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N.P. Thareja 22

AA life Line

H Ring of Solomon

BB Head Line

I Ring of Saturn

CC Heart line

JJ Line of Mars

DD Fate Line

KK Line of Intuition

EE Sun Line

LL Girdle of Venus

FF Health Line

MM Bracelets

G Line of Marriage
Man, since times immemorial, has been curious to know, about the future. In our ancient
scriptures there are many references to the sciences of Astrology, Palmistry and Numerology,
In the case of Astrology, the exact date, time and place of birth are required for structuring a
horoscope. For Numerology, date of birth of the person concerned is required, besides the
name, for converting each aplhabet of the name into its numerical value so as to find out the
desired information. So far as the Science of Palmistry
This article deals with the
is concerned, the palm of the subject is needed for
ancient science of Palmistry
studying the type of hand, thumb, fingers formation of
which is as important as
various lines on the palm, mounts and different kinds
of marks and signs found on the palm at various places
Astrology and Numerology.
and on the lines. The aforesaid three sciences of
Astrology, Palmistry and Numerology have peculiarities
The author has discussed
of their own, and prerequisites. In Astrology, on the basis
different lines which are
of the birth data, a horoscope is structured. By taking
visible on the subjects palm.
into account the placement of planets in any of the
He has discussed at length
twelve houses, transit of planets from time to time, and
the most important line i.e.
the main period of birth and the main periods and subLife line - which indicates
thereunder of the planets, a good deal of
the different events in life
information about the subject concerned with regard to
which affect the subject.
various aspects of life in the past, present and future,
is gathered. On the basis of the aforesaid exercise, it can be made out what periods of the life
will be good or lean, and what types of benefits will be forthcoming, and what kind of difficulties,


Hon National Vice President, ICAS; Founder, Human Care Charitable Trust


problems are likely to be faced in the times to come. The periods can be narrowed down from
years to months, and from months to days, and from days to hours, and so on.

Through Numerology also, phases of life can be narrowed down into years, months and days.
But so far as the science of Palmistry is concerned, information about only major periods can be
worked out. Undoubtedly, the two sciences of Astrology and Numerology have the above
advantage, but the main requisite in their case is the exact information with regard to the birth
data. In the absence of this, it may not be possible to arrive at the desired information. In the case
of Astrology, there is an alternative, for structuring of a horoscope, on the basis of Prashna kundli.
All the three sciences, if any person has knowledge thereof, prove complementary to each other
if their results are cross-checked.
In Sanskrit, the science of Palmistry is called "Hastrekha Vigyan." The world-renowned Cheiro,
who has authored a number of books on Plamistry and Astrology, has candidly stated that he
learnt this science from the learned scholars of India, who were richly possessed of this knowledge
passed on to them by their ancestors, generation after generation. Actually, the Hastrekha Vigyan
is a part of the Samudrika Shastra, which studies the shapes and signs of each individual from
top to bottom gives out the characteristics of each person, and the course of his/her past and
future. Western scholars have done futher research in the science of Palmistry and numerous
books have been authored by various experts such as Count Louis Hamon, Pen name Cheiro,
William G. Benham, Noel Jaquin, Comte C. De Saint Germain, Katharine St. Hill, Vera Compton,
Myrah Lawrance, etc. Besides these there may be many more authors. Among Indian authors
are Shri S.K. Sen, Shri J.S. Bright, Shri V.K. Ayer, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali and Shri Rajesh
Deekshit. In the field of Palmistry, the contribution of Samudrika Tilak M. Katakar is very
The study of the hand and palm is based on Hand, Palm, Thumb, Fingers, Mounts and the
various lines on the palm.
On the palm, the main lines are:
AA life Line

H Ring of Solomon

BB Head Line

H Ring of Saturn

CC Heart line

JJ Line of Mars

DD Fate Line

KK Line of Intuition

EE Sun Line

LL Girdle of Venus

FF Health Line

MM Bracelets

G Line of Marriage
The most important line on the palm, as the name itself indicates, is the life Line. As long as life
persists in the body, all activities hover around it. The other two equally important lines are Head
Line and Heart Line. Line of Mars is also an important line, Line of Mars runs parallel to the Life
Line on the inner side. It is called the Sister Life Line and gives support and vitality to the Life Line
and comes to the rescue of the subject in times of need.

While calculating/assessing the life span of a person, the aforesaid three lines are also to be
studied besides the Life Line.

We shall take up the Life Line from where it starts, the direction it takes, and how to calculate
the life span of a person.

The Life Line usually starts at the right side of the palm between the thumb, and the first finger,
runs round the base of the thumb, encircling the Mount of Venus at the base of the palm. This line
tells the health of the subject during various periods of life and the physical strength in general.
The Life Line not only relates to illness, estimated span of life, death, constitution of the subject,
but the other important events such as failures, accomplishments in the past and in times to
come can also be made out from the state of the line, and various indications such as marks and
signs found thereon. From the length of the Life Line, we can have a fair idea about the span of life
of the individual concerned and at what point health problems are likely to take place.
But a confirmation of what is indicated by the Life Line will have to be ascertained from the
other lines on the palm, viz. Heart Line, Head Line and Health Line. Short Life Line does not
necessarily mean short life. Broken lifeline also does not mean sickness or death. Even the
absence of the Life Line does not mean that the subject has no life or the life is coming to an end.
The absence of the Life Line indicates that the life of the subject hangs only by a hair, and death
may come at any moment. Persons having no Life Line are never of robust condition, and are
always delicate.
The delicacy of the Life Line is made up by a big thumb and good Head Line. The Line of Mars
which runs by the side of the Life Line and is called sister Life Line, provides vitality and power of
resistance to withstand the illness and thus add to the year of life. The short Life Line may indicate
radical changes in life. If the Life Line is short, there may be a complete change of location,
profession, etc., of the subject. Before reaching a conclusion about the span of life of the subject,
the other lines on the palm will also have to be studied. Even if the span of life of a person is found
to be short on the basis of the Life Line, Head Line and Heart Line, it should not be stressed upon
according to the code of ethics of the science of Palmistry, as this may affect the will power and
morale of the person conerned. Knowing well that all of us have to die sooner or later, we all dread
death, and when a person is informed that death is imminent, the spirit in him/her withers away,
making the end more painful. There are certain persons who insist that they would like to know
even very bad things about them, but personally. I am of the opinion that due care should be taken
in convenying information to them as at the time when he/she seeks your version, his/her state of
mind may be very morbid, taking death to be the only relief or remedy for his/her suffering.
The Life Line may start from any of the following sources:

Starting just below the Mount of Jupiter and going round the Mount of Venus.


Starting high on the hand from the Mount of Jupiter.


Starting between the Mount of Mars and Mount of Mars and Mount of Jupiter like straight

(iv) Starting from the Mount of Mars and rising upwards before descending to encircle the

Mount of Venus.
No. (i) is the normal starting point of Life Line.

(ii) Persons having a Life Line starting high on the hand from the Mount of Jupiter have great
ambition. They achieve success in life and command respect and honour. Children having this
type of Life Line are difficult to hold back. Their minds mature early, and the competitive instinct of
ambition manifests itself even in school days.

Life Line - Its various origins

(i) The Normal starting place
(ii) Starting from the Mount of Jupiter
(iii) Starting between the Mount
of Mars and Mount of Jupiter
(iv) Starting from the Mount of Mars

The starting of the Life Line at the point (iii) is the most usual type, and it takes a wider
curve round the Mount of Venus than the others. If this type of Life Line continues clear
and well defined to the end, it is a good promise of a robust constitution.

(iv) The line partakes of the nature of the Mount on which it rises. The Life Line starting from
the Mount of Mars indicates a life fettered by the quarrelsome and irritable temperament
of the subject. Children having this type of Life Line are to be carefully guarded against
having fire arms or explosives or weapons of any kind as they will cause injury to
themselves or other people.
The terminating point of the Life Line has also very great importance and the span of life, to an
extent, depends upon the termination point. The nature of the Life Line and how it is linked with the
other lines on the palm is also of significance. The ideal Life Line is that which is long, deep, clear,
flawless and of pink complexion in both hands.
Further the Line should also be free of crosses, breaks, stars, and should not fade away for
any considerable length. The various signs and marks on the Life Line have also their own
impact on the life of the subject concerned. Break, star, cross island are bad signs, and they
obstruct the passage of the electric current throughout the Life Line. Square is a sign of protection,
and when found on the Life Line, especially when it is broken, serves the purpose of a bridge. The
existence of the square helps the subject in overcoming the bad patch of time. We give the
probable impact of the various signs when found on the Life Line. The complexion of the lines has
also its own significance.

Break in the Life Lineunfavourable indication. It reveals danger to health or life of the
subject. If there is an overlapping break, the subject will overcome the crisis.



Stars on the Life Line or near it, is ominous. It threatens sudden death or shattering of
(c) Cross at the end of the Life Line also signifies sudden death.
(d) Small bars cutting the Life Line indicate worries and strains on the nervous system.
(e) Island on the Life Line, especially if it is well formed, idicates a problem with the health of
the subject.
(f) ChainedDelivery of constitution.
(g) Broken-up and ladderedPeriod of continued ill-health.
The complexion of the Life Line, its thickness and thinness, also have significance.
Pale and broadIII-health, bad instincts,
Thick and redViolence and brutality of mind.
Varying thickness of the lineFickle temper.
Thin and meagre in the centreIII-health during that portion of life.
Chained under the mount of Jupiter Bad health in Early life.

LongevityHow to assess it
To estimate accurately and unfailingly time divisions/frames on the human hand is a most
difficult task. However, by virtue of experience, in most cases the timings worked out come
correct. There are various methods (some of them have become outdated or have not been found
giving correct information) for arriving at the timings of the events of life, and the estimated span
of life, and each palmist, on the basis of his/her own epxerience, adopts a particular method.
Intution plays a big role, and if the palmist is gifted with intuitive power, his/her calculations will
rarely prove incorrect. The presence of the Line of Intuition on the palm indicates that the subject
is gifted with the power of intuition. The Line of Intutition lies at the side of the hand near the
percussion. It rises on the Mount of Moon, and after describing a curve towards the Plain of Mars,
ends on or near the Mount of Mercury. The Line of Intuition is one of the most valuable mental
assets that any person can have. It shows that the subject has an uncanny insight into human
nature and a gift of presentiment of fore knowledge of events likely ot take place in one's life.
Persons with the Line of Instuition seem to receive impression for which they cannot account, nor
give any reason. The timings can be worked out on the Life Line, Head Line, Heart Line, Fate Line
and the Sun Line. As, for the present, we are dealing with the Life Line, we shall describe the
various methods for working out the timings on the Life Line. The Life Line starts at the place
below the mount of Jupiter or nearby and runs down the wrist. The working out of the timing on the
Life Line starts from the very edge of the hand, from where the Life Line starts. According to Noel
Jaquin, the space of a quarter of an inch would equal roughly five years of life.

Cheiro, another wizard in Plamistry, has used the system of seven. The whole Line of Life is
divided into compartments of seven years each. If we draw a line downwards from the place
between the Mount of Jupiter and Mount of Saturn (A), where the line cuts/meets the Life Line, it
is the 21st year of life. The area covered from the start of the Life Line to the meeting point of the
above perpendicular line can be divided into 3 equal portions of 7 years each. The Life Line
beyond the meeting point of the 21st year can be divided into various portions of 7 years each,

and thus the total span of life can be estimated, and the also the timing of the events, good and
bad, based on the various indications available from the various
Calculation of timing
marks and signs can be estimated. On the basis of my personal
and age on the Life Line
experience of reading numerous palm, I have found this system
working quite well. Whenever on the Life Line there happens to
be a defect by way of cross, bars breaks, star, cross, descending
line, the approximate period when the bad effects of the above
defects are likely to take place can be worked out. Similarly, on
the basis of the same system, when the ascending line(s), on the
Life Line appear, certain good happenings to the subject by way
of promotion, acceleration in status, acquiring of some assets,
happy events in the family such as birth of a child, marriage, etc.
can be worked out. While marking an assessment of the event of
life vis-a-vis the age of the subject, the intuitive power of the palmist
will play it role.

The other methods are not of uniform system. In one of them,

the ages have been marked, in the middle of the Life Line as 35th
year, taking the whole Life Line from its beginning to the end, near
the wrist, as 70 years. The Life Line has been marked, at 18, 28, 35, 44, 52, 62 and 70, and no
resasons adduced or explained as to why these have been marked at the aforesaid ages. The
space covered on the Life Line, from 18 to 28, 28 to 35, 35 to 44, 44 to 52 years, more or less, is
the same, but there is a difference covered by the gap, say, 10 years from 18 to 28 years, seven
years from 28 to 35 years, nine years from 35 to 44 years, eight years from 44 to 52 years.
The other method of calculating the age span is by measuring the Life Line with a white thread
from the beginning upto the point of its meeting with the first bracelet. The whole thread from the
beginning upto the end of the Life Line near the bracelet will be marked into two equal portions.
Each of the two halves will be divided into five equal sections. The first half of the thread has been
marked as 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th year. The second half at 36th, 43rd, 51st, 60th and 70th
year. It will be observed that the earlier years of life upto the 30th year have been reckoned at a
uniform rate of six years. Thereafter, although the space is equal, the years have been gradually
increasing at a varying figure of six years, seven years, eight years, nine years and, ultimately,
10 years, from 60th year to 70th year.
In the various books on Palmistry, mostly by Western authors, published six-seven decades
ago, various methods are given, taking maximum span of life to 70 years. But in the present
age of improved medical care, the span of life goes beyond 70 years. As such, the old time
scales may not work well. Each palmist has his own choice to adopt a particular system out
of many, but whatever system one would follow should be workable and appealing. According
to my own experience, Cheiros system of seven, explained in the earlier pages, has been
found to be giving good results.


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