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Problems 1-4: Two towers 120 meters apart are on the same horizontal plane.

An observer standing successively

at the bases of the towers observes that the angle of elevation of the taller is twice that of the
smaller at the midway point, he observes that the angles of elevation of the tops of the towers
are complementary.
1.) Height of the taller tower.
C.) 90 m
2.) Height of the smaller tower.
B.) 40 m
3.) Angle of elevation of the smaller tower as observe at the foot of the taller tower.
A.) 18 26
4.) Angle of elevation of the taller tower as observe at midway point.
C.) 56 18.6
Problems 5-7: The right triangle ABC is isosceles triangle with AB = AC. If AP = 3 m, CP = 5 m, and BP = 4 m,
5.) The hypotenuse BC.
D.) 8.548 m
6.) Side AB or AC.
C.) 6.07 m
7.) Angle .
A.) 34 58
Problems 8-10: Solve the right spherical triangle ABC with:
= 32 24
= 49 15
8.) Angle B.
B.) 56 51
9.) Angle A.
D.) 45 01
10.) Side b.
C.) 39 21
Problems 11-13: Solve the oblique spherical triangle ABC with:
= 93 8
= 46 4
= 71 6
11.) Side .
B.) 78 34
12.) Angle B.
D.) 44 01
13.) Angle A.
D.) 74 38

Problems 14-16: A hollow glass bowl in the shape of a hemisphere of radius 100 mm is filled with liquid to a
depth of 76 mm. Determine;
14.) Volume of the hemispherical glass bowl.
A.) 0.0021 m
15.) Volume of water in the bowl of depth 76 mm.
C.) 0.001355 m
16.) If the water flows out through a small hole in the bottom so that the level drops 50 mm. How
much water has escaped.
B.) 0.0007 m
Problems 17-19: A buoy consists of a hemisphere whose diameter is 1.20 meter, surmounted by a cone of same
base diameter and height 1.50 meters. Find:
17.) Volume of the cone of diameter 1.20 meters and height 1.50 meters.
A.) 0.5655 m
18.) If the buoy sink to a depth of 0.90 meters, find the volume submerged.
D.) 0.728 m
19.) Find the weight of the buoy if density of water is 1000 kg/m.
C.) 7.139 kN
20.) Find the area of the quadrilateral having the points (-3, 4), (-2, -1) (4, 4) and (0, 5) as vertices.
A.) 21 sq. units
21.) Find the point on the y-axis that is equidistant from (5, 1) and (-3, -1).
B.) (0, 4)
22.) A line through (-6, -7) and (x, 7) is perpendicular to a line through (1, -4) and (-5, 2).
Find x.
D.) 8

Problems 23-30: Fill in the blank.

23.) A triangle having two equal medians is isosceles

24.) An isosceles triangles has two equal medians

25.) In any triangle the sum of the squares of two sides is equal to twice
third side plus twice the square of the median drawn to that side.

the square of one-half the

26.) The line segments joining the midpoints of the opposite sides of any quadrilateral bisect
each other.

27.) The sum of the squares of the four sides of any parallelogram
the diagonals.

28.) The diagonals of a square are


29.) The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal


the sum of the squares of

to each other.

30.) The line joining the midpoint of the hypotenuse of a right triangle to the vertex of the right angle is
equal to half
the hypotenuse.

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