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The Biofeedback Instrumentation:

Biofeedback is a method of monitoring physiological functions, that we are
not are normally aware of (heart rhythms, skin temperature, muscle tension)
and then training yourself to control these functions. Depending on what
particular physiological function we are working with, different techniques are
Frans Biofeedback Therapy offers:
Heart Rate Variability
Skin Temperature Training (blood flow)
EMG biofeedback (muscle)
Galvanic Skin Response (skin perspiration)

Heart Rate Variability

Through the HRV or heart rhythm we can watch breathing and emotional
patterns. Discover how easy you can reduce your stress level and replace
those negative emotions with positive ones that, with a little practice, can
give you instant energy boosts and gradually help build a more invigorated
you. We can now rely on decades of scientific research to understand how
intuitive feelings emanate from the heart. HRV is an evidence-based practice
that shows that the human heart has an intuitive intelligence greater than
science and medicine have historically believed. Even without our realizing it,
the heart guides us in much of what we do, but often we allow our brains or
our unmanaged emotions to take the lead role in our decision-making and
later regret our choices.
We now know the heart has a powerful electromagnetic field and complex
nervous system and circuitry that generate up to an estimated 60 times the
electrical amplitude of the brain. Researchers at HeartMath and elsewhere
have concluded the heart possesses its own organized intelligence network
that enables it to act independently, learn, remember and produce feelings.
Until recently it was believed only the brain was capable of these functions.
Through years of studies involving thousands of people, researchers at
HeartMath and elsewhere have shown when we intentionally experience
positive feelings such as appreciation and care we can improve our
heart-rhythm patterns.

Choosing to move from feelings of Frustration to Appreciation,

means reduced stress, getting sick less frequently, thinking more
clearly, even living longer. So go ahead, let your heart decide.
Specific benefits include but are not limited to:
~ Stress Management

~ Overcoming Sleeplessness

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~ Pain Management

~ Heart Disease and Hypertension

~ Test Anxiety

~ Effective Decision Making

~ Anger

~ Immune System Function

~ Weight Management

~ Developing Your intuition

~ Overwhelm/Time Pressure

~ Easing Fatigue and Burn-out

~ Improving Relationships

~ Slow down the Aging Process

For more information visit:

Skin Temperature Training

Temperature biofeedback focuses on teaching you to alter your hand
temperature: Blood flow is directed by smooth muscles within the extremities
of the body. When the body is in preparation to Fight or Flee, these tiny
smooth muscles, tighten up around the arterioles (smaller arteries) in order
to direct the blood supply; closer to the heart, in the larger muscles for
strength and deeper within the body incase of attack. Over time, the body
learns to stay in this chronic state of Fight or Flight, which can contribute to
a variety of stress related disorders; particularly if the client has a
predisposition to the disease because of hereditary, environmental, or
lifestyle factors.
A thermistor is attached to ones fingers or toes. Changes in temperature as
small as one tenth of a degree are registered and fed back to them through a
digital display.
The goal is to increase or (occasionally) decrease the
hand/foot temperature, indicating a change of blood flow to that area. The
idea that one can actually influence the way blood flows through the body
with passive visualization (thinking of the warm sun, lying on a hot beach,
being in a hot tube, or sitting by a warm fire), often gives the clients a deep
feeling of self-empowerment that then translates into other self management
Not only are these smooth muscles within the cardiovascular system, but
smooth muscles are also in the respiratory system, digestive system and
reproductive system. Therefore, thermal training can be very useful in the
treatment and/or prevention of:
Migraine Headaches
High Blood Pressure
Raynauds Disease
Cold hands & feet
Asthma support
Digestive System:
Irritable bowel
Ulcers support
Reproductive System:

Surface EMG or Electromyograph

EMG biofeedback measures subtle skeletal muscular impulses or tension in a
particular group of muscles i.e. facial area, shoulders, low back. This
feedback is usually both visual (digital display) and auditory (clicking
sounds). With this biofeedback, you can learn to voluntarily relax or release
these muscle groups that are contributing to pain, spasms, pinched nerves,
decrease blood flow to an injury, and impede the reduction of inflammation.
This will help with:
Tension Headaches
Muscular Spasms
Blood Pressure
Chronic Pain

Galvanic Skin Response

GSR reflects sweat gland activity and changes in the sympathetic nervous
system. As you become anxious or stressed out, perspiration tends to
increase, often in tiny amounts invisible to the eye. This moisture heightens
the electrical conductance of a tiny electrical current between two points on
the skin. GSR biofeedback detects these changes and feeds them back to you
through visual or auditory signal. This type of biofeedback has been found to
be helpful in the treatment of phobias, anxiety and hypertension.
Other biofeedback instrumentation may include Blood Pressure, a mirror or
bathroom scale.
Of course all of these results are based on individual participation in the

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program including alternative holistic suggestions.

For more information you may visit the following websites:
Association of Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback at
Biofeedback Certification International Alliance at

Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved - Fran Brodin. BM2 Online

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