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NO. 13
Mihai Coman


George Popescu


Jean-Pierre Bacot France “ FINENESS ”
Claude Jean Bertrand France MARIA GERGOVA
Peter Gross US
Kent Middleton US
Pierre Mory Belgium
Todor Petev Bulgaria D ESIGN
Walery Pisarek Poland Oscar Stanciulescu
Zoltan Rostas Romania
Slavko Splichal Slovenia L AYOUT
Kenneth Starck US George Popescu
Gina Stoiciu Canada


3 issues per year

Europe & Outside / Europe et outre Europe

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ISSN 1223-5199
Contents / Sommaire


Lilia Raycheva, Todor Petev

Mass Media System in Bulgaria 5


Lilia Raycheva, Todor Petev

The Transformations Processes in the

Mass Media System in Bulgaria (1989-1999) 7

Todor Petev

Transformations of the Bulgarian Press 17

Lilia Raycheva

The Dynamics of the Electronic Mass Media

System in Bulgaria (1989-1999) 37

Kamen Kamenov
Advertising in Bulgaria - On the Edge
of Optimism

Teodora Petrova
A Brief Look at the digital changes
in the media Field and the
Development of the Web Pages in Bulgaria 71
Vessela Tabakova
The Media - the Possible, yet Unrealized
Anti Corruption Instrument 89
The Global Network / Le reseau global 5


Mass Media System

in Bulgaria


he articles in this emergence of a pluralis-
volum e refl ect tic press, radio and
transformations television system;
that have taken place
in the Bulgarian mass 2. In legal terms, libe-
media landscape for a ralization and deregu-
ten-year period. Since lation of the mass
1989 alongside with the media system, corre-
basic political, economic sponding to the
and social changes in European patterns;
the country, profound
shifts have taken place 3. In economic terms,
in print and electronic mass media market
media. development in a high-
ly competitive environ-
Several main processes ment at local, national
in the medi a system and global level with
during the transition growing impact of
period in Bulgaria can advertising industry;
be discerned:
4. In social terms, and TODOR PETEV
1. In political terms, demassification and are professors at the
decentralization of the fragmentation of the St. Kliment Ohridsky
mass media sy st em publics accompanied by University of Sofia,
accom pa nied b y the higher selectivity stan- Bulgaria
6 The Global Network / Le reseau global

dards and social feedback;

5. In professional terms, depar-

tu re fr om former c orporate
media standards and introduc-
tion of new formats, styles and
liberal journalistic ethics;

6. In technological terms, revo-

lutionary advent of new media
incorporating national media to
the global superhighways.

The newly established commu-

nicat ion lands ca pe demon-
strates open challenges to the
mass media developments in
highly competitive environment.

The Global Network / Le reseau global 7

The Transformations Processes in
the Mass Media System in Bulgaria

he mass media sys- demonstrated during the
tem in Bulg aria telecasts of the Romanian
underwent dramat- Revolution in December
ic changes along with the 1989. Then the Second
profound social, political Channel of the Bulgarian
and economic transforma- Television canceled its
tions. In a sh ort time, regular programming in
without ideological con- order to extensively cover
trol, the style and content the dramatic events in
of the broadcast and print Bucharest and Timisoara.
media departed from the
former st andards. The Grand National
Pol it ical plural ism Assembly adopted a new
brought along the estab- Constitution on July 12,
li shment of new party 1991. It was the first
periodicals. In 1990, polit- democratic constitution in
ical campaigning boomed, the former Eastern Bloc
bringing with it political countries. It proclaimed
advertising in the media. that Bulgaria would be
While c am paign in g in governed by the rule of
newspapers was not con- law and set up the funda-
trolled, the Parliamentary mental civil society.
Commission for Radio and Zhelyu Zhelev, the leader
Television set rigid guide- of the Union of the
lines for t he electronic Democratic Forces LILIA RAYCHEVA
media. and a strong-
are professors at the
minded dissident, St. Kliment Ohridsky
The power of live televi- was elected University of Sofia,
sion broadcastin g was President by the Bulgaria
8 The Global Network / Le reseau global

National Assembly on August 1st, The fierce crossfire was flared

1991. Political advertising and in the print media, which con-
strong press and radio involve- tinued to lose public credibility.
ment inf luenced the final
choice of the incumbents. The The mass media, among all the
public opinion agency, SIGMA, institutions in the country, pro-
conducted a survey in 1990 to moted the transformation to
determine how v iewers democracy in the most pro-
assessed the televised political found way. In Sofia the spirit of
campaigning. Ten days prior to the changes was felt at the
the first round and ten days open meetings and rallies. In
after t he s econd round of the outlying areas the changes
advertising, it asked, “Which were felt chiefly because of tele-
political power did best on the vision coverage. The organizers
TV screen? The answers were of protest rallies in support of
39 percent and 33.5 percent for change made sure they
Bulgarian Socialist Party com- marched past TV headquar-
pared to 19.6 and 24.7 percent ters. The media found them-
for UDF and 13.9 percent and selves fulfilling the dual func-
15.8 percent for the Bulgarian tion of transmitters and cata-
Agricultural People’s Union. lysts of political change.

SIGM A also attempted to Journalists, just as politicians,

assess the mass media credibil- were not ready to undertake
ity. National Television gained their new functions and
top ratings before and after the responsibilities. The emerging
elections. The respective data principles and styles of journal-
were 59.6 and 38.5 percent for ism were created ad hoc.
television, 44.7 and 36.3 per- Turbulent events forced jour-
cent for the BSP press, 31 and nalists to learn and master
33.8 percent for National Radio their new roles by groping for
and 24.5 and 27.2 percent for free expression while balancing
the UDF press. The high credi- personal risk. They were on a
bility of television after the quest for free and significant
elections slid by about 20 per- expression, public control over
centage points. This dramatic state institutions of authority.
drop followed the audience’s It turned to be an open chal-
rejection of the over-politicized lenge to the responsibilities of
programs.1 the Fourth Estate mission in a
transforming society.
In the following election cam-
paigns, the electronic media Prior to the dramatic changes
managed to be more balanced. in 1989, the Bulgarian mass
The Global Network / Le reseau global 9

media system was centralized, examples and patterns of

state-owned and subordinated transformation.
to the priorities of the Party-
State system. The processes of Print Media
decentralization, liberalization
and privatization began spon-
taneously. Along with the over-
all economic and political crisis
T he political, economic and
ideological heralds of the
various political parties
of the time, the mass media engaged pretty soon in a news-
“revolution” developed on a paper war. Partisanship in pur-
practical, trial-and-error basis, suit of daily stories segmented
rather than on a legal basis. audience reach. Thus, the
The government was no longer process resulted in a steady
abl e to stric tl y control the shrinking of newspaper reader-
media: in the ensuing chaos, ship. The former political “gate-
the press was the first to gain keeper” seemed to have been
total deregulation. It initiated quietly replaced by new eco-
the beginnings of a free mar- nomic conductors trying to lay
ket. down the tempo and harmony
for an orchestra of perplexed
Political pluralism fostered the professionals.
emergence of a mu lti-party
press. Different parties estab- The result of these collective
lished their own periodicals control patterns was ambigu-
giving rise to a new, politically ous. Inside, editorial board ten-
affiliated, journalism. sions at covering top-priority
events exceeded the range of
The spirit of pluralism in the journalistic self-control; the
mass media and the under- broader public was often fed
standing that the importance of tailored information and biased
each medium was bound to its interpretations. It breached the
contribution to social change freedom of journalistic expres-
became a pragmatic guideline sion.
for survival and development.
Another perplexing phenome-
Audience expectations urged non was that people began to
journalists to assume the role perceive and assess the
of heralds of political, economic, processes of change via media
cultural, and social change. models. Without being held
Striving to keep up with audi- politically or socially responsi-
ence expectations and commit- ble, the mass media actually
ment to social change impelled shaped the dynamics of public
the mass media to generate social and political space; its
10 The Global Network / Le reseau global

nurtured pluralism occasional- catering to audience expecta-

ly resembled a labyrinth of one- tions and needs rather to nar-
way streets. row political interests.

In the process of privatization, Electronic Media

powerful economic forces struc-
tured the print media market.
A new popular press emerged
and declared itself politically
I n contrast to the turbulent,
wrenching transformations
in the print media, the changes
independent. The tabloid peri- in the electronic media were
odicals quickly g ained the slower, incomplete and lacked
largest audience share. Their general consistency. The once
content corresponded to the rigorous regulations at the
pragmatic needs and attitudes state level framed the initia-
of the economically active part tives for decentralization and
of the general publics. Multiple privatization. The executives in
sections were introduced and Bulgarian Radio and Television
these newspapers took over the gained some professional free-
expanding volume of advertis- doms in decision-making, pro-
ing. gramming and economic poli-
cies. However, for a long time
Another group of publications the state-owned electronic
found an audience niche by media remained closely con-
catering to specific interests trolled since they were funded
and tastes. The most popular from the State budget. A
topics included leisure, health restrictive legislature was
promotion, cultural events, another factor in their slow
lifestyles, sports, fashion, hob- transformation. It aborted
bies, games, eroticism and soft early attempts at a substantial
porn, crime, etc. and relevant change. The
newly adopted Bulgarian
These were the main trends in Constitution became the first
the process of forming an inde- legislative act that abolished
pendent, diversified and plural- the party-state monopoly in the
istic press in Bulgaria. In a electronic media. The first com-
short period of time, the tight mercial radio stations began
ideological control over the operation at local level in 1992.
mass media switched to eco-
nomic motives. Some pressing Thus, along with the other
fact ors such as the soaring East European countries,
prices of newsprint, printing Bulgaria moved to regulate the
services and dis tr ibution licensing of private radio and
expenses sped up the process of TV stations. A Parliamentary
The Global Network / Le reseau global 11

Com mission for Ra dio and turnover among executives

Television and a Provisional moved by aggressive political
Cou ncil for Radio and pressures on the management
Television became the control- of both National Television and
ling bodies. The liberalized National Radio led to general
rules for licensing of local radio instability. Problems regarding
and television stations2 stimu- freedom of expression, agenda-
lated a rapid development of setting issues, and journalistic
private radio. The advent of investigative reporting, gave
private television occurred two rise to conflicts between profes-
years later. sional managers and adminis-
Bulgarian radio and television
stations now operate on two The first licenses for private
lev els: state and private. radio stations were issued to
Bulgarian National Radio and several foreign radio broadcast-
Bulgarian National Television ing companies: VOA, BBC-
are still the only two state- World Service, Free Europe,
owned broadcasting organiza- France International, and
tions which programming cov- Deutsche Welle. They were
ers the entire nation. They are appointed because of their sen-
controll ed by the National sitivity to the democratization
Cou ncil for Radio and processes in the country. The
Television as well as by the first domestic private radio sta-
Stat e Commission for tion, FM+, went on air in
Telecom munications. In October 1992. The new radio
December 1 999 Rupert stations developed different for-
Mu rdoch’s Ba lkan News mats and styles, targeting dif-
Corporation was the successful ferent audience niches. They
bidder to become the first pri- quickly gained popularity.
vate TV operator functioning While the national radio chan-
on a national scale. It had been nels stuck to information for-
launched on June 1, 2000. mats; the private stations
diversified the program supply,
Fixed time status of the state- providing the publics with a
owned electronic media man- broader range of commentaries.
agement was not introduced In addition they felt them-
until 1997. Until then the exec- selves free to experiment with
ut ive boards were open to more flexible and attractive for-
direct political pressure caus- mats and styles. The necessary
ing overall personnel instabili- premises (financial, technologi-
ty and lack of continuity in pro- cal and personnel) for differen-
gramming policy. Continuing tiation of the private broadcast-
12 The Global Network / Le reseau global

ing on a national scale were at es. Specialized publications on

hand. Nevertheless, the state- radio and television were initi-
owned and operated radio net- ated, providing the general
work still holds a commanding public with information and
lead in au dience sh are at commentaries on the menus of
national and local level. The the national and local chan-
first private television station, nels, as well as with a selection
Nova Televizi a (New of foreign satellite offerings.
Television) was launched in
1994. Because of limited finan- The most popular electronic
cial, technological and person- media guide - the weekly
nel resources, the new televi- Radio I Televizia (Radio and
sion stations stuck to modest Television), enjoys a circulation
programming: movies, sports of 70,000 copies. It offers sched-
and imported popular enter- ules of radio and television pro-
tainment programs. Later on grams supplemented with con-
the audience needs urged the cise reviews of the offerings.
local TV operators to introduce
own programs: information, Another specialized magazine
talk-shows, entertainment. The is TV+, launched in 1993. It is
emergence of alternative televi- 64 pages, issued biweekly and
sion encouraged program diver- has a circulation of 20,000
sification in the national TV copies. The content is predomi-
landscape. The reception of nantly foreign in origin.
satell it e, t rans-border and
cable programs exerted addi- The Bulgarski Journalist
tional impact on the domestic (Bulgarian Journalist), a
ch annel s programming. 30,000 circulation monthly
Foreign audio-visual products publication, was the official
had an equally strong influence guild journal that monitored
on national broadcasting poli- media developments, profes-
cies.3 Since the early 1990s the sional standards, journalistic
electroni c media have been celebrities, and mass media
allowed to earn extra financial ratings. However, it could not
income from advertising and survive in the new mass media
co-production contracts. competition and ceased publi-
cation in 1995. Contributions to
the public assessment of media
Radio and Television Guides production are also made by
the weekly newspaper, Kultura

T he growing diversity of TV
programming stimulated
innovative inter-media process-
(Culture) and Media &
Reklama (Media&Advertising)
magazine, a monthly that cov-
The Global Network / Le reseau global 13
ers the dynamics of the adver- istic unions were established,
tising mar ket - the top ten they failed to defend basic pro-
print media shares, the leading fessional rights and responsi-
top ten advertisers, the top bilities. Finally, the profession-
twenty advertised brands, etc. al journalists submitted their
freedom of expression priorities
for the establishment of an eth-
Development of ical code to the legislative body
of the country.5
Professional Standards
National Radio and National

T he development of profes-
sional standards greatly
benefi ted from t he various
Television maintained the
highest rate of audience credi-
bility. According to sociological
national nominations for pro- panel surveys, their ratings
fessional accomplishments in scored much higher than the
the press, radio and television. polarized press, the Presidency,
National Assembly,
Inter-media integration devel- Government, and Police.6
oped through traditional pro-
fessional contacts, patterns of The social push of mass media
media consumption and mod- in political terms had been
ern advertising and marketing manifested at least in seven
strategies. These joint activi- critical situations:
ties culminated in initiating - The TV attack against
national media nominations for President Petar Mladenov in
excellence. Facing turbulent 1990 that compelled him to
processes of overall deregula- resign;
tion, the pr ofessional guild - The resignation of the BSP
attempted to formulate general Government headed by Andrey
rules of journalistic ethics. The Loukanov in 1990;
vulnerability of the profession - The mass media war
encouraged attempts at public launched by the UDF
dis cussion. However, the Government of Filip Dimitrov,
expected common agreement which led to its toppling in
was postponed. 1992;
- The exit of the Government of
Deprofessionalization trends Lyuben Berov (under the
accompanied the transforma- Movement for Rights and
tion period, but development Freedom mandate) in 1994;
“demands a central system of - The withdraw of the BSP gov-
control able also to evaluate ernment of Zhan Videnov in
and set priorities”4. Although a 1996;
number of professional journal- - The siege of the House of the
14 The Global Network / Le reseau global

National Assembly in the situ- lization of the mass media sys-

ation of a governmental crisis tem accompanied by the emer-
in 1997, which led to radical gence of a pluralistic press,
power shift; radio and television system;
- The forced restructuring of 2. In legal terms, liberalization
the UDF government of Ivan and deregulation of the mass
Kostov in 1999, based on cor- media system, increasingly co-
ruption allegations. rresponding to the situation in
Th e in vi tation extended to 3. In economic terms, mass
Bulgaria to negotiate the terms media market development in
of joining the European Union a highly competitive environ-
(Helsinki, 1999) practically ment at local, national and
marked the end of the transi- global level;
tion status. For the mass media 4. In social terms, demassifica-
this posed new challenges and tion and fragmentation of the
priorities. Operating with new- publics accompanied by higher
found freedoms, they build up selectivity standards and social
well-differentiated structures feedback;
at local, national and interna- 5. In professional terms, depar-
tional levels. This opened doors ture from former corporate
for integration into different media standards and the intro-
European and global media duction of new formats, styles
structures and markets. and liberal journalistic ethics.

The mass media both reflect ❑

and instigate social processes
and as a system itself, under-
goes development changes. As
Karol Jaku bowicz put it,
“chan ge in society triggers
media action to influence soci-
ety or creates conditions in
which media can influence soci-
ety”7. The media gain in any
transformation process because
change means news.

Several main processes in the

media system during the tran-
sition period in Bulgaria can be
1. In political terms, decentra-
The Global Network / Le reseau global 15


1. Raykov, Zdravko. (1990). “Elections and Mass Communications”.

Bulgarski Journalist 11.

2. Ordinance No 1 of the Committee for Postal Services and

Telecommunications. (June 18, 1992). Sofia: State Newspaper: 43.

3. Sepstrup Preben and Goonasekera Anura, eds. (1994) TV

Transnationalization: Europe and Asia. Reports and Papers on Mass
Communication, No 109, Paris: UNESCO Publishing.

4. Kunczik, Michael (1993). Communication and Social Change, Bonn:

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

5. Profession Journalist. (1994). Sofia: Group of Freedom of Speech.

6. Political and Economic Index. (1995). Sofia: BBSS Gallup International.

Report 2595.

7. Paletz, David; Jackubowicz, Karol; and Novosel, Paavo, eds. (1995)

Glasnost and After: Media and Change in Central and Eastern Europe.
Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
The Global Network / Le reseau global 17

of the
Bulgarian Press

t has been an uneasy lation of the news - that
period of Bulgarian type of information diet
press developments: had been constructed, fol-
for good forty years news- lowed, and controlled. In
paper industry has been absence of an alternative
transformed along guide- press the publicity result-
lines of Communist propa- ed in a constructed media
ganda priorities. It has world (Fotev, 1999: 232), a
schooled the publics by public spaces, fed on
New Speak experiments, rumors and diffuse in con-
public obedience, and stellations of controlled
strict information diet of small-group networks.
wartime type.
Attempts at diversifying
Censorship muted most press landscape took place
media people, encouraged after glasnost and pere-
conformi st self-censor- stroyka, launched by
ship, introduced total sur- Mikhail Gorbachev in
veillance and suspicion in 1985. After TODOR PETEV
the profession al guil d. Chernobil disaster is professor at the
Distorted news bulletins, only reliable and St. Kliment Ohridsky
rumors, false warnings, credible sources of University of Sofia,
misinformation, manipu- information were Bulgaria
18 The Global Network / Le reseau global

networks of informal contacts although obvious by reading

and foreign radio stations. The author’s names, lost any clear-
newspapers lost meek credibili- cut profile: marginalization
ty they have enjoyed. became a winning strategy in
pursuit of high circulation and
advertising profit.
Emergency transformations
The political shifts were total:

B y early 1990’s direct state

control of newspapers and
magazines was officially aban-
author’s families had to be
changed; newspaper sections,
and language styles had been
doned; first opposition daily transformed into aggressive
newspapers, Svoboden Narod forms of “street language”
(Free People) and Demokratzia (Znepolski, 1997: 75-88).
(Democ ra cy) appeared in Nevertheless, certain touch of
February 1990. Many periodi- political obedience, or conformi-
ca ls were closed, others ty remained; it had been gar-
changed their names, and new nished by economic pressures
titles entered landscape. Prices and a stunning ethnic
of newspapers soared in step ostracism (hate language) in
with general inflation rate. The print news stories, journalism
prices of newspapers and mag- investigations (mainly crime or
azines rose several times and suicide stories) and disaster
many former readers could no sensitive commentaries.
longer afford to buy a second or
third newspaper, as it had been A perplexing diversity of par-
common practice before. ties, political factions, civil
movements, foundations, busi-
Political pluralism followed by ness clubs, news organizations,
pollicentristic moves (regional- and newspaper outlets
ization) in print industry; both emerged in opening public
brought about diversification of space. The print news media
press at national, regional, and failed in promotion of democra-
local levels: general output was tic life and social stability. As
transformation of political pub- Peter Gross observed similar
licity into a matrix of contend- mass media downfalls in
ing fragments of global—local Romania : “They failed because
news content.. they showed intolerance, parti-
sanship, lack of balance and a
Ma ny newbor n mag azines disrespect for The audience by
claimed to function as politica- assuming that it needed to be
lly independent st ructures. directed in its deliberations
Their political orientations, rather than informed. They did
The Global Network / Le reseau global 19

not present readers or viewers market self-regulation, aggres-

with news bu t ra ther with sive press corporations, such as
views on events and issues of the German Westdeutsche
the day , and thus were only Algemeine Zeitung group,
indirectly and incompletely established control over two
informative.” (Gros s, 1996: thirds of daily newspaper circu-
136). lation in 1997; the biggest two
print media groups scored the
The aggressive, intolerant style broadest audience reach in this
of reporting was conceived as country were bought up, devel-
modern trait of professional- oped, and transformed into a
ism; publishers in their early dynamic network of central
steps of emerging open press and local editions.
market did not pay due concern
to financial matters or to Social Advertising took leap accord-
Responcibility Journalism as a ingly and prospered: profits
value-normative orientation from it became the main eco-
towards modernization and nomic resource for print media.
developing modern conscious- Originally the money shares of
ness (Kunczik, 1993: 120-122). television and press advertis-
Later with advent of commer- ing were in favor of the press.
cialization, development of con- (At the turn of the 2000 their
centration, and true market respective shares became
com petit ion , wi th growth almost equal: 53 : 47.) Most of
regional economics - all that the non-political newspapers
emerged as catalyst of a selec- raised the bulk of their rev-
tive social transformation. The enues from advertising.
split between younger genera-
tion of journalists and older In the absence of mass media
groups of media professionals regulations the market opened
was painfu lly obvi ous. The doors to aggressive moves in
expect ed r e-socia lization the press developments; porno-
processes am ong Bulgarian graphic editions, virtually
journalists turned out to be too unknown before 1989, entered
complex and difficult in diverse bluntly the opening public
media environments and com- space. Institutional attempts to
munities (Petev, 1994a: 26). establish certain distribution
rules and content restrictions
failed. The publishers had
Structural Changes found an attractive niche to
exploit; they enjoyed unbeliev-

U nder the auspices of priva-

tization, innovation and
able and never dreamed or
anticipated freedoms of
20 The Global Network / Le reseau global

e x p r e s s i o n . 1 The new titles However, the death rate of

neglected legislator’s attempts newspapers during that time
to ban any, hard or soft, porn in period took a remarkable leap:
the pu blic c ommun ication 303 newspapers ceased publi-
space; it had happened not ear- cation in 1994. Deregulation of
lier than 2000 when the first the mass media system in gen-
legislative acts and the norma- eral produced impressive,
tive professional guide-lines degrading impacts on the
against p or nography were evolving press market.
coined up and adopted by the
National Assembly. In 1994, there appeared 781
magazines and bulletins with a
While the daily press was obvi- total annual circulation of 16,4
ously diversified, the youth and million copies. The respective
children’s periodicals shrunk in figures for 1999 were 631 titles
both number and circulation. and 13,5 million copies. (In
Accordi ng to the National 1988, before the changes, at the
Statistical Institute, 928 news- end of perestroika period, there
papers with a total circulation appeared 878 magazines and
of 654,187,000 were issued in bulletins having total annual
1993 compared to 381 newspa- circulation of 69,6 million
pers with a total annual circu- copies). After 1989, there
lation of 879,663,000 in 1988, appeared less magazine titles
before the collapse of the for- that had less copy circulation:
mer sy stem. 2 ( B u l g a r i a n the magazine reach shrank a
National Institute of Statistics, bit, the reading public did not
1995) - See table 1. change much its magazine con-
sumption habits and patterns. -
The number of new newspa- See table 2.
pers established in the years of
the political change and social The early 1990s, opened the
transformations merits closer deregulation trends in the print
elaborat ion. In 1 990 there media leading to tremendous
appeared 81 newspaper titles shifts transforming the press
in the press market. In several industry. Competition got off to
years aftermat h t here took a flying start: it gained addi-
place an eruptive growth of tional momentum with the
newspaper titles: 103 (1991), frustrating polarization of the
174 (1992) 434 (1993). By socio-political environment.
1994, however, sat uration Aggressive election campaigns
trends and shrinking of the in June 1990 and in October
press market occurred: only 1991 gave a strong push to
351 newspapers could be listed. public discourse and cross-fire
The Global Network / Le reseau global 21

debates t hat were covered evant daily facts, offer barren

cl osel y by t he periodicals. interviews, and theoretical
Those were frustrating “golden analysis. To all of this one can
times” of the contemporary add the almost complete lack of
Bulgarian press industry. utilitarian news—print and
broadcast media seemed to be
Restruc tu ring of th e print produced by journalists for
media market brought to life journalists but not for people...”
several types of periodicals. (Coman & Gross, 1994).
The politically affiliated press
seemed to outnumber the oth- The bulk of contradictory politi-
ers in number of titles (not in cal views, beliefs and suggested
circulation, or readership). The perspectives expressed in the
strong week ly leader BTA print media badly damaged the
Paraleli (40 pages, fine collor press credibility in Bulgaria.
pr int) enjoyed the broadest A survey carried out by the
audience of close to 100 thou- Center for Democracy Studies
sand readers. Fragmentations on the eve of the parliamentary
of th e audien ce i n political elections 1991 showed strong
terms was particularly strong. indications of lack of press
Deeply biased, the partisan credibility. Only 20.9 percent of
press did not offer balanced the respondents answered “pos-
information for safe political itively yes,” to the question,
judgments. The diversity of “Do you trust the information
voices forced readers politically presented in the newspapers?”
affiliated/or not to read several (Similar was the value of press
newspapers in order to orient non-readers). Nearly half (45.8
th emselves in the dynamic percent) answered “to a certain
environment. In general, read- extent,” and 33.3 percent of
ers experienced social frustra- the respondents answered in
tion being manipulated; thus, the negative. Another question
only a few were able really to asked respondents to voice
pick up the wheat from the their agreement or disagree-
chaff. ment with the statement, “The
television, radio and newspa-
The public space was deeply pers strengthen the tension in
contaminated and distorted by this country.” Thirty-seven per-
rumors, false-event reporting, cent (36.9) agreed with the
and misinformation. As Mihai statement and 36.9 percent
C oman and Peter Gross disagreed. Another 24.1 per-
observed that mass media tend cent admitted they were uncer-
to “raise the false-event, the tain. 3 Urgent need for a social
theoretical discourse, the irrel- dialogue was strongly felt and
22 The Global Network / Le reseau global

not properly understood by the in Bulgaria since 1993 could be

guild: the partisan periodicals traced in the press:
did not provide their readers - deregulated political con-
with unbiased news and opin- tention, maintained between
ionating analyses. Perhaps the and within the major political
most telling example of the parties, led to series of splitting
need for balanced information and restructuring until certain
was shown by the overlap in stability was reached in 1997;
read er sh ip of Dem ocratize - emergence of a public dis-
(Democra cy) and Douma course, understanding and con-
(Word), the political organs of sensus on priority issues like:
the Union of Democratic Forces joining the European Union,
and the Bulgarian Socialist NATO affiliation, national
Par ty. A 1993 field survey security priorities, large-scale
showed that about 40 percent privatization, nuclear energy
of the dail y readers of strategy, minority issues, med-
Demokratzia read Douma as a ical care and education stan-
complementary information dards;
sourc e a nd about the same - growing political apathy
number of Douma readers also detached large fractions of
read Demokratzia. This reader- intellectuals from the democra-
ship pattern of double checking tization processes; people in
was considered to generate general felt tired of claimed
effects of indirect public dia- democratization incentives
logue in a gradually politically (Minev & Kabakchieva, 1996),
restructuring society (Petev, of the expected, and postponed
1994:110). understanding and apprecia-
The circulation of the partisan
press declined over time: in The three major trends had
1989 Douma s old a total of been discussed and elaborated
198.5 million copies; by 1995 in the press. In late 1992, the
the annual number of copies UDF lost its parliamentary
sold dropped to 25 million. The support. The ethnic Movement
res pective figur es for for Rights and Freedoms
Demokratzia were 76 million (MRF), in a radical move unex-
(1989) and 15.5 million (1995).4 pectedly joint the socialist
opposition. The democratic
majority was topled; the MRF
Postponed Warnings got mandate to form the
Bulgarian government.) The

T hree main trends in the

development of political life
partisan newspapers, however,
did not uncritically follow the
The Global Network / Le reseau global 23

policies of the political leaders; consumption by social and eth-

tensions between the affiliated nic groups in Bulgaria became
periodicals and the political an important predictor for
leadership emerged. Several political involvement and par-
editors-in-chief were bluntly ticipation in the election cam-
dismissed on political reasons. paigns. - See table 3.
As Ivan Nikolchev observed
brilliantly: The most stable political news
“Journalists today do not and consumption was affected by
cannot have a clearly formed the Bulgarian Orthodox read-
professional awareness as jour- ers while the other groups
nalists. They r ather have a tended to be out of daily reach:
political self-awareness, they the figures of non-readers were
see themselves not as creators much higher for the Roma eth-
of information but creators of nic group. The press provided
politics. For this reason they dialogue grounds for the con-
cannot act as a homogeneous tending political players; the
professional community, meant assumed function for social
to be a comprehensive watch- integration of the print media
dog, and joint opposition to in periods of crisis had not been
politicians and government” substantiated: centrifugal
(Nikolchev, 1998:137). trends prevailed (Petev, 1994:
Those newspapers and maga-
zines that remained closer to Irrespectively of the economic
the attitudes and tastes of their difficulties in all spheres of
reading publics, those editors public life, all ethnic minority
who followed the expectations groups (Turks, Roma,
and political assumptions of Armenians, Jews) issued their
their readers, survived, and own periodicals, usually week-
established brand new lies or monthlies. Some of them
patterns for development of published BI-lingual stories, in
periodicals. Bulgarian in addition to the
minority group language; it
The tension between political was considered to serve priori-
power holders, and the media ties of a linguistic policy plan-
guil d s ignaled str ive of the ning which, nevertheless, was
print media journalists for an of inclusive, integrative type
independent Fourth Estate sta- (Znepolski, 1997: 39).
tus. The preoccupation of the
press r eadi ng publi cs with Political confrontation within
political news remained a dom- the Turkish minority organiza-
inant trend. The political news tions resulted in establishing
24 The Global Network / Le reseau global

of two Religious (Mufti) Offices: Chassa (24 hours) enjoying the

one which followed patterns of highest circulation in the coun-
institutional establishment, try (213,000 copies in 1996),
and the other - of a social move- and three more weeklies, one
ment type. Bough facilitated published in English.
the change process; they pub- - The Media Holding was an
lished newspapers under one established press group which
and the same title, graphic and inherited the former trade
lexical design, Muslumanlar. union daily Trud (Labor), one
These periodicals helped medi- of the most influential indepen-
ating the two approaches. dent dailies having a circula-
tion of 182,000 copies in 1996.
Most popular periodicals elabo- Another publication of this
rated social issues targeting press group is the Noshten
the general public: unemploy- Trud (Night’s Labor) evening
ment and crime. Claiming to newspaper (73,000 copies). It
pursue consensus frameworks was the first newspaper, which
of reference they developed pri- had been simultaneously print-
ority issues of the transition to ed in two different cities via
civil society based on destabi- electronic carriers. Media
lization factors: economic inse- Holding publishes also the
curity, corporate dependence tabloid Zult Trud (Yellow
and personal vulnerability Labor) weekly with the highest
(interpreted as survival by pro- circulation in the country
socialist sources). (238,000 copies in 1995, and
about 280,000 in 1999). The
periodicals of that press group
Trends of innovation and cater to a wide range of needs,
expectations and tastes.
concentration In terms of content, both news-
paper groups focussed on gov-

S everal main press groups

were founded by media pro-
fess iona ls close t o private
ernment criticism - economic
issues, unemployment, crime,
and the topic of social consen-
banks, insurance companies, sus.
political and trade union estab- - The emerg ence of the
lishments. The press land- Standard News press group
scape showed the following challenged the top position
characteristics: of the 168 Chassa group in
the newspaper market,
- The largest press group 168 introducing color paper,
Chassa (168 hours) did com- impressive newspaper pho-
prise a tabloid format daily 24 t o g r a p h y ( H a d j z i m is h e v ,
The Global Network / Le reseau global 25

1996) and fine print quali- ed modern press was a produc-

ties. tive move in the media land-
scape. The popular dailies
These opinionating newspapers faced off against the two major
pr esented analyses, topical political party’s organs -
in terviews an d jour nalism Douma (58,000 copies in 1996;
investigations, sensitizing the 35,000 in 1999 ) and
publics for emerging vulnera- Demokratzia (37,000 copies in
bil it y or challenges of the 1996; 45,000 in 1999). Rather
young democracy. They used than engaging in partisan
two-sided arguments (in differ- political rhetoric, the new pop-
ent articles) to foster social dis- ular tabloids developed a
course attracting large reader- broader audience reach explor-
ship. Both (even after the WAZ ing agenda-setting and agenda-
bought them out in 1998) news- building functions of their own
paper groups feature watchdog (Hiebert & Gibbons, 2000: 132-
reporting on state and govern- 133).
ment institutions - a sensitive
role of civic journalism in times In 1992, immediately after
of radical political and econom- their emergence, the indepen-
ic transformations. dent newspapers declared eco-
nomic war on the political
It was these two press groups press moguls: the objective was
that adopted a new, popular to get rid of the state-con-
pattern of graphic design, news trolled structures of print
presentation and dynamic lan- paper supply, print services
guage articulation. They devel- and distribution. Originally,
oped the tabloid newspaper for- the main target drive was to
mat providing readers with restructure the newspaper
matrix of brief information. market. And it was done radi-
They introduced modern news cally by the WAZ corporation.
reporting, promoted an aggres- While the political press was
sive style of journalistic presen- preoccupied with power clash-
tation, focussed on sensational es, the independent papers
items. They switched radically focussed their attention on eco-
from the formal official prose to nomic success. Along these
a more colloquial and narra- lines they scored their first big
tive, story-telling style in news hits. In just two seasons they
casting. The tabloids embraced managed to find their own
that democratic innovation; it sources of newsprint, to estab-
transformed the news sections lish technologically modern
of the popular weeklies. The printing house facilities, and to
emergence of a market-orient- set up a network of distribu-
26 The Global Network / Le reseau global

tors. Thus they gained control a high-risk strategy to invest

over the entire market-oriented money and efforts.5 The com-
cycle. It helped to attract a mon low credibility of the polit-
growing number of advertisers ical and sensational tabloids
and sponsors. Their sweeping did not disturb newspaper
mar ket s uccess of popular publics at all: they enjoyed the
press left little opportunities chance to exercise again read-
for the emerging quality peri- ing between the lines. As they
odicals. used to do in the blurring years
of perestroika.

Striving for a Bid Greater The first two quality dailies,

Continent and Pari (Money),
Than Mere Survival were established in 1992.
Continent5 was a more tradi-

N ewspaper read ers pre-

tended to l ac k serious
broadsheet; newspapers that
tional black and white broad-
sheet newspaper while Pari
was a tabloid printed on col-
present credible hard news, ored paper. These two dailies
interpretive and opinion jour- followed established West
nalism. Nevertheless, the gen- European newspaper journalis-
eral public enjoyed the tabloids tic standards. They featured
of WAZ. Originally the readers contributions from many of the
did not care for a ‘serious press’ best columnists and commenta-
which does not blur together tors. Their target audience was
the news and their interpreta- similar, one more reason why
tion. A creative mix of both both failed to attract large, sta-
opened doors to speculations ble readership. The general
and rumors: fuel and the out- public enjoyed simple language
come of the independent popu- used by the tabloids; it was
lar tabloids. That confusing schooled to consume hard
mix of rumors and unconfirmed news, flavored seductive ads,
information generated sense of and sensational stories of the
general social insecurity, even popular tabloids.
physical vulnerability, spotting
and attacking any structure of Initially these newcomers to
social stability. The expecta- the newspaper market were
tions became poorer than the not considered to be competi-
plain reality. tive threats to the large-circu-
lation papers. This “benevo-
There was no evident need for lent” posture opened an oppor-
quality press; i n financial tunity for two additional quali-
terms it had been evaluated as ty newspapers to enter the
The Global Network / Le reseau global 27

market. The Cash and Capital, ing qualified young journalists

two weeklies funded by foreign who were considered to be easi-
investors joined the Bulgarian ly manipulated;
newspaper market in 1993. - foreign players established
rules of their own in the media
High quality standards were market irrespectively;
demonstrated by special inter- - move to press freedom and
est magazines, like Sega (Now), skipping political controls was
a pol itical di gest and blocked: the political pressures
Otechestvo (Fatherland) that had been transformed into eco-
had good readership, but did nomic ones, and functioned
not attract enough revenues simultaneously.
from advertisers and closed.
High-quality newspapers and These issues, however, generat-
magazines were often used as ed clearly positive effects. The
alternative sources of informa- issue of deprofessionalization
tion and opinion guidance by of the journalistic guild
the rea ding public. (Kunczik, 1993: 122-123) stim-
Opinionating seemed and is a ulated a climate inviting inno-
risky business unless you enjoy vations, mass media had been
support by political or/and eco- regarded as open agents of
nomic circles. It was, therefore, modern consciousness.
difficult for them to gain stable
readership6, to attract advep- The scope of the popular press
tisments and to survive. was broadened by newcomers
like Novinar (1997), Sega
(1998) and Monitor (1999). This
Challenges for a freedom group of dailies offered their
readers pragmatic information,
press development hot news, setting the agenda
for their readers to cast their

E conomic, political, and pro-

fessional bottlenecks could
be encountered in the processes
opinions and attitudes actual-
ized by news consumption.

of emergence of the new press: The decentralizing trend in the

- printing facilities and paper press market helped energize
supply were distributed by a the local press. The new publi-
post-socialist bureaucracy, and cations survived the economic
operated by the former elite; recession and some titles
- str uctur al changes in the demonstrated stable growth.
journalism guild were felt, fol- They enjoyed the confidence,
lowing especially the deprofes- loyalty, and support of their
sionalization process of employ- audiences mainly because they
28 The Global Network / Le reseau global

had dealt with, and focussed Emerging marketplace of

specifically at emerging local
social and ethnic issues. ideas
Another group of independent
periodi cals en compassed a
broad diversity of specialized
T he annual ratings of the top
ten newspapers in Bulgaria
became a telling indicator of
topically periodicals; leisure, public and professional evalua-
culture, fas hion, feminine tions, as well as a meaningful
issues, health care, religion, index for advertising industry.
entertainment, sports, eroti- Who was the winner?
cism, hobbies and so on. Most Professional development was
of them had low circulation, encouraged by national nomi-
some of them presented special nations for high journalistic
professional design and origi- and/or advertising accomplish-
nal content. ments. It set up international
professional standards and the
Th e same held t rue for the national ethos of the print jour-
periodicals aimed at age and nalist community.
gender audiences. It was
among has group of publica- On the other hand, the ratings
tions that a new type of celebri- stimulated competition and
ty-oriented and erotic maga- innovative aspirations. The
zines could be encountered; a conquest of the press market
Bulgarian version of “infotain- developed a kind of a hybrid of
ment.” the tabloid: a working combina-
tion of the popular tabloid for-
A specific group of publications mat (which mixes fact and
is targeting foreign information interpretation) and sections of
consum ers v ia periodicals “serious publications”, ideologi-
issued in English, German and cal and financial in topics
Russian. They are distributed domain (Spasov, 1999: 120).
in Bulgaria and abroad, thus
facilitati ng c ross-boundary A number of demographic and
business networks of commer- sociological surveys (of MBMD
cial exchanges. or the National Center for
Public Opinion Surveys) con-
Media & Reklama magazine firmed that readership of the
publish es regul ar ly data national dailies varied strongly
reports on media consumption. among different segments of
Balkan Media is the first the general audience. The
Media mag azin e in the sociocultural backgrounds for
Balkans published in English. age cohorts of reading publics
The Global Network / Le reseau global 29

was g enerally dif ferent. flagship, that tried to uphold

Traditionally, reading newspa- the social and political identity
pers was an important part of of the older generation; not to
th e m ale subculture. degrade its social biography.
Readership was also considered This explained the large share
to be a strong indicator for of older readers of the socialist
more intensive participation in daily. Any change in that
the political life. closed community would have
meaning of a painful revision of
By tradition “political will” was the past beliefs, with no chance
regarded as a male culture for providing certain new per-
domain. The outcome of politi- spective. While readers of
cal moves-the anxieties of day- Douma still did tend or seemed
to-day survival- seemed to have to be under the power of stereo-
been left to women who are types created by the authori-
treated as “second class” social tarian propaganda during the
subjects. No wonder they were regime, the young reading
much mor e dist anced from publics gravitated to modern
reading the press. - See table 4. news values, pragmatic styles
of tabloid journalism.
Almost all-Bulgarian periodi- Essentially, it were the young
cals modernized their graphics readers who generate the
and layout. The language and nucleus of the reading public at
syntax by al l publications the turn of the 21st century.
became closer to the everyday
speech of the readers. At election times newspaper
audience functioned as a coer-
Most of the newspapers now cive or corrective factor of the
feature various themes such as incoming social changes. The
corruption of civil servants, same held true for the popular
executives linked to shady eco- magazine readers, as well.
nomi c gr oups, t he l ooming That boosted the press market
Mafia presence, “white collar” growth; it sprang up at really a
crime, sexual quirks of public unique pace. - See table 5.
figures, piquant stories of life
at the top. Newspaper space The data in Table 5 show that
was dominated by an even politically affiliated
avalanche of news and com- (biased) dailies serve as open
mentaries that carried a mes- “marketplace of ideas”. The
sage of the publicly shattered Kramer’s correlation coefficient
confidence in the state as an is very high; publics do share
organizing institution. It was political points of views; thus,
Douma, the BSP newspaper they contribute to social dia-
30 The Global Network / Le reseau global

logue and slowly em erging paper market attracted strong

agreement. British, Swiss, and Austrian
investors. In 1997 the German
“The social reality is unthink- Westdeutche Algemeine
able without its immanent vir- Zeitung (WAZ) bought control-
tual dimensions, wrote Georgi ling interest in the two leading
Fotev, without social imagina- newspaper groups in Bulgaria;
tion as a constructive principle 168 Chassa and Media
/.../ The responsibility of media Holding. These newspaper
goes further than (currently) groups operated about two
available and prominent jour- thirds of the circulation and the
nalism catches “work” of mem- advertising revenues in the
ory and pocibillities. In such a press market in 1997.
way it becomes involved in con-
structing and in the re-con- The WAZ combined their
st ru ctruct ion of t he social advertisement policies, pub-
world” (Fotev, 1999: 239). lishing the same ads in all of
their dailies down the country.
The identity crisis experienced This control of advertising and
by newspaper audiences gener- newspaper circulation violated
ated strong affiliation of sup- the anti-monopolistic law. Two
porters. The observed differen- years later, in 1999, WAZ
tiation trends (toward greater transferred part of its owner-
individualization and localiza- ship to Swiss and Austrian
tion) demonstrated identity cri- companies as to avoid eventual
sis in press development. prosecutions under the law.

Understanding differentiation The recent changes in the press

processes seemed to be the industry did not encourage pro-
basic point of departure which fessional integrity, autonomy,
had been considered as a side- professional standards and
product of newspaper con- ethics.
Most of the Bulgarian jour-
Understanding the differentia- nalists “were facing a diffi-
tion trends t he pres s, as a cult choi ce between work -
whole, aimed at shared identity ing between working under
legitimization, mutual recogni- political or commerci al
tion (not appreciation!), and an pressure. Som etimes they
agreeable consensus in this did not even have this
part of the Balkan region. choice but faced both”
(Nikolchev, 1998: 198).
The growing competitive news- Destabilization meant
The Global Network / Le reseau global 31

money, e r o s i o n o f s o c i al tion, stable news consumption,

norms and professional and restless readership.
s t a n d ar d s .


T he evolution of the press

system in Bulgaria in the
90’s demonstrated the follow-
ing trends:
•Booming polycentric and plu-
ralist diversity of political, pop-
ular, quality and topical period-
•Privatization leading to estab-
lishment of print media mar-
kets at national and local level;
•Concentration of ownership,
emer gence of international
media corporations in national
media landscape;
•Adoption of professional pat-
terns (global and local) for reg-
ular news presentation;
•Introduction of new formats
and standards, including sen-
sationalist, entertainment, and
business styles.

The segmentation of the read-

ing audience diversified the
press consumption patterns
and encouraged pluralistic val-
ues aiding the process of social
trans form ation. The press
industry experienced general
deregulation. It encouraged
diverse change gaining shifts.
Deregulation and destabiliza-
tion turned out to be a winning
strategy: it meant more money;
it provided high press circula-
32 The Global Network / Le reseau global


Alfandari, Eliezer (1992). Fit to Print. East European Reporter,

September - October, 21-23.

Alfandari, Eliezer (1996). Media, politika, biznes [Media, Politics,

Business] . Bulgarsko mediaznanie. Sofia: Balkan Media, 120-137.

Coman, Mihai and Peter Gross (1994). The 1992 presidential/parliamen-

tary elections in Romania’s largest circulation dailies and weeklies,
Gazette, pp. 223-240.

Fotev, Georgi (1999) The Responsibility Principle in Media World, In: G.

Lozanov, L. Dejanova, O. Spasov, eds. Media and Transition, 229-239,

Gross, Peter (1997) Mass Media in Revolution and National Development.

The Romanian Laboratory, Ames: Iowa State University Press

Hadjimishev, Ivo (1996). Za fotojurnalistikata [On photojournalism]

Bulgarsko mediaznanie. Sofia: Balkan media, 185.

Hiebert, Ray and Sheia Gibbons (2000) Exploring Mass Media for a
Changing World. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,

Minev, D. and P. Kabakchieva (1996). The transition: elites and strate-

gies. Sofia: Sofia University Publishing House.

Nikolchev, Ivan (1998) The Post-Communist Bulgarian Journalist.

University of Maryland.

Paletz, David, Karol Jakubowicz, and Pavao Novosel, Eds. (1995)

Glasnost and After: Media and Change in Central and Eastern Europe,
Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Petev, Todor (1994). Transitive Democratization of Bulgarian Press:

Postponed Victories, in Nikolai Genov, Ed., Sociology in a Society in
Transition, 103-112, Sofia: Regional and Global Development.

Petev, Todor (1994a). Bulgaria’s societal changes split young, old journal-
ists. Summit of Journalism Educators from Central and Eastern Europe,
Arlington: The Freedom Forum, p. 26.

Spasov, Orlin (1999). Media and Transition In: G. Lozanov, L. Dejanova,

O. Spasov, Eds. Media and Transition, 99-136, Sofia: Center for Media
The Global Network / Le reseau global 33

Znepolski, Ivailo (1997). The New Press and The Transition. Sofia:
Grajzdanin (In Bulgarian).


1 The first journalists working for soft porn press had been hired from
former communist youth and children press. Those who have been trained
to maintain political socialization in years of transformation undertook
de-socialization attempts.

2 Bulgarian National Institute of Statistics, Sofia, 1995, p. 57.

3 Field Survey of Center for Studies of Democracy, Sofia, 1991.

4 Bulgarian Book Data (1995). Sofia: St.St. Cyril and Methodius National

5 The author had been Chairman of Publishing House of The Continent,

first quality daily newspaper in Bulgaria (1992). It had been published in
32 pages, broad sheet format, and using balanced news coverage. It failed
to survive a premature trial to develop social dialogue.

6 Bulgarian National Institute of Statistics, Sofia, 2000, p. 40.

34 The Global Network / Le reseau global



total thousands thousands OTHERS thousands
1988 381 879,663 20 692,230 361 187,443
1989 301 895,265 17 687,638 284 207,627
1990 540 1098,632 24 804,964 516 293,668
1991 727 519,718 31 334,857 696 184,861
1992 917 616,030 46 393,284 871 222,746
1993 928 654,187 54 423,471 874 230,716
1994 1059 611,358 68 389,699 991 221,659
1996 920 470,814 51 339,016 869 131,797
1997 673 383,765 42 297,759 631 88,006



BULLETINS in thousands
1988 873 69,599 2 -
1989 827 57,849 1 4
1990 834 47,960 7 6
1991 728 18,674 31 32
1992 681 23,759 41 31
1993 777 31,901 72 60
1994 699 21,455 62 94
The Global Network / Le reseau global 35



Ethnic self-identification
Activity Bulgarian BG Turk BG Moslem Roma All

Every day 44,2 22,4 19,2 10,0 41,8

3-4 times 15,0 12,1 7,7 10,0 14,7
1-2 times 27,6 24,1 46,2 30,0 28,1
None 13,2 41,4 26,9 50,0 15,4
Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0



Dailies Age Groups

24 Chassa 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 and over

Trud 28.7 23.0 23.6 13.0 11.8
Douma 21.7 18.2 28.9 14.7 16.5
Demo- 3.5 3.9 3.4 30.0 59.2
Kratzia 13.8 23.7 20.3 19.1 23.2
Standart 28.6 26.5 27.7 4.6 12.6
Local Newspapers 14.7 21.9 20.1 21.3 22.1
No newspaper preference 18.5 14.2 13.8 12.0 41.5
Do not read newspapers 20.9 17.3 18.1 15.9 27.9
36 The Global Network / Le reseau global


"Duma" Readership of "Democratzia”

readership Every day 3-4 times 1-2 times Less All

Every day 41,1 10,0 0,0 21,9 21.2

3-4 times 10,7 70,0 6,6 6,7 13,3
1-2 times 8,9 10,0 46,7 7,6 15,9
Less 39,3 10,0 46,7 63,8 49,6
Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0

Chi-Square 120,1 d.f. 9 p < 0,000 Cramer's V 0,421

The Global Network / Le reseau global 37

The Dynamics of the

Electronic Mass Media System

in Bulgaria (1989-1999)


The Radio As early as 1991 two

pirate stations began

R adio broadcasting in
Bulgaria was a State
monopoly right from the
broadcasting, but they
were banned from operat-
ing when the distribution
very beginning of its exis- of broadcast licenses was
tence in 1932. Until 1991 enforced. Licensing was
there was only one, Sofia- subject to the Provisional
based, central broadcast- Council for Radio
ing station (operating four Frequencies and TV
channels) and five region- Channels established at
al stations. The liberaliza- the beginning of 1992.
tion of radio broadcasting The chair persons of
wa s a much s lower Bulgarian Radio and
process than that of the Bulgarian Television were
print media. nominated by the
P a r l i a m e n t a r y
In 19 89 th e S tate Commission for Radio and
Com mi ttee fo r Pos tal Television and approved
Se rv ic es and by the National Assembly.
Telecommunications The halfway poli-
developed the technologi- cies of the state is professor at the
cal a nd g ene ra l f ra me- bodies however did St. Kliment Ohridsky
work for F M-range pri- not prove very pro- University of Sofia,
vate radio broadcasting. ductive. Bulgaria
38 The Global Network / Le reseau global

By a decis ion of the Grand Welle. The first home-owned

National Assembly on March private radio station, FM+,
6, 1991, Bulgarian National licensed in 1992, paved the
Radio and Bulgarian National way for strong competition on
Television were proclaimed to air.
be “independent institutions”
largely financed by the State The availability of highly qual-
budget. This set up the begin- ified radio professionals,
ning of transforming the state- affordable FM radio equip-
owned and controlled stations ment prices and the growing
into public ones. By adopting desire of local communities to
the Radio and Television Act enjoy their own radio chan-
of 1996, a National Council for nels, focused on local events
Radio and Television became and issues, contributed to an
the official body to deal with unprecedented boom in private
program licensing, program radio. Audiences gained access
monitoring, sanctioning irreg- to alternative sources of infor-
ular advertising practices, and mation. While state-owned
appointing the chairpersons of radio stations gave priority to
the st at e ow ned electronic hard news coverage, the jour-
media. According to this law, nalists working for private
the National Council might radio stations presented plu-
also revoke licenses of stations ralistic views and commen-
already on the air. The Act taries. Furthermore, the intro-
als o out lin ed the basics of duction of specific audio styles
transforming t he electronic close to everyday language
me dia f rom s ta te- owned to patterns became an important
public ownership. factor for a closer grip on audi-
ences. Private radio stations
In terms of ownership, there which concentrated on moni-
are three categories of radio toring current issues of local
bro ad cas tin g sta ti ons in communities successfully met
Bulgaria: state, commercial listener’s expectations.
and public (still less devel-
oped). Competition among the
national channels and private
Private radio broadcasting in radio stations unfolded in at
Bulgaria was launched after least two dimensions. First,
licensing of foreign radio net- there was competition to
works such as The Voice of attract and stabilize their
America, BBC-World Service, audiences. Second, there was
Free Eu rope , France competition to locate and tar-
International and Deutsche get advertising profits. In this
The Global Network / Le reseau global 39

competitive environment, pri- Another trend denotes the

vate radio stations developed growth in diversity of program
their dynamic and distinguish- supply. The structure and for-
abl e pr ofiles, an advantage mats of the programs were
over state owned radio. changed. Within one year, the
number of news programs
In the meantime, Bulgarian increased dramatically - from
National Radio underwent sig- 19,090 hours in 1988 to 26,154
nificant changes in its own hours in 1989 and 85,062 in
right. The four nation-wide 1997. The increase was partic-
channels shrunk to two 24- ularly significant in commer-
hour channels, including regu- cials. From 1993 to 1994 there
lar transmissions from region- was a 44 percent increase, and
al stations. Consequently, the by 37 percent from 1995 to
reg iona l stat ion s’ share of 1996; a decrease of seven per-
audience inc reased and the cent was shown in 1997.
structure of their programs Entertainment programming
was considerably diversified. for the period 1993-1994
At the same time, Bulgarian increased by 31 percent and
National Radi o al so had to from 1995 to 1996 there was
change its program content only a two-percent increase;
and formats.1 Several telling the increase bounced up 27
t rends in ra dio p rogram percent in the period 1995-
dynamics could be discerned 1996 and from 1996 to 1997
during this period of transi- there was a modest increase in
tion. - See table 1. entertainment programming
of five percent.2
The strongest trend was the
enormous increase in radio A major shift in radio pro-
broadcasting. In 1988 some gramming followed the intro-
46,810 hours of programming duction of new radio formats.
were aired. In 1989 the num- Weekend programs on state
ber had increased to 48,498 owned radio channels devel-
hou rs; in 1 99 2 th ere were oped extensively by giving
52,8 3 3 h our s. I n 1 993 the much more time to entertain-
inc lu si on o f pr iva te radio ment, culture and leisure pro-
bounced the total number of gramming. The introduction of
on-air hours to 161,278. By economic and business news
1997 the public was enjoying programs, combined with topi-
31 4, 7 73 hou rs of program- cal radio shows, another novel
ming, nearly seven times the element, vitalized radio con-
number of hours broadcast in sumption. Emphasis was put
1988. on pragmatic, instructive
40 The Global Network / Le reseau global

i nf or mat ion su ch as job tended to use the stations for

an nou nc ement s, b usiness complementary sources of
activities, entrepreneurship, information and entertain-
hea lt h promotion and road ment. It could be assumed as a
safety. The radio programs, pivoting trend that in the
especially the late talk shows, course of further fragmenta-
developed a pleasant hedonis- tion of the audiences, state-
tic streak, friendly language owned radio would suffer still
and discourse, different in con - greater audience losses.
tent and style from the previ-
ous radio diet. Music selec- Developing a clear-cut public
tions followed along the same profile is the current priority
functional guidelines, aiming of local radio stations. Most of
at relaxation, sharing, mutual them did quite well, others
und erst andi ng , i nc reased had to reconsider their entire
s oc ia l s e ns iti ven ess and programming formats, time
amusement. The talk shows slots, targeted audiences and
turned out to function as the communication styles in order
most effective change. They to survive. Reaching the audi-
served as a market place for ence (within a radius of eight
identity demonstration, under- kilometers, according to the
standing and co-orientation. new regulations) was the pri-
Leading professionals could mary concern of the program-
ea sily we ath er ci rcumvent mers. Another concern was to
bureaucratic delays in state define the socio-economic
r ad io by quic kly sw itching demographic profiles of the
ov er to pri vate el ectronic radio listeners as an important
media, followed by their fans. factor in developing advertis-
ing strategies. Third, the man-
Pri vat e r adio broadc asting agers of small radio stations
deve lo ped explo s ively in chose to co-operate in their
B ul ga ria . A ccor ding to competition with state-owned
Committee for Postal Services radio in order to attract broad-
and Telecommunications data, er audiences. And finally, pri-
licenses for 54 local FM sta- vate radio stations introduced
tions and 60 cable radio opera- technological innovations such
tors were issued in 1995.3 as computer-run radio pro-
Contrary to initial expecta-
t ion s, st ron g com petition For the purpose of successful
between the private Bulgarian competition with Bulgarian
and foreign FM stations did National Radio, the Union
not materialize. The public FRANK was established in the
The Global Network / Le reseau global 41

fall of 1993. The Union includ- ed a well-developed cable net-

ed FM+ in Sof ia, TNN in work with thousands of sub-
Plovdiv, Galat ea in Varna, scribers including local post
Glarus in Bourgas, Pristis in offices, hospitals, railway sta-
Rousse, AURA in Blagoevgrad tions, banks, enterprises and
and BIMAKO in Sliven among various offices of local admin-
others. The goals of the Union istrations. Most of the stations
focused on program exchanges, gained strong support from
shared data from sociological the local communities, devel-
s urv e ys and si mu lt aneous oping in terms of program-
advertising. This cooperation ming and technological facili-
shows how private radio sta- ties. Student-run radio sta-
tions can compete for advertis- tions extended the public radio
ing revenues with state-owned family, ALMA MATER at
radio.4 The tendency for coop- Sofia University and AURA at
eration developed further in the American University in
establishing the Association of Blagoevgrad. Largely young
Bulgarian Broadcasting Radio professionals or graduate stu-
Organization (ABBRO), com- dents from the School of
bining 94 private radio sta- Journalism and Mass
tions. Communication at Sofia
University carr ied out the
After 1985 the programs of the innovative movement in public
local cable radio stations run as well as in private radio.
by city, town and village coun-
cils underwent particularly Parallel to the developing
significant changes. Their pro- radio broadcasting dynamics
gramming ideology was sim- in Bulgaria at state, private
ple: keep down-to-earth and and public levels, a disturbing
give high priority to local com- situation became apparent.
munity issues. Their program Parts of Bulgaria’s territory is
strategies were not to target covered by radio and television
all the listening public, but transborder flows5. An alarm-
every individual listener. This ing circumstance was massive
highly personalized approach intrusion of Turkish broad-
consolidated the audiences of casting into Bulgarian fre-
the local cable radio networks, quencies in violation of the
so their audiences remained Stockholm (1961) and Geneva
more loyal than did those of (1975 and 1984) Conventions.
National Radio. Furthermore, illegal relay sta-
tions operating on Bulgarian
Early in the 1990s the emerg- soil were airing Turkish pro-
ing public radio sector inherit- grams.
42 The Global Network / Le reseau global

Ob s ervati o n o f th e radio its extensive, live coverage of

bro ad cast in g bus in ess in the ongoing dramatic clash
Bulgaria revealed a diversity outside the Parliament build-
of trends and approaches in ing. Darrik Radio’s live reports
modernizing radio communica- of the clashes were officially
tion in the coun tr y. These blamed by the government for
trends and approaches among encouraging and coordinating
state, private and public radio the social protests.6 - See table
broadcasting included multiple 2.
financial support, organiza-
tion, program schedules, jour- Private radio stations clearly
nalistic styles, personnel man- worked to sustain the emerg-
agement, marketing policies ing civil society. They helped
and digitized technologies. In people weather the moments
general, the flexibility of the of crisis. If one has to decide
small and dynamic radio sta- which medium had “the most
tions and the audience’s fasci- human face,” private radio
nation with the youthful voices with its active listeners’ feed-
and s tyles allowed them to back undoubtedly would be
rapidly gain audience share the winner. It is by no means
from state-owned radio. Before accidental that all taxicabs
1989, listeners sought reliable and public transport vehicles
infor ma tion fro m f oreign were tuned to private radio
sources; now they relied on stations during the 1997 crisis,
domestic private radio stations which opened the eyes and
as alternative sources to state- ears of an otherwise isolated
ow ne d Bu lg ari a N ational people.
Radio. The sacking of indepen-
dent journalists further weak- Another important factor for
ened the credibility of state the growing strength of pri-
radio.I vate radio is advertising. The
advantages of local radio are
The new radio stations devel- quite obvious in this respect
oped a clear-cut media identity and it quite naturally claims
thanks to th eir support for an increasing share of the
democratization. The growing advertising market.
credibility of their transmis-
sions considerably expanded Private radio is developing in
their audience reach. Their a highly competitive media
zeni th occu rred dur ing the environment. It competes with
January 10-12, 1997 political national channels as well as
crisis. Darrik Radio seized the with foreign radio stations.
opportunity for greatness with Competition and the resulting
The Global Network / Le reseau global 43

diversity of radio broadcasts years before the whole country

res ul ts in b ri ng in g radio was covered by TV signals.
broadcasts closer to the people Color telecasting was intro-
during the difficult period of duced in 1972 and in 1975 a
transition. second national channel was
launched. For years Soviet
To sum up, several features Television was retranslated
can characterize the changing and run on Fridays in place of
radio landscape in Bulgaria: the First National Channel. A
•An established set of legal correspondent’s bureau in
regulations; Moscow selected, translated
•A general restructuring of and dubbed Soviet TV pro-
the national radio system in grams. It also produced origi-
st ate, publ ic a nd private nal programs in Bulgarian.
broadcasting stations, operat-
ing at the national and local In the mid-1970s a network of
level; four local TV stations was
•Segmentation of radio audi- established. County correspon -
en ces , m ai nt a in ing a high dents provided films and
degree of credibility with the videotapes with local news.
audience; The TV news service was
•Introduction of new styles, backed by foreign correspon-
formats and standards. dents working in Berlin, Paris,
Warsaw, Prague, the Middle
The pluralistic approach to East and Japan. Most of the
radio program supply and con- foreign news coverage was
su mption c ata ly zed unique supplied by Intervision (the
ties between the radio stations former international TV orga-
and their audiences, broaden- nization of socialists countries)
ing social dialogue at different and Eurovision.
lev els an d th us v it alizing
au th ent ic dem o cratization Compared to the other media,
processes. changes in television came
much more slowly. Some
major reasons for the slow
The Television transformation included the
state monopoly over national

T elecasts in Bulgaria first

began in 1959 with three
hours’ programming twice a
telecasting, political pressures
resulting in frequent replace-
ments of TV executives (in ten
week. The number of regis- years, eleven General
ter ed TV set s th en did not Directors in succession headed
exceed 600. It took about 10 National Television), lack of
44 The Global Network / Le reseau global

research and development con- to exercise control over the

cepts and strategies, ineffi- national mass media (radio,
cient management, economic television and the telegraph
con st rain ts a nd obsolete agency) until the adoption of
equipment. any legislative regulation.
This was one of the basic rea-
De sp it e th e s low n ess of sons for the delay of the Radio
change, television did undergo and Television Act. The most
significant transformations important contribution of the
from 1989 to 1999. In 1992 the Parliamentary Commission
two national channels were was the adoption of a
s epa rate d in to com peting Provisional Statute of the
units. Channel One and Ephir Radio and Television.
Two each established its own
financial, structural and pro- The Commission also
gr am policies. Man y of the approved coproduction princi-
departments of the former sys- ples and advertising norms.
tem were closed or modified Currently Bulgarian National
an d new ones we re estab- Television operates on a dual
lished. In this process hun- economic structure. Although
dreds of qualified personnel state owned, it is not totally
lost their jobs, some of them funded from the State budget.
owing to a political purge. The principle of coproduction
allows an inflow of private
After seven years of unfruitful funds and an increase in
discussions of several bills, the advertising profits.
National Assembly adopted Advertising has been the prin-
the Radio and Television Act cipal source of income in addi-
in 1996. The road of transition tion to budget allocations.
proved rather difficult with Coproductions and sponsor-
respect to legislative regula- ship have also produced
tion of the electronic media. income.
Many political reasons added
t o th e del a y in leg islative The guidelines adopted for
ref orm. A Par l ia mentary advertising set out the basic
Commission for Television and principles and formats of TV
Radio was set up in 1990 to ads and specified their time
propose an Act for radio and slots. But, the inconsistent
television. The final part of the guidelines and the general eco-
new Cons ti tuti o n of the nomic crisis in the country
Republic of Bulgaria contains were the main reasons for
text according to which the stagnation in the TV advertis-
Parliamentary Commission is ing market. Advertising prof-
The Global Network / Le reseau global 45

its amounted to $27 million al airwaves for private finan-

USD in 1 99 5. Co ca-Cola, cial ends.
U ni le ve r, Phi ll ip Morris,
Procter and Gamble, BAT and The financial impact of spon-
WS Teleshop were the largest sorship proved to be meager.
fo reig n a dv erti sers . The The tax regulations existing in
biggest domestic advertisers Bulgaria at the time did not
inc lu d ed ba nk s, i ns urance encourage sponsorship activi-
companies, different enterpris- ties as much as investment in
es, and the state lottery. science and culture programs.

Th e two sta te ch annels Although telecasts increased

received quite unequal shares by more than 1,000 hour s
of advertising profits. In 1995, (8,032 hours aired in 1995 ver-
Channel One, covering almost sus 5,918 hours in 1988), the
the entir e coun try with an technological equipment was
audience incomparable to the outdated and unreliable func-
other state channel, received tionally. Thanks to advertising
US $22 million. Ephir Two got revenues, new production
US $4.5 million and the only facilities and information tech -
private station; Nova Televizia nologies were built. 8 Thus a
rec e ive d o nly US $0.5 contemporary equipped news-
million.7 room and one of the most
sophisticated post-production
Coprodu ct io n i n Bu lgarian studio complexes in Eastern
National Television was used Europe were constructed for
to reinforce organizational effi- Bulgarian National Television.
ciency in order to cope with
growing financial shortages. It Since 1993, the capacity of the
gave established professionals four regional TV centers has
a chance to enjoy greater free- been used for airing local pro-
dom in their creative under- grams on Channel One. The
t ak in gs . Wh ile t he private Russian Television-Ostankino,
companies provided funding, aired on separate channel as
the television station ensured well as TV5-France
production facilities and tele- International, which shared
vi sion crews. However, the another channel with CNN,
flexibility was gained at the ceased to be aired in Bulgaria
cost of controversial contracts in 1997 due to financial rea-
be caus e of a la ck o f strict sons.
financial and advertising regu-
lations. Thus, some producers The statistical reports on TV
managed to exploit the nation- subscription presents the TV
46 The Global Network / Le reseau global

reach. However, this general media into public operators.

statistical data could hardly This gave a strong impetus to
show the current growth of the introducing new program
tel evis ion marke t . Many providers through open compe-
households avoid declaring tition. The second nation-wide
their TV sets and paying fees. channel was licensed to
Rupert Murdoch’s Balkan
A na ti o na l s oc io logical News Corporation in
surveyII reports the following December 1999. The processes
data about the distribution of of re-licensing the functioning
television sets in operation: TV cable operators enlarged
and stabilized the openness of
No TV 3.3 % the radio and television con-
One TV set 68.6 % sumption.
Two TV sets 23.8 %
Three or more 4.3 % The changing television land-
scape in program category
According to the same survey, terms, according to the annual
in 1994, the year of licensing data supplied by the National
the first private television sta- Statistical Institute is notable.
tion, about 43 percent of the - See table 3.
TV-equipped households used
black and white sets, 68 per- A dramatic growth of 500
cent enjoyed color telecasts hours of telecasts occurred
and some had both black and during the critical year of
white and color sets. Those 1989. By 1994, when private
connected to a cable network television was officially intro-
comprised only 1.4 percent of duced and cable operator s
the households, 2.9 percent were practically ahead of the
used collective satellite anten- legislative regulations, major
nae to watch foreign TV pro- changes occurred in Bulgarian
grams. One-fifth of the house- National Television no matter
holds possessed video players how slow and inconsistent
or video recorders. According they had been up until then.
to the findings of this survey, The increase in imported pro-
the usual television consump- grams was impressive. In 1994
tion was 2.5 hours weekdays, 4 there were 2,618 hours of
hours on Saturdays and 3.5 imported programs, more than
hours on Sundays. a 1,100-hour increase over
1989. News show program-
The Radio and Television Act ming on Bulgarian National
opened venues to transform Television showed a steady
the sta t e-own e d electronic increase until 1994 when a
The Global Network / Le reseau global 47

drop of 42 percent to 832 hours US productions 31.0 %

compared to 1,433 hours in British 19.5 %
1993 was observed. By 1997 Italian 9.8 %
the news bulletins on all TV Russian 8.5 %
stations amounted to 23,585 Spanish 5.8 %
h our s. Adve r tis in g also French 5.5 %
increased from only 34 hours Polish 4.7 %
in 1989 to 159 hours in 1994 Greek 3.4 %
and 5,648 hours in 1997. As Other 12.0 %
might be expected, the great-
est growth was in entertain- Now, the share of imported
m ent p rogr amming. programming surpasses the
Entertainment programming share of domestic production.
increased from 2,769 hours in At the emergence of private
1989 to 3,463 in 1994 and to telecasting in 1994 the new
13 2,3 49 hou rs i n 1997. channels’ program supply was
Reli gi ous pro gr amming predominantly foreign in ori-
increased from zero in 1989 to gin. The current tendency is
31 h our s in 19 9 4 and 257 the reverse; program content
hours in 1997.9 includes a growing number of
domestic production.11
Since 1990 political advertis-
ing and political campaigning If 1994 is remarkable for the
have been regular features on development of the TV mar-
television. The first live televi- ket, it is also regarded as a
sion debate between presiden- landmark of liberalization of
tial candidates was seen on telecasts in Bulgaria.
January 10, 1992. Political
camp aig ni ng ti me -sl ots on Nova Televizia (New
state-owned TV ought to fol- Television), the first private
low strict quotas and regula- TV station, was launched in
t ion s; no s uc h li mi tations 1994. Its basic program con-
applied to private television.10 tent consisted mainly of
imported and domestic drama
Th e na ti ona l T V channels and movies. The opening of
tended to telecast a compara- 7Dni (7 days) TV station in
tively small share of imported, 1995 signaled the beginning of
but diverse in origin programs. competition in telecasting in
- See table 4. Sofia. As an alternative source
of information and entertain-
In 1994 the shares of imported ment, the private television
pr ogra ms aired on Ephir 2 channels attracted the publics.
were: Private television developed
48 The Global Network / Le reseau global

24-hour programming, target- Center for Public Opinion

in g dive rs e pot ent ia l audi- Studies in May 1996 shows
ences. Such an approach, how- high credibility in Bulgarian
ever, did not encourage high National Television (55.6 per-
quality. Most of the programs cent) as source of reliable
were cheap imported produc- information. The Bulgarian
tions mostly from North and National Radio has much
South America and Australia. lower credibility (37.9 percent)
The TV audience because of of the national audience above
th eir com mon -denominator 18 years. Nearly a quarter
emph asis on v iolen ce and (23.1 percent) gives the mass
action appreciated them. The media no credibility at all and
saturation of private TV with 11.1 percent do not follow the
such cheap audio-visual prod- mass media.13
ucts often dimmed their origi-
nal journalistic achievements. The telecasting panorama in
Nevertheless, the presence of Bulgaria during the last
private television diversified decade was subject to signifi-
the landscape of programming. cant changes at the national
and local level. While the
The existing local TV stations transformations in state-
and cable TV operators are in owned TV were painfully slow
the process of re-licensing. and contradictory for many
Bulgar ia is among the first reasons, the private broadcast
countries in Eastern Europe to and cable channels made a
regulate the receiving of satel- good use of deregulation to
li te s ign als v ia in dividual claim their market shares in a
antennae. The country also short time. Commercialization
holds a license for a satellite of TV channels offered them
transponder, which airs the much better chances for adver-
Bulgaria satellite channel.12 tising. They proved to be cre-
ative, aggressive, efficient and
In general, deregulation of the flexible partners, increasingly
elect ron ic medi a system in attracting advertisers.
Bulgaria diversified program
s up pl y, en coura ge d higher The new TV channels
audience selectivity in pro- launched new styles and for-
gram consumption. The insti- mats, which at first might
tution of Bulgarian National have seemed amateurish but
Television attained high confi- quickly acquired professional
dence and credibility. A repre- quality. The disregard for
sentative sociological survey State gatekeeping and self-
carried out by the National censorship practiced by
The Global Network / Le reseau global 49

Bulgarian National Television Television and the private

enabled them to act faster and television stations indirectly
more efficiently. and unintentionally had con-
tributed to the generation of
The catch phrase of one of the additional tension; they esca-
former national TV executives, lated the social protest.
“Television follows the win-
ner,” had squeezed the most The summer of 1990 witnessed
powerful medium in the coun- a similar manipulation. The
try into a corset of self-restric- TV program was interrupted
tion. Expectations, actual or by an announcement that a
anticipated, encouraged self- protester threatened to set
censorship in journalists who himself on fire. Many people
held pr ivi leg ed job s at the rushed to the square in front
national medium. of the Bulgarian Socialist
Party House. The tension esca-
A case study of the national lated into turmoil and the
TV channels censoring them- building was set on fire. Thus
selves was their running of the Bulgarian National
animated cartoons during the Television generated informa-
turbulent events accompany- tion obscurity and social inse-
ing the critical Parliamentary curity.
di scussion s on Janu ary 10,
1997. The cameras covered the Both the 1990 and 1997 inci-
discussions in the Parliament dents pushed people out into
but never turned their lenses the streets to see what was
to show the protesters’ unrest really happening. National
outside the building. At mid- Television, by not broadcast-
night, while MPs and journal- ing the entire story, manipu-
ists were still besieged in the lated their “moments of mad-
Parliament, Channel One of ness”.14
National Television, instead of
showing the earlier promised On several occasions intoler-
report, wished its viewers a ant controversy between the
g ood ni ght and s ign ed off. two main competitors (the
Fr ag men ted sc enes of the BSP and the UDF) flared in
clash in front of Parliament, their televised political cam-
shown on Ephir-2 only con- paigning. The most significant
tributed to information havoc. clash occurred when the BSP
It prompted people to go out- aired an aggressive sequence
side and search for themselves of a young UDF leader with a
in a situation of information clip from Bob Fosse’s film
bla ckou t. Bot h National “Cabaret” depicting the Hitler
50 The Global Network / Le reseau global

Jug end i n G erman y. In its Conclusion

next scheduled program, the
UDF fired back; it showed a
videotaped remark uttered by
the Bulgarian President, Petar
T he transition to a civil
society and market econo-
my involved a number of
Mladenov at a December 1989 issues in mass media develop-
an ti -Co mmuni st ral ly. The ment. These included the gen-
phrase was “Maybe it’s better eral insufficiency of financial,
to call the tanks.” This contro- technological and professional
versial remark later ignited a standards. The development
st ud en t st ri ke forcing was additionally slowed by
Mladenov’s resignation. For delayed media legislation,
the first time, television mani- aggressive political behavior
fested its power to catalyze and an underdeveloped media
fundamental shifts in political market.
life. It also showed how readily
the electronic media could be Nevertheless, the mass media
politicized during times of tur- system was the first to under-
moil. go profound changes in struc-
ture, management and social
Several development trends functioning. Media competi-
can be distinguished in the TV tion stimulated the first
s ys te m ov e r th e pa st ten dynamic open markets in this
years: country further stimulating
• Fundamental restructuring the already well-developed
of the T V sy st e m at local, media consumption.
national, international and
global levels; Decentralization of the elec-
• Commercialization of televi- tronic mass media underwent
sion broadcasting and develop- a slower pace of transition.
ment of private cable opera- The pluralism in radio and
tors; television broadcasting was
• Diversification of program fostered by the private broad-
supplies in emerging audio- casting and cable enterprises.
visual markets; The local electronic media
• Increasing segmentation of transformed into factors with
the television audience; growing importance. The
• Maintaining a higher degree state-owned radio and televi-
of audience credibility than sion channels gained some
other mass media; freedom and lost their privi-
• Development of new styles, leged position and social
formats and standards. reach.
The Global Network / Le reseau global 51

Liberalizing of the mass media information sources. Trends in

became an evident outcome of offering specialized, targeted
democratization of social life. media could be observed in the
Due to political struggles and private electronic media, espe-
r equ ir em ent s o f European cially in private radio.
media legislature the liberal- Audience migration from
ization of radio and television state-owned radio and televi-
was postponed. The Radio and sion testify to the ebbing sig-
Television Act outlined the nificance of the government-
prerequisites of transforming controlled media.
t he s ta te- owne d el ectronic
media into public bodies. It Diversification of content and
also established the principles format was an important
of licensing of radio and televi- trend of the innovative
sion stations. A public space changes in journalistic stan-
fo r lib era li za t ion of media dards, forms and styles. A new
prod uc t con sump tio n was media culture both in terms of
opened. production and consumption
was established after the
The mass media market out- departure from the old pat-
lined the economic priorities of terns.
the media industry, which in
turn maintained the process of The growing roles of the elec-
privatization at local, national tronic mass media in the peri-
and international levels. The od of transition have changed
electronic media ownership the status, rights and respon-
developed in three categories; sibilities of the media profes-
state, private and public. The sionals. Radio and television
local private radio stations stay among the powers, which
and broadcast and cable TV sensitize the nascent civil soci-
operators entered the market ety to the challenges of sus-
competition with the state- tainable democratic develop-
owned channels. A private, ment.
foreign TV operator, Rupert
Mu rdoch , o n a nat ionwide ❑
scale was licensed. Advertising
became a prior economic factor
for mas s media sustenance
and development.

Demassification and segmen-

tation of the publics catalyzed
t he s ear ch f or com petitive
52 The Global Network / Le reseau global

1. Re port o f th e Committee for Postal Ser vices and
Telecommunications. (1995). Sofia: Parliamentary Commission for
Radio and Television.

2. National Statistical Institute Reports. (1995). Sofia.

3. Re por t o f the Committee for Postal Services and

Telecommunications. (1995). Sofia: Parliamentary Commission for
Radio and Television.

4. Dimitrov, Vesselin and Popova, Snejana. (1995). The New

Radio. Sofia: Vitrage Publishing House.

5. Sepstrup Preben and Goonasekera Anura, eds. (1994) TV

Transnationalization: Europe and Asia. Reports and Papers on
Mass Communication, No 109, Paris: UNESCO Publishing.

6. Petev, Todor (1997) “Bulgarian Independent Radio Gains

Audience in a Troubled Social Environment”. In Le Reseau. The
Global Network. Bucharest

7. So tiro v , Ka l in.( 1996).”Top 25 in Bulgarian National

Television”.Sega 6:29.

8. Raycheva, Lilia. (1995). “Mass Communication in Bulgaria dur-

ing the Transitional Period (1989-1993) - Points of Research”. In
Researching (Investigative) Journalism. New Model of Public
Communication, ed. Mario Plenkovic. Zagreb: Nonacom.

9. National Statistical Institute Reports. (1995). Sofia.

10. Raycheva, Lilia. (1995). “The Impact of New Information

Technologies on the Bulgarian Mass Media System”. In Drustvo I
Tehnologija’95. Rijeka: Gradevinski Fakultet Sveucilista u Rijeci.

11. Zaharieva, Nona (1998). A Year of Reestablishment of the

Advertisement Market. In: Media and Advertisement Magazine.
Sofia: Market Test Supplement.

12. Petrova, Theodora. (1995). “Radio and Television Legislature:

Questioning Trivial Patterns”. In Journalism in Totalitarian and
Post-Totalitarian Society. Sofia: The St. Kliment Ohridsky, School
The Global Network / Le reseau global 53

of Journalism and Mass Communication.

13. Media Credibility and Journalistic Ethics (1994). Sofia:

NOEMA Co Ltd. Social Studies and Marketing.

14. Tarrow Sidney (1997) “Cycles and Collective Action: Between

Moments of Madness and Repertoire of Contention”. In Doug
McAdam and David Snow, eds. Social Movements. Los Angeles:
Roxbury Publishing Company.

I. This also prompted the creation of the Free Speech Forum

(December 1995) which functions as a professional association in
defense of the freedom of information.

II. Representative sociological survey carried out by the National

Center for Public Opinion Studies (1994) in 240 census areas
among some 1200 respondents. The method of a self-administered
questionnaire on the uses of the mass media in Bulgaria was

* MBMD, January 13-14, 1997

* Including repeated program telecasts.

54 The Global Network / Le reseau global


CATEGORIES 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

Total 46,810 48,498 48,718 47,946 52,833

State 46,810 48,498 48,718 47,946 49,539
Private - - - - 3,294
Information 19,090 26,154 24,167 24,348 24,440
Education 1,041 1,039 1,444 1,266 1,818
Culture 2,674 2,314 2,275 3,585 3,884
Religion - - - - 28
Commercials 1,020 923 891 1,078 1,268
Entertainment 22,531 17,585 16,869 16,236 19,376
Others 454 483 3,072 1,433 2,019

RIES 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Total 161,278 237,483 284,627 302,517 314,773

State 55,579 68,974 43,230 70,688 276,998
Private 105,699 168,509 221,397 231,829 37,775
Information 53,817 72,358 83,739 85,496 85,062
Education 3,194 2,857 3,195 2,450 2,482
Culture 5,931 9,391 8,226 8,471 8,294
Religion 486 459 795 315 425
Commercials 7,004 12,490 13,000 20,541 19,154
ment 82,417 120,109 148,253 150,578 180,536
Others 8,429 19,819 27,419 34,666 18,821
The Global Network / Le reseau global 55

Darrik Radio 55.5

Bulgarian National Radio (Horizont) 24.7
Radio Express 4.8
Radio Tangra 2.7
Radio 99 2.4
Radio FM+ 2.2
Bulgarian National Radio (Christo Botev) 1.5
Radio VOA (Vitosha) 1.2
Did not listen to any radio station 12.3

* MBMD, January 13-14, 1997


categories 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

Total 5,886 6,385 6,248 5,998 6,933 6,506 7,178 8,032

I Channel 4,050 4,157 4,246 4,167 4,457 3,748 4,394 4,962
II Channel 1,868 2,228 2,002 1,831 2,476 2,758 2,784 3,070
Domestic 3,220 3,601 3,356 3,537 3,743 3,203 3,902 5,345
Imported 1,540 1,517 2,010 1,785 2,360 2,715 2,618 2,687
Re-runs 1,190 1,267 882 676 830 588 658 124
tional 869 997 1,396 1,419 1,771 1,852 1,168 1,506
Educational 244 279 211 197 319 86 85 40
Cultural 297 233 116 140 229 109 253 104
Religious - - - - 21 18 31 21
Commercial 34 34 18 44 73 144 159 304
Entertaining 2,699 2,769 2,864 2,446 2,965 3,050 3,463 3,670
Children’s 839 786 665 613 702 644 807 426
Others 904 1,287 978 1,139 853 603 1,212 1,961
56 The Global Network / Le reseau global



Origin of
TV programs Channel One Ephir Two

Domestic 70,3 56,6

Foreign 29,7 43,4
Total 100,0 100,0

* Including repeated program telecasts.

The Global Network / Le reseau global 57

Advertising in Bulgaria -

On the Edge of Optimism

From the Typewriter to the Net


n the short time span apart in less than half a
of eight years, adver- year and advertising was
tisin g i n B ulg aria the first to suffer because
moved from reliance on advertisers considered
the typewriter to the use advertising a “variable”
of high-speed computers expenditure.
and the Internet for creat-
ing high impact communi- 1997 is almost a “missing
cations. year” from contemporary
Bulgarian advertising his-
Prevailing economic condi- tory. It was not a western
t ion s du rin g t hi s ti me type crisis or the expected
period caused most adver- recession following a peri-
tising agencies to have a od of economic expansion.
sev ere case of “i ndi ges- It was sheer catastrophe.
tion”. The road traveled Not many
was extremely bumpy as believed advertis- KAMEN KAMENOV
one agency after another ing could recover is lecturer in advertis-
ing at the Faculty of
stood i n aw e of the from the fall. To Journalism and Mass
“plunge”. It was not the be sure it has yet Communications -
natural slow down or tem- to do so, but there University of Sofia
porary drop experienced in are signs the road "Kliment Ohridski",
m ost bu si nes s cy cles. ahead is becom- and at the New
Bulgarian University.
Ra th e r, th e m a rket for ing ever more President of KKP
goods and services just fell promising. (fig. 1). advertising agency
58 The Global Network / Le reseau global

The advertisers’ affected the advertising mar-

ket because companies like
natural selection Shell, Phillips, Sony, Kodak
are not even among the 50 top

M any major advertisers in

1992/93 are not in the
market today, especially local
TV advertisers. This means
these advertisers have invest-
ed less than 70,000 USD in
ones who in some cases were this media, if at all.
ou ts pendi ng int e rnational
advertisers. In 1996 more than In the current and more
10 ba nks we nt ban krupt, mature, disciplined market it
many of whom invested signif- seems advertising budgets are
icantly in marketing communi- being kept tighter. The phe-
cations. The list includes the nomenon of enormous media
‘flagship’ of financial advertis- budgets to support the entry of
ers in Bulgaria, First Private a product or service is fading
Bank. Pr ivat iz ation funds away.
from the 1995-96 campaign,
some i nsurance companies, The agency business -
the so called financial pyra-
mids, a private Bulgarian air- elevation from zero
line as well as importers of
baked goods and candies were
national advertisers actively
present in media with national
T he agency business blos-
somed in the period
between 1992 - 94 when most
coverage. Some of them were world wide agencies opened
engaged with ambitious adver- offices in Bulgaria or contract-
tising schedules in magazines ed with Bulgarian agencies on
like Business Week and Global an “affiliate” basis. This surge
Finance. Today they are just was backed by the entry into
part of history. the market of major interna-
tional advertisers. Procter &
International advertisers who Gamble with many of its
invested heavily and success- brands, Coca Cola, Camel,
fu lly b uilt bra nd s like Marlboro, Gillette, Colgate-
Ho llyw oo d chew i ng gum, Palmolive, Ford, Kodak,
Assoss Inter na tional (ciga- Wrigley, Kraft Jacobs
rettes), Amoco, Rover, Dutch Suchard, Shell, Danone, just
Lady (dair y products) have to name few, were the first to
also pulled out of the market encourage other world wide
for one reason or the other. agencies to think about
While they have been replaced advancing their clients prod-
by others, the exit adversely ucts and services in the
The Global Network / Le reseau global 59

Bulgarian market as well. The media proliferation - from

satisfying the consumer to cost
The three factors for encourag- effectiveness for the advertiser
ing the existence of contempo-
rary advertising - mass media, The period 1990 - 1995 can be
ma ss appeal produc ts, and characterized as time of spon-
most importantly, a critical taneous and irrepressible
mass of potential consumers - enthusiasm for Bulgarian
were present. The newly born media. After the liberation of
private media, mainly print the media market the con-
and radio, were eager to cap- sumer showed an insatiable
ture advertising dollars that thirst for information. “In this
business was making available period in Bulgaria were born
in its attempt to capitalize on more than 1000 newspapers
an emerging free market. and magazines. Hundreds of
them did not cope with the
The lack of strict regulations new reality and at the end of
and an enthusiastic consumer 1995 only about 500 newspa-
served to make the most of the pers and 300 magazines were
cir cum st an ces . T he latter still present on the media
appreciated these efforts, and scene.” (Nikolov, 1996: p. 35)
according to an international The ups and downs of the pub-
Gallup research from this peri- lishing business were deter-
od, 73% of consumers believed mined by advertising. The
in what advertising was offer- publishers had to face the new
i ng the m. ( Me dia and market reality - a publication
Advertising, September 1999) could survive only in symbiosis
There was also a boom in TV with advertising. In other
advertising placed mostly in words, the value they could
prime time due to its initial offer an advertiser resided in
attractive pricing. Up to 10 their ability to impact a well-
minutes of solid advertising defined audience which in
(sometimes even more) was practice defined the publica-
the ‘commercial break’ norm tion’s reason for being.
for the time. No wonder the
advertising business skyrock- At the beginning most adver-
eted from the outset. (Up to tisers tended to be persuaded
that that time there was only to select one publication over
one state owned agency that another on the basis of higher
today is not engaged in media circulation. The wiser ones
advertising, having chosen to sought to select media which
specialize in organizing exhibi- could reach tightly defined tar-
tions.) get markets, thus avoiding
60 The Global Network / Le reseau global

waste circulation while achiev- the advertising business. “I am

ing a high degree of cost effec- most impressed by the success
tiveness. “If the 60’s was the of the private radio stations
decade of mass marketing, the and the development of the
70’s the time for segmentation, radio advertising - it seems
the 80’s the time of micro-mar- like this media type is closest
keting, the 90’s was the age of to approaching world stan-
marketing whose object was dards.” (Doganov, 1999: p.12)
the individual.” (Peters, 1999:
77) Agencies were not interest- The Advertising Market
ed only in the cost per thou-
sand but in the cost per target Today - Quality Orientation
rating point. This led to the
pr ofi lin g o f va ri ous media
options, each trying to capture
its specific audience and offer
T he quality orientation of
today’s advertising agen-
cies is at the heart of the busi-
it to a business. ness growth realized over the
past few years. Successful
This focus is highly visible on advertising is no longer simply
the radio scene. The first pri- keeping a brand name in front
vate local radio station “FM+” of the public in an acceptably
started airing in the autumn creative way. The demand for
of 1992. It was soon followed effectiveness has brought to
by tens of others. Each demon- the surface a commitment to a
strated how it could survive on higher order of professional-
its own with just advertising ism in communication. Pure
support. Today there are all client ambition and creativity
kinds of radio formats, each for its own sake are no longer
wooing its own specific audi- sufficient for winning market-
ence for which advertisers are place acceptance for a product
eager to pay. or service. Advertisers, espe-
cially the major ones, are
The same scenario pertained demanding research based
to the first private local TV - strategic thinking and disci-
Nova Televizia (started in the plined creativity based on
summer of 1994). The interest- research findings.
ing thing about newl y born
electronic vehicles is that - in It’s apparent the international
contrast to print media - all business community is impos-
hav e s ur vi ved to date. The ing its high communication
reason: they are coping better standards on a local basis.
with the new market realities This has led to an intense
and are on better terms with demand for high quality, expe-
The Global Network / Le reseau global 61

rienced people on the agency given agency is no longer in

and client sides of the market- fashion as it was five years
ing equation, i.e. marketing ago.
directors to establish short
an d lon g ter m ob jectives; The media scene
bran d managers and assis-
tants to execute those strate-
gies. T elevision is the media cap-
turing most of the adver-
tising expenditures in the
Almost every week there are marketing efforts of advertis-
job a nn ounce m ent s in the ers. Leadership in this regard
press seeking broadly experi- belongs to Channel 1. (fig. 2)
en ced prof ess ion al s. Last In second place is the private
month a major international “Nova TV” with a little less
agency placed a job announce- than half the advertising vol-
m ent for f ou r posi tions - a ume, but it is ‘local’ to Sofia.
copywriter, a creative director, Thus, it can be thought of as
a media planner, and a pro- an outstanding success when
duction manager. Having in considering the national cover-
mind the scale of t he local age of Channel 1. The remain-
ad ve r tis in g bus ine ss this ing TV outlets are local cable
sounded almost like an offer which are doing quite well
fo r bu yi ng a m ed ium size from business point of view,
ag enc y. Fou r jo b po sitions given the entry fees collected
were announced in the press from their subscribers.
by one of the largest Bulgarian Obviously there is a place for a
agencies. A world wide agency private national TV which in
was looking for a media direc- all likelihood will dramatical-
tor. In most cases, two to three ly change the competitive
years experience in the field is environment after the licens-
a must. This suggests organi- ing of the first one. A recent
zations are time pressed and competition for licensing was
unable to invest in educating won by a foreign investor -
newly acquired inexperienced Ruppert Murdoch whose TV
staff. channel is expected to begin
airing by the end of 2000.
In br ie f, w h il e a dv ertising
agency structures may have Television - good for image,
been determined, there is a
pressing need to hire experi- good for sales
enced specialists to make them
functionally capable.Changing
hats of responsibility within a T he advertising market
today is shaped mainly by
62 The Global Network / Le reseau global

inte r nati ona l ad v ertisers, audience).

which have a dominant mar-
ketplace presence, especially Another reason for TV’s pref-
on TV. As shown in the chart erence to print media has to do
presenting the top 20 advertis- with the nature of the product
ers (fig. 3) there is only one being advertised and advertis-
Bulgarian - Mobiltel, the GSM ing effectiveness. Looking at
operator (No. 10). Although the list of the top 20 advertis-
s ome a dvert is ers like ers on TV, 19 are brands of
Interbrew, Brewinvest, Kraft fast moving consumer goods or
Ja cobs Such a rd, Nestle, the s called low risk products.
Danone, are advertising pure- The exception is A lianz
ly Bulgarian brands they are Bulgaria (insurance).
really foreign investors setting
budgets on the basis of their One may argue that these are
international experience. mass products and TV delivers
a considerably broader based
The picture is not the same in audience which presents a sig-
all media (fig. 4). In print for nificant waste in case of small-
example there is a relative bal- er markets. But electronic
ance between local and inter- media provides possibilities for
national advertisers, and in close and narrow targeting on
some cases the first outspend- the basis of special program-
ing the latter. The first two - ming. Brand image building
Mobiltel and Mobikom each, and appeal to the emotions
are out spen d in g t he third tend to be more easily effected
Daewoo Motors by 2 to 1. with TV. Advertising of high
risk products require more
One reason is purely financial; and longer ‘reasoning why’ for
th e lower absolute price of which print media is better
print and radio compared to suited.
TV. Another reason is associ-
ated with marketing realities. Press - preferred for sales
The market i n g eneral has
been shaped by major competi- promotion
tors who now are turning to
‘competitive’ rather than intro-
ductory advertising. For this
reason there is greater need
T he allocation of advertis-
ing expenditures tends to
be based on the type of mar-
for higher frequency of com- keting communication activity.
munication than penetration Media research does not take
(which TV offers with its sig- into account the differences
nificantly greater potential between advertising and sales
The Global Network / Le reseau global 63

promotion as different market- mentary media. These options

ing communication tools. The are rarely used as advertising
reported figures are for both, campaigns in and of them-
but a large portion (especially selves. When used they are
in print) relate to pure sales usually for a small advertiser
promotion incentives. The con- and are local in character.
sumer does not make any dis-
tinction between the two. The The radio scene is interesting
question of which media to use with the dominant reach of the
inva riab ly comes d own to state-owned program
money. Ad production for print “Horizont” - 52.27%. (fig. 5)
medi a i s con sid erab ly less National private radio still has
than for TV. An advertiser is not appeared on the market
not likely to change TV spots but the relatively low reach of
offe ri ng a var iet y of sales the local private stations can-
incentives every month with not be explained solely by the
the high cost of pr oduction limited geographical coverage.
while with print it is possible. The problem is to a large
extent purely technical. The
Onc e aga in, i t’s apparent radio sets owned by older peo-
advertisers prefer the press as ple and especially in smaller
a co mmun ic at io n vehicle residential areas cannot be
believing it to be more effec- tuned to the FM frequencies
tive when it comes to sending on which the new private radio
sales p romot io n me ssages, stations are airing.
especially when they contain
coupons. It would be a mistake There is no hard data about
to consider print media a pure- the advertising expenditures
ly sales promotion tool. There in radio but most probably the
are many image campaign in private stations are capturing
press especially in magazines more advertising money in
where advertisers take advan- this media because of the well
tage of superior printing quali - profiled and higher income
ty to make a “quality” state- audiences they offer.
ment for its product or service.
Advertising production -
Radio and outdoor
local vs global
are helpful
M ost TV commercials are
not produced in

R adio and outdoor are uti-

li zed m ainly as supple-
Bulgaria. One of the reasons -
the economies of scale
64 The Global Network / Le reseau global

achieved by advertisers using their Bulgar ian as well as

one and the same spot in sev- worldwide brands. This does
eral countries. But this is a not necessarily mean they
rather mechanical explana- believe the Bulgarian con-
tion, because production costs sumer is significantly different
in Bulgaria are attractively from its global confreres,
l ow (1 0 0 0 0 - 40 0 00 DM). though he or she has specific
Given t he gross budgets of characteristics and market
most international advertis- behavior indigenous to the
ers, Bu lga ria n pr oduction country. As elsewhere “the
would be easily affordable. housewives are not seeking
Apparently money is not the status or identity when they
only concern. Some leading opt for the brand name; they
ad ve rt iser s hav e commis- are minimizing risk to their
sioned tailor made spots for families.” (Schudson, 1990: p.
the Bulgarian market but pro- 52)
duced them abroad. (Interbrew
with the beer brands Astika This reality tends to demon-
and Kamenitza, Brewinvest strate international advertis-
with the beer brand Zagorka, ers are open-minded in the
KJ S with S vog e c ho colate, constant search for resources
Bulgarian United Bank - all of to optimize communication
t he m l o cal br ands .) There effectiveness for its brands at
appears to be a deep-seated the local level. The assumption
concern about local production “It works everywhere else,
quality. Yet, there are very why shouldn’t it work in
good examples of spots pro- Bulgaria?” may be right in
duced in the country which most cases. The ‘real’ question
meet or exceed the standards is,” but can it work better with
of their international rivals. a local touch?”. If the answer
is “yes”, it becomes the respon-
So , e ve n wh en a dvertisers sibility of the advertising
believe that the presentation industry to stand behind this
of t hei r mes sa ge i s more idea proving that it can signifi-
important than what they are cantly enhance the market
saying, there are local produc- performance of a given brand
tion facilities capable of meet- with local distribution.
ing this perceived need. There
are of course the happy excep- Some advertisers prefer to be
tions. Major advertisers like on the safe side from a man-
Procter & Gamble, Danone, agerial point of view, accepting
Nestle etc. are locally produc- “already produced” spots. For
i ng so me o f the ir s pots for identical markets this is 100%
The Global Network / Le reseau global 65

acceptable. The real question cially when the creative con-

to be answered is, “how identi- cept and its production are
cal is the Bulgarian market local. This does not necessarily
(consumer) when compared to mean it is better. In many
the country for which the com- cases the ads may seem dis-
mercial was originally intend- connected, difficult to decode,
ed.”? touchingly naïve. But it must
be remembered that to a large
Many times advertising tries extent they are a reflection of
to seduce the target market the overall market and its
with i mages, lifesty les and level of sophistication. As the
personalities which he or she consumer grows in sophistica-
c an n ot ide nti fy w ith. It’s tion with respect to a purchase
rather doubtful a Bulgarian decision, so will the advertis-
housewife sees herself with ing. The advertising industry
dete rg ent in ha nd, having and international agencies in
nothing to care about but the particular have the where-
whiteness of her husband’s withal to exercise leadership
shirt. in improving creativity and
production in print rather
As Calkins puts it speaking than wait for the market to
about the press (but then in force changes to meet con-
the forties there was no TV as sumer demand for higher
yet) “These humbler adjuncts standards.
to literature may prove more
valuable to the future histori- Some agencies are already cre -
an than the editorial contents ating memorable and effective
(of the magazines). In them we radio spots and print ads.
may trace our sociological his- Most of them come from the
tory ....changing interests and international agencies who
tast es, in fo ods, clothes, obviously are adapting them-
am us emen ts an d vices, a selves fast and effectively to
pa no ram a o f li fe a s it was local specifics. The major
lived, more informing than old Bulgarian agencies are closely
diaries or crumbling stones.” following suit and in some
(Mayer, 1991: p. 30) From this cases even outworking them.
point of view the future histo-
rian will draw quite distorted
conc lus ion s ab out the What’s in for the Future
Bulgarian consumer and the
wa y h e/s he l iv ed in the
nineties. The picture is quite
different in other media, espe-
A dvertising has no choice
but to improve its output
and effectiveness with the
66 The Global Network / Le reseau global

quantitative development and growth has come from old par-

qualitative sophistication of ticipants in the market and
the market. It has to live up not from new entrants. This
more closely to market reali- suggests that forward think-
ties tr ying to better under- ing, enlightened management
stand them and even be one believes in the power of adver-
step ahead of them. The signs tising and marketers are will-
in this direction are positive. ing to invest in its power for
establishing brand identities
Today, there are many univer- and driving future sales.
sities in which advertising is
being studied under one form Recognizing that ‘tradition’
or the other. Advertising is suggests the first three
becoming recognized as a pro- months of the year yield the
fession. More and more it is weakest quarterly advertising
being perceived as a business revenues, the best is yet to
with its own characteristics come. With the privatization
and ru les w hos e survival program in progress one can
depends on the disciplined cre- expect new market entrants to
ativity and business sense of enhance advertising expendi-
its practitioners. tures as the competition grows
What’s more, many agencies for consumer attention. The
an d adv ert iser s today are challenge ahead for advertis-
eagerly turning toward field ing, as it always has been, is to
research to build and support keep the marketplace ener-
marketing communication pro- gized and the consumer suffi-
grams. This in turn has pre- ciently curious so that a posi-
cipitated the growth of sophis- tive purchase decision is made
ticated research resources for in favor of a specific client’s
the pre-testing of concepts, ads product.
and commercials as well as
reaching a deeper understand- ❑
ing of c ons um er a tti tudes,
be li efs and pur chase/use

In all likelihood, advertising

expenditures for the year 2000
will be at record levels.For the
first three months TV spend-
ing in Bulgaria is up almost
90% versus 1999. (fig. 6) Most
interesting is th e fact that
The Global Network / Le reseau global 67


Blazsho, Nikolov. Bulgarsko Media Znanie, Balkanmedia (1996).

Doganov, Dimitar. Media i Reklama, (September, 1999).

Marketing, The Economist Newspaper Ltd, 1997

Schudson, Michael, Advertising in Society, Historical Roots of

Consumer Culture, NTC Business Books, 1990

Mayer, Martin. Whatever Happened to Madison Avenue?, Little,

Brown and Company, (1991).
68 The Global Network / Le reseau global


1993 30,000
1994 48,000
1995 58,000
1996 42,000
1997 22,000
1998 42,000
1999 52,000


Bulgarian National TV 66.23

Private Air TV 10.39
Cable TV 19.24
Satellite 4.14
The Global Network / Le reseau global 69


1 PROCTER & GAMBLE 8,445,261
2 INTER BREW 3,923,046
3 BREWINVEST 3,040,646
6 UNILEVER 2,064,903
7 WRIGLEY'S 1,723,816
8 NIVEA /BEIERSDORF/ 1,274,874
9 NESTLE 1,119,760
10 MOBIL TEL 979,972
11 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 797,441
12 MOBIKOM 764,911
13 ALLIANZ AG /insurance company/ 697,637
14 BELANA 684,927
15 ELITE COFFE 646,673
17 DELTA 473,361
18 FORMULA 101 454,971
19 CHIPITA 446,383
TOTAL 65,801,280

1 MOBIL TEL 2,238,242

2 MOBIKOM 1,900,683
3 DAEWOO MOTOR 854,918
7 PROSOFT 525,865
8 NESTLE 504,969
9 SONY 421,108
11 DANONE 382,547
13 FORMULA 101 341,876
14 BREWINVEST 318,108
20 ART SYSTEM BULGARIA /computers/ 262,389
TOTAL PRINT 40,754,626
70 The Global Network / Le reseau global


Horizont 52.27
Darik 11.37
Hr.Botev 10.6
Veselina 7.79
Expres 6.58
FM+ 6.32
Kanal Kom 5.4
Radio+ 5.39
Atlantik 4.25
Viva 3.31

Jan'99 Feb'99 Mar'99 Jan'00 Feb'00 Mar'00

CHANNEL1 890,940 1,581,0252,111,2251405525 1380325 3859800
EFIR2 69,870 48,800 36,750 87225 109875 87450
NOVA TV 310,908 569,931 687,990 911135 1452566 1829941
7 DAYS TV 118,976 193,933 286,590 132342 123326 160615
TOTAL 1,390,6942,393,6893,122,5552,536,2273,066,0925,937,806
6,906,938 11,540,125

Source: BBSS Gallup

The Global Network / Le reseau global 71

A Brief Look at the digital changes

in the media Field and the Development
of the Web Pages in Bulgaria

The communication pol-
The technological step icy- making is acknow-
ledged that the develop-
forward and access to ment of access by the
information public to the new com-
munications and infor-
he development of mation services will be
T the new information
t e chnologies has made
dr iven by the main
p l a yers in the field:
us accustomed in the public authorities, the
last years to constant industry- infrastruc-
increase of information t u r e, service providers
processing, transmitting and the consumers.
and storage of different
type of information. Ways of accessing and
One of the results was dissemination of infor-
“democratization” of mation in the midst of
personal computing and global information and
universal use of infor- communication
mation. Te ch n o l o g i c a l MA of journalism,
change led as well as to changed funda- PhD of Philosophy, is
a multiplication of the mentally. professor at the
networks enabling Faculty of Journalism
access to new products Enforcing the and Mass
ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s Communication- Sofia
and services. University- Bulgaria
72 The Global Network / Le reseau global

of a global media Internet tion technology services;

was even called “the new - To outline the use of the
mass media”, but the “net” new information tech n o l o-
has much broader ch a r a c- gies in media;
teristics than that. The pro- - To stress on some of the
cessing of info rmation characteristics of the
through Internet has strong emerging new media;
implication on institutions, - To look at process of media
individuals, commerce and convergence in Bulgaria;
journalism. The Internet - To give a brief presenta-
does not mean the end of tion of the tendencies of
traditional journalism. The development and most used
information tech n o l o g i e s Web sites of the electronic
enforce some of the most issues of Bulgarian media.
visible characteristics of
media in on- line journal- Infrastructure of the
IT market
The Internet prov ides ccording to IDG the
everyone through a PC a
global access to a friendly
A income from the sales of
IT in Bulgaria for 1999 was
e-mail, your bank account, $153mln. 109,1 mln. $ are
newspapers radio and TV in the share, of hardware,
stations and thousands of 20,7 mln. $ are in the share
information sources from of software 23,1mln. $ are
all over th e world. The in the share of services.
Internet structure is decen- (Computer world, 15.04-
tralized. It allows millions 21.04.2000). The tendencies
of users to access and dis- in the market according to
seminate millions of infor- the issue are:
mation sources. The use of 1. The market is i n the
information sources is phase of reconstruction.
interactive and user con- 2. The whole growth of the
trolled. income is slow because of
the falling down of the sales
The aim of this article is: of hardware.
- To give the landscape of 3. The main incomes are in
the IT market and the stage the shares of software and
of access to new informa- hardware.
The Global Network / Le reseau global 73

4. The development of the to 2003 are exclusive right

big projects in Bulgaria of Committee of Posts and
influence the investment in Telecommunication now
IT sector. Ministry of Transport and
Communication. ISDN digi-
Different sources give in tal line is getting slowly in
the last 2-3 years the num- use in the last 2 years. 8.
bers of users about 3-6%. 34% of the main central
Every year their number of telephone lines are digital-
Internet users is steadily ized. Over 300 mln. $ were
growing. invested on tech n o l o g i c a l
level i n the national
The number of PCs in the telecommunication struc-
country is estimated about ture in the country in the
350 thousand. Most of them last 5 years. (Data from the
are in the offices and educa- Ministry of Transport and
tional institutions. (Data Telecommunication from
from the Ministry of Bulgaria).
Transport and
Telecommunication from A great number of Internet
Bulgaria). centers and Internet - cof-
fees opened in most of the
The sales in the market for towns in the country. They
1999 of the IT firms are : are very popular especially
oth ers - 60 %, HP - 11 %, among the young people.
IBM - 9%, ExCo - 7%, and Most of Bulgarian sch o o l s
Pro Soft - 6%. High speed and all the University cen-
Internet connection exists ters have access to informa-
in Bulgaria from 1994 and tion technologies all dough
the Inter net provider i s the PC in the PC Centers
G U K I S. The number of are old. A special new law
Internet providers in the frame on IT and
country is 15 0. (Off icial Development of Information
data - 1999). Some of the Society is settled by the
biggest prov iders are: adopted by the Parliament
G U K I S, Orbitel, Dygsys, Program for Development
Te chno-link. B y law the of Information Society and
monopoly on terrestrial and High-tech Draft Law. There
satellite communications up is National Coordination
74 The Global Network / Le reseau global

Council for development of works in electronic memo-

Information Soc iety in ries and use and reproduc-
Bulgaria. There is no spe- ti on and transmit ion of
cialized regulatory body. A those works via new infor-
lot of independent associa- mation tech n o l o g i e s. The
tions with representatives last chang es of th e
from the business and the Copyright and Neighboring
sector are f ormed. They Rights Law were published
stick to the vision that sec- in the State Newspaper on
tor should be self- and co- 07.04.2000. They entered
regulated. The market of IT into force on 08.05.2000.
products is liberated. The changes were in the
light of WIPO (Wo r l d
Intel lectual Property
Regulatory Frames Organization), The WIPO
he policy governing per formances and
T body i n the field of
telecommunication sector is
Phonogr ams Treaty
(WPPT) and other Internet-
the Ministry of Transport related copyright issues.
and Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s.
The re-gulatory body is In Bulgaria as in European
State C ommission of communication policy mak-
telecommunications. ing there are two views in
National Council adopted concern of the regulation of
telecommunication Law in R and TV programs trans-
1998. R and TV Law (1998) mitted via new information
regulate electronic media technologies:
and the regulating body is 1. It is of public interest
the National Council of R operators to have some reg-
and TV. ulation as to declare the
sources of information and
The Copyright and respect democratic values
Neighboring rights Law and human rights, dissemi-
was changed and adopted to nation of illegal informa-
European Law due to the tion, defamation and intru-
questions which emerged in sion of privacy. All regulato-
respect to and the rights of ry mech anism sh ould by
the reproduction in a digital in troduced in r espect of
environment, storage of freedom of expression.
The Global Network / Le reseau global 75

2. There is no need of wide transmi ssions of digital

range regulation in the broadcasted R and TV pro-
field. The regulatory bodies grams but some long- term
should hav e rig hts and t e chnical projects already
instruments of regulation started in that field. The
only when the rights and digitalization in the R and
interests of u ser s are TV reached a certain state
threatened. The regulation in radio and TV program
process should include on production process.
self- regulation and co-regu-
There is strong penetration
Convergence in the sector in the country of cable net-
work television. Most cable

I n the IT field, the conver-

gence in Bulgaria at the
start level. There is some
networks are still getting
their n etworks to the
requirements of the techni-
use of Internet services, cal standards.
mobile net ser vic es and
some rare examples in cable Cable networks offer 30 - 50
networks service. According satel lite and terrestr ial
to the regulation the cable regional, nationa l and
operators in the country world TV programs. State
may offer Internet services. Satellite channel Bulgaria
Because of the bad techni- is transmitted via satellite.
cal level of the most of the National Council for R and
cable networks these ser- TV approves and State
vices are not yet offered to Commission of
the Internet users. Due to Telecommunication from
regulatory monopoly of the Bulgaria issues licenses for
State Telecom, the low transmission of R and TV
speed of Internet connec- programs via satellite and
tions through analogue tele- c a b l e. From a year on e -
phone lines and the bad commerce is experimentally
condition of the services introduced in the net.
offered by analogue tele-
phone end points R and TV Bulgarian media web pages
programs are not transmit-
he a nalyses of the
ted v ia new informati on
technologies. There are no T Bulgarian media on-line
76 The Global Network / Le reseau global

issues will follow: um for both users and pro-

ducers on the Internet.
1. The pattern of the princi- /Gary Herman, Information
ples media web pages: Soci ety Forum, 17
* The information and ways September 1999, Lisbon/
of accessing it should be
easy to manage with. Internet is predominantly
* Autonomy- of the informa- A n g l o p h o n e, US based
tion structure, visible and medium with about
invisible logical structure 100 million potential users.
on the screen. It is a global medium in
* Easy to use well-struc- r e a ch not by share. There
tured design. are about 6000 mother-
tongue languages. In the
2. Content analyses of the Anglophone predominated
web site and the newspaper Medium the share of the
issue. electronic media issues in
different languages is rela-
Parallel content analyses of tively very small what is
the da ily issues of the the case of Bulgarian issues
choice and structuring of of newspapers, R and TV
the top news and the infor- web- sites. They have their
mation. share of audience in their
national markets, but they
Characteristics of the media are of gl obal reach and
could be a ccessed any
web pages where in the world.
ew very popular sites,
F such as AOL/Netscape,
Microsoft Network and
The media web sites are
getting more and more pop-
Yahoo, dominate the web in ular. Most of them started
ge neral. According to in 1995 and 1996. Big news-
Nielson, around two-thirds papers have their web site
of the web “audienc e” is and on- line issues. The
accounted for by the top ten most circulated newspapers
sites. The dominance of the “Trud” and “24 chasa” /over
portal s ites like most of 240 thousand/ have no web
those may eff ectively sites. It was considered by
restrict access to the medi- their owner the German
The Global Network / Le reseau global 77

group WAZ, they may loose

audience having on- line
i s s u e s. WAZ has national
editorial satellite connec- Weekly newspaper. On- line
tion with all regional issues issue
Topic in The newspaper incl u d e s
the newspaper Topic in the online issue
political and economical
Bulgaria Politics a n a l y z e s, well situated in
World Business
Goods and
the media and advertising
money Analyzes market. On the on- line
opinion Comments issue the analyzes are kept
Ext. Ext. in. The on-line and paper
- Varna, Burgas, Stara issues look very much alike.
Zagora and Plovdiv/. The In the on- line issue the
regional i ssues and the most of the pictures are not
regional advertisements are i n cluded except the one
sent daily to Sofia where from the first page of the
the issues are published. n e w s p a p e r. On the first
The editorial rooms of both page of the on- line issue
newspapers and all issues there are hyperlinks similar
owned by WAZ are best well to the main sections of the
eq uipped and u se new newspaper: politics, econo-
information technologies in my, society, analyzes, com-
their information process- ments, but they are struc-
ing and lay-out. tured differently. This is
one of the first and perma-
According to the rati ngs nent on- line issues on the
most popular web sites are market. The access to infor-
of newspapers Capital mation is easy and quick. It
(weekl y newspa per) and is also ver y popu lar for
Monitor (daily newspaper). labor ads. published and
Others newspape rs with restored in the on- l ine
popular on- line issues on issue. One of the best and
the web are: Pari, Sega, very often visited sites.
Standart, Democracia and
B a n k e r. The sport on-line Monitor
issu es are: Sport, To t o,
Meridian mach, 7dni sport,
Daily newspaper. The on-
Evrofutbol, PFL, S por t-
line issue started in 1999 by
Bulnet, Klub-F1.
78 The Global Network / Le reseau global

Press group Monitor- owner the head places of the rat-

of the newspaper. The con- ings of the web sites.
cept was worked out years
before its access on the web. Standart
At the beginning the on-
line issue was put on the
web together with the print
Daily newspaper. On line
of the newspaper. Now the
issue- http://www. s t a d a r t-
on- line issue is on the web The content, the
in the morning. Free regis-
topics and the headlines of
tration required. The con-
both issues are nearly the
tent of the information is
same. In the on- line issue
nearly the same in the
the hyperlinks are on the
newspaper and the on- line
left. The topics and the
i s s u e. The structure the
resumed materials from the
topics and the hyperlinks
front page- in the middle
differ. For example:
and the editorial- on the
There are tree popular top-
right. The graphic design is
ics in the on- line issue-
similar. Search function by
Commen t, Archive an d
key- word helps the user.
I n q u i r y. In the Inquiry
The web site is easy to
there are 2-3 questions on
manage with. Under the
the hot- line topics. The
materials there are E-mail
answers are “yes” and “no”.
addresses of the authors.
Comment is similar to the
The authors say that the
Letters in the newspaper.
estimate the e- mails from
Very easy and well estimat-
the audience very much.
ed is the function Search .
With a key- word there is
an access to the materials
on the topic in the issue.
The hyperlinks are on the gadaily
left side of the screen. On Daily newspaper. The on-
the right - the short presen- line issue covers the content
tation of the news. The of the newspaper issue. The
graphic design of the news- topics with short presenta-
paper and the on- line issue tions are structured on the
also differs. One of the most front pag e: Bulgaria,
visited web sites which is at E c o n o m i c s, Abroad,
The Global Network / Le reseau global 79

Culture, others. Most of the materials are presented on

pictures and graphics from the web.
the paper issues are not
included. Egoist
Monthly magazi ne, It is designed towards the young
Daily newspaper. On line audience and it is very pop-
issue http://www. d i r. b g ular among the young audi-
Issue of the Union of e n c e. Modern design and
Democratic Forces. The con- photography. The interface
tent of the on- line issue includes 3D animation.
covers the topic of the news-
p a p e r. Th e front page is The materials are present-
structured simple for use. ed in brief with the help of
The headlines and short multimedia. The on- line
presentation of the text is issue is interactive and the
presented ther e withou t editorials receive materials
photographs and graphics. from the audience. There is
on- line story ,opened for
Pari / Money discussion.
Daily Ec onomical During the last 4-5 years
Newspaper. Online issue in there is a burst of Internet
Bulgarian and English - and Information technology
paid a ccess. Started in newspapers and magazines
1995-1996. The on- line is on the media market /IT, IT
or ientated towar ds the news, PC Mania, Computer
business audience. On the world.
front page the topics are
structured on linear hyper- During the last 4-5 years
links. there is a burst of Internet
and Information technology
newspapers and magazines
Banker on the media market (IT, IT news, PC Mania, Computer
Economical newspaper. It wor ld, I n th e wor ld of
uses a web site to be pre- Internet, PC World, PC
sented on. Resumed chosen Week, Linux-bg, E-zone and
80 The Global Network / Le reseau global

others). of CNN, NBC, and BBC.

Bulgarian news agency 7 dni TV
News presented in 20-30 Web site of the TV. TV pro-
words. Free on- line issue. gram, TV shows and
Bulgarian telegraph agency anchors and Intrnet connec-
has economical and political tion with the audience.
on- line issues, which are Short videoclips of the pro-
paid. They are in Bulgarian grams.
and English.
Radio Vitosha and Radio
Balkan News agency Daric have Internet trans-
mission. Others radiosta- tions are ready to start
News bulletin. Presentation Internet transmissions.
of the news for the day. The
access is paid. An interview Training in Journalism in
for the day is presented.
Context of New Information
Bulgarian National
television he functioning of the
T media and the use of
new information and com-
It started in 1998. Last year munication tech n o l o g i e s
the gr aphic desig n wa s changed the professional
changed. The change dou- situation and the ways of
bled the visit of the page- gathering information in
400-500 per 24 hours. The the field of journalism. The
information is renewed 2-3 new information tech n o l o-
times a day. There is a logi- gies influence traditional
cal structure in the struc- and on- line journalism in:
ture of information. The 1. Process of writing, edit-
activities, the structure of ing and lay- out;
the organization and the 2. Technological process in
TV program are presented. production of newspapers,
The structure is not of the R and TV programs;
typical TV site as the ones 3. Us e of infor mational
The Global Network / Le reseau global 81

s o u r c e s, connec ted with p r e s s, R and TV and new

Internet and new informa- services and issues offered
tion and communication by the use of the new medi-
technologies; um Internet. There is fast
4. New law and self-regula- growth in indivi dual
tory mechanisms i n th e telec ommunication s er-
media field and new infor- vices- voice, image and data
mation technologies. transmission in the last two
years and especially by the
MA of Journalism and PR is services offered by GSM
thought in the Faculty of operator M-Tel Trading
Journalism and mass com- Ltd.
munication - Sofi a The existing national and
U n i v e r s i t y. During the international media regula-
trainin g courses in tory frameworks are mostly
Journali sm an d PR stu- based on a concept of clear
dents are trained and work distinction between the var-
new information tech n o l o- ious types of media as press
g i e s. New Bulgar ian and elec tr onic media.
University also offers cours- Bulgarian national legisla-
es in Communication where tion is currently ch a n g i n g
students are thought in the and adapting to changes on
use of IT. Specialized cours- technological and telecom-
es are thought i n Fr e e munication development.
Universities in Varna and Digitalized transmission of
Burgas. There are special- R and TV programs via
izations in Journalism and cable and satellite removes
Mass media. the restraints connected
with legislation and content
programming to large
Conclusions extent. New questions /edi-
he technological devel- torial responsibility, civil
T opment and the use of
the new communication
and criminal liability/ arise
in connection with protec-
technologies has an increas- tion of content /copyright,
ing impact in Bulgaria on right of right holders/ in
traditional press, R and TV dissemination of informa-
in two ways- process of digi- tion and transmission of R
talization of traditional and TV programs via new
82 The Global Network / Le reseau global

information tech n o l o g i e s.
L aw and self-reg ulatory
bodies try to settle some of
these ques tions / Fi l m
author, Music author, BSA
and others/.
T he development of the
market in the field of new
t e chnologies and telecom-
munications is slaw but it is
g r o w i n g. The advertising
market in Bulgaria has no
signi ficant movement
towards media transmitted
via new telecommunication
s e r v i c e s. There are few
example s towar ds that
m o v e. Raiffeisen bank is
offering services through
d i -most visited
Bulgaria n web site
(September 1999).
T he existence of national
web sites in the original
language helps the audi-
ence of a certain country in
the case the audience of
Bulgarian population living
in and out of the country to
have access to the services
offered by the new informa-
tion technologies and to
keep cultural and language
identification of the country.

The Global Network / Le reseau global 83


1. Compute world, 15.04-21.04.2000 ?., 1-4.

2. Gary H., Information Society Forum, 17 September 1999, Lisbon.

3. Altschuel,J. Agents of power: The role of the New media in Human

Affairs, Longman, NW and L, 1984, 54-63.

4. Brody E.W., Communication Tomorrow, New agencies, New

Technologies, New media, Praeger Publ., 1990

5. Internet web sites

6. The Internet addresses of the biggest and most visited Bulgarian (por-
tal) search web sites in Bulgarian and English: 180000 visits
monthly (Data-exTREMETracking-IX”99 System);; - Bulgarian and English;;;;;;
84 The Global Network / Le reseau global

The Global Network / Le reseau global 85
86 The Global Network / Le reseau global

The Global Network / Le reseau global 87

88 The Global Network / Le reseau global
The Global Network / Le reseau global 89

The Media - the Possible,

yet Unrealized Anti
Corruption Instrument


mass level. The vast

n Bulgaria of the mid
nineties prerequisites majority of Bulgarians
emerged for growth of consider corruption as one
the corruption practices. of the most serious and
Among those prerequisites threatening problems of
we s hou ld men ti on, as society, a great social
especially “contributing” wrong. At the same time,
to corruption, the delay in however, a considerable
the reforms, the financial part of people, mostly due
and economic chaos, the to pressing facts of life,
deterioration of law and greatly soften their intol-
order, the morality and erance and condemn
value crisis. The privatiza- towards corruption, per-
t ion t ur ned o u t to be ceiving it as “a necessary
accompanied by spreading evil” that can help in solv-
requette and clientelism. ing some personal prob-
The mass consciousness lems. On a mass level cor-
started to perceive the pri- ruption was considered
vatization itself as a swin- impossible to eliminate or
dle. punish.

The p roces ses i n eff ect The changes at PHD. VESSELA TABAKOVA
is lecturer at the
deepened the resignation the beginning of
Department of
an d cy nic ism amo ng a 1997 naturally Journalism and Mass
consider able number of gave rise to Communication
Bulgarians. A dual atti- hopes for an at the "St Kliment
tude towards the corrup- o f f e n s i v e Ohridski" University in
tion practices settled on a towards corrup- Sofia (Bulgaria)
90 The Global Network / Le reseau global

tion, for transparency of the of Bulgaria. Council of Europe,

privatization processes as well Strasbourg, September 24,
as for effective operation of the 1998).
leg al sy st em. The st ruggle
against corruption was also Media monitoring of corrup-
considered a major precondi- tion: aspects of methodology
tion for improving the invest- and method
ment climate - as many inter-
national analyses show, cor- In such a situation it is only
ruption in Bulgaria is among natural that media is not only
the fa ct ors t ha t r ebuff the the voice of public expecta-
pot e nt ia l in ve s tors . (See tions, but they can also act as
Corruption as a Problem of the a powerful tool for anti-corrup -
T rans it ion t o Su st ainable tion disclosures and pressure
M ar ket S tr uctur e - CSD on institutions. The realization
Monitor, 1998). of the media effort for bringing
corruption out in the open mir-
The political will expressed for rors the state of development
fighting corruption brought up of journalism itself and its
positive public expectations, potential to act as a “fourth
even more so, taking into con- power” beneficial for the social
si derat ion th at th ose are processes.
transferred to the process of
Bulgaria joining the EC - the The analytical tool of media
actual progress in fighting cor- monitoring can give an objec-
ruption is a major political tive idea for the actual dimen-
condition for Bulgaria in order sions of the media responsibili-
to join the EC. The positive ty in fighting corruption. At
expectations are further fueled the same time, however, it also
by the OCTOPUS II program allows for measuring the level
s tart ed b y the E uropean of development of an anti-cor-
Committee and the European ruption disclosure mechanism,
Council as an ambitious pro- which functions in a far more
gram for increasing the effi- complex system of interrela-
cien cy of t he fig ht a gainst tions where media is a mere
organized crime and corrup- element.
tion in the Central and East
Eur ope an cou ntr ie s . (See The media monitoring of cor-
Corru p ti o n and Org anized ruption on which our analysis
Crime in States in Transition is bases concentrates around
/Octopus/. Final recommenda- the following main objectives:
tions and guidelines for action
addressed to the government * to present the general quan-
The Global Network / Le reseau global 91

titative characteristics of the Due to its nature of breaching

corruption issue presence in the established “rules of the
the central print and electron- game” or existing on the basis
ic media; of unsettled, yet necessary
* to re ve al t he q u al itative rules, corruption is a hidden
characteristics of the media (invisible) social relation and
reflection of corruption with phenomenon. Therefore, the
priority on the manner and appearance of the issue in the
extent in which media analy- media is of major importance,
ses the nature, the displays since media - by exhibiting
and types of corruption as a the problem - are a possible
social attitude and phenome- tool in achieving anti-corrup-
non; tion goals.
* to evaluate the media reflec-
ti on of corru ption from the The method of media analysis
stand of the possible influence combines research techniques
over the formation of public which are functions of the
attitudes and opinions; “middle level” theories, ade-
* to inform about the media quately operating on the levels
presence of the activities of of group, community, institu-
Coalition 2000 and other anti- tion. By means of this method
corruption initiatives. and on the basis of the empiri-
cal material gathered one is
In a m eth odo log ical and able to not only express the
methodical aspect, the work on qualitative parameters of the
media presence of the corrup- presence of the corruption
tion issue is based upon the issue, but also to define and
notion of corruption as a social analyze the most characteris-
relation between two sides, on tic tendencies and established
of which is ready to give some- interrelations and contextual-
thing in order to obtain some- izations of its media presence.
thing else from somebody who
has the means to do it. The The method chosen, precondi-
complex relation “corruption”, tioned by the corruption media
as revealed by its multiple monitoring goals, integrates
ex hi bi ts , i s def in ed as an the content analysis as a
abuse of power - ec onomic, research technique allowing
political and administrative for the objective description of
one - which leads to personal the visible content of the com-
benefit at the expense of the munication and the communi-
rights and lawful interests of cation units and elements of
an individual, a certain com- discourse analysis as a
munity or the whole society. research technique revealing
92 The Global Network / Le reseau global

t he a tt it ude t owa rds the characteristics and tendencies

events and processes through in reflecting the corruption
t he m an ner of writ ing and issue at different periods;
talking about them. * defining the fields of media
exposure influencing the pub-
T he reg is tra ti o n card, on lic attitudes and opinions
which the print and electronic towards corruption.
media are surveyed, consti-
tutes of 26 indicators. The lat- The media survey during the
ter can be structured as fol- past 1999 included 13 metro-
lows: politan newspapers, 9 of which
were dailies /10 until March,
* indicators for measuring and when “Kontinent” newspaper
analysis of quantitative and disappeared/ and 3 weeklies,
content media features of the as well as certain excerpts of
c orru ptio n is su e presence, the electronic media broad-
such as volume, placement, cast.
authorship, type of communi- The newspapers surveyed
cation unit etc. were “Demokratsia”, “Duma”,
* indicators for measuring and “Trud”, “24 Hours”, “Sega”,
ana lysi s of th e dep th and “Standard”, “Novinar”, “Pari”,
peculiarities of the corruption “Monitor” and the weeklies
issue media treatment, such “Kapital”, “168 Hours” and
as sphere of exhibit, type of “Banker”. The electronic
corruptive activity, rigor, anti- media surveyed were BNR,
cor rupt io n fi ndi ng s and BNTV, Darik Radio, Nova TV
actions etc. and 7 Days Television.
* indicators for measuring and
analy si s of so me d iscourse The survey foc uses on the
aspects of the media reflection media participation and
of the corruption issue such as engagement in the fight
key words, headlines, intona- against corruption as well as
tion characteristics etc. on the possible influence of the
media discourse about corrup-
The research approaches cre- tion on public attitudes. Due
ate the necessary empirical to the specifics of corruption
and analytical basis for: being a hidden social relation,
the media - in a way - are the
* revealing of the major pecu- basis of the “public discourse”
liarities of the corruption issue on corruption, they strongly
medi a pr es enc e in a given influence the public attitudes,
period; the definition of the public
* comparative analysis of the “agenda”. This, in fact, was
The Global Network / Le reseau global 93
displayed throughout the year during the last quarter the
of survey. number of registered texts is
almost 6 times larger com-
pared to the first one.
“The media expansion” of
The electronic media, due to
the corruption issue their specifics, can not be
invaded to such an extent by a

T hroughout 1999 the cor-

ruption issue “invaded”
and ever increasing area in
single issue and, on the other
hand, the summer program
scheme also influences the
the newspapers as well as in qualitative accumulation.
the electronic media surveyed. Nevertheless, during the last
For a goo d re as on - even quarter, when 191 units were
though this was not proven by accounted for, the increase is
a fre qu e ncy dict ion ary - a more than double compared to
headline in “Kapital” newspa- the first quarter when 86 units
per at the end of the year pro- were registered, /second quar-
claim ed corru ptio n as “the ter - 53, third quarter - 25/. It
word of 1999”. Other journalis- is worth noting, for example,
tic definitions - also private - that during the last quarter
such as “the most fashionable the corruption issue appeared
issue”, “the hit No. 1 issue” 31 times in “Before all” of
also clearly reflect the place of “Horizont” program, 13 times
the corru pti o n t heme in in “12+3” etc. Its presence in
media. “Nedelia 150” was also consid-
erable, the registered 17 units
“The expansion” of the issue being situated in comprehen-
peaked during the last quar- sive talks and discussions with
ter, when 1605 texts were reg- one or more participants (the
istered in the papers, which participation of each guest is
gives us a reason to say that registered separately in the
the last media quarter, espe- case of electronic media).
cially in the print media sur-
veyed, was the quarter of cor- The “expansion” of the corrup-
ruption issue. The dynamics of tion issue is mostly influenced
the qualitative accumulation by a common factor - the actu-
is truly revealing - 270 com- al inclusion of the issue in the
munication units were regis- public debate, additionally
tered in the first quarter, 703 - triggered by external,
in t he second, while in the “European” evaluations of the
thir d one th e number situation in the country. In the
incr eased to 11 49. Clearly, same time - especially in the
94 The Global Network / Le reseau global

case of pr int medi a, under- accentuated. The situation in

standably, due to unstated but electronic media was almost
displayed “inclinations” and the same - 59% were in such a
“rejections” - two more specific position during the last quar-
factors acted as a catalyst: the ter of the year.
early actual start of the local
elections campaign and the The “expansion” of the issue
participation of the presiden- was clearly displayed by other
tial institution in the debate. parameters too. At its initial
And if at the beginning of the stage the survey registered a
year t he re g is te red texts considerable accumulation of
showed that the corruption short informative texts, relat-
issue is tackled most by papers ed to the corruption issue.
close to the government, this Later and in the course of the
tendency di sappea red soon year, the larger formats occu-
after this, the greatest activity pied an ever increasing space
being displayed by the opposi- and in the last quarter they
t ion -or ien ted “Se g a” and accounted for more than half
“Monitor”. This entered the of all registered newspaper
“Bulgarian case” in the public texts. At the initial stage of
pr ac tic e of th e democratic the survey the corruption
states wher e - as it is well theme had most often been
known - the journalistic anti- present in electronic media in
corruption investigations are a the form of short pieces of
powerful tool of the opposition. information, while in the last
The presence of the issue in quarter 34% of the registered
“Trud ” and “24 Hours” was units were of considerable
steady and considerable (the duration - up to 7 minutes, up
largest accumulation during to 15 minutes and over 15
the last quarter). minutes.

The corruption theme which, The change in the media dis-

at the beginning of the year, play of the corruption theme
had rarely been the breaking demonstrated itself in the
news or specially emphasized - course of the year by yet
both in print and electronic another parameter. At the ini-
media - has gradually turned tial stage, even the larger
into a main or stressed upon newspaper texts - from 70
theme. It is a revealing fact lines up to a full page - the cor-
that during the last quarter a ruption issue was accompany-
total of 58% of the registered ing, secondary theme, appear-
newspaper texts were posi- ing in relation to another one,
t ion ed a s lea din g, main or thus establishing a symmetry
The Global Network / Le reseau global 95
be t wee n th e prin t and the tive system, the local authori-
el ectr o nic exi sten ce of the ty. In fact, a transition could
the me, si nce i t wa s in the be observed in this respect, to
short informative texts where a greater attention to the state
corruption was the main point. institutions, while prevailingly
Later, however, the registered relating corruption to the pres-
newspaper texts every more ence of administrative posi-
often featured corruption as tion.
the leading theme, reaching a
leading theme presence in 76%
of the newspaper texts regis- How corruption is spoken of
tered in the last quarter.
The lager volume of the texts
always implied the assump-
tion for analysis of the issue,
T he initial research hypoth-
esis and expectations as to
the manner in which corrup-
of i ts va riet ies , i nstances, tion was spoken of and written
actions and counter actions. At about were was confirmed by
the beginning of the survey, the all too many instances of
however, this assumption did general talk and writing about
not find its proof - about 1/4 of the issue. Corruption, of
the texts featured analysis. course, is not a transparent,
Here, too - according to the visible and open social rela-
“typ e of c o mmu n ication tion, yet the general anti-cor-
i ns ta nc e” in dic at or - the ruption rhetoric or assump-
change was substantial: dur- tions voicing hardly contribute
ing the last quarter 40% of the to bringing this phenomenon
newspaper texts were charac- out into the light. The fact
ter iz ed by an a nalytical that corruption was most often
approach. In electronic media related to the state institu-
31% of the texts /as compared tions in print and electronic
to 20% at the beginning/ were media - as was mentioned -
analy tica l - th e c orruption actually became pointless and
issue entered more deeply into melted in the general talk
the discourse and comment about corruption. All too often
field, that being the main rea- corruption was written about
son for t he c o ns id erable for no particular occasion - cor-
“lengths” in electronic media. ruption existed, corruption
was everywhere, the public
Throughout the survey period talked about corruption.
corruption was steadily posi-
tioned and most often associat- Public talk very often fueled
ed on th e media f ield with the papers, while, in turn,
state institutions, the legisla- media talking induced public
96 The Global Network / Le reseau global

talk. The general nature of often originated from the high -

talking through assumptions, er spheres of power, all of
rumors and guessing projected them determinantly speaking
the actual futility of otherwise against corruption - that
clearly proclaimed goals. In “grave disease of democracy”,
spite of the fact that a transi- “a repulsive offense...using
tion was also observed in the authority for selfish reasons”,
course of the survey, towards a quote by the Vice President
search for evidence, investiga- Todor Kavaldjiev. The more
tion efforts, we should say that people from the higher spheres
t he pe rc ent ag e of “ general of power joined the condemn of
tal k” t hr ou gh o ut th e year corruption, the greater the
stayed relatively high - even in number of texts with verbal
the last quarter 63% of the reference. In the first quarter
newspaper texts on corruption the share of such texts
talk generally (71% in the first amounted to 14% for print
quarter). However, it should media and 20% for the elec-
be pointed out that the per- tronic ones, in the second
centage of “general texts” pre- quarter it was respectively
senting the t ypol ogy of the 32% and 47%, while in the
phenomenon, the instances of third quarter this percentage
social corruption, the “political was 24% and 44%. During the
influence trade”, the existing last quarter the communica-
pressure tools etc. increased - tion instances with verbal ref-
in other words, the general erence were 29% and 33%
texts also began revealing the respectively.
complex nature and varieties
of corruption. The general talk The analysis showed that
in electronic media decreased throughout the year the
by almost 20%. The decrease greater substantiation per-
in general talk about corrup- tained to a single corruption
tion is naturally accompanied deed - the bribe.
by transition towards search- The corruption deed - regard-
ing for and presenting of evi- less of whether it was verbally
dence. assumed or had more specific
substance - was dominantly
The presence of verbal initiat- situated on the background of
ing various texts presented an an administrative position (the
interesting feature to the sur- annual average is 50% of all
vey. texts).

The sources of verbal events The specifics of the br ibe

throughout the year all too defined yet another peculiarity
The Global Network / Le reseau global 97
of the media presence of cor- towards doctors (first quarter),
ruption as well as its transfor- teachers (second quarter),
mation. Throughout the sur- policemen and customs officers
vey period this peculiarity was (almost throughout the peri-
in the predominant absence of od). At the beginning the high-
the corrupting person and the er spheres of power seemed
very act of corruption, while at unaffected behind the thick
the end of the year “giving” curtain and, it was only natur-
was even less present than at al that the specific cases
the beginning. appeared in the faces of
medics, teachers, customs offi-
Such a characteristic may lead cers, policemen. The imperme-
to the belief that the media ability of the higher spheres
themselves shared the atti- led to a n inflated media pres-
tude that each and everyone ence of corruption among the
could be a corrupting person, medics and, later on, among
while the essential figure was the teachers. The “exemplary
that of the corrupted, the one actions” of the police for catch-
h av in g the sta tu s and the ing corrupted persons which
means. Such absence of the were widely reflected by the
corrupting one might induce media also strongly con-
an d toler at e th e attitude tributed to this situation. Here
towards corruption as being a is a simple coincidence, highly
possible tool for solving an revealing, though. During the
i ssue , as goi ng b eyo nd the first quarter the highest share
responsibility of the corrupting in the relatively small number
one, as far as he could obtain of personalizations in print
something through a corrup- media went to the doctors -
tive deed, and remaining the 6%, that share being 8% in
sole problem and guilt of the electronic media. On sixteen
corruptive person. instances the print media
called corrupted doctors by
From the “low” to the their names. In the second
quarter the percentage of
“high spheres” teachers was among the high-
est within the instances of per-

T he field between substan-

tiation and generality fea-
tures a major peculiarity with
sonalization - 5% of printed
texts in which specific perpe-
trator was designated and 7%
respect to the change of the of the similar texts in electron -
media presentation of corrup- ic media. During the second
tion. The specific nature of the quarter there were sixteen
bribe led the public opinion instances in which corrupted
98 The Global Network / Le reseau global

teachers were called by their The names of two Deputy

names in print media (in fact, Ministers were also clearly
in ten of these instances the stated, evidence was also sup-
doer was the same/. It was on plied etc. During the third
tha t lev e l wh er e specific quarter alone, for example, the
actions - arresting mostly - name of a presidential advisor,
were announced most often. accused for corruption,
appeared on 19 instances in a
It can be said for certain that corruption context in the
the media inflation of corrup- papers.
ti on in the “l ow sp heres”,
introduc ed mainly t hrough However, the media “explo-
s ho win g of th e “ex emplary sion” of different corruption
actions” (ver y often with a accusations in the higher
r epo rter pr e sen t at the administration did not lead to
arrest?!) has inevitably influ- a clear display of the extent to
enced the public opinion. which the corruption processes
in the society are clear and
If the substantiation of bribe controllable as well as whether
during the first two quarters there existed intentional shad-
directed public opinion to “the ing of the issue. Even the
low spheres”, the reflection of debate regarding the changes
verbal events and the general in the government, being a
analyses of the phenomenon media catalyst and itself trig-
during the second part of the gered by the claims about cor-
year and especially in the last ruption among the ruling cir-
three months addressed high- cles, did not in fact remove the
er positions in state institu- thick curtain.
tions. The lexeme “swindle”
did not replace “bribe” in the The big problem is to what
frequency dictionary, but it extent the media itself is the
became the key that summa- cause for the lack of respect
rized the abuse of administra- towards the publication on the
tive status for personal benefit side of those involved, as well
as we ll a s t he b en efit of a as to how much of the reasons
clientelist circle. are beyond media. In any case,
the way in which many cases -
At the same time, on the level brought up by media - were
of personalization, the name of closed did not seem very
a f orm e r Dep ut y Prime encouraging for media itself
Minister was mentioned (in and for the efficiency of its
fa ct , h e w as mentioned pressure methods. “The bat-
throughout the year), as well tles for discredit”, fought years
as those of certain ministers. ago with the help of certain
The Global Network / Le reseau global 99

j ourn alis ts an d media mist during the last quarter,

i ne v itab l y h ad a negative with 30% of all texts which
effect on media efficiency in featured optimism, was again
fighting corruption. “Democratsia” newspaper, fol-
lowed by “Trud” newspaper
The neglective silence in the with 20%. The most pro-
face of som e investigations claimed one among “the pes-
was very often the due jour- simists” was “Duma” newspa-
nali sm had to pa y for the per with a 29% share of the
“errand aptitude” of some of texts with expressed pes-
its representatives. simism, followed by “Monitor”
with 25%, “Sega” and “Trud”,
Yet another problem was that, with 17% each. There was not
as media survey throughout a single “optimistic” instance
the year showed, the efficiency registered in “Duma”, as there
or i nef f ici ency of t he fight wasn’t a pessimistic one in
against corruption were treat- “Democratsia”. The accumula-
ed differently depending on tions with respect to the skep-
the views of the political power ticism and optimism options in
towards which the respective “Sega” were three times larger
media was inclined. The vari- than those of “moderate opti-
ous social worlds of corruption mism”.
existed steadily throughout
the year and were mostly dis- The media “social worlds” of
played in the intonational col- corruption throughout the
oring hue of the texts, as well year did not go beyond the
as the views presented. The social worlds, represented in
skepticism and pessimism as the political discourse and use
to t he results of the battle of corruption.
against corruption was charac- Based on the media survey
teristic for media of opposing during 1999 certain general-
orientation, while the pro gov- izations and conclusions can
er nm ental m e dia f eatured be drawn:
larger accumulation of “moder-
ate optimism”. The clear “mod- * The placement of “corrup-
erate optimists” (in fact, there tion texts” displayed a clear
was no uncon dit io na l opti- tendency towards presenting
mism) remained such at the them in a leading or accentu-
end of the year, too, while “the ated position , the latter being
skeptics” and “pessimists” pre- so both for print and electronic
served their stand. media. At the same time
throughout the year the num-
The greatest moderate opti- ber of communication units,
100 The Global Network / Le reseau global

featuring corruption as main tion pressure. The scarce

and not auxiliary theme, con- results - determined as such
stantly increased. The “expan- by factors outside media - gave
sion” of the theme, its peak us a reason to believe that a
being in the last quarter, was certain media fatigue would
revealed in the volume of the occur, even a decrease of
separate units, as well as the media activity as investigation
greater focus on analysis. and pressure tool.
* In the course of the year the
media activities regarding cor- It was media itself that called
rupt ion clearly displayed a the corruption issue a media
t rans iti on f ro m t he “low “Hit No. 1”. If that qualifica-
spheres” and everyday aspects tion should be used, one could
of th e phen omen on to the say that “the hit” did not bring
higher spheres of state admin- “the income” society expected.
istration. The last quarter saw And as far as the problem still
the media attention complete- drastically exists, at the begin -
ly f ocu sed o n th e higher ning of year 2000 media dis-
spheres of state administra- poses of a relatively good pro-
tion. The change brought up fessional recapitulation, yet
an alteration of the very treat- with strong doubts regarding
men t of th e p he no menon, their possibilities as being an
revealing its nature of abuse of effective anti-corruption tool.
authority position for personal Their realization as such is in
benefit as well as the benefit of their presence as an active
a clientelist circle, as a social participant in “pressure
corruption, trade of political groups” which connect media
influence etc. and civil structures in
* The corruption issue /like addressing their arguments to
many o the r th eme s/ was a the respective institutions.
subject of politi cal use and And the most important - a
partisan treatment by media, deliberately declared political
which had a negative influence will for fighting against cor-
on the actual media effects. All ruption, which to be realized
too o fte n th e p olit ical use as an embodiment of the
caused the high and fast death development of the democratic
rate of some huge corruption standards and values in the
scandals in the course of the society.
yeas, e.g. “the cigarette” and
“the spirit” affairs.
* As a whole, media success-

fully tried to play the role of
important tool for anti-corrup-
provides a forum of scientific
discussion that includes
exchange and comparison of ideas for
academics and professionals.

publishes manuscripts emphasizing
philosophical, evaluative, empirical,
legal, historical and critical inquiry
into relationships between
communication and society
in the post-communist period of
Central and Eastern Europe.
Mail manuscripts to / Envoyez manuscrits à:
Prof. Mihai Coman
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TEL / FAX: (+401) 410 06 43
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2. The author’s name, title and affiliation.
3. Any necessary acknowledgements.

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This issue was
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The Global Network / Le reseau global 105

Previous issues / Des numéros antérieures

No. 12 / 1999

MARIE-CHRISTINE MARRIÉ • Ce que parler veut dire

ROGER DELBARRE • Les médias est - allemands


through the Optics of War

JEAN-PIERRE BACOT • Les mystères d'une irreprésentation nationale

MARGARITA VASSILIEVA • La fin du piratage médiatique en Bulgarie

DANIELA ROVENTA FRUMUSANI • L’identité féminine dans la presse écrite roumaine:

topos et réalité
106 The Global Network / Le reseau global

No. 11 / 1999
DANIELA FRUMUSANI • Le “deuxieme sexe” dans la société et les médias

TUDOR CATINEANU • La radio - du poste d’Etat au service publique

DANIELA ROVENTA FRUMUSANI • Women, Media and Society in the Post-

Communist Countries

SIMONE LANDRY • Où va le féminisme québécois ?

GINA STOICIU • Diana et la globalisation de l’émotion

ROGER DE LA GARDE • Le téléroman québécois

JEAN PIERRE BOYER • Les femmes dans le triangle des Bermudes

BOGUSLAWA DOBEK - OSTROWSKA • Mass Communication in Polland after the

Collapse of Communism

RITA CSAPO - SWEET • Where in the World is Szesám Utca ?

The Global Network / Le reseau global 107

No. 9 - 10 / 1998

PETER GROSS • The first nine years - a reappraisal of Romania’s media

MIHAI COMAN • Romanian Media in Post-Communist Era: 1990-1997

CRISTINA SIMION • Media Concentrations in Romania

NICOLAS PELISSIER • L’information contre la communication?

MIHAELA POPOVICI • Local Elections in Romania

VALENTINA MARINESCU •Le marchè médiatique en Roumanie

MARIAN PETCU • La legislation des medias en Roumanie

108 The Global Network / Le reseau global

No. 8 - June / Juin 1997

CLAUDE-JEAN BERTRAND • La déontologie des médias

KAROL JAKUBOWICZ • Freedom of Speech in Poland:

An Evolving Concept

RICHARD SHAFER • The Press and the Preservation of Yugoslavia Before

1990: TANJUG’s Leadership of the Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool

CHRISTOPHER BENNET • Media in Bosnia and Herzegovina : How International

Support Can Be More Effective

SERGEI KORKONOSSENKO • The “New Politicization”

of Russian Journalism

M. COULOMB-GULLY • L’Humour politico-cathodique russe. Kouklis et

Guignols: a chacun sa marionette
The Global Network / Le reseau global 109

No. 6-7 - 1996/1997

THIERRY WATINE • La productivité et la complexité comme contraintes de la
production journalistique


Campaign of 1996 on Public and Private Television Stations

BRUNO STEFAN • The Broadcasting of Political Agents and Actors on TV News

in the 1996 Elections in Romania

M. COULOMB-GULLY • Le corps en politique: Incarnation présidentielle et

démocratie cathodique

NICOLAS PELISSIER • Les voix multiples de la Transylvanie

TODOR PETEV - Bulgarian Independent Radio Gains Audience in a Troubled

Social Environment
110 The Global Network / Le reseau global

No. 4-5 - March-June / Mars-Juin 1996

TAPIO VARIS • Global Communication in the Age of Cyberspace

PETER GROSS, RAY HIEBERT • Departures on an Old Fashioned Track.

Broadcasting Laws in Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic


Legal Regulation Between 1991-1995

VESELLA TABAKOVA • Women and Media in Bulgaria: Access to Expression and

Decision Making

DANIELA ROVENTA-FRUMUSANI • New Role Models for Journalists in Eastern

European Countries

TERESA SASINSKA-KLAS • Transformation of the Polish Media System

Detailed Presentation of Some Central & Eastern European Schools of
The Global Network / Le reseau global 111

No. 3 - September / Septembre 1995

KENNETH STARCK • The Whole World as a Foreign Place. Journalism and Culture
MARIAN STAN • High School Journalism in Romania
RICHARD SHAFER • Romania’s Image Through Segments Contributed to CNN’s World
ROMY FRÖHLICH • Coping with the New System
Une nouvelle génération de “professionels” de la television
STEFANA STERIADE • Double distorsion d’une réalité - l’image de la Roumanie dans
la presse française: 1989-1990
LULIVERA KRASTEVA • The Verbal Violence Phenomenon
SERGEI KORKONOSSENKO • Media Pretends to Be a Social Control
JURAJ VOJTEK • The Media in Slvakia

CRISTINA COMAN, MIHAI COMAN • Owners, Editors and Reporters: Ways of
112 The Global Network / Le reseau global

No. 2 - May / Mai 1995

MARIAN STAN • Editorial

GINA STOICIU • Le post communisme en deroute mythologique


(Papers presented at Brasov, Romania, November 24-26, 1994)
KENNETH STARCK • Media Elite: A Contradiction in a Democratic Society?
MARIO PLENKOVIC, VLASTA KUCIS • Structuring Media Elite in Croatia
ZOLTAN A. BIRO, JULIANNA BODO • Hungarian Media elite in Romania
ZHYDI DERVISHI • Mass Media Elites within the Spectrum of the Albanian Elites
PEETER VIHALEMM • Media Elite in Estonia
DANIELA ROVENTA-FRUMUSANI • The Woman in Post-Communist Society
and Media
ANTAL ORKENI • Social Mobility and the New Elite in Hungary
CARINA LOUART • Du post-communisme au capitalisme sauvage
IOAN DRAGAN • Les medias roumains: la crise de credibilite

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