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Comunicarea i promovarea in marketing

Politica de marketing , presupune n primul rnd alegerea unei strategii de pia n concordan
cu resursele ntreprinderii i cu particularitile pieei pe care ntreprinderea acioneaz i abia
apoi stabilirea structurii, dimensiunilor, i modului n care va evolua producia (politica de
produs), stabilirea modului de vnzare a produselor (politica de distribuie), stabilirea preurior
corespunztoare pentru produsele realizate (politica de pre) i nu n ultimul rnd o permanent
comunicare cu piaa prin intermediul unor activiti specifice, folosind mijloace de aciune
foarte diverse (politica promoional). Aceast ultim component a politicii de marketing a
firmei este foarte important pentru c ea asigur de fapt legtura permanent a firmei cu piaa
pe care aceasta acioneaz..

Este foarte clar c, n condiiile actuale ale dinamismului economico-social, prezena cu succes a
unei firme pe pia este din ce n ce mai dificil. Concurena este foarte puternic n marea
majoritate a domeniilor de activitate, astfel nct pentru a supravieui i a se dezvolta, firma
trebuie s-i cunoasc bine piaa pe care acioneaz. Pentru a realiza acest lucru, firma trebuie s
comunice cu piaa.1
1 Anghel, Laureniu Marketing industrial, Editura ASE, Bucureti, 1999, p. 151

ntre promovare i comunicaia de marketing exist un raport de la parte la ntreg;

Promovarea cuprinde toate instrumente de comunicare de marketing. Acestea includ publicitatea,

relaii publice, Sponsorizare,; vnzare personala, promovarea vnzrilor, direct mail, internetul i
aspect de marketing direct.Toate aceste elemente sunt n general denumite mixului promo ional. Mul i
consumatori cred c aspectul de promovare este tot ce cuprinde marketingul. Trebuie subliniat faptul
c promovarea este doar un alt ingredient al mixului de marketing, setul de instrumente de marketing
folosit pentru a pune n aplicare strategii de marketing. Cu toate acestea, este un ingredient foarte
important, unul care cuprinde de bugetele de marketing ale ntreprinderilor, utilizat de milioane de
oameni din Europa si numai i constituie un aspect esen ial de a comunica produsele unei intreprinderi
i strategia sa de pozitionare a brandului.
Atitudinile oamenilor fa de promovarea variaza. Unii susin c activit i de promovare, n special
publicitatea ivanzarea cu character personal, realizeaza o imagine distorsionat a realit ii, deoarece
acestea ofer clientului numai informaii selectate.Susintorii acestui punct de vedere adesea
sugereaz c activitile de promovare sunt inutile i risipitoare, i c costurile de promovare sunt
prea mari, rezultnd preuri mai mari. Acestia susin c prea mult promovare a cauzat schimbri n
valorile sociale, cum ar fi creterea materialismului. Al ii au un punct de vedere pozitiv. Ei cred c
mesajele publicitatare proiecteaza adesea valori sntoase - cum ar fi afec iune, generozitate sau
patriotism 2 sau faptul c publicitatea, ca o for economic puternic, poate elibera rile din srcie
prin comunicarea de informaii.De asemenea, s-a susinut c publicitatea produselor de consum a fost
un factor n declinul comunismului i orientarea catre eliberarea ntreprinderilor din Europa de Est. Cu
toate acestea, nici una dintre aceste impresii nu e complet corecta.Rolul de promovare ntr-o
companie este de a comunica cu indivizi, grupuri sau organiza ii, cu scopul de a facilita, direct sau
indirect, schimburi de informatii i de a convinge publicul s accepte produsele companiei. La
proiectarea eforturile de promovare, un marketer ar trebui s aib n vedere faptul c oamenii din
diferite categorii au nevoie de diferite forme de comunicare i diferite tipuri de informa ii sau mesaje.

The term promotion encompasses all of the various tools of marketing communications. These
include advertising, public relations and publicity, the growing area of sponsorship-, ; rsonal selling,
sales promotion, direct mail, the Ini:t and aspects
of direct marketing. Together, these elements are generally referred to as the promotional mix.
Many consumers believe that the promotional aspect of marketing is all that marketing
encompasses. It must be emphasised that promotion is just another ingredient of the marketing
mix, the toolkit marketers use to implement marketing strategies. Nevertheless, it is a very
important ingredient, one that accounts for the vast proportion of most businesses marketing
budgets, employs millions of people in Europe alone and constitutes an essential aspect of
communicating an organisations product or service proposition and its associated brand
positioning strategy.
The Role of Promotion
Peoples attitudes towards promotion vary. Some hold that promotional activities, particularly
advertising and personal selling, paint a distorted picture of reality because they provide the
customer with only selected information.1 Proponents of this view often suggest that promotional
activities are unnecessary and wasteful, and that promotion costs are too high, resulting in higher
prices. They may also argue that too much promotion has caused changes in social values, such as
increased materialism. Others take a positive view. They believe that advertising messages often
project wholesome values such as affection, generosity or patriotism2-or that advertising, as a
powerful economic force, can free countries from poverty by communicating information.3 It has
also been argued that the advertising of consumer products was a factor in the decline of

communism and the move towards a free enterprise system in eastern Europe. However, none of
these impressions is completely accurate.The role of promotion in a company is to communicate
with individuals, groups or organisations, with the aim of directly or indirectly facilitating
exchanges by informing and persuading one or more of the audiences to accept the companys
products.4 When developing promotional efforts, a marketer should bear in mind that people in
different adopter categories often need different forms of communication and different types of
information or message.

companiile i organizaii au ajuns s recunoasc importana comunicaiilor ca un mijloc de a

realizarea i de a face cunoscute obiectivele lor corporative. ntr-adevr, fr o buna comunicare,
att pe plan intern i extern, nici o organizaie ar putea s funcioneze eficient.
Pot exista mai multe obiective de marketing, cum ar fi lansarea unui nou produs, promovarea
unui brand sau gama de produse, informarea despre totalitatea activitilor unei companii. n
toate acestea este necesar utilizarea unor forme ale comunicatii. Practic, comunicarea de
marketing implic creterea sau realizarea de contientizare, o mai bun nelegere, i asocieri
pozitive, atitudini i predispoziii ... n favoarea produsului, serviciului sau organizaiei care este

companies and organisations have come to recognise the importance of communications as a

means to achieving and making known their corporate objectives. Indeed, without good
communications, both internally and externally, no organisation would be able to operate
There can be many objectives in marketing, such as launching a new product, promoting a brand
or product range, or informing about the whole of a company's activities. In all of these there is a
need to utilise some forms of communications. Basically, marketing communications involve
enhancing or achieving awareness, better understanding, and positive associations, attitudes and
predispositions ... in favour of the product, service or organisation that is being marketed.

Procesul de comunicare este fundamentul oricrei relaii dac n domeniul comercial sau
personal, si este pe aceasta c succesul sau eecul oricrei relaii depinde.
comunicarea este mai mult dect un mesaj trimis. Pentru ca o comunicaresa aiba loc, este
necesar ca mesajul sa fie inteles. Acest lucru nseamn c expeditorul unui mesaj trebuie s aib
o msur de reacie rspuns s tie dac comunicarea a avut loc. Rspunsul sau feedback-ul
permite expeditorului s dezvolte mesajul asigurnd astfel c aceasta este inteles de ctre
receptor. Comunicarea are, prin urmare, un "dublu sens", mai degrab dect un proces "cu sens
Marketerii cheltuie sume mari de bani i cantiti semnificative de timp in dezvoltarea
campaniilor de publicitate, programelor de PR, promoiilor i a site-urilor web, pentru a lista
Comunicare de marketing este transmiterea de informaii convingtoare despre un bun, serviciu,
vizeaz prile interesate i consumatorii cheie din segmentul de pia int.
Comunicare de marketing integrata (IMC) a aprut pentru a coordona i integra toate de
marketing instrumente de comunicare, modaliti i surse din cadrul unei companii ntr-un
program continuu care maximizeaz impactul asupra consumatorilor, la un cost minim.
The communication process is the foundation of any relationship whether in the commercial or
personal field, and it is on this that the success or failure of any relationship depends.
communication is more than a message being sent. For communication to have taken place, it is
necessary for the message that is received to have been understood in the way it was intended.
This means that the sender of a message has to have a measure of response reaction to know
whether communication has taken place. The response or feedback enables the sender to develop
the message thereby ensuring that it is understood by the receiver. Communication is therefore a
'two-way' rather than a 'one-way' process.
Marketers spend large sums of money and significant amounts of time developing advertising
campaigns, PR programmes, sales promotions and websites, to list only some of the activities
grouped under promotional activity within the marketing mix.
Communication is a sharing of meaning through the transmission of information. Marketing
communication is the transmission of persuasive information about a good, service or an idea,
targeted at key stakeholders and consumers within the target market segment. Marketing
communications centre on the promotional mix, which comprises advertising, public relations,
personal selling, sales promotion, direct mail, sponsorship and the Internet. Until relatively
recently, each of these specialist areas was handled disparately within many companies. Integrated
marketing communications (IMC) has emerged to coordinate and integra all marketing
communication tools, avenues and sources within a company into a seamless programme that
maximises the impact on consumers and other end users, at minimal cost.

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