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USA Independence Day

With the events of the tea in Boston, George III was determined to subjugate Massachusetts
by force of arms. People ignored the demands of the colony and the British threat, the other
twelve colonies have expressed solidarity standing behind him. In early December 1774, all
thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia (later known as the Continental Congress I) to
determine the steps in the face of Britain.

These events-is the first time for the thirteen American colonies to unite and cooperate with
each other. Continental Congress I produce a statement that basically that the people of the
colonies in America remained loyal to the King of England and requires wisdom to restore
good relations between the colonies and the mother country Inggris.Sementara it, there has
been a battle between British troops and the people of the colony. The fighting broke out at
Lexington first, then spread to Concord, and Boston.

British colonists had refused demands. The existence of The Boston Tea Party and the land
claims colony is considered to mark the beginning of a rebellion. The British government
immediately increase the number of troops in America. Since then the colony of Americans
believe that peaceful way to claim their rights as English people may not be achieved. In
fact, they are in danger of being destroyed everything that they are determined to retain his
freedom. The American colonies then lifted Goeroge Washington, one who contributed to
the British in the Seven Years' War Marine to face England.

In the beginning of this war is merely oppose violence against the British government and
the colonies do not have a goal to achieve independence. However, the purpose of the war
became clear after the publication of Common Sense (Mind Seha) t (1776) by Thomas Paine.
This paper contains the familiar independence of the colonies which then awaken to change
the purpose of the struggle against violence into the struggle for independence.

In the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1775, the representatives of the

thirteen colonies agreed to liberate themselves. Finally, on July 4, 1776 Declaration of
Independence was proclaimed as the reason for separation from the mother country
England. The text of the Declaration of Independence was drafted by a small committee
comprised of five members, namely Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman,
Robert Livingstone, and John Adams. Those that are then known as the Five Prominent
Authors Manuscript Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776 signed the Declaration of
Independence and made the day of American Independence (Independence Day).

Famous statement in the Declaration of Independece was "that all men are created equal,
that God has given some rights that can not be separated from him, among them ..." life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "This statement is a statement that is progressive .
Therefore, the United States is the first example of a government that fought for
independence and realizing a government based on democracy.

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