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II lab internal exam

W.A.P to search given element using a binary search.
WAP to check a given string is palindrome or not

W.A.P to sort given elements using bubble sort.
W.A.P to find multiplication of 2D matrix

WAP to find transpose of a given matrix
WAP to compare two strings without using builtin functions

WAP in C to find the sum of a given set of numbers using an array.
W.A.P to find addition of 2D matrix

W.A.P to sort given elements using bubble sort.
WAP to implement function pointer concept

WAP in C to find the maximum of a given set of numbers using an array.
WAP to find multiplication of matrices using dynamic memory allocation

.Write two programs to implement call by value and call by address using pointers function
parameter passing techniques.
.WAP to count the no of occurrences of a character in a string

WAP to enter two points of a coordinate system and calculate distance between them
.WAP to find addition of matrices using dynamic memory allocation.

W.A.P to find transpose of 2D matrix
WAP to print Fibonacci series using recursion

W.A.P to search given element using linear search.
WAP to find gcd of 2 numbers using recursion.

W.A.P to find distance between two points using point structure.
WAP to add two numbers using command line arguments

W.A.P to check the given string is palindrome or not
W.A.P to sort given elements using bubble sort


Write two programs to implement call by value and call by address using pointers function parameter passin
WAP to read and display student info using pointer structures

W.A.P to find percentage of 10 students by accepting 6 subject marks ,rollno and name of the students. And
marks and percentage.
WAP to calculate Fibonacci series using recursion.


W.A.P to find percentage of 10 students by accepting 6 subject marks ,rollno and name of the students. And
marks and percentage.
WAP in C to compare two strings.

W.A.P to find distance between two points using point structure using pointers.
WAP in C to find the frequency of different vowels, consonants in a given text

WAP to find exponent using recursion
W.A.P to find multiplication of 2D matrix

WAP to find gcd of 2 numbers using recursion.
WAP to read information of 5 students and also display the information(use array of structures)
WAP to read information of 5 students and also display the information(use array of structures).
WAP to implement function pointer concept

WAP in C to find the frequency of different vowels, consonants, digits, in a paragraph.
WAP to add two numbers using command line arguments.

WAP to add two numbers using command line arguments.
WAP to multiply 2D matrices

W.A.P to find number of spaces, vowels, consonants, digits & special symbols in the given sentence.
WAP to count no of characters and no of lines in a file

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