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Adverbs are words that describe or qualify the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Some
adverbs are also used to describe clauses or sentences. Some adverbs are usually words that answer
questions with how.

Kinds Of Adverbs
Kinds Of Adverbs
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of place
Adverbs of time
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of degree

quickly, bravely, fast, happily, hard,
by, down, there, here, up, near, far,
now, soon, still, then, today,
tomorrow, yet
always, ever, never, occasionally,
often, once, sometimes, twice
fairly, hardly, rather, quite, too, very
when? where? why? how?

Adverbs of interrogative

Adverbs Of Manner
Adverbs of manner are usually used to describe in what way something is done. Let's see the following
She can sing beautifully.
The little boy can run fast. He studies his lesson lazily.
She said goodbye to me sadly.
She said goodbye sadly to the whole members of the
community. She sadly said goodbye to me.
He kindly offered me to take his seat.

The man generously treated us a drink.

Adverbs Of Place
Adverbs of place are usually used to describe the location/place. Let's see the following examples.
Please sit down here.
I saw her standing there.
The birds are flying so high.
The durians fell down.

Adverbs Of Time
Adverbs of time are usually put at the beginning or at the end of a sentence / a clause. Let's see the
following examples.
Finally my father gave up smoking. My father gave up smoking finally. I'll post it tomorrow.
We'll soon deliver your order.
We'll fix the problem immediately.

Adverbs Of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency are usually used to describe how often something is done. Let's see the following
The students always come in time for school.
I'll never mean to hurt you.
She is always happy to be with me.
I will always be with you.

Adverbs Of Degree
Adverbs of degree are used to modify adjectives or other adverbs. They are usually put before the
adjectives or adverbs. Let's see the following examples.
It's almost done.
You're absolutely right.
The man drives the car too fast.
He can speak English far better than me.

Interrogative Adverbs
The followings are interrogative adverbs :
when : ( at what time? )
where : ( in what place? )
why : ( for what reasons? )
how : ( in what way? )
Let's use them in sentences.
When do you usually go to work? | At 7.30.
Where were you born? | I was born in Delhi.
why did you that lazy man?
How did you come here? | By bus.

In this exercise you have to complete the sentences with the adverbs provided.
well fast happily hard tomorrow
1. They lived .... ever after.
2. Don't work too ....
3. She can speak English ....
4. I'm going to post it ... morning.
5. The little boy can run very ....

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