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Every project gives you opportunities to create but also constraints to work to.
Use this hand out to consider the constraints which will affect your project.
What timescale have you got for this project? How could this impact
your work?
For this project I have a timescale of 6 weeks (5 weeks left). I dont think the
timescale will impact my work as I have worked on varied ones throughout the
first year. Personally, I think that 6 weeks is enough for this project, I aim to be
efficient and independent to get the work done on time. If my timescale was an
issue, it would impact my work badly, there is not enough time to be catching
up on big chunks of missed work and it would then become a mess of
production where my product would be disappointing.
Are there any resources you will need for this project that you will not
be provided with? How could this affect your project? What can you do
about this?
I havent been given any practical resources, however, I havent been given
the target market or what type of energy drink I should produce. I havent been
given any formalities to the project and I can explore my creative side. This
could affect my project if I dont generate enough ideas or think the initial idea
through properly. The way I can change this is by taking a reasonable approach
to the idea generation and having some ideas about the project beforehand. I
can also change this problem by discovering a range of energy drinks and
comparing them to my first ideas. As the resources I havent been given consist
of limited information, I have to set up my own brief and reference some of my
old work to help me come up with a suitable end product.
What restraints could be imposed by an organisation such as the
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)? How could this impact your
One of the first is to avoid copyright by using the same logo or slogan.
Secondly this could also be looking at whether it affects any social group or any
ethnicity. From a point of view of the ASA (taken from the website) it is going
back to copycat, this is the stand out constraint for me because the product has
to be unique and represent your ideas not someone elses. Also I think that the
literacy of a person could be a constraint, the restraint that the ASA impose is
looking into the behaviours of that person on the internet whether they do
rather than think and doing their research properly. Another restraint I can
think of for the product is the use of misleading i.e. using the 100% whereas
you cant say that because people have never had the full 100% effect. Not
every consumer is going to like your product so you have to not make big
claims about your product in the advertising way e.g. straining that your
product is the best ever, this could go against the ASA for being misleading
your product may be suitable for your target market but not for others, so with
that you have to share the market and advertise in the best interests of

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