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Organizational Risk Factors

Several studies show that factors linked to the organization play an important role in work-related mental health
problems. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that individuals spend more than a third of their life at work, and
on the other, because work-related performance, efficiency and effectiveness criteria are constantly on the rise.
Regardless of whether these elements are found in the work environment, the conditions in which the work is being
carried out or in the work situation itself, they are all an integral part of the organization.

Demands related to tasks and roles

Demands related to tasks and roles in the organization are the sources most often reported as being responsible for
work-related mental health problems. Several studies have shown a significant link between work overload and
mental health problems as well as certain physical disorders such as heart disease and high cholesterol.

Quantitative overload, qualitative overload and mental effort

Individuals are in a quantitative work overload situation when they have the impression that they are working under
pressure and have too much work to do in too short a time. This form of overload has been much more common for
the last few years as many organizations have slashed jobs.
In addition to carrying out a greater quantity of work, employees must often put in extra effort to accomplish their
tasks. This is because more and more individuals are frequently interrupted by the telephone, co-workers, email,
and so on. In such circumstances, they must invest considerable mental effort to return to their tasks. It has been
demonstrated that work interruptions have a negative impact on the well-being of individuals, requiring that they
make extra effort to avoid a deterioration in their performance.
Individuals are in a qualitative work overload situation when they feel that they are unable to perform their tasks
because they lack the knowledge or skills needed. However, as research by Karasek et al. has shown, work overload
may be less harmful to workers' health if they have a degree of control over the demands made on them.
Consequently, a high level of demand, when combined with increased control or latitude for employees in their
work, is less likely to undermine employees' mental health

Insufficient work

While work overload may be harmful to workers' mental health, the same can be said of situations where there is
insufficient work. Repetitive and monotonous jobs, because they require few skills and generally make use of a
limited range of physical and mental functions, provide little stimulation for certain employees. Consequently, they
are likely to give rise to boredom and to decrease motivation and satisfaction at work, thus increasing absenteeism

Role conflicts and ambiguity

Role conflicts and ambiguity can also have harmful effects on workers' mental health. Moreover, various studies
have shown that there is a relationship between role conflicts and ambiguity, on the one hand, and absenteeism,
low levels of work performance and job dissatisfaction, on the other. In addition, they are closely linked to anxiety
and the intention to leave the organization.
Role conflict occurs when individuals are faced with incompatible or contradictory expectations by their superiors or
co-workers, or even when these expectations contradict the employees' values, beliefs or goals. For example, this is
the case with hospital managers who may find it difficult to reconcile their mandate to cut jobs with the duty to
provide quality care to patients. Finally, role conflict may arise when the materials and resources needed to properly
perform the work are not available.
Role ambiguity occurs when individuals do not know what is expected of them, what tasks to perform, or what their
responsibilities are in the context of their work. For example, they may not have any intraining about the goals to
be accomplished, or they may be unaware of how to meet clear expectations, or they may even be unaware of the
consequences-and-extent associated with performing their work.

Participation in decision making

The degree to which individuals participate in the organization's decision-making process is an important element in
their psychological well-being and the effectiveness of the organization. Some researchers maintain that a lack of
participation in decision making could be linked to higher levels of stress, alcohol abuse, depression, and physical ill
health as well as low levels of self-esteem and job satisfaction. Greater involvement of workers in the decisionmaking process gives them the opportunity to have access to more intraining concerning the organization, which
consequently allows them to exercise greater control over their work and environment, and thus to decrease their
level of insecurity and tension. In addition, encouraging discussion and interaction between the organization's
members improves communication and fosters social support within the organization.

Physical environment and working conditions

An unhealthy physical environment and difficult working conditions have also often been associated with workrelated mental health problems. The level of psychological tension of individuals may increase if they have the
impression that they are working in conditions that are dangerous for their health or safety. Whether this involves
easily detectable factors such as high levels of noise or heat, or more insidious factors such as pollution, humidity,

poor lighting, an inadequately configured workstation or continuous work in front of a computer screen, these
factors can have negative effects on the level of performance, satisfaction and motivation at work.

Work schedules
Work schedules can also contribute to the appearance of mental health problems. For example, irregular work
schedules are likely to disrupt physiological rhythms, provoking sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and
behavioural problems such as excessive eating, drinking or smoking. In such a context, accident and absenteeism
rates are expected to rise. Working long hours is another potential source of tension. In fact, individuals who devote
a large part of their time and energy to work may experience difficulties balancing their personal and professional
responsibilities. Moreover, some studies have shown that excessive hours of work do not necessarily increase
productivity but tend to decrease individuals' effectiveness and efficiency.

Career advancement
The restructuring of many organizations has greatly changed employees' working conditions. For example, the
decrease in the number of jobs in many industries has created feelings of job insecurity among employees who fear
that they will lose their skills or the privileges associated with their employment. The fear of losing one's job
increases psychological stress among employees and can create a competitive climate that undermines the quality
of interpersonal relations among workers. These conditions are associated with the appearance of physical and
mental health problems in addition to decreasing motivation, productivity and job satisfaction.
The disparity between an employee's current and expected status also constitutes a significant source of tension for
many workers. For example, employees who have aspirations related to their career advancement which cannot be
satisfied because of the lack of opportunities will be deprived of an important sign of recognition, which may be a
source of anxiety and frustration at work. In other words, in exchange for the efforts that they invest in their work,
employees expect to be treated fairly, through either adequate compensation, opportunities for promotion or
recognition of their work.

Recognition at work is gaining more and more attention as a risk factor linked to work-related mental health
problems. Employees increasingly expect that their efforts will be recognized, both through daily signs of
appreciation and encouragement as well as wages and career opportunities. Recognition can also be shown by
creating a forum for discussion in which individuals can express their points of view about their work. Individuals
who do not feel appreciated and recognized in their work, either by their superiors or co-workers, may well develop
work-related mental health problems. Moreover, several studies have shown that recognition is linked to motivation
and satisfaction at work, levels of psychological distress and risks of cardio-vascular disease.

Decision-making autonomy
Lack of decision-making autonomy is also a factor that can affect the mental health of individuals. Decision-making
autonomy includes two facets of work life. First, skills autonomy refers to the capacity to use one's skills and to
develop new ones; second, decision authority refers to the ability to choose how to perform one's work and to
participate in related decisions. A number of studies have demonstrated that workers with a low level of decisionmaking autonomy at work show more symptoms of anxiety and depression than do other workers. In addition, it
has been found that the under-use of workers' skills and abilities and a low level of participation in the decisionmaking process related to their work are directly related to a low level of job satisfaction.

Interpersonal relations
The quality of the relations between individuals in the context of their work can have an impact on their mental
health. It has been recognized that a climate of trust in which individuals feel supported can decrease tensions and
foster job satisfaction and motivation. Conversely, an atmosphere of mistrust and hostility is associated with role
ambiguity as well as a low level of communication, satisfaction and psychological well-being. There are generally
three levels of interpersonal relations in an organization: relations with peers or co-workers, with management and
with clients.

Relations with co-workers

The possibility of obtaining support from co-workers is an important factor in decreasing the risks associated with
work-related mental health problems. On the one hand, social support allows individuals to obtain support and
comfort during hard times and, on the other hand, it nurtures the sense of belonging to a mutually supportive group
in which the individual feels appreciated and valued. Several studies have shown that maintaining harmonious
relations fosters satisfaction and motivation at work.

Relations with management

Relations with management, like those with peers, can cause psychological tensions within the organization. For
example, a directive management style that does not favour employee participation in decisions about the work
they perform, or lack of recognition or feedback regarding the work performed are factors that can increase the
level of psychological stress among workers.

Relations with clients

Relations with clients can also have an affect on workers' mental health. The first aspect of these relations is linked
to the number of interactions an employee has with clients. On the one hand, individuals may have too few contacts
or, on the other hand, too many. The second aspect is related to the context in which these relations are
established. Thus, jobs in which individuals must meet the needs of clients in a crisis situation and which necessitate
support and assistance are likely to give rise to work-related mental health problems. For example, in carrying out
their functions, health and social services professionals, police officers and sometimes teachers are frequently
confronted with situations that generate psychological stress.

Information Flow
Open and transparent communication should be encouraged within the organization. For example, holding meetings
in which workers are informed of the policies, decisions and functioning of the organization and where the latter
have the opportunity to express their feelings and dissatisfactions as well as to ask management and the union
questions may decrease their level of insecurity and tension.

Risk factors related to the individual

When a person goes to work, it is difficult for him to leave behind his personality, expectations, and personal as well
as family problems. Based on the observations made by certain authors who have examined this question, we can
identify various factors that predispose individuals to mental health problems and other factors that help to reduce
their occurrence

Negative affect
Negative affect or neuroticism is a stable personality trait characterized by a sensitivity to negative stimuli.
Individuals who have personalities characterized by strong negative affect are likely to experience emotions such as
sadness, anxiety, guilt and hostility. The trait of neuroticism can be seen as ranging along a continuum going from
emotional instability to emotional stability. These individuals also tend to feel negative emotions such as anxiety,
depression and anger. They are also likely to interpret a stressful situation as being threatening and tend to act
When they perceive a situation in the workplace as being unfair or inequitable, they are more likely to want to quit
their job, are more mistrustful of their superior and less committed to their organization than their peers with less
negative affect. It also seems that more pessimistic individuals adopt ineffective stress management strategies,
such as superstitious behaviour, mental and behavioural withdrawal, escape to a fantasy world, passivity and blame.

Negative affect/Neuroticism

Anger, hostility
Perceive stressful situations as threatening
Ineffective stress management strategies

The type A personality

Type A individuals are considered to be competitive, highly ambitious and impatient and seem to have a strong need
to maintain control, even over things that are uncontrollable. They are described in the literature as being
perfectionists who are highly devoted to and involved in their work. They have a continuous need to outdo
themselves and have a tendency to establish (for themselves and for others) goals that are too high in relation to
their capabilities, which often causes them to feel disappointed and dissatisfied at work.
Conversely, type B individuals tend to be patient, laid-back and not very competitive. Several studies have
demonstrated a link between the type A personality and certain psychological (e.g., anxiety) and physical (cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal) problems.

Type A personality

Must constantly outdo themselves
Always in a rush
Hostile, angry

The hardy personality

Hardiness has three characteristics. First, hardy individuals tend to be involved in activities and events and with coworkers. Thus, in a stressful situation, hardy individuals turn to the support of their co-workers to manage their
stress. Second, they have the impression that they are in control of events, whether by acting directly on the stress
factor or by interpreting it in such a way that it has less impact. Finally, hardy individuals tend to see changes as
opportunities for personal development or challenges rather than as a threat to their security. They therefore prefer
change over stability. Studies have shown that in general, a hardy personality helps to soften the effect of stress on
the individuals physical and mental health.

Hardy personality

Involvement in activities, events and lives of those around them

Perception of control over stressful situation
Sense of challenge

Attributional style
Individuals with a pessimistic attributional style tend to attribute their failures to internal, stable and global causes.
For example, an employee may explain a failure in his work by saying that he is stupid. In this case, he attributes
the failure to a cause that is internal (himself), stable (questioning his own intelligence) and global (since stupidity
is likely to affect several areas of his life).
Conversely, individuals with an optimistic attributional style attribute their failures at work to a cause that is
external (e.g., the task was difficult), unstable (it was a bad day) and specific (e.g., feeling less skilled in this type
of task). The way of attributing the cause of a success or failure is important because it can have various
psychological consequences-and-extent. For example, individuals who attribute their failures to their incompetence
may experience a decrease in self-confidence and be demotivated in their work. Furthermore, individuals who do
not feel that they have control over events will tend to feel discouraged, predisposing themselves to depression.

Age and gender

It is recognized that age and gender can influence psychological reactions. For example, studies show that the risk
of suffering from major depression varies between 10% and 25% among women, as compared with between 5%
and 12% for men. These gender differences are not necessarily due to biological conditions. In fact, there are large
differences based on educational level as well as working and living conditions. Certain mental health problems also
tend to appear at a certain age (e.g., on average, depression occurs at about age 35). However, it is difficult and
complex to determine how age contributes to mental health problems.

Adjustment strategies
Adjustment is a natural reaction on the part of individuals who want to protect themselves against excessive
demands or a situation that is harmful to them. Some adjustment strategies are less appropriate than others. For
example, certain individuals will try to decrease their psychological stress by consuming drugs or alcohol while
others will try to manage their time better, solve their problems and express their needs.

Social support

According to certain studies, seeking social support is an effective adjustment strategy to reduce psychological
tension and the risk of developing work-related mental health problems. In fact, it helps to lessen the harmful
effects of stress on individuals. Family members, friends and co-workers can be an important source of moral
support, practical help and confidence building for a person who is experiencing mental health problems.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps us to adapt to various work requirements. Conversely, having few interests
outside of work, poor eating habits or a lack of exercise reduces a person's ability to cope with stress.

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