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Adult Literacy Policy in Kenya 1979-1991, 39, 1992, 103-109 Aggor, R.A.

, Adult Education for Illiterates in Developi

Countries: Ideas from Ghana, 16, 1981, 93-97 Aggor, R.A./Akwayena, Chris, Traditional Methods of Educating the Ch
n a Ghanaian Community, 29, 1987, 33-40 Ahmed, Manzoor, Myths and Realities of Literacy Efforts, 14, 1980 12-17 a
19, 1982, 189-191 Ahmed, Manzoor, Economics of Non-formal Education, 49, 1997, 199-205 Ahohounkpanzon, Mich
The Revolt of the Dialects, 33, 1989, 167-185 Ahohounkpanzon, Michel, Thirst for Reading and Knowledge: Experien
n the Field of Rural Press in the Atlantic Province of Benin, 39, 1992, 161-166 Ahtisaari, Martti, Democracy and Ci
Society in the Europe of the Future, 53, 1999, 33-40 Ahumada Arenas, Mario, Home Poultry-raising, 48, 1997, 217-2
Aikins F., Puppetry and Drama in Adult Education, 12, 1979, 10-16 Aitchison, John W., Literacy and Adult Basic Educ
ion and Training in South Africa: A Quick Survey, 53, 1999, 99-120 Aitchison, John W., Adult Literacy and Basic Educatio
A SADC Regional Perspective, 60, 2003, 161-170 Akinpelu, J.A., The Case for Adapting the Literacy Concept to the Nee
of Rural Areas, 9, 1977, 3-5 Akpovi, Samuel U./Johnson, Donald C., Community Health Action Improves Farmers W
are, 20, 1983, 21-26 Akyea, E. Ofori, Barriers to Development Dialogue, 13, 1979, 91-97 Alam, Kazi Rafique, Oper
ional Definition of Literacy for Assessment Purposes: Literacy to Meet Basic Learning Needs, 61, 2003, 41-50 Alaoy/L
umer, Wolfgang/Rakotonaivo, Julien, Literacy is not a Bowl of Rice, 31, 1988, 9-20 Ali Ahmed, Abdel Aziz, Literacy f
Development in Sudan, 5, 1975, 10. Almazan-Khan, Mara Lourdes, Does EFA Stand for Except for Adults?, 55, 200
171-174 Almazan-Khan, Mara Lourdes, Reflections on the International Cooperation between ASPBAE and IIZ/DVV, 6
2003, 97-102 Alphonso, G., The Training of Barefoot Doctors, 12, 1979, 13-45 Alvares, Claude, Development again
People, 13, 1979, 83-90 Ampene, Emanuel Kwasi, Non-formal Education in Ghana, 8, 1977, 8-9 Ampong II, Nan
Kwasi, Initiatives Concerning the Health Situation in a Small Town in Ghana, 10, 1978, 16-19 Anand, Anita, Rethinki
Women and Development: The Case for Feminism, 26, 1986, 5-11 Antrobus, Peggy/Rogers, Barbara, Hanover Stre
An Experiment to Train Women in Welding and Carpentry, 21, 1983, 75-77 Anyanwu, C.N., Adult Education and the O
eration Feed the Nation Programme in Nigeria, 10, 1978, 20-25 Apel, Heino, Integrated Environmental Adult Educatio
37, 1991, 55-67 Apel, Heino, Development, Environment and Sustainability Changing Perspectives in Developmen
oriented Adult Education, 46, 1996, 125-142 Apel, Lydia/Niemann, Rolf, New Challenges in Development Education, 4
1994, 246-255 Apelis, Ephraim T., Educating the Illiterate: Evaluation of the Southern Highlands Literacy Programme
Papua New Guinea, 31, 1988, 83-92 Api, Daouda, The Magic Word, Extracts, 32, 1989, 103-106 Appiah-Donyina, Evely
Ghanas Annual New Year Schools: Five Decades of an Experiment in Adult Education, 54, 2000, 245-257 Appiah-Dony
na, Evelyn, The Mass Media Support for Adult Population Education Project. Lessons from the Field, 52, 1999, 133-1
Appiah-Donyina, Evelyn, Gender Impact of HIV/AIDS/STIs: Some Implications for Adult Education Practitioners in We
Africa, 59, 2002, 59-67 Aramendy, Ral, An Uninvited Speaker is Asked to Leave, but He Doesnt Go..., 47, 1996, 85Aramendy, Ral, Learning to Fly, 53, 1999, 265-285 Arayici, Ali, The Present-day Problem of Literacy in Turkey, 31, 198
All Articles Index of Authors Index of Countries Index of Subjects
81-82 Archer, David, Reflections on REFLECT in El Salvador, 54, 2000, 259-282 Ariyaratne, Ahangamage Tudor, Shari
of Labour, 11, 1978, 30-36 and 19, 1982, 27-32 Ariyaratne, Ahangamage Tudor, Five Lessons and a Goal, 34, 199

Adult Education and Developmenmt Issues 3065

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