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LACONI CARLO SALVATORE III - ProjArtist (Cagliari, Italy 1978)

Unveiling the ethical and aesthetic relationships related to the

perception of "global landscape" is the core of his art.
Through an holistic research approach based on signs/symbols
and the contemporary ICT language, the artist reveals the
metaphoric identity of the glocal landscape with a network of
sculptural installations connected throughout the world.
He is academically trained in Fine Arts, has a technical qualification
in Management, one in European Project Planning and an
international Masters degree in Landscape Design. His varied
background has enabled him to structure a particular research
project summarizing these various disciplines and areas of study
that is currently in progress: CONNECTING LANDSCAPE.
He later founded the Association LANDSCAPES IN CONNECTION
(PAESAGGI CONNESSI) with leading professionals in the field of
landscape. Through the association he coordinated in the three
years 2009/2011 a training project of social relation, called
ECORURALITY presented in the Venice Biennale in 2010 and
awarded the 1st prize in the Fifth Edition - Landscape Award Autonomous Region of Sardinia in 2011.
He now collaborates with local governments as an artist and project
coordinator for the integrated development of the territory and
cultural policies.
As a sculptor, he works in one of the most delicate, precious and
complex sculpture workshops in the open: the region SARDINIA.
Conjugating the natural and the technological, his works of art are


When Nature begins to reveal her open secret to a man, he feels an irresistible longing for her worthiest interpreter, Art.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

INTRODUCTION - Nature, primordial background of everything we do, is the largest of the "big pictures" that make up the
landscape of our lives. The landscape, which is essential to the narrative of human deeds and passions, through art becomes a
powerful and unique means for the expression of a poetry that is founded and rooted in social identity and awareness.
The project stems from this awareness

CONNECTING LANDSCAPE, whose approach connects it to Land Art and the techniques of European Project Management,
aims to give rise to the ethical questions concerning the relationship between the environment and the future: art and its
processes of investigation, aimed at the manifestation of a connective and interspecific thought, generates, releases and frees
forms of "energy" latent and otherwise left uncatalyzed.
The project sees the landscape as a "holistic framework": the complexity of the whole, not reducible to the individual
elements perceived, is contemplated, analyzed and returned via the universal language of art through an inter-territorial
network of site-specific interconnected sculptures called COMPUTER MENHIRS and INFO@SSILS. There is a combination of
communication technologies (ITC), environment and sustainability.

COMMUNICATION: globalization and communication are two terms now inseparable. The technology of communication has
expanded the individual's range of action beyond belief, by reducing more and more the boundaries of the world and creating a
sort of space-time obliquity. This new perspective immensely multiplies the importance of the interaction between places and
cultures, between man and land. In the era of globalization accomplished, of complexity and of shared knowledge, where
cultural interactions generate creativity that generates innovation, the Project CONNECTING LANDSCAPE aims to demonstrate
the richness of universal values resulted from cultural exchange between places and nations, the respect for the diversity of
nature and the environment, in a process of conscious transformation and construction of a "Civilization of Empathy".

ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY: It is now common knowledge that the environment is not a container with
inexhaustible resources and that there is an intrinsic link between ecology, economy and socio-cultural context. This is the
reason why CONNECTING LANDSCAPE was conceived and developed as a multidisciplinary project: knowledge of the specific
language of the humanities, of science and technology, of economics and marketing is absolutely essential to the design of
"works of local comparison on a global scale.
The "Spirit of Time", the Zeitgeist, unveiled and as embodied in the spiritual and in the material culture of the places, the
Genius Loci, is finally free to rise to a form of perception and understanding of the contemporary society.


Laconi Carlo Salvatore III

CONNECTING LANDSCAPE is a Research Project by Carlo Salvatore III Laconi, in progress since 2005. It was presented at the XI International
Forum UNESCO - Florence 2006 and developed through the patronage of the Historical and Environmental Geo-mineral Park of Sardinia and
the contribution of the Program MASTER AND BACK - Autonomous Region of Sardinia, in the institutional framework of the International
Master EXTRAORDINARY LANDSCAPES - art, architecture and landscape (Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Planning NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano). The project is still supported by the association LANDSCAPES IN CONNECTION - Cagliari.

INFO@SSILI and INFORMATIC MENHIRS: are sculptural works, conceived and designed to be connected together, such
as the mesh of a net of points. They have precise space-time coordinates, combining the symbolic and semantic value of each
specific territory, in a relationship between places, cultures (distant) and the inhabitants of a specific local context, on a
global scale.
As "Connected Stones", these works are portals of access between material and immaterial, and intend to emphasize a
cognitive relation with the "global landscape" while returning to a common code in which the subject / user has an
understandable form of cognitive interaction of his or her "place." So, to talk about interactivity as the sensitivity of the
landscape is to speak of connectivity proper.
Connectivity and Landscape: a composition between man and the land that has to do with the experience and the design of
new symbols and functions, between places and feelings distant in space, giving rise to a fundamentally and inherently
cognitive model of global environment.

FUNCTIONING: When connecting two or more "connected stones" (Informatic Menhirs / Info@ssils) it is possible to
experience in real time a superposition of acoustic elements (water, rain, wind, thunder, etc; as well as human or animal sounds)
recorded from the speaker connected to the microphones of another "connected stone" which is located in another territory.
The keynotes sounds perceived in the landscape surrounding the work (Informatic Menhirs / Info@ssils) and the sounds of
another territory, interacting in a dialogue with each other, create a synaesthetic signal, which becomes a message and a
perceptual alarm for the individual as per the environment, which all too often is left unnoticed or taken for granted.

N.B. La propriet intellettuale e i relativi processi culturali economici e sociali concatenati, sono da ritenersi di diritto a favore dell'Autore, come da direttiva
2001/84/CE del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 27 settembre 2001, relativa al: Diritto di seguito a favore dell'autore di un'opera d'arte origina.


UNIVERSITY OF CAGLIARI - The case study; Thesis Claudia Frau Degree in Archaeology and Art History - (IT) - 2014
Biennale ARTE NATURA Special Mention; La Maddalena (IT) - 2014
COOL SILICON - International Prize of Contemporary Art and Environmental Technologies - Dresda (D) - 2013
BABEL - First Edition of Contemporary Arts Prize - Cagliari (IT) - 2013
HENRAUX - Fondazione Premio in Memoria Di Erminio Cidonio - Lucca (IT) - 2012
OSTRALE - International Festival of Contemporary Art - Dresda - (D) -2012
KUKUK - Grenzkunstroute 011 International Festival of Land Art - Aachen (D) - 2011
WORKSHOW - Assessorato alla Cultura del CAGLIARI / ANCI / GAI - Cagliari (IT) -2010
PAESAGGI STRAORDINARI - International Masters Degree - Naba / Politecnico - Milano (IT) - 2008
UNESCO - XI International Forum - Firenze (IT) 2006
UNILEVER - UFS ITALIA - Milano (IT) 2005


The LANDSCAPE to be such must define its own inherent
individuality distinguishable from the whole represented by
The LABYRINTH is one of the most enigmatic ancestral symbols of
humankind, found in different continents of the earth. It suggests
that we are dealing with a process of initiation that leads man to
acquire other levels of knowledge and awareness.
The KUDURRU were the ownership documents, evidence of the
grant of lands to the vassals of the ancient Babylon, between the
16th and the 12th centuries BC. The world literally means
"frontier" or "boundary",
THE symbol of the LABYRINTH and the Signs of KUDURRU,
studied in their semantic and semiotic value, are re-interpreted
informally in MICRO-CHIPS, acquiring a new ethical and
aesthetic value as the Universal Archetype of Our Times.

The INFO@SSILS are site-specific sculptural interventions carried out directly in the landscape, on specific parts, such as quarry
areas, cliffs, and / or squares and public spaces in urban centres. From the technical viewpoint, they are made through deep
incisions of about 5.10 cm, made with an angle grinder directly into the material of the site, be it stone in natural environment
(granite, marble, basalt, trachyte, etc.) or conglomerates like concrete, asphalt, masonry and the like. Then, rods and plates of
brass and bronze (about 3.5 mm thick and ranging from a few centimetres to several tens of meters in size) are inserted in the
engravings, corresponding to the computer aided design of MATRIX INFO@SSIL made previously in the lab with an industrial
These incisions below the sculptural grafts of the MATRIX INFO@SSIL are sealed with chemical bi-component and specific
derivatives (cement, plaster, silicone) in relation to the material to be processed, and finally polished and fixed with a
transparent film. Conceptually, they are a tribute to tradition and to the innovation of language, which relates the present
society to the past and the future, in a combination of natural elements and forms of technology developed by man. For this
reason the sculptural intervention becomes minimum measurement unit of the place, revealing its time.

The symbolic language of computer code is not a simple way to communicate a certain idea about the world, but a tool to make
sure first of all that this world exists. Reality is not simply "experienced" or "reflected" in that language, but is produced by it.

The Menhirs are works of the megalithic period, present in various parts of the
European continent and the world, representing the trace of the local (and
global) identity. They are the emblem of a spiritual and intellectual culture that
is both distant in time and yet very close to us.
The INFORMATIC MENHIRS are a universal tribute to the megalithic tradition
and to technological innovation. In such works coexist primordial elements
related to stone and technological symbols drawn from our current times,
which encode society through constant references to the past, the present and
the future.
Therefore, not only do INFORMATIC MENHIRS find their symbolic power in
their history, rooted in the most intimate cultural traditions of the local area,
but they also stand to communicate the global technological potential of the
new frontiers of research, as an indispensable part of the process of
communication of man in the world.

































1. Il Concetto Paesaggio: Natura Paesaggio Percezione Identit
2. Il Concetto dIntelligenza Connettiva elaborato da Derrik De Kerckhove
3. L'Arte come Strumento di Progettazione: Land Art - Public Art - Net Art
4. Il Management Ambientale e Politiche Territoriali: Comunicare l'ambiente per amministrare il territorio.

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