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New Era of Management, Richard L. Daft

According to this book, the explanation regarding ethics is that, they define ethics by the code
of moral and principles and values that govern the behaviours of a person or in a group with respect to
what is right or wrong. An ethical issue is present in a situation when the actions of a person or
organizational itself, may harm or benefit others. It is quite difficult to define in a precise way though.
People also may hold various divergent perspectives about the most ethically appropriate or
inappropriate actions related to a situation. This book also state that ethics can be more clearly
understood when compared with behavioural governed by law and by free choice.
Managers face many pressures that sometimes tempt them to engage in unethical behaviours.
Just because managers are not breaking the law that does not necessarily mean they are being ethical.
It is just way too subjective to explain. An ethical issue is present in any situation when the actions of
an individual or even organization may harm or benefit others. Managers need the piece of courage
to stand up and correct things right. Managers are ethically responsible for observing and make sure
that the organizational resources are used and served correctly according to their place. In contrast,
unethical managers seek to serve their own needs and interest at the expense of stakeholders. Ethics is
all about making the right choices.
On the other hand, this book also explains that an ethical dilemma is a situation in which all
alternatives of choices or behaviours have potentially negative consequences. Right and wrong cannot
be clearly distinguished. Most of the ethical dilemma involves a conflict between the interests of
different groups or between the needs of the individual itself versus the needs of the organization.

Even so, managers can use variety of approaches based on norms and values to help them make
ethical decisions. For instance, managers can use utilitarian approach, individualism approach, moral
rights approach, justice approach, virtue ethics approach or even practical approach.
Other than that, personality characteristics, family influence, religious background and some other
factors give huge influence to the managers ability to make ethical choices.

The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations

Ethics have become an organizational precedence. In the 21st century, ethics is neither a
luxury nor an option. Lack in ethical values can cause to irresponsible behaviour. For example, greed
can cause leader to lose his or her rationalities which is one of unethical behaviour. Thats why ethics
should be a priority in an organization. Ethical values should be acknowledge first among the top
managers as most important success factor in a modern organization.
When ethics is set as precedence in an organization, it will affect not only in decision making
but also the organization itself. In order to attain this ideal, there must be a coalition process that
incorporate business ethics with mission, vision, values, strategies and goals. Ethical values are
fundamentally social in nature. An ethical organization bring a bright future to an organization. A
good internal relationship between manager and subordinates, and a good external relationship with
customer, vendor, customer, and society as a prize for an ethical organization. When an organization
make ethics values as their priority the organization will attain an ethical cultural image and
community are treated well.
21st century organization should think that ethical values will give their organization a great
opportunity in future instead of ethics values as safe guarding for their reputation or else. When the
society desperate for ethical values this will became every organization in society opportunity to
affect social culture of the society, through the institutionalization of ethical values. When this happen

society got benefits from the positive affect employees that take from their organization to their
families, friend, and associates.
In 21st century, ethics should not be considerate as a luxury or an option. People at all level in
an organization need an ethical values in themselves in order to make an organization as an ethical
organization. According to Kidder (2001) The principle task of this decade is the creation and
nurturing of value-based culture. Rushworth M.Kidder identified four key factors in creating a
valued based culture. These factors are shared core values, common language, and commitment at the
top and moral courage. Ethics, lifestyle and culture must become so interlocking so they wont be
separated. Together they can comprise how people relate to one and another at every part of the
Most organization noticed about the critical need of ethics in their cultural environment,
however there still no improvement towards an ethical organizations. There still a spaces for
improvement towards ethical organization. First, an organization have to think ethics as social
responsibility. Next, by creating rational expectation that work with everyone and then ethics will find
it a place to make it a precedence in an organization. Lastly, a good organization will grab the
opportunities to have a better future by influencing the society through institutionalization of ethical

Overview on business ethics and human resources management ethics

Nowadays, in contemporary business world ethics became the most exciting

challenge in an organization. Organization still uncertain about ethics. Can ethics bring a
winning to an organization when it comes to problem on actual business? How do ethics act?
Managers nowadays spent almost all their day in office. They live to work and live to attain
at least one of organization objective when sun rise. But lately search, state the increasing of
numbers of managers that using their emotional intelligence or their ethical values to
influence others. But we still can see the difference in rich organization they still did not care
about this ethical values thats because managerial interest has been there for many years.
Since, long time ago research have been conducted upon organizational behaviour.
Lack of ethical values can cause to a conflict between managers and subordinate. Even
though, there a lot of conflict between employees and employer and organization still think
that was the purpose of organizations economic rather than think this as ethical values
problem in an organization. Most organization want to gain profit as much as the can and

they did not care how they want to attain that. Whether that was a good way or bad way they
did not care, this is because the organization did not make ethic as a priority.
On conceptual level ethics decision is made in order to attain unprecedented decision,
whereas consented with rules are useless and emphasize on personal value and judgements.
These days, ethics enforced in human factor in the process where the subordinates in
dilemma on making decision whether to make profit or to listen to community demands and
needs. Society has developed rules legitimate and inexplicit that target businessman in
their endeavour to gain profit. These people make the rules yet they are the one who broke
the rules. When this occur in society they did not care whether his situation will bring
positive or negative effects to the society.

The Challenges of Business Ethics - Management and the Question of Ethics

Management ethics has become a vital concern to organizations and society. Principles of
ethics from moral philosophy and management theory are available to inform interested managers.
The challenge is to avoid immoral management, transitioning from an amoral to a moral management
mode of leadership, behaviour, decision making policies and practices. Moral management stands on
ethical leadership. Managers in organizations face ethical issues every day of their working lives as
they carry out their leadership responsibilities. Management ethics may be seen as a component of
corporate social responsibility. The reason why managers must be ethical is because society expects
managers to be ethical and that managers should be responsive to the expectations of society and
stakeholders. It has been clearly documented by studies and surveys that business and its agents such
as managers are expected to be ethical. Ethical management practices keep organizations and
managers out of trouble. According to Ferrell and Fraedrich(1991,35) "an ethical issue is a problem,
situation or opportunity requiring an individual or organization to choose among several actions that
must be evaluated as right or wrong, ethical or unethical." Managers experience ethical issues at the

personal, organizational, trade/professional and global level. If the moral management model is to be
achieved, managers need to integrate ethical wisdom with their managerial wisdom and to take steps
to create and sustain an ethical climate in their organizations. When this is done, the desirable goals of
moral management are achievable.

What Social Worker Should Know About Ethnics: Understanding and Resolving Practice
There are two main objectives about this article which are discuss about the current National
Association of Social Workers (NASW) ethnics code and provide model for ethical decision making
that we can apply when facing ethical dilemmas. Nowadays, ethical issues and dilemmas arise in
almost every organization. Therefore, several Code of Ethics was provided in company and also
ethics model of decision making to solve ethical dilemmas that occurs. In Daft book Management
define that ethnic is code of moral principles and values that govern the behaviors of right or wrong.
The current NASW ethnics code contains 26 pages which addresses professional standards,
description of core values, ethical standards, inspirational standards and enforceable guidelines for
professional conduct. This article mentioned the code of ethics contains standards for social workers
in six main areas. There are responsibilities to clients, responsibilities to colleagues responsibilities in
practice settings, responsibilities as professionals, responsibilities to the social work profession and
responsibilities to society.
There are some social worker are not aware of new provisions in code of ethics. This article
had list down ten areas focus on new issues in the Code of Ethics. The first one is limits to

confidentiality. In this case, social workers should maintain confidentiality except when it is necessary
to prevent harm to their client. Second issue about confidentiality in technological age. Social workers
are advised to protect confidentiality when using the computer, email, and fax machines. They should
avoid from disclosure of identifying information whenever possible. The third issue is confidentiality
to family and group work. Social workers should ask agreement with all their clients about the
importance of maintaining confidentiality and also inform them that it cannot be guaranteed. One way
that social worker can do to maintain confidentiality is by explaining the importance of confidentiality
and discuss with the family how they will handle confidential information.
Next issue is about managed care. Social work practitioner have to be alert when managed
care conflict with social work ethics. In this situation, there is a role stated in Daft book New Era
Management which is moral agent. Daft define that moral agent is the individual who must take an
ethical choice in an organization. Therefore, social worker practitioners can be active as client
advocates in preserving clients rights in a managed care environment. The fifth issue is cultural
competence. To provide services to clients from different cultures, social workers was asked to
develop a knowledge base of their clients culture and denstronstrate competence. The next issue is
regarding dual relationship. The current Code of Ethics state that social workers cannot haven dual
relationship with their clients because there is a risk of exploitation and potential harm to the client.
However, many social workers indicated that avoiding dual relationship with clients was impossible.
To deal with this issue and the next issue which is sexual relationship, physical contact and sexual
harassment, social worker should carry ethical responsibility. Daft stated that ethical responsibility
included behaviors that are not necessarily codified into law and may not serve the corporations direct
economic interest. This stressed that social worker have to be ethical, do what is right and avoid all
kinds of harm to their clients.
The next issue is impairment and incompetence of colleagues. Social worker who behaved a
colleagues impairment due to personal problems, psychosocial distress, substance abuse interfered
with practice effectiveness was advised to consult with that colleague or to take action through
employees. The ninth issue is application to administrators. In this issue, social work administrators
have to play their roles to advocate for resources of agencies to meet client needs. The last issue is

about education and training. Social work educators should provide instruction only in their areas of
competence based on the most current knowledge and information.
To resolve ethical dilemmas among social workers, they often guided by two main principles
which are between (positive obligation) and normal finance (negative obligation). They frequently
rely on two main philosophical models:

deontological and teleological. Deontologists thinkers

believe that social work values are so definitive of the profession that to deny them would lead to
destruct of the professional. In the meanwhile, teleological approach used in situation that involves
examining the consequences of the situation. In the order to make ethical decision making fast and
apply to ethical dilemmas, the ETHIC model of decision making was developed. The following model
E- Examine relevant personal, societal, agency, client and professional values. Social worker
who relies only on professional values is not likely to have a full understanding of important
contextual issues to use in making decisions. To avoid making decision based on their personal, social
workers should assess their own personal values. A discrepancy between agency and professional
values can also produce conflict for the social worker. In this case, social workers can apply virtue
ethics approach which says that moral behavior stems from personal virtue. Social worker can make
ethical decisions naturally if they develops good character traits and being a virtuous person.
T- Think about what ethical standard of the NASW code of ethics applies, as well as relevant
laws and case decisions. There are six ethical standards in the NASW Code of Ethic which are social
workers ethical responsibilities to clients, colleagues, practice settings, professionals, profession, and
broader society. The standards can be viewed as deontological (absolute) principles for the social
work profession. Social workers should be aware of relevant federal, state and local laws that may
affect the ethical dilemmas they encounter. Social workers should apply justice approach which holds
that the decision and responsibilities must be based on standards of equity, fairness and impartiality.
H- Hypothesize about possible consequences of different decisions. This model use
teleological reasoning to resolve ethical dilemmas. Social worker should think about different
scenarios if protecting confidentially is a concern. They can list pros and cons about maintaining
confidentiality versus breaking confidentiality.

I- Identify who will benefit and who will be harmed in view of social works commitment to
the most vulnerable. The alternative that social workers decide may elicit very convincing reasons for
or against different courses of action, especially when the Code of Ethics seems to support
contradictory decisions. Most of vulnerable in our society, social work has had a lengthy tradition of
concern, this may distinguish social worker from other profession. To resolving ethical dilemma,
social workers should act to expand chance and opportunity for all persons, with special regard for
vulnerable, disadvantaged, oppressed and exploited persons and group. Social workers can used
utilitarian approach which means that moral behavior produces the greatest good for the greatest
number. They could consider the effect of each choices they make and choose the best one that
optimize the benefits for the greatest number of people.
C- Consult with supervisor and colleagues about the most ethical choice. Social worker that
has a supervisor can use this person as a first resource in ethical decision making. Questions about
ethical dilemmas can be shared with colleagues as informal consultation and also presented as part of
case conference.
As a conclusion, this journal had two main purpose. The first purpose is to inform
practitioners and educator about main new provisions in current Code of Ethics. The second purpose
is to present applicable model of ethical decision making. Social work educators must strive to
educate future social workers about how to identify and resolve professional dilemmas. In a work
environment that is increasingly demanding, we can apply the ETHIC model. When facing thorny
dilemmas, consult with supervisor and colleagues is very crucial. Besides that, continuing education
progress and NASW can also be resource to face with complex ethical dilemmas

The Administrative Ethics between Professionalism and Individual Conscience

As we all know, ethics is actually the main element that effects and influence the whole
politics-administrations. Without positive ethics, it is quite difficult for one organization to achieve its
goal. For this article that we had already chose, they discuss about the tension between
professionalism and individual conscience in the context of dichotomy. They argued that neither
professional standards nor individual conscience are able to be alone in the framework of
administrative ethics.
If we see this in the administrative ethics scope itself, it assumes that individuals in
organizations can make moral judgments and can be the objects of moral judgements. Two common
views of administrations, which is, administrators should either follow the policies of organization or
resign from office. By understanding how these views themselves are mistaken, we can see how
administrative ethics is possible and forms it should take.
Due to that, we chose this article because it explains specifically and gives a clearer picture to
us regarding this issue. Somehow, from our personal point of view, this article said that ethics in
social organization is more related to the psychology within the employee or the person itself.


The rationalist view believes in the power of science and the ability of reason to reach reality.
If some reasons is properly used, then human behaviour are able to be predict and control. In contrast,
the anti-rational view believes that in the role of human beings can never have the complete
knowledge to control social order. Values and human experiences are the most critical elements to
grasp and understand.
Public officials can deal with administrative problems effectively through internal checks.
Those checks are created by professional and technical knowledge to ensure ones accountability.
From this point, we can conclude that the professionals responsibility cannot be held or solely give to
politicians and elected legislators, but it should be to their colleagues who have the same technical
knowledge and standards. Even so, the complexity of public administrations requires professionals to
deal with ethical decisions because they are the only ones who have the knowledge to enclose the
proper understanding on how to deal with ethical issues.
On the other hand, ethics in public administrations have been shaped by the two different
main streams in terms of whether to depend on professional standards or on individual conscience to
structure the administrative ethics. Some people are just relying on professionalism to determine the
framework of administrative ethics. The thoughts, that formal fixed code that are built on technical
knowledge will strengthen the role of ethics in public administrations. Thus, to ensure the efficient
performance, official must follow goals, mission statements, rules and regulations which are the
ethical instrument to distinguish between what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. Some people
also criticize those who believe in the role of individual conscience because of the subjectivity,
uncertainty and vagueness that includes. Too much relying on individual conscience can lead to
conflicts in administration because men have different values. All in all, administrations should build
its ethical framework based on professional standards to avoid this conflict.
Besides, cultural, political and social environment also play the important role in deciding the
administrative ethics. Administrative ethics should take into consideration the individual conscience
of public officials because it is the actual source that helps officials to make judgements. In other
words, public administrators cannot neglect neither professionals standards nor conscience and
values when they face ethical conflicts. There should be a trusted code to guide.

As a conclusion, public administrators should have strong obligations to self, democracy,

general welfare and humanity, all at the same time. This is the appropriate balance that always should
be observed. Both professionalism and individual conscience are very important elements that should


Author(s) Name(s)

Article Title

Name of Journal




be considered if we want to establish an effective framework for administrative ethics.


Stephen E. Brimmer

Prof. Ph.D. Ctlina

The Role of Ethics in

21st Century

Fall 2007

Issue 11


No.7 , 2008

Issue 7

Tourism and

Volume 17

Issue 1


Business and

Volume 1

Issue 10

Advances In Social

Volume 1

Issue 1


Overview on business
ethics and human


Leadership Advance

resources management

Anton Jamnik

The Challenges Of
Business Ethics
Management And The
Question Of Ethics

Wasim I. Al-Habil

The Administrative
Ethics Between
Professionalism And
Individual Conscience

Elaine P.Congress

What Social Worker

Should Know About
Ethnics: Understanding
and Resolving Practice

The Details of the Journal Articles


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