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My family

Unit Number : 2
Title: My Family
- The stage: Primary Education
- The cycle and the academic course: 1st cycle / 2nd course
- Age of Students: 6-7 years old
- Students intersts: Me
Sessions: 5 sessions
Timing: 30 September 21 October
2 hours/week

Listen and understand the vocabulary and sentences of the didactic unit my
family in Present Simple.

Communicate orally in easy and everyday situations, using verbal and non
verbal communication and adapting a respectful and cooperative attitude.

Read comprising and to obtain information according to a final goal.

Write texts previously worked in class using models of diverse finalities.

Use English to obtain info with PC, learning how to use with a progressive
autonomy all the resources around them, including the new tecnologies to obtain
information and to communicate in the foreign language.

Develop Self-esteem and self-confidence, showing a receptive, interested and

trusting attitude in their own learning ability and in the use of the foreign

Blocks of Contents:
1.- Oral Language

Listening: Listen the vocabulary from flashcards.

Spoken production: Listen and repeat the vocabulary looking at fashcards.

Spoken interaction: Play word chain

2.- Written Language

Reading: Play reading dominous

Writing: Write an illustrated dictionary of the portfolio

3.- Linguistic System Elements, and relations among them:

- Vocabulary: I have used this vocabulary related to family.
grandad granny dad mum sister
brother - uncle aunt cousin - family
- Grammar: constructions with Present Simple tense.
It is my mun
- Phonetics: in this unit are going to work the following phonemes
// -- grandad, granny, dad, family
// -- mum, brother, uncle
// -- sister, brother, uncle
4.- Language as a learning tool:
Students learn to make crafts: Make a tree with photos of your family
5.- Social and Cultural dimensions of language
Students learn the roots of your family: Make a tree with photos of your family
6.- Communication and information technologies
This unit does not develop any ICTs activity
Basic competences:
o C. in Linguistic Communication
o Cultural & Artistic C.
o Self-autonomy & personal initiative C.
Cross-Curricular Aspects:
o Literature & Language
o Art
Assessment Criteria:
The evaluation is done through direct observation in the class, using different activities
and in a continuous way. Achievement of the specific objectives of the unit, bearing in
mind the previous knowledge and progress along the unit.

SESSION 1: Listening
1. Presentation: Listen the vocabulary from flashcards.

2. Pratice: Listen and point

3. Production: Play Jump the line

The teacher will place a rope along the classroom. All the students will be standing
in one side of the rope. The teacher will give each student a small card with an
image. Teacher will name an object and the student with that card will jump the
rope. The teacher may give the card with the same object to different students.
SESSION 2: Listening + Speaking
1. Presentation: Listen and repeat the vocabulary looking at flashcards.
2. Pratice: Play Chinese Whisper
3. Production: Play de Word Chain

SESSION 3: Listening + Speaking + Reading

1. Presentation: Say the vocabulary from Flash cards and listening and repeating
vocabulary words from Readingcards.

2. Pratice: Play Magic Box

The teacher has a box with images and words. The teacher takes an image or a word
out of the box and the students will have to say the name of the object or read the
word. Students can form groups and the can play as a competition, getting points on
their answer.
Play reading

SESSION 4: Listening + Speaking + Reading + Writing

1. Presentation: Say the vocabulary from Flashcards and reading vocabulary words
from Readcards
2. Pratice: Listen, choose and write the correct.

3. Production: Write an illustrated dictionary of the portfolio

SESSION 5: Stations
1. Make a crossword puzzle.

2. Make a tree with photos of your family

3. Make a minibook family. Paint and write the word correct.

4. Find and write


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