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Lee Strasberg

founded actors studio

Inside Actors Studio on PBS
why founded actors studio for working actors that wanted to continue improving
move away from commercial auditions
where established actors could go without being in play
practice their craft
open-minded approach/environment
learn by watching others discover new things
stay in moment in stay fresh
considered the father of method acting

Method Acting

put actor in the characters shoes

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Robert De Niro
connect to characters emotions
break down barrier between on and offstage
not heightened reality, appeared to be real
plays that lend themselves to verisimilitude
do make an emotional connection
dont let it take over your performance
dont get lost in your emotions (butcher knife example)
Actors Studio to act responsibly
be truthful
separate real and stage life
be emotionally well grounded


know where the cut off is

dont pressure the actor into bad health
open relationship between director and actor
know other kinds of methods to see what works for which person
responsibility to know the limits and to recognize them
dont realize crossed boundary until too far
same wavelength as actors
dont imitate what you want
explain what you want the actor to do

get to what they want without losing what you need

saying the words takes out some of their power

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