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Name: John Bartos

Position Running for: Treasurer

Email: ask
Phone Number: ask
Twitter: N/A
Occupation: Graduate student
MYD Events attended in 2014: General meetings, EP5, YGID6, Holiday Party
1) What is your vision for the Manhattan Young Democrats for 2015? Give some concrete
examples of initiatives you would like to undertake before the end of the year.
Expanding MYD's fundraising prowess beyond the record we set in the past year, and being able
to capitalize on that ability to bring about greater change. I will leave it to greater minds than my
own to figure out how to do that.
2) Why do you think youre a good fit? Please list relevant experiences you would draw
from and strengths you could bring to the position you are running for.
I am running for reelection as Treasurer based on my record in the past year. I believe I
performed the duties well in terms of filing disclosure reports in compliance with NYS BOE
regulations, reimbursing member expenses in a timely basis, and delivering transparent reports
on our revenues and expenditures on a regular basis.
3) Serving on the executive board of MYD is a significant time commitment. How
committed will you be as a member -- how would you be able to fit your leadership
responsibilities within your current schedule? Please list your commitments outside of your
employment (i.e. leadership positions in other clubs).
I'm the president of a student club at my grad school, and the past year was frustrating personally
because so many required courses were only held on Tuesday evenings, which conflicted with
MYD events.
That said, I am now heading into my final semester and fortunately have no classes on Tuesday,
and although I had to (reluctantly) choose school courses over MYD events in the past year, I
believe I fulfilled the duties of the Treasurer quite well in spite of my physical absences.
4) What 3 (three) issues would you consider most important to New York?
Legislative ethics reform, economic development, and affordable housing.
5) What do you see as the biggest challenge to engaging young voters? In broad terms, how
can we make changes to correct it?
Convincing them that voting DOES make a difference. Civic education is one way to do it,
which is what makes MYD's Learning Labs such a great program; but the low voter turnout of

this past November's election shows that a lot more work needs to be done to show young people
that their votes count.
6) (Optional) Is there anything else you think MYDs membership and leadership should
know about you before reviewing your application?
It has been an honor serving as MYD's Political Director, and now Treasurer, and I would be
grateful for the opportunity to serve a second term as Treasurer.

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