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The Hindu Family

Interactive Color Book

Lessons 1 through 18

Introduction and Dedication

Mystic Mouse is a childrens story based on Merging with Siva,
a book about yoga and the path of self-knowledge and
divine understanding. It is the work of Satguru Sivaya
Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001), whose monastery-temple
complex in Hawaii teaches Saivite Hinduism.
In the story, Mystic Mouses guru, the majestic Sage Lion, is
none other than Gurudeva and even speaks his words straight
from the text of Merging with Siva with only slight alteration
for better understanding by children. Thus Mystic Mouse is a
childs window into the Hindu spiritual world, and it can also
serve as a childrens coloring book.
Gurudeva taught us that the first gurus are a childs mother
and father, and their first duty is to pass on the heritage of
the great Hindu faith to their sons and daughters. He worked
personally with his swamis to create and edit Mystic Mouse for
Hindu families around the world. It is with great devotion that
we dedicate this illustrated tale to Gurudeva in the hope that,
as the years roll by, his vision of educating children in the ways
of traditional Hinduism might be fulfilled even more magnificently than he would have expected.

First Edition
Copyright 2002
by Himalayan Academy
Mystic Mouse is an illustrated childrens book based on the advanced text
Merging with Siva, Hinduisms Contemporary Metaphysics, published by
Himalayan Academy. It embodies the core teachings of Sanatana Dharma
in a modern form easily integrated by children, youth and the young at
heart. All rights are reserved. This book may be used to share the Hindu
Dharma with others on the spiritual path, but reproduced only with the
publishers prior written consent. Designed, typeset and illustrated by the
sannyasin swamis of the Saiva Siddhanta Yoga Order, published by Himalayan Academy, 107 Kaholalele Road, Kapaa, Hawaii 967469304 USA. Printed
and distributed globally by Kashika Publications, Trinidad.
Published by
Himalayan Academy
printed in trinidad
isbn 0-945497-75-x (softcover)





















Mmmmm ....





Questions about the forth

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. How does Sage Lion compare the Sacred River to Life?
2. What stops the River of Life from flowing?
3. Is fear an attachment? Why?
4. Are all attachments harmful?
5. Why are some attachments a problem on the
spiritual path?
6. What is affectionate detachment ?
7. What are the four questions that Sage Lion asks
Mystic Mouse to ask himself to decide if an
attachment is negative or positive?
8. Where are attachments stored?
9. How is the subconscious like the basement of a house?
10. Please describe Ganga Sadhana.
11. Please describe the entire story in your own words.


The Story of

Based on Merging with Siva
Part One, Chapter Five:
The Story of Awareness

Awareness is like a ball of light

that can travel anywhere in
the mind. You are awareness.
Isnt that wonderful?


To discover awareness we must become

detached from what we are aware of.
When we become
detached we live
two thirds within.

But when we do not live 2/3rds

within, we get stuck in the
mind. This means that when
we experience unhappiness
we think we ARE unhappiness.

When we live 2/3rds within

ourselves, we see that we are
not what we are aware of.
We see that we can move
our awareness with our will.

If we live in unhappiness, were not unhappiness. Thats only one

of the cities of the mind. This is a great understanding. You
can catch this understanding in thirty seconds,
thirty minutes, thirty hours, thirty weeks,
thirty months, thirty years or thirty lifetimes.


When we find ourselves in unhappiness, there are two things we can do to

move awareness toward happiness. We can control our breath and make
our spine straight. It is impossible to be unhappy when the spine is
straight. When we control our
breath, we control our mind.

The greatest barrier to bliss is fear. Consciousness and awareness are the
same when awareness is identified with and attached to that which it is
aware of. To separate the two is the artful practice of yoga. Practice
yoga. Move awareness. Go to the center where fear does not exist.


The study of awareness is the study of yourself. You are awareness.

You live in five bodies. First is the soul body. In four other bodies
we experience thought, emotion and physical life. Get acquainted with
yourself as being awareness. Say to yourself, I am awareness. I am
aware. I am not the body. I am not the emotions. I am not the
thinking mind. I am pure awareness. Pure awareness does not
react. Reactions occur within the physical and astral bodies.
1. Soul Body
2. Mental Body
3. Emotional Body
4. Pranic Body
5. Physical Body




We have three eyes. We see with our physical eyes

and then think about what we have seen. Going into
meditation, we see our thoughts with our third
eye. If we choose one or two of them and think
about them, we loose the value of the meditation.

It is control of the breath that controls the thoughts that emerge from
the subconscious memory patterns. Once this is accomplished, we are
blissful and detached. We are seeing with the third eye which is the eye
of awareness. Each of us can experience the freedom of pure individual
awareness, that ball of seeing light, that can go anywhere.


The quest is to keep traveling through the mind to the ultimate goal.
When we are conscious that we are awareness, we are free to travel.
But the mind is like a maze. And we must find our way back through this
maze of the mind to the source. This is the ultimate goal.
This is merging with Siva.

Awareness is an extension of prana from the central source, issuing energy.

The realization of Self is not the realization of your personality. It is the
realization of Siva, your Self. Energy goes where awareness goes. To pull
awareness within is to take energy back to its source the Self God.

As Sage Lion begins to teach Mystic mouse about awareness, there is

much that Mystic Mouse cannot yet understand. But just talking about
awareness and the Self God fills his life with great inspiration. Now he
wants to do his sadhana more than ever. Sage Lion is happy with Mystic
Mouses enthusiasm and summarizes his instruction about awareness:
Before Self Realization awareness is in the external mind trying to
penetrate the inner depths. After Self Realization the process is
reversed. Mind and consciousness are synonymous. Awareness is mans
spiritual being, flowing through the vast universe of the mind. We want
to be able to flow awareness through any area of the mind at will,
consciously. When we can do this, we can flow awareness to the source.
The Self awaits our control of awareness.

Questions about the fifth

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What does Sage Lion describe as a ball of light?
2 What does Sage Lion mean by 2/3rd's within?
3. What happens when we live 2/3rd's within?
4. What happens when we do NOT live 2/3rd's within?
5. How long does it take to discover detachment?
6. What are the two things that we can do to move
awareness toward happiness?
7. What is the greatest barrier to inner bliss?
8. What are the five bodies?
9. How many eyes do we have and how do we use them?
10. What is the ultimate goal of awareness?
11. Please describe the entire story of awareness
in your own words.


Based on Merging with Siva
Part One, Chapter Six:
Wisdoms Path







Questions about the sixth

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What is the difference between the mind of
Mystic Mouse and the mind of Sage Lion?
2. What is awareness?
3. Does awareness change?
4. What is it like to live in the now?
5. Please explain the idea of the donkey and the carrot.
6. How is awareness like the traveler traveling the globe?
7. How is intuition different from reason?
How is it the same?
8. Please describe observation.
9. What happens to observation when we talk too much.
10. What is it like for awareness to be in superconsciousness?
11. Please describe the entire story in your own words.


Based on Merging with Siva

Part One, Chapter Seven:

We are not always sitting down concentrating

on a flower in the search for the Self.
Everything that we do in life can
Once we have decided
collectively be channeled toward the
that Self Realization
ultimate goal, for what we need is a
is the ultimate goal
dynamic will. We need a strong
for us, we go on
living our normal
wonderful life.


Willpower is the channeling of all energies toward one given point for
a given length of time. What does this mean? This means that if
you are going to finish something, you finish it. Finish that which
you begin. Finish it well, beyond your expectations, no matter how
long it takes. If you are going to do something, do it well. Always do
a little more than you think you can do. This brings forth just a
little bit more will. Discover the will. It is very important.


You need a tremendous, indomitable

will to make a reality of your quest of
realizing the being within. Unfoldment
does not take a lot of time. It takes
a lot of will power. Will is the fuel
which carries awarenes through
all areas of the mind. Will is that
spirit, that spiritual quality, which
makes all inner
goals a reality.
Nothing is impossible
when we discover the
unlimited power of will.


Hey Mouse,
Hi there.

That will has to be cultivated

just like we would cultivate
a garden. When we
plant a tender seed,
it first appears as
a little sprout that
needs all our love and care.
But as it grows it blooms
into full power to repay our
love with life and

Discover the will. Feel the

energy in the spine.
There is no lack of it.
The more you use of
it, the more you have
to use. It is coming
from the central source. You
want awareness to be renewed?
Dont try to go to the Self.
You have not realized it yet.
Go to the spine. Feel the spine.
Feel the power of the spine.
When you become aware of the
energy within your spine you have
separated awareness from that
which it is aware of.

Well well well, its Doppy Dog and E. Z.

Penguin. I am so pleased to see you here.
Ive been waiting for you to come around.
Your friend Mystic Mouse has been
learning about the power of the spine and
will. Now we are talking about will and
its two friends: energy
and awareness.

Actually, energy, awareness and

will are the same thing. But first, work
with willpower, awareness and energy as
three separate items. Feel awareness and
discover what it is. Use willpower and
discover what it is. Feel energy and discover
what it is. Then separate the three of them in
your intellectual mind and in your experience.
After you have done that you will begin to see
inside yourself that the three are the same.

Here are the ingredients for meditation: 1. Attention,

2. Concentration, 3. Meditation, 4. Contemplation and 5. Samadhi.
The Self is not something that we get. We cannot get what we
already have. We have to go into the elements of the physical body,
into the elements of that and into the energy of that and into the
vast inner space of that and into the that of that and finally we
realize that we have realized the Self.


Perhaps the biggest battle in the beginning stages of

meditation is breath control. This regulation of the breath
in yoga is very important. It helps control awareness. Until
the beginning meditator learns how to do this, he will be
easily distracted. A bug will fly by. A frog will jump.
Or the phone will ring. And he will foret his
meditation. All of this is quite natural.
In the end success is assured
because of the great power
of will.

Yo M,
Lets get
some dosai.

With Sage Lions loving assistance and guidance, Mystic Mouse discovers
within himself perhaps his greatest tool in the practice of yoga: Will. Sage
Lion carefully explains that to use the will is to channel all energies toward
one point. And, he says, this can be done all day long in all that we do
not just when we are meditating. By using willpower all day long,
he says, we are moving constantly toward the SELF, the ultimate goal of life.
As Doppy Dog and E. Z. Penguin come close to observe what their friend,
Mystic Mouse, is doing with this big ferocious Lion, they hear about will
being the same as energy and awareness, and they become very interested.
They are especially interested when Mystic Mouse seems to transform
right before their very eyes as he practices the five steps of yoga:
attention, concentration, meditation, contemplation and samadhi.
But Sage Lion is quick to caution that yoga is not easy and distraction
is a real challenge. He tells Mystic Mouse to be determined and he will
succeed. He will succeed, because he has WILL.

Questions about the Seventh

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What does Sage Lion say we need to make everything
that we do in life collectively channeled toward the
ultimate goal?
2. What is willpower?
3. Please give an example of the way that willpower is used.
4. Does unfoldment take a lot of time? What does it take?
5. What do we do first to discover willpower?
6. Do we ever run out of willpower? Where does it come from?
7. What is the difference between will, energy and awareness?
8. What are the five steps of meditation?
9. Why is breath control important in meditation?
10. Does Mystic Mouse get distracted in meditation? Why?
11. Please describe the entire story in your own words.


Based on Merging with Siva
Part One, Chapter Eight:
The Clear White Light

Thats my good friend, His Holiness Sri La Sri

I. B. Goodnhumble. Hes just coming out
of the Clear White Light. That magic
carpet he is riding is designed
to move at the speed of light. I
have told him all about you
and he really wants to
meet you.

Nice Carpet. All I ever did on a

carpet was walk. Look at my
friends. They are
I am too.

Oh Sage,
where can I
get a neat
carpet like

Actually you dont need a magic

carpet to find your inner light.
But there are a
few things you
should do

Look there at E. Z. Penguin and Doppy Dog! E. Z. is building a house for Doppy.
Thats so sweet. But when man comes to the point in his evolution when he
has sufficient mastery in the mind to produce things, he suffers from
lack of peace. In his creativity he must keep on producing to insure his
mental security. Should he stop for a moment, the sudden change might
cause great depression.


O great guru of the light which is clear

and white, we greet you with much
respect. These are my friends,
Doppy Dog, E. Z. Penguin,
Mystic Mouse and
Fraidy Duck.

Hello! My name is I. B.
Goodnhumble, but
you can just call
me Sri I. B.

How does he just

fly off into the
light like that?
The great secret of His Holiness Sri La Sri I. B. Goodnhumble is the NOW.
It is a secret that anyone can share but not many people do. As mans
mind grows, he first looks to the future with great hopes and dreams.
When the future does not give him satisfaction, he looks to the past.
Back and forth he goes between the past and the future looking for
peace. Finally he gives up. And in this giving up he discovers NOW.


When the feeling and the realization of the here and now
consciousness becomes interesting to him, man works
daily on yoga techniques to strengthen his psychic
nerve system. Many things fall away from him as he
expands his consciousness through the classical
practices of meditation. He looses his
attachment to the
world. Would you
agree, I. B.?


Hes so

Now, in the dawn of a new age, when many people are

being drawn within, it is much easier to attain
and maintain perception through the bright
light within the body. By perfecting the use
of the will through the practice of yoga,
we learn to live inside ourselves.
Would you like to add
something, I. B.?

Hes so


Om Tat Sat!

The young aspirant just becoming acquainted with the path to enlightenment
may wonder how much he has achieved so far. There are a few cardinal
signposts. The NOW consciousness is one. A moon light glow within the
head is another. Perhaps the golden face of a great deva will appear.
Through consistent daily yoga practice, the inner light grows brighter
and brighter. Finally, the clear white light bursts forth.

Hi there! Im
just a mouse.
Who are you?


This Clear White Light changes

our life. Its not the Absolute but
it is a great step along the way.

As he reviews the day

backwards from sunset to
sunrise, he may experience
reactionary conditions that
were not resolved with love
during the day. He then turns
within to the inner light and these
conditions magically melt away.

When the seal is broken and

clear white light has flooded
the head, the difference
between the inner and the
outer mind goes away. Even
negative states of
consciousness can be dissolved
through meditation and seeking the
light. One or two bursts of clear white
light indicate only the beginning of
deep inner life. But it is a wonderful
beginning. Before going to bed at night
the young aspirant can use the
classical yoga technique of going back
over the day in meditation.

By becoming conscious of
the way in which the mind
operates in even a small
degree, Mystic Mouse
finds it easy to discover
the clear white light.
His discovery inspires others to do
the same. In this way light brings
forth a golden future.

Mystic Mouse asks Sage Lion: What is it like to be in the clear white light?
Sage Lion replies: It is as simple as sitting in a darkened room, closing the
eyes in deep concentration and finding the entire inside of the head turning
into light. At first it may be only a dim, moon-like glow, a pale flicker of
several different colors, but then it becomes as bright and intense as the
radiance of the noonday sun. Finally it is crystal, clear and white.
SIt is a great new world of the mind that is entered into when first the clear
white light dawns. Of course, clear white light is not the Absolute, for where
there is light there must be darkness. But after one burst of this great
light, the force fields of attachment, resentment and jealousy
are shattered. We can maintain more control of the mind and a greater
consciousness. This frees us little by little from ever again generating
the magnetic attachments that consume our consciousness in darkness.

Questions about the eighth

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What happens to man when he comes to the point
in his evolution when he has sufficient mastery in the
mind to produce things?
2. What is I. B. Goodnhumbles great secret?
3. What does man seek to find in the past or the future?
Does he find what he is looking for?
4. Why does man become interested in the practice of yoga?
5. What happens to man when he begins to practice yoga?
6. What are some of the signs of success in
the practice of yoga?
7. What happens when the yogi experiences the
Clear White Light?
8. What happens to negative states of mind when
we seek the Clear White Light?
9. Please describe the classical yoga technique of going
back over the day in meditation right before bed at night.
10. What is it like to be in the
Clear White Light?
11. Please describe the entire
story in your own words.

of the
Based on Merging with Siva
Part One, Chapter Nine:
The Lotus of the Heart

Visualize within yourself a lotus flower like

this one that I am holding here.
Visualize this lotus flower right in the
center of your chestright within
your heart. Use your
inner will to find the
Lotus of the Heart.


Within this lotus flower, try to visualize a small light,

about the size of your thumb. The Self God is deeper
than that. It is deep within the light
within the


When the individual

awareness turns inward,
it is possible to feel
and see the light that
comes from the lotus
of the heart. It is
useless to think about
the Self because it does not exist
in the area of the mind where
thoughts are. When you enter
thought, you are going away from
the Self. It is also useless to talk
about the Self. The first step
is to try to feel the subtlety
within you. The light within the
lotus of the heart comes from
someplace doesnt it?
Each time we practice breath control
we bring ourselves a little closer to
the source of life within us.
If you stop breathing, the
life in your body stops.
We have to use willpower
to control the breath.
When we do control the breath, we
begin to have an immense control,
and awareness begins to become
detached from that which it is
aware of. We control our individual
awareness more than we realize when
we practice the control of breath. Try
it yourself. Breath in for nine counts,
hold one, out for nine counts, hold one.
See how you become more alert and alive?

The mind is form creating form. Within this form are different vibrations that
interrelate. These different vibrations are different areas. When we are happy
we are in the refined areas. When we are unhappy we are in the gross areas.

As we experience both the gross and refined

areas we learn and grow. This is
the evolution of mans individual
I'm so happy!
awareness. When you are feeling
unhappy and you feel unhappy
because you are unhappy, sit down
and breath deeply. Try to become aware of an area
of the mind that is always happy. Be gentle with your
awareness. Realize that you are not the unhappy area
of the mind that you are aware of. Whatever was the
cause of your unhappiness does not really matter,
because the powerful light in the lotus of the
heart knows nothing of unhappiness. You will
be surprised at how quickly your awareness will
move from the unhappy area of the mind and
become joyous again at the very thought of the
Self God within the lotus of the heart.
Learn from the
cycles of life
that repeat
themselves. What
goes up must
come down like
a ball thrown up
into the air. Think about what
you are doing now. Then
remember when you were
doing something similar in
the past. What were the
consequences? Those
consequences will happen
again if you act in the same
way now. By thinking like this,
you can control your future.

If we follow desires that conflict with

basic religious principles, it will be
difficult to even think about inner
light. To experience the light of the
lotus of the heart, we must
do what our conscience
knows we should do. We
must follow dharma and cultivate
the beautiful
lotus within just
like we would
care for a
lovely lotus
flower in


Aum Namasivaya!

To follow dharma is to
fulfill the inherent
nature of the
soul. This
nature of
the soul knows
only goodness. If
you follow dharma
now and do all of
the things that
you know you should
bedoing, your
future will
be very

Visualization of inner things is the same as opening an inner door for
awareness to flow through to gain the experience that is already there.
Visualization helps to pinpoint awareness and hold awareness concentrated
in one certain area of the mind and gently move it to another. With this
shining diamond within the Lotus of the Heart constantly within the body,
how could you become aware of an unhappy area of the mind? How could you
become selfish? How could you hold resentment? How would it be possible
for you to dislike another? This beautiful lotus is within others, too.
The Self God is within you. the light emanating from your effulgent being
is within you, too, within the lotus of your heart. The Self God is. It simply
is. We do not have to awaken the light within the lotus of the heart because
it is always there, always has been, and always will be. We just have to
become aware of it. Then go in and in and in to it until awareness aware
only of itself dissolves, and be the Self. Be That.

Questions about the Ninth

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What is inside the lotus of the heart?
2. What happens when we think or talk about the Self?
3. What is the first step toward experiencing the light
of the lotus of the heart
4. What happens when we practice breath control?
5. What is the specific breath control practice given by
Sage Lion to Mystic Mouse?
6. How does Sage Lion teach Mystic Mouse to move from
unhappiness to happiness?
7. How can we change our future by understanding
the cycles of life?
8. How does following dharma help us to find the light
of the lotus of the heart?
9. How does visualization help in the practice of yoga?
10. How does the lotus of the heart relate to the Self God?
11. Please explain the entire story in your words.


Based on Merging with Siva

Part One, Chapter Ten :
From Darkness to Light

Lion. My name
is Zippidy Do Dog.
I'm new here.

Living in the light,

everything that
was hidden becomes
revealed. Answers
to questions that
you have had for years
become unraveled. But
the intellect casts a shadow
over this beautiful light. Now,
Mystic Mouse will explain.

Doubt will come when a person depends

upon memory and reason. When we seek
intuition, doubt goes away and brings
discipline. The discipline of meditation
brings humility. Humility brings
balance. In humility we know nothing.
In humility we are open to intuition.
What did you say
your name was?

Next time you are in a state of worldliness,

sit down and seek the light. If you cannot
find it, visualize a flashlight at the top
of your head shining down into it. Flash
the light on and off mentally, and when
the flashlight does not go off you know
you have the inner light.
Is anyone listening
to me?

I am!


Zippidy Do Dog!

Hi there, Zippidy
Do Dog. Nice to
meet you.


A major instinctive response to the ebb and

flow of life force is disappointment, which
intensified becomes discouragement,
depression and despair. These three
negative states are obstacles to all
human endeavor, especially for the
spiritual seeker, who must learn early
to regulate, control and balance the emotional
ups and downs so well that he never experiences
discouragement, which is nothing more than
an imbalance of force.
As the tests of life present themselves, the
satguru will observe the seekers response time
and time again until his emotional body grows
strong enough to combat negative reaction.

What is emotional maturity? It certainly is not to be equated with physical

age. There are people who are past middle life and are not yet emotionally
mature. Even if the physical body is totally mature, the intellect, as
well as the emotional unit, can remain childish and unstable. An
emotionally mature man or woman is totally secure within and
prepared to tap the greater realms of spiritual being.
By learning to understand, we cease to be a personality leaning upon our fellow man
and falling into disappointment when he lets us down. We must lean on no one but
ourselves, our own spine. Then we will gain our freedom from
the instinctive forces and attain emotional maturity.


We need a basis for

understanding each other,
and a very good basis is:
I perceive this lady with my two
physical eyes. She appears to be
forty years old, but I intuit her to
be emotionally a little younger and mentally
about sixtya learned person. I know she is
a being of pure awareness going through the
experiences she needs to evolve further.
Therefore, I shall understand her in
this light and make allowances.
Try this. This week look at everyone
you meet, and feel love going out to them.
Say to yourself, I like youand really feel it.

I like you. I really

really do. I really
like you!


So, now we come to a very

important state for spiritual
unfoldment, and that is to
face yourself. We must
have the courage to
admit when we are right
or the courage to admit
when we are wrong.
This is very important!

During the yoga break we can go

deep within ourselves. It is practiced
in this way. Stretch out, take a deep
breath and command your body and
your mind to relax and let go of all
thoughts and tensions of the moment.
Visualize a powerful light flooding into
your solar plexus as you breathe in.
As this light floods and fills you
body while you breathe out,
it expels ahead of it
all the bothers and
tensions of the day.
You will sense life
force within you
building as you
feel more and
more blissful.

The best time

to take a yoga
break is when we
feel that we have
the least time. If
our world were
suddenly to fall apart,
where would our power
come from? It would come
from the light deep within.

With understanding, a great thing happensour life becomes even,

balanced and sublime. The ups and downs within us level out, and we
find ourself the same in every circumstance. We find we are big enough
to overcome and small enough to understand. Then we can really begin to
do something. When emotional ups and downs are allowed, our poor nerve
system is terribly strained in a constant state of frenzy and uncertainty.
All of our energies are then devoted to coping with our personal problems.
The spiritual path is a constant turning within from dark to light,
turning the light of the superconscious into the dark corners and recesses
of the mind. Life tests and retests our emotional maturity. Whether we
meet these tests or fail them is entirely up to us. On the Saivite path,
the satguru also gives tests in order to mold and strengthen the seekers
character. Great strength of character is required to attain spiritual goals,
and anyone who lacks that strength will cease striving long before full
realization is attained.

Questions about the Tenth

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What does the intellect do to the light from within?
2. How does humility help us in spiritual life?
3. Please explain the flash light exercise given
by Mystic mouse to help find the inner light.
4. Please name three negative feelings that arrise as a
result of disappointment. How can these be avoided?
5. Who is more emotionally mature: E.Z. Penguin or
Mystic Mouse? Please explain.
6. What is your mental, physical and emotional age?
Please explain.
7. What does Sage Lion mean when he says we must learn
to face ourselves?
8. Please describe the yoga break?
9. How does the yoga break help us?
10. When is the best time to perform the yoga break?
11. Please explain the entire story in your words.


Based on Merging with Siva

Part One, Chapter Eleven :
The Power of Affirmation

An affirmation is a series of positive words repeated time and time again in line
with a visual concept. If you repeat such a statement verbally, while you mentally
see it coming true, you can change your life. Words in themselves, without a mental
picture make a poor affirmation, but words and pictures
together are amazing. This is a great
mystical teaching.
Sage Lion,
Im inspired.


The power of affirmation changes and remolds the putty-like substance

that makes up the subconscious areas of the mind. Affirmation is power.
Before beginning to work with an affirmation, we must understand what
we are doing. We must be sure that when our subconscious has been
remolded we can take the added responsibilities that will come. For
instance, if we bring money through affirmation, are we ready for
the change of life that will also come?


Lets take an example. Lets choose the affirmation: I can. I will. I am able.
In performing this affirmation, you may find that your subconscious will
not accept these three statements. You may still have feelings of
I cant. I wont. I am not able. This begins a period of time where the
forces of the mind fight with each another. The aggressive forces of
your nature are trying to take over the passive ones. Of course, the
aggressive forces will win if you will persist with your affirmation.
You must not give up saying, I can. I will. I am able.

I can.
I will.
I am able.

I cant.
I wont.
I am not able.


Each day we make affirmations without knowing it. But as the inner light
begins to dawn we become more conscious of this natural process and
begin to control it to our advantage. The intuitive mind works through the
subconscious when the channels of the subconscious are open. Therefore
we must be very careful to create positive channels, not negative blocks.


The power of thought is very strong, but only strong for

a short time. It is the power of feeling that awakens the
knowing consciousness. Get into the rhythm of the
affirmation. This causes strong feelings
and impressions deep in the
inner mind. Thats it! Youve
got the feeling. Youve
got the rhythm.


Lets take another affirmation: All my needs will always be met. Say
this affirmation and feel how it feels after all of your needs have been
met. Until you find this feeling, you should not expect the affirmation
to work. Every time that you have a need and that need is met, there
is a certain feeling. You must catch that same feeling when you
speak the affirmation. You then open a channel to your own intuition.
All my needs will always be
met. All my needs will always
be met. All my needs
will always be met.

I am the master of my body, my mind and

my emotions. I am the master of my body,
my mind and my emotions. I am the
master of my body, my mind and my
emotions. I am the master of my
body, my mind and my
emotions. I am ....
Oh, this is really a great affirmation. Now,
quietly, without thinking, feel and visualize
that you are the master of your body,
mind and emotions. Visualize and feel
exactly what you eventually want
to be like, because what you see
and feel now, you cause in your future.

You can write many kinds of affirmations and use them for many different
purposes, but remember, they are powerful. They should be carefully
worded, and only used in a way which helps your spiritual life. To be
effective, they should be repeated regularly on schedule: morning, noon
and night. You will surely benefit by the results. And its fun too.
Lets see.
Let me
think now.

Im all right, right now.

Tomorrow I will not be tired .... No, lets

see. Tomorrow I will be sort of happy. Uh.....
Lets see. Ive almost got it. Yes, thats it.
Tomorrow I shall wake up filled with
energy, creatively alive and in
tune with the universe.

Im all right, right now.

Im all right, right now.

Great emotional security is brought about through the affirmation, Im all right,
right now, This affirmation quiets instinctive fear, brings forth spiritual security.

I will be
what I will to be.
I will do what I will to
do. I will be what I will
to be. I will do what I will
to do. I will be what I will
to be. I will do what
I will to do.

The greatest thing that a devotee can learn is that all knowing is within.
Go to the great superconscious school within you and bring forth knowledge.
The affirmation is one of the greatest tools for doing this. Be confident
within yourself. In order to be confident, have no fear. In order to have no fear,
say, I am all right, right now. This will quickly bring you into the great
here-and-now consciousness. You will feel spiritual force permeating your
body, and your intuitive state of mind will be active. Proclaim again and again
to yourself, I will be what I will to be. I will do what I will to do. Then go ahead
in full confidence and do just that. You are the knower of all that is known,
but you know what you need to know in the moment. And you can apply that
knowing to your life through affirmation. Spiritual destiny is manifested in
the lives of those who live a creative life for the benefit of others. Here is a
last affirmation: I am not my body, mind or emotions. They are but shells
of the infinite energy that flows through them all. I am this energy. I am
its source. I am on my way to merge with Siva.

Questions about the Eleventh

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What is an affirmation?
2. What does the power of affirmation change and remold?
3. Before we beginning to work with an affirmation, what must
we work to understand?
4. When we practice an affirmation what sometimes
happens with the passive and aggressive forces?
5. How does an affirmation open a channel to the
superconscious mind?
6. Why is visualization and feeling important in the
practice of an affirmation?
7. Is it ok to repeat affirmations for material things?
Please Explain.
8. When should we practice affirmations?
9. What happens when we practice the affirmation:
Im all right right now?
10. What guidelines should we follow when we write our
own affirmations?
11. Please describe the entire story
of Affirmations in your own words.


Based on Merging with Siva, Part One,

Chapter Twelve : Beginning to Meditate

Begining to


Desperate states of mind are disturbing many people

these days. They are caught in emotional turmoil and
dont know how to get out of it. But there is a way.
Just a few minutes of meditation in the morning
and evening can change your life. If you are
consistent this meditation will
allow you to live in higher
states of consciousness with
more and more awareness
and perception as
the years go by.
Sage Lion,
this is quite


On the road to enlightenment every part of our nature must be faced and
understood. This can be difficult, for meditation arouses the subconscious
mind, which contains memories, emotions and embarrassing secrets. As
this past arises, patiently write it all down on paper and burn it in an open
fireplace. Just seeing the fire burn brings a great release.
This is

Bye bye Past.

Dont come

The beginning meditator may be shocked as his inner mind plays back unhappy
thoughts. Many stop meditating at this point. Yet everything we face has
its source in God. Armed with this Vedic knowledge we evolve into meditative
practices from devotion. Meditation IS inner devotion.
Merging with
Siva book is
really great!

Where is
he going?


Im getting
out of

Sitting in a state of real meditation, one must be more alive and alert than
a tight-rope walker suspended without a net on a taut cable three hundred
feet above the Earth. Do you suppose that this man is sleepy or allows
his mind to wander? The experienced meditator learns that he is the
watcher, pure awareness. It enables the meditator, in time, to unravel the
mysteries of life. To become the ruler of the mind is the goal.
To then go beyond the mind into the
Self is the destiny of all.


Meditation is similar to watching the play of light and pictures on television.

Identify with the pictures, and emotion is experienced. Identify with the
light, and peace is experienced. Both light and energy forms have their
source in God. Begin this evening while watching the news on tv by keeping
awareness more within the light than the pictures. If reactions occur
during meditation, again, write them down and burn them up.

There are two forces that we become conscious of when we begin to

meditate: the odic force and the actinic force. Actinic force is pure life
energy emanating from the central source of life itself. Odic force is
magnetism that emanates out from our physical body and mixes with
the magnetism of other people. This odic force makes up the world.


Meditation occurs within the actinic forces of mind. We can move from the
odic to the actinic energy through breath control, breathing the same
number of counts out as in. This quickly allows us to become aware of
an area of the mind that does not think but is intensely alive and
peaceful. This prepares us for meditation. First, we must meditate on
awareness as an individual entity flowing through all areas of the mind.

To meditate even for only ten minutes takes as much energy as running a
mile. It fills and thrills us with an abundance of energy to be used
creatively in the external world. After meditation, work to refine every
attribute of the external nature. Learn to give and to give freely without
looking for reward. Learn to work for works sake. Cultivate observation.


When we begin to meditate, we should approach it dynamically, for we are

becoming more alive. We are penetrating awareness into the very source of
life itself. The finest times to meditate are before dawn, at noon, sunset
and midnight. All four of these times could be used, or
choose one. The meditation should be from fifteen
minutes to one-half hour to begin with.

I think I
will meditate
morning, noon &

Be like the spaceman high

above the surface of the
Earth looking at the odic
forces of the world.

Choose a daily time for your meditation and be very consistent. It is also
important to decide exactly what you are going to meditate on before
beginning. Then stay with the decision throughout the meditation. Do
not become distracted and take off in
a new direction. Discipline is the key.

Meditation Plan
10 minutes
breath control
5 minutes
Feel the spine
10 minutes
Be awareness

The experience of Parasiva is attained only when one has become very simple,
direct and uncomplicated. A new nerve system must be built within this
very body, strong enough to hold awareness within enough so that awareness
itself can completely dissolve itself into its own essence. All of this can be
achieved through meditation. But beware! There are some surprises. On the
road to enlightenment every part of your nature must be faced and
understood. This can be difficult. But it must be done.
Many people begin to meditate with great enthusiasm, but soon stop.
Although they honestly want to achieve the ultimate goal of Self
Realization, their inner nerve system is not yet ready to endure the new life
that will result from the practice of meditation. Those who persist will
eventually succeed. Discipline through concentration is the key.

Questions about the Twelfth

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. How can meditation change our life?
2. What does Sage lIon say we have to face and understand
when we begin to meditate?
3. Why do some beginners stop their meditations?
4. How is the meditator like the tight-rope walker?
5. When is meditation similar to watching television?
6. What are the two forces that we become conscious
of when we begin to meditate?
7. What happens when we control the breath in meditation?
8. What does it feel like after a good meditation?
9. What should we do after meditation?
10. What are some good times to meditate?
11. Please describe the entire story
of Beginning to Meditate in your own words.


Based on Merging with Siva, Part One,

Chapter Thirteen : Five Steps to Enlightenment

Five Steps to

Very good. Now we come to the
Ok, Sage Lion,
real study, and this applies to
I am serious. I
you personally. There are
really want to learn
Five Steps to
to meditate. Lets
get started. What do
I do first?
Self Realization


Would you like

a spot of tea
and a little

No time for tea

and cake. Lets
get going. I want
to learn to

Thats the spirit. When we first start trying to meditate,

awareness is flowing through many areas of the mind. Its like
a little ping-pong ball, bouncing around. We must call upon our
willpower and learn to hold awareness at attention. What is
attention? Attention is the first of the five steps on
the path. When we are at attention,
we are holding awareness
focused upon only one
thing. Attention!

Awareness must be like a hummingbird poised

over a flower. The hummingbird doesnt move. The flower doesnt move.
Awareness doesnt move. The physical body and the breath have
to be in a certain rhythm for awareness to remain
poised like a hummingbird over a flower. This
automatically brings us into the next step,
concentration. Each time awareness moves, bring
it back to the flower. This is Concentration!


Meditation and concentration are practically the same thing. Meditation is

simply a more intense state of concentration. Meditation is careful, close
scrutiny of the individual elements and energies which make up that
flower. You are observing it so keenly that you have forgotten that you
are a physical body or that you have emotions. You are in the area of
mind where that flower exists in all phases of manifestation, all at the
same time. This is Meditation!



Out of meditation we come into contemplation. Contemplation is

concentrating very deeply in the inner areas of the mind. We discover where
that flower actually exists. Then we go deeper, deeper, deeper within, into
the energy and the life within the cells of the flower, and we find that the
energy and the life within the cells of the flower is the same as the
energy within us, and we are in contemplation upon energy itself. We are
so intently alive, we cant move. Thats why we sit so quietly. Yogaswami once said,
I went in and in and in, and so deep within, that a bird was sitting on my head.
This is Contemplation!

... and In ...

... and In ...


... and In ...


From contemplation we move into Self Realization. In this deep state, it is

almost like we go within one atom of that vast energy and move into the
primal source of all. Theres really nothing that you can say about it,
because you cannot put the experience of the Self into words. There are
no areas of the mind in which the Self exists, and yet if it were not for
the Self the mind and consciousness would not exist. You have to realize
It to know It; and after you realize It, you know It. But You have lost something.
You have lost your goal for Self Realization, because youve got it.


If you are wanting an explanation of Self Realization, look at it in this way.

Visualize a lake. Beneath the surface of the water is the Self. The surface
of the water, just the surface, is contemplation. We are going to dive
through pure consciousness into the Self. We will call the physical body
awareness. First, we prepare. Attention! We walk around the pool and
get ready for this great dive. Concentration! We pull our forces together.
Meditation! We look over the lake. We are studying out
the philosophy of just what we are going to do.
Contemplation! We just stand right there on the
brink of the Absolute. And then we laugh, and jump
in to the source of allSelf Realization! After
this Realization we are just the same as we were
before, but we are all clean on the inside.
Awareness has a new center in the Self!


After the deep samadhi of Self Realization, our perspective

could not really be called vast; we simply see things
the way they are. We see things from
the inside out. We look at a tree.
We see the energies of the tree all
working within the tree. Then we
see the leaves and the bark.

For Self Realization, you have to really want it more than your life, for that
is what it is, more than your life. Memorize these five steps:
Attention, Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation, Self Realization.
The realization of the Self is worth seeking for. It is worth striving for.
We are not on this planet to become educated, to get things, to make
money, to dress up the physical body, to acquire property, to feed ourselves.
We are on this planet for the realization of the Self. That is why we have
come to this planet, and we will keep coming back through the process of
reincarnation, time and time and time again, until we find what we are
looking for. Intellectually, we have to compare awareness to something in
order to get the idea. Once we have the idea and have caught the vibration
and have released awareness from that which it is aware of, we are on our
way in our innersearch for the ultimate goal.

Questions about the 13th

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What are the five steps to enlightenment?
2. What is attention?
3. What is concentration?
4. What is meditation?
5. What is contemplation?
6. What is Self Realization?
7. Please tell the story of Mystic Mouse jumping into
the lake as an example of the five steps to enlightenment.
8. What is different in our life after Self Realization?
9. What is the purpose of life on earth?
10. Why do we keep coming back to physical life through
the process of reincarnation again and again and again?
11. Please describe the entire story
of the five steps to enlightenment in your own words.


Based on Merging with Siva, Part One,

Chapter Fourteen: Life, the Great Experience


At one time or another in

life, each of us has had
similar experiences of
temptation. There were
times when we did things
we knew we would be
sorry for later.
The knowing of
the law of karma
is within us.

The Great Experience


But Sage Lion, I've been such a

good little mouse. I have
nothing to be sorry

The yoga
student must
establish good basic
principles in his life. He must
try very hard to do this always.

The knowledge of interrelated action and reaction is within the consciousness

of man. To understand the experiences of life, we must ask ourselves, What
does this experience mean? What lesson have I derived from it? Why did it
happen? We can only find answers to these questions when we have
established a foundation of dharmic principles. Dharmic principles are
the laws that govern action and reaction.
Now, let me see here.
Why did all of these
things happen to me?
How did I create these
experiences in my past?
What do they mean?

There is a state of mind in which understanding is

not possible. This is when the subconscious is confused. Too many
experiences have gone into the subconscious that have not been resolved
through understanding. Everyone experiences this sooner or later.
There is a way to handle this problem.

Oh Boy!


There are 36 contemporary principles that make us secure so that we can

live a happy life. If we practice these principles all of the time, we will be able
to understand the experiences of life and not be sad. Life is a series of
decisions. Each instant, we are called upon to make these decisions.
Then we act upon these decisions. Later we must face the reactions to
these actions. Decisionactionreaction. This is the sequence of life
that happens again and again. There are always two paths to choose from. These
36 principles help us to identify and choose the high path that leads to a happy life.

28. Identify
with soul,
not mind,
26. Draw the
body or
lesson from
each experience.
27. Detach
24. Observe
the mind.
25. Seek the
light within.

8. Respect all of life.

9. Exercise every day.
10. Make peace, not noise.
11. Make your home
a temple.

33. Meditate.
34. Work with a
spiritual dicipline.
35. Think and speak
what is true, kind,
29. Be aware of NOW.
helpful or necessary. 30. Do not take
36. Help build a temple.
advantage of
31. Keep promises.
32. Control desire.

19. Realize God.

20. Be one with
your guru.
21. Be non-violent.
22. Love your
fellow man.
23. Rely on the
energy of the

15. Grow your own food.

16. Plant 12 trees a year.
17. Purify your environment.
18. Leave beauty where
you pass.

12. Develop an art

or a craft.
13. Make your own
14. Sing and dance.

1. Simplify life and

serve others.
2. Live in spiritual
3. Seek fresh air
and sun.
4. Drink pure water.

5. Don't eat animals.

6. Live in harmony
with nature.
7. Consume what you
need, not desire.


Balancing the subconscious mind is like keeping accounts or balancing books.

Suppose you have hurriedly put many figures in your accounting records.
Some of them are correct but a few are not, and others do not belong.
So, the books dont balance. You may spend hours reviewing these
accounts, but they just wont balance. It takes someone else to gently
point them out to you. As you quietly sit in concentration over your
books, your teacher or friend may walk in the door and in five minutes find the error.
The ledger is your subconscious mind, the figures are your experiences, and until you
understand them you will remain in darkness, in a state of imbalance.

Ah Ha! There it is.

Theres your mistake.
Now everything makes
perfect sense.
Suddenly its

I dont


Each experience is a classroom. When the subconscious mind has been fully
reconciled to everything that has happened, and we have fully realized that
everything we have gone through is only an experience, we receive our
innerversity personal evaluation report. It will be covered with the
highest grades, telling us that we have excellent understanding.

Oh no!
The lesson for
today is LOVE.
Now take this
chalk and write 25
times: I love Ramon
the cat, even when he
chases me.

Understanding is important because if you have failed a class, or several

classes, you will feel badly, and it will also take you longer to graduate.
If you havent taken from each experience its full understanding, you
remain in the classroom reacting to the lesson you are learning,
even though the experience may have occurred many years ago.





Consistency is one of the most important qualities of a devotee. It is only

through consistency in our daily life that we gain the awareness which
enables us to cognize the experiences of life, taking from them their real
lessons. It is only through consistency that we can avoid many of the
boulders that lie in our way on the classical yoga path to enlightenment.
If we practice the art of being constant, we will unfold our destiny.




Study your approach to life today as you practice this exercise. Take some
of the experiences from your subconscious state of mind. Add them all up.
Visualize a scale before you. Put the total of the experiences understood
and the lessons derived from them on one side. Put on the other side of
the scale the total number of experiences that you do not understand.
See how they balance. If they balance evenly, you are well on your way.
All the stuff
that I DO

All the stuff

that I DO NOT

Dogs chase cats.

Cats like milk.
Fish can't walk.
Cats can't swim.
Candy taste good.
The sun is hot.

Why are people so big?

Why dont birds like me?
Who is shooting stars?
How far is it to Mars?
Why do frogs hop?
Why were flys created?

If they overbalance on this

side, you may consider dedicating
your life to serving others.

If they overbalance on this side,

you have got work to do
but you know how.

Now you see why you were born into a physical

body. The one and only reason why you are existing
on this planet is to unfold into your clear white light first,
then penetrate deeper and deeper into Self Realization
as you prepare for the next steps on the classical
yoga pathmoksha, which means freedom from
rebirth, and vishvagrasa, which means
Merging with Siva.

You are here on this planet to realize the Self God, and the only way to
experience this Self Realization is to awaken within you a dynamic,
indomitable, actinic will. To do this, the steps are: first, find out what and
where the willpower is. Everyone has it. Willpower is that quietness within,
that serenity that is likened to a light so bright that you cannot see it with
the physical eyes. Second, learn to use this actinic will. Find your actinic
spiritual destiny in this life. Learn to live fully each instant, completely in
the eternity of the moment. Become refined by constructive, rather than
abusive practices. Become positive through the generation of good deeds,
rather than those uncomplimentary experiences we react to and reenact.
Yours is a new and positive destiny, one that is true, constant and free
from want or dangers. Life ahead for you can only become one of fulfillment
and radiance as you adjust to basic positive principles.

Questions about the 14th

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What must the yoga student establish in his life to help
him avoid experiences of temptation?
2. What must the yoga student do when he is faced with
memories from the past that he does not understand?
3. Please name and explain six of the 36 contemporary
principles that help establish a happy life.
4. How is balancing the subconscious mind like balancing
accounting records?
5. How is each of the experiences of life like a classroom?
6. What happens if we do not understand an experience
in the classroom of life?
7. Why is consistency important in the practice of yoga?
8. Why is willpower so important in the practice of yoga?
9. If we add up all of the experiences of our life, and we
DO NOT understand most of them, what should we do?
10. If we add up all of the experiences of our life, and we
DO understand most of them, what should we do?
11. Please explain the story of Life the
Great Experience in your own words.

Based on Merging with Siva, Part One,

Chapter Fifteen: Facing Life's Tests

Facing Life's Tests

My dear little mouse, when we are children, we run freely, because we have no
great subconscious burdens to carry. Very little has happened to
us. Of course, our parents and religious institutions try to
prepare us for lifes tests. But
because a child doesnt know
any better, the
preparation is usually
not accepted.


The ancient yoga system provides some simple guidelines for religious life.
They are called the yamas and niyamas. The yamas, or restraints, give us
a basic system of discipline for the instinctive mind. The niyamas, or
positive observances, give us things to do which create a good life with
good karma. If we choose not to follow these guidelines, negative
experiences will follow, and we will be unhappy.





Obdying Vows

The basic laws of life are so simple that many people dont obey them. Why?
Because the opportunities to not follow these laws are so frequent that we
get in the habit of making up good reasons for doing something else instead.
It is normal to fail some of these tests. It is like getting a failing grade on
a report card in school and having to take a class over. We must learn from
our experiences or repeat our classes again and again.

It is our teaching to not react to lifes experiences, but to understand them.

When we have understanding, we free ourselves from the impact of these
experiences, and we can realize the Self within. The best way to
understand the experiences of life is to relate each one of them to the
Yamas and Niyamas. This brings correct understanding quickly.




As soon as we cease to react, we have for the first time the vision of the
inner light. What do we mean by this word light? We mean real light, just
like the light we see coming from the sun or a light bulb. You will see this
light first at the top of the head, then throughout the body. An openness
of mind occurs, and great peace. As a seeker gazes upon his inner light
in contemplation, he continues to purify the subconscious mind. As soon
as that first yoga awakening comes, the whole nature begins to change.

Have you ever stood right at the edge of a mountain cliff? You were careful
about falling over the edge, werent you? But have you experienced that
tendency in your nature that makes you wonder what it might be like to
fall? If you fall, accidentally or on purpose, you might receive some kind of
scar or bruise, but you would learn something. It is the same with spiritual
life. If we fall, the experience may be painful, but we must learn and keep going.


If we are able to be strict with ourself in all of life's small challenges,

we will always find a way to experience selflessness and peace. But, if we
are not willing to restrain the inclinations of our lower mind, we will find
ourselves incapable of entering into blissful inner life. Instead, we open
ourselves to jealousy, hatred, self-indulgence, lust, fear, greed and more.

If we look back at our baby pictures we can see that we most naturally
lost and left behind the form that was ours at that time, and this will
continue. Here is a visualization exercise. Visualize the way you want to
be. Train your subconscious mind to keep you away from the edge of the
mountain. This is the secret.
You make your own future.


If you direct your

thoughts and feelings
toward goodness,
you will be surprised
to discover how
quickly your life will change
for the better. This is the
practice of yoga. Try it, and
lose the habit of concern,
for concern is only a result
of being out of control.

I like you, Big Bear Cat.

I think we could be good
friends and have fun.

Be equal to whatever
you meet! That is
the best way to
react to life. This is
accomplished simply
by meeting everything with
understanding. If we can hold
the feeling that everything
happening to us is a play of
universal love, then we are
beyond the events
of the world.

Hi there, Big Bear Cat.

I think we could be good
friends and have fun.
What do you think?

If we look our nature right in the face

without squirming, we will discover
a number of little disturbances.
They are usually just small, petty
resentments or worries that keep a
part of our mind confused. And this makes our
life confused. If we watch for those little
events that imperceptively get under our skin,
we will be able to actually see the source of
the confusion that we must try to understand.

Turning our backs on all of the things that may be unpleasant to us will not
bring happiness. But if we observe our reactions as they are taking place and
then later, the same day, turn a calm, detached eye toward the experiences
that caused these reactions, we will bring understanding through the
controlled state of meditation. We can start doing this today.

We can become free of our personal fears and desires by bringing our mind
under the control of concentration in everything that we do. When we are
confused, we do not feel like concentrating. But this is precisely the time for
concentration. If we concentrate when we do not want to and when we are
feeling confused, we will bring peace to disturbance. Peace is control, and
control is freedom. But all of this takes willpower and practice.
People like patterns. The subconscious has a natural tendency to resist
change. It is slow to realize that life is constant change. It requires a daring,
spirited nature to step out of the routine into a fuller and freer life. It
requires daring to leave behind confused states of mind and bring forth
new knowledge or wisdom from meditation. Control is always silent power.
Emotion, confusion and lack of control is noisy weakness. We have the choice
and the power to live our life in peace or confusion. Which do you want?

Questions about the 15th

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. What are some of the simple guidelines for a religious life
that are provided by the yoga system? How do they
help us on the path?
2. Why do people often not follow these guidelines?
3. How can we use these guidelines to help understand
our reactions to the more challenging experiences of life?
4. What can we learn from the experience of standing
close to the edge of a mountain cliff?
5. What is the wisest way to handle life's small challenges?
6. How can we create the future the way we want it to be?
7. What happens if we direct all of our thoughts and
feelings toward goodness?
8. What happens if we hold the feeling that everything
happening to us is a play of universal love?
9. What happens if we look our nature right in the
face without squirming?
10. What happens if we turn our backs on the experiences
of life that are unpleasant to us?
Please explain.
11. Please explain the story of facing
life's tests in your own words.

Based on Merging with Siva, Part One,

Chapter Sixteen: I'm All Right, Right Now

I'm All Right, Right Now

The great sage Yogaswami of Sri
Lanka said, There is not even one
thing in this world that is not
perfect. We must take a man
like that very seriously. The
world is really a wonderful place,
and we are fortunate to be
living in it. If we live well and
properly in the world, a
great joy will come to us,
and we will discover the
truth of the
"I'm all

Oh yes, Sage
Lion. I do agree.


The first thing to do on the path is to change our way of looking at life. In the
beginning we read a lot of books. A book is a map. After we read these
books, we must decide whether or not we want to change our beliefs,
attitudes and lifestyle. Once we have decided to make these changes, we
do not need the books any more. We can begin walking the path to wisdom
by admiting and adjusting our negative habits of living.

The second thing we must accomplish is to learn to lean on our own spine.
Everyone today wants to lean on someone else. We lean on our families
until they push us out into the world. Then we lean on our friends until
they cant help us anymore. But still we keep on leaning. We must learn to
lean on our own spine. Again, we can start doing this by feeling:
Im all right, right now.


Most people on the path have the

desire to get rid of their desires.
Its an impossible battle. Have
you ever tried to get rid of your
desires? If we stop trying to get
rid of our desires, we become
centered automatically, because we take
the energy out of desire. We take
awareness away from that world of desire,
and we get right into the primal source of
the energy which flows through the
physical body, mind and emotions.

When we lean on our own spine,

we discover a feeling of
center. "Being centered"
means feeling the primal
source within. We want to
feel so centered that we
ARE the center. Isn't it true that we
always ARE something of what we
feel, wheather it be our hands or our
legs or our bodies or our emotions
or our desires? BE the center!

When we begin meditation, we must find a good place and be among good
people. We should meditate alone and not talk about our meditations to
anyone except the person who is helping us on the path. Meditation is an
inner process. If we approach it in the proper way, inner things will happen
to us, and our outer life will become better and better and better.

tile floor
By changing ourselves on the inside through meditaiton, we realize that
the world is functioning just as it should be. From this position at the peak
of consciousness, like being on the top of a mountain looking down, we see
the world in a perfect balance of adjusting forces. However, from the
bottom of the mountain, the world may look very scary.


Awareness of perfection
is attained by sitting
down and arriving at
a state of expanded
cosmic consciousness
within. We can do this in nine
minutes, nine hours, nine
days or nine years. We can
take as long as we like.
We have a choice.
We can remain in
the valley, live in
fear of the stormy
ocean of life and death, or
we can climb the nearby
mountain and see from the
top how it is from that
point of view. Either way,
we are all right, right now.
The mystic welcomes
the challenges of the
world. He doesnt run away.
He knows that difficulties
bring forth strength.
The Mystic knows that most
problems are with man and the
way he looks at things. So, he
doesnt need to run away from
the world. The same things will
happen to him wherever he
goes. He can be as peaceful
or as disturbed in New
York City as in a
Himalayan valley.

We have to examine this concept of who we are. When we begin to feel

completely that we are all right within ourselves, the meaning of the word "I"
begins to change. "I" no longer means the body. "I" means energy, awareness
and willpower. Soon we gain the total truth that we are living in the body,
but we are not the body we live in. Examine the word "I" and honestly
see what it means to you.

Return to the source. Merge with Siva. At the source there is always peace.
The key to this entire practice is to become consciously aware of energy.
In this constant remembering we have the feeling of being the center of
the universe. Its easy to live in the now if we work with ourselves a little
every day and concentrate on what you are doing each moment. You can do this
any timeeven when you are scrubbing the floor.


Once you have gained control of

awareness in meditation, try to
sit quietly each day and just be.
Dont think. Dont plan. Dont
remember. Just sit and be in the
now. Thats not as simple as it sounds, for
we are accustomed to novelty and
constant activity in the mind and not to
the simplicity of being. Just sit and be the
energy in your spine and head. Feel the
simplicity of this energy in every atom
of yourself. Think energy. Dont think body.
Dont think about yesterday or tomorrow.
Now is the only time. This simple exercise
of sitting and being is a wonderful way to
wash away the past, but it requires a
little discipline and practice.

We have to discipline every fiber of our nerve system and work with ourselves
to keep the power of awareness expanded. Regular practice of meditation will
bring us intensely into the eternity of the moment. Practice comes before
philosophy, advice, psychology and all intellectual thought. We have to
practice to keep awareness here and now. If we find ourselves disturbed,
we sit down and consciously quiet the forces. We dont get up until we
have completely quieted our mind and emotions through regulating the
breath, through looking out at a peaceful landscape, through seeking and
finding understanding of the situation. This is the real work of meditation
that is not written much about in books. If we can live in the eternity of now,
our life will be one of peace and fulfillment. We must try to stay at the
pinnacle of consciousness, balanced between past and future. Everything
is in its rightful place in the master plan of evolution. Let it be and be.

Questions about the 16th

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. Is there anything in the world that is not perfect? Explain.
2. What do we learn from books about the spiritual path?
3. Is it good to lean on others for security? Explain.
4. What does Sage Lion mean when he talks to Mystic Mouse
about "being centered"?
5. What is the best way to handle desire?
6. Where is the best place to meditate?
7. What happens to us when we meditate?
8. Describe the "mountain-top consciousness"?
9. How can we attain an awareness of perfection?
10. What do you discover when you examine the word "I"?
11. Please explain this story of NOW consciousness
in your own words.

Based on Merging with Siva, Part One,

Chapter Seventeen: The Eternal Now

The Eternal
Pretend that you are balanced on top of a tall tree?
If the tree were to bend too far forward or back, you would
fall to the ground. Back is like the past. Forward is like the
future. A perfect balance at the top of the tree is like
the NOW. We want to stay in the NOW, balanced at the
top of the tree. We do not want to fall into the past
or the future. There is really very little to be said
about the eternal NOW. You have
to live in it, and in living in it you
discover a higher state of
consciousness than you have
experienced in your
entire life.


What is the NOW? We all know what the past is. Many people live in the past,
over and over again. They just never quite catch up with the present. Other
people live in the future. The ability to live in the NOW, is a spiritual power.
But it is a spiritual power that we all have. We just have to learn how to
use it. When we quiet the mind, we live in the NOW. To quite the mind is
simple, but it is not easy. It takes practice. And practice takes willpower.

There is a formula for attaining the eternal NOW. If you can remember it, you
can center yourself within yourself very quickly and settle into the present
moment. Imagine yourself worried, bothered and disturbed. In the midst of
your disturbance say to yourself, I am all right, right now. Just this
instant, I am all right. What a shock to the disturbed part of your mind!
It will not only be shocked, it will be shattered out of its disturbance.

I'm all right, right now!


Im all right, right now. Let the feeling of these words vibrate within you.
But remember, living in the NOW lifts us into a higher state of mind. We
must use our will to continue living in that higher state. When we
continue living in the NOW, something mysterious and wonderful begins
to happen. Our soul begins to work out our spiritual destiny. But this can
only happen when the mind is quiet. The mind becomes quiet in the NOW,


There are those on the path who run from one teacher to another. They stay
with one just long enough to find fault with him. This gives them an excuse
to avoid his teaching and move on to someone else. Such people are far
from the stability of living in the eternal NOW. As soon as they discover
something negative within themselves that they should face and
overcome, they blame it all on someone else and run away. Spiritual
unfoldment is like a university in this sense. If we skip from one university
to another, we are always having to start over. It just does not work.


We all set goals for ourselves. Then, because we have a strong reaction of
some sort, our enthusiasm dies. We may even forget our goals. We forget
when we reach that part of our mind that does not want to understand.
This is our instinctive nature. If we cannot control these instincts, it is like
going along in a straight line and suddenly bouncing off in another direction.



This continues on and on. After much study and discipline, the principles
of spiritual life finally become permeated through our entire being, and
we remain content in the NOW. But this takes time. Today, we might
remember the NOW. But tomorrow, we will forget. Keep working to remember.







Let's see now. What was I

thinking about??? It
started with
an "N."




First, we learn about the NOW. Then we discover it through experience.

Everyone has the personal ability to withdraw awareness from the past
and future into the NOW. Learning to use this ability, however, takes time.
Living in the NOW is a very important yoga practice. When we are able
to live in the NOW, we can look out upon the world of thought and
emotion without becoming deeply envolved. This allows the soul to grow.


When our mind is disturbed, our feeling is personality-centered. When our mind
is quiet, our feeling is more subtle. This subtle feeling is superconscious.
The feeling part of our nature is very powerful. If we really feel that we
are the complete master of our body, we are also feeling Lord Siva's life force
within us. We are also feeling our will dominating the mind. Our will is our soul
in action. We must try to feel the real core of ourselves, the real I am.
Tell your subconscious mind twenty-four hours a day that this is true:
that you are the master of body, mind, and emotions. In one instant of
realizing, knowing and feeling this to be true, you will find that you are
all right, right NOW, in this instant. You will find yourself entirely free from
fear, worry, and doubt. If you live completely like this, regardless of your
circumstancesthen your circumstances will adjust themselves to you.

Questions about the 17th

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. Why is Mystic Mouse standing balanced on top of a tree.
2. If living in the NOW is so easy to understand, why is it so
difficult to do ?
3. If we are worried, bothered or disturbed what can we tell
ourselves to immediately be in the NOW?
4. What does it feel like to live in the NOW?
5. What do learn when we run from one teacher to another
on the spiritual path?
6. Is it good to set goals for ourselves? Please explain.
7. Please give an example of setting a goal in meditation.
8. What happens to us when we try to live in the NOW day
after day after day?
9. Please repeat "I'm all right, right now" 108 times and
explain how this affirmation makes you feel.
10. Are you all right, right now?
11. Please explain this story of the eternal NOW
in your own words.

Based on Merging with Siva, Part One,

Chapter Eightteen: Love is the Sum of the Law

Pure love is the sum of all the spiritual laws. Pure love is the heart of the mind. Pure
love has nothing to do with emotion, attachment or lust. It flows freely through the
person who does not live in resentment, malice, greed and anger. Pure love is a state
of Being. It can be found in giving. When a person begins to think more of
others than he does of himself, he will find that there will be others who
think more of him than they do of themselves. The love that he
sends out will come back
to him by the law of


A person becomes relaxed and peaceful when he acts in a kindly manner

toward someone else and loses himself in anothers happiness. When we live
in the instinctive mind we are constantly going back and forth between
tension and release. This stops when the unfolding soul expresses itself
by helping another and forgets personal concerns and hurt
feelings. Helping others leads to devotion.
I am so happy because Zip just
loves that tasty cheese I
just gave

It's easy to
worship when I'm
not selfish.

To experience pure love, we must have understanding.

Understanding must begin at home. We must train
ourselves to know where we are in consciousness
at all times. When we can become fully aware of the
states of consciousness that we experience,
we will be able to understand everything
that we need to be able to understand.
If we are having trouble feeling love for someone,
there is simply something
that we do not
yet understand.


Who is the helper and who is the one who is helped? You have often heard
teachers say, Every time I give instruction, I learn more than my students.
Is the teacher giving the opportunity to the students to learn, or are the
students giving the opportunity to the teacher? Obviously, it works both
ways. Who, then, is the great helper? Only your superconsciousness can
give permanent bliss and security. The
mind of light is the great teacher.


If we take a spiritual pilgrimage to the top of a mountain, we have the

opportunity to expand our awareness and look over the external
states of the mind. It takes great devotion to disentangle
awareness from that which it is aware of and to flow into
expanded areas of mind. But the rewards are great. We are
able to look through an expanded vision to see the totality
of the exterior area of our mind and intuitively know the answer to the
experiences that we are going through.


We begin to remove awareness from the external areas of the mind by feeling
devotion right within our bodies. We get in love with our inner self and
begin to study the qualities of our nature. We write these qualities down
on a piece of paper and choose the ones that you want to keep. We cross
out the qualities we do not like. We choose our qualities like we choose our clothes.
Let's see now. I am afraid of cats but that is good.
Otherwise, they might catch me. I hide
cheese and don't share it. Maybe I
should not do that any more. I
should share my

Many people spend much time thinking about what they are going to wear.
Hour after hour they are shopping in the stores. If we were to add up the
number of hours they stood in front of the mirror dressing the physical
form, it would be quite surprising. How about the inside? Do we dress
up the inside, too? We can, you know. We can choose what to wear inside.


Take a piece of paper. List all of your duties. We must understand the
importance of duty in our spiritual life. We do not find the path in
books. We find the path in the way we handle our individual lives and the
way we perform our duties. Paint a positive mental picture of yourself as
you would look performing your duties.
It is my duty
to be kind, nice
helpful and friendly.

Now make yourself look like you appear in your

mental picture. Sit quietly and breathe deeply, eyes closed.
Review your mental picture and all of its nice qualities. Feel
the tendencies of greatness within you. This spiritual
greatness feels like a softening of love. It brings inner bliss and peace.


We awaken the love nature through giving. Giving brings

new life. Giving is very important for spiritual life. Until we
learn to give abundantly, we cannot realize that we are not the giver. We are
just a channel for giving. Everything comes to you when you are not attached
to it. The power of giving is a very great power. We hear about yoga powers,
such as the power of levitation and the power of suspended animation. But
the truly great powers are the power of giving, the power of concentration,
the power of the subconscious control over your mind, body and emotions
and the power of universal love. These are practical powers that can be used
today. When a seeker has unfolded to the power of giving, he doesnt think
about himself very much. When someone has not unfolded into giving, he
thinks about himself a great deal.

Questions about the 18th

adventures of Mystic Mouse.
1. When a person feels pure love does he or she think more
of himself or others? Please explain.
2. What happens when we live in the instinctive mind?
3. What happens when we become fully aware of the states
of consciousness that we live in?
4. Who learns more, the teacher or the student? Explain.
5. What happens to us when we take a spiritual pilgrimage
to the top of a mountain? Please explain.
6. Please observe and write down all of the qualities of
your nature as you see them. When you have finished this,
cross out the ones that you do not want to keep.
7. How is dressing up the inside like dressing up the outside?
8. Why is duty important in spiritual life?
9. if you painted a picture of yourself at you very best,
what would you look like?
10. What happens to us when we learn to give, give and
give some more?
11. Please explain this story of LOVE in your own words.

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