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It is important to remember that all children develop at different rates. Below are some general guidelines for how most
children develop dressing skills, as well as some of the reasons that parents might ask for help when it comes to

Between 1 and 2 years of age, your child may:

Help with pushing her arms through sleeves. Are nevoie de ajutor atunci cnd i bag minile pe mneci.

Remove his socks, shoes, and hat. i scoate osetele, papucii i plria.

Hold her leg out to help with pulling pants up. i ine picioarele nafar pentru a ajuta la mbrcarea pantalonilor.

Help pull down his pants. Ajut la datul pantalonilor jos.

Between 2 and 3 years of age, your child may:

Take off her coat, simple pajamas, or sweatpants. i d jos geaca, pijamalele simple sau pantaloni de trening.

Put on a front-buttoning coat or shirt. Poate s mbrace o haina sau un tricou care se nchide n fa.

Unzip a zipper or undo large buttons. Desface un fermoar sau nasturii mari.

Between 3 and 4 years of age, your child may:

Take off tops and bottoms. i d jos hainele.

Put on t-shirts or sweaters with a bit of help. mbrac un tricou cu un pic de ajutor.

Put on pants, but need help doing them up. i pune pantalonii dar are nevoie de ajutor s i trag sus.

Do up large buttons and pull up zipper once it is started. Desface nasturi mari i nchide fermoare dac sunt prinse.

Put on shoes and socks, but not yet tie shoes. ncal osete i papuci dar nu i papucii strmi.

Between 5 and 6 years of age, your child may:

Be fully independent with dressing except for difficult fasteners like belts or back zippers. Se mbrac singur
exceptnd doar hainele cu nchuietori dificile sau fermoare.

Still need a bit of help choosing appropriate clothing. nc are noevoie de ajutor ca s i aleag mbrcmintea

Between 7 and 9 years of age, your child may:

Start to choose own clothes to buy. ncepe s aleag ce haine vrea s i cumperi.

Choose clothing appropriate for the weather. i alege hainele n funcie de vreme.

By 10 years of age, your child may:

Start to help with choosing and buying own clothing. ncepe s ajute la alegerea i cumprerea de noi haine.

Start to choose own style of clothing. ncepe s i defineasca propriul stil vestimentar.

When to Ask for Help

You may want to ask for help from an occupational therapist when:

Your child has physical problems, making it hard for him to move his body for dressing. Copilul tu are probleme
fizice dac i este greu s i mite corpul atunci cnd este mbrcat.

Your child is not undressing herself by 4 years of age. Copilul tu nu se dezbrac singur la vrsta de 4 ani.

Your child is not putting on simple clothes (pants, socks, shoes) by 4 years. Copilul tu nu i pune singur haine
simple cum ar fi pantaloni, osete, pantofi la vrsta de 4 ani i jumtate.

Your child refuses to take part in the dressing routine. Copilul tu refuz s ajute la rutine zilnic de mbrcat.

Your child becomes extremely upset when you try to dress her. Copilul tu se supr foarte tare atunci cnd ncerci
s l mbraci.
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