung. She has been already hospitalized two times before (2009
and 2010) in Kayu Agung General Hospital and always got blood transfusion.
a. Apa hubungan letak geografik tempat tinggal dengan kasus ? (13,3,12)
b. Apa indikasi blood transfusion ? (9,11,5)
c. Apa resiko sering melakukan transfuse darah ? (12,4,2)
d. Bagaimana proses eritropoeisis yang normal ? (13,7,1)

3. Her younger brother, 7 years old, looks taller than her. Her uncle was died when he
was 21 years old due to the similar disease like her.
a. Apa kaitan penyakit yang diderita dengan pertumbuhan anak perempuan ini ? (9,10,8)
b. Bagaimana hubungan genetic terhadap kasus ? (3,6,1)
c. Apa hubungan penyakit yang diderita pamannya terhadap kasus ? (2,8,4)

4. Physical Examination:
Compos mentis, anemis (+), wide epicanthus, Prominent upper-jaw
HR: 94x/mnt; RR: 27x/mnt, TD : 100/70 mmHg, Temp.36,7oC
Heart and Lung: Within normal limit
Abdomen: Hepatic Enlargement x 1/4 , Spleen: Schoeffner III
Extremities: Pallor palm of Hand. Others: normal
a. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme abnormal dari :

Compos mentis, anemis (+), wide epicanthus, Prominent upper-jaw (10,12,7)

HR: 94x/mnt; RR: 27x/mnt, TD : 100/70 mmHg, Temp.36,7oC (3,9,5)

Heart and Lung: Within normal limit (11,6,13)

Abdomen: Hepatic Enlargement x 1/4 , Spleen: Schoeffner III (1,11,3)

Extremities: Pallor palm of Hand. Others: normal (4,7,6)

b. Bagaimana cara pemeriksaan Schoeffner ? (5,2,8)

5. Laboratory Results:
Hb: 7,6 gr/dl, Ret: 1,8 %, WBC: 10,2 x 109/lt, Thrombocyte: 267x109/lt, Diff.count:
Blood film: anisocytosis, poikylocytosis, hypochrome, target cell (+)
MCV: 64 (fl), MCH: 21 (pg), MCHC: 33 (gr/dl), SI within normal limit, TIBC
within normal limit, Serum Feritin: within normal limit
a. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme anormal dari :

Hb: 7,6 gr/dl, Ret: 1,8 %, WBC: 10,2 x 109/lt, Thrombocyte: 267x109/lt,
Diff.count: 0/2/0/70/22/6 (10,12,9)

Blood film: anisocytosis, poikylocytosis, hypochrome, target cell (+) (13,4,2)

MCV: 64 (fl), MCH: 21 (pg), MCHC: 33 (gr/dl), SI within normal limit,

TIBC within normal limit, Serum Feritin: within normal limit (3,7,5)

b. Pemeriksaan penunjang ? (6,1,8)

How to diagnose (13,10,11)
DD (12,9,1)
WD (6,2,13)
Epidemiologi (5,11,4)
Etiologi (7,9,3)
Patofisiologi (10,12,8)
Pencegahan (1,2,3)
Tatalaksana dan Edukasi (4,5,6)
Komplikasi (7,8,9)
Prognosis (10,11,12)
KDU (1-13)

Anemia Hemolitik (1-6)
Thalasemia (7-13)

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