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Richard Torres

Summary Response Essay
Class A
In the article Why Latin America is a Fertile Ground for Green Tech
Industries, by Gavin OToole, the author argues about the green tech and how Latin
America has several resources that allows a sustainable technology. The ecofriendly tech is going to increase faster according to the paper and supports by Luis
Aguirre too. The resources of Latin America are attracting a lot of innovators in
natural laboratories such as Chiles desert. Latin America has abundance in
resources that can used in different innovation sectors, but one obstacle is the
absence of innovation in this region. I think that it is one point that should be
corrected by governments investment.
The first idea OToole gives us a sample how the green tech is increasing
faster, according to the article Latin America has 6% of global renewable energy in
2012 also it has an energy that is cleanest of all regions, around three times the
planet average. One example of the Latin American countries is Brazil that owns the
worlds largest potential wind resources and biomass. Therefore, large North
American companies are interested in investing in Latin American countries such as
Mexico, Brazil and others. Latin America is showing the importance of natural
resources and its use in bioenergy production.
The second idea the author explains how Latin America has a lot of natural
resources, for this reason renewable energy is equal to innovation that included
different projects like the Clean Technology Fund and UNEPs Green Grown
Initiative; however Latin America is obstructed by low innovation and deficiency of

Richard Torres
Summary Response Essay
Class A
entrepreneurs. Also the use of clean energy is an alternative to counteract the
contamination. Latin America try to fix the pollution effects through bioenergy.
Im Latin American and I am proud because my region has a lot of natural
resources, nevertheless the governments dont use it correctly. One country of Latin
American is Ecuador could become in the largest source of clean energy, my
country owns resources such as wind, lakes, sun, and volcanoes; for this reason
Yachay tries to support it, even it is a great development for contamination
problems. Other aspect why people doesnt use renewable energy is for the lack of
innovation, for this reason Yachay was born and all of us are studying in Yachay
Tech, which objective is the creation of knowledge and innovation.
I believe that Latin America has a lot of entrepreneurs, but they only need to
support in their projects. Also Latin America deserve to take advantage of its natural
resources and in the future it could become in an world power; the government may
try to improve the utilization of its natural resources in its countries and Yachay is
achieving it step by step. Brazil is taking the initiative in renewable energy, however
it must be in all Latin America, according to author Latin American has cleanest
energy around three times the planet average; it is something surprising and all
Yachay Techs people will achieve the innovation in eco-friendly technology. Maybe
it will be a difficult labor, but it will be a reality and Ecuador and all countries of
Latin America never again will have shortage of innovation. We can do it!!!!

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