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Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 1/16/15

Student NOTES from Institute juniors, not 'official'

Opening: Green Bay Packers fan must be going nuts.
Segment#1: The making of Hollywood stars
So many things I would be questioning (Seahawks beating Green Bay Packers). I
dont take Mondays off and Martin Luther King Jr wanted people to work. Snerdley
asks what Oprah is doing marching with Selma. Is it to promote her movie?
Racism in Hollywood? Many of those that vote dont go to the theaters to view
potential winners, and the producers of Selma didnt distribute the DVD movie to
the Academy voters. I got a copy of American Sniper.
Libs going after Liberals is a fun thing to watch. Didnt Twelve Years a Slave win
big last year?
Oprah is promoting a movie and Liberals say she got LBJ all wrong. That is another
reason Selma didnt get nominated. The other shock was that Roger Eberts
documentary didnt get nominated.
The entertainment media presentation of stars is that they all love each othera
unique club. It is the exact opposite. Getting into the club is increasingly difficult.
Roger Ebert is a critic and hence is never going to cross the moat and get into the
castle. Same with Oprah.
Remember the Country Music Awards (CMA) in Nashville. Gwyneth Paltrow sang a
song and singers shot daggers at her. Shes an actress, not a singer; she hasnt
paid her dues!
It is similar for why I was aced out of sports analysis on ESPN. They didnt like me
being there as a Conservative and were laying in wait for a mistake.
Football games yesterday: NE Patriots are accused of deflating their balls. NFL is
investigating. Patriots say their balls are fine. Reporter Bob Kravitz accused.
[[Reader comment: They were deflated from all the touchdown spikes.]]
If you are a Packers fan, this has to be a day of misery.
And Tuesday evening is the State of the Union address by Obama. He wants to
raise taxes on the rich, and Republicans could make a mistake if they are not
>>> Later in the show, Ill tell Republicans how they should respond.
Seg#2: Did the Indiana Colts use their own footballs?
Last Friday I predicted Patriots and Seahawks would be in the Superbowl. I had no
idea that Seattle Seahawks would play so poorly in the first half.

((Clip: Possible deflating the footballs; very difficult to throw.)) Each team in the
NFL is allowed to bring their own balls, including the kicking balls, marked with a
K. They are turned over to officials before the game for weighing and checking.
>>> The Colts would not be using footballs altered by Patriots.
Seg#3: Orem Utah is Republican but there are Liberals there too
When Al Davis owned an NFL football team he did these kind of tricks routinely; I
dont know for sure if the league allows a team to bring their own footballs. If so,
Colts would not get a Patriot football, unless they intercepted a Brady pass.
If the home team is in charge of footballs, that is a change from the past.
Caller-youth: We watch student news and I was the only one that got a question
right because I read Rush Revere.
Caller-youth: Love you and your showyoure amazing! I have a Liberal geology
teacher (Orem, Utah) and he tells us about AGW, the government will protect
everyone, and Religion of Peace. He made us watch a movie The Story of Stuff
and ask those who disagree to stand up. I said, The government has three jobs:
(1) protect us, (2) provide mail, (3) protect the rights of the people. He asked
about seatbelts, I said it was up to states, he tore me to shreds.
What did you decide to do? Go along to pass?
Caller-still-age14-Nicholle: Ive decided to study even more so I can tear him to
>>> Dont changeyou should be the teacher, not him.
Seg#4: How would the Patriots get ahold of the Colts balls?
The movie American Sniper is under attack in Hollywood. Details coming up.
I was right on the footballs. At we see that Raven Joe Flacco realizes they
were using a SF 49ers football, and asked for the proper team ball. Each team
brings 12 primary balls, and the home team provides 12 backup footballs.
There is something really screwy to say Patriots got ahold of the Colt footballs when
the Colts brought them with them. It is up to the ball boys, running up and down
the field, to get it right. The balls are marked. The K balls are brand new,
unwrapped on the day of the game.
>>> The balls they use for running and passing were used in practice.
Is Rush Limbaugh playing with words to say balls rather than footballs?
Segment#5: American Sniper is breaking records;
>>> It is under assault from the Selma supporters.
Rush says you have to pronounce Selma with pain/respect, like Sharpton
Seg#6: What is to not like about the movie, American Sniper?
(Theme Music) I tell you what you need to know that you may not know about; we
do the job of media. They are not media anymorethey call themselves media

but they are not news reporters. If I were to do a thesis for a college degree, that
would be the topic.
We just accept media will support Democrats, not Republicans. People just admit
and accept media is just another obstacle for Republicans to overcome. How is
that media? It is beyond bias. They want to shape your opinion.
They are a branch office for the Democrat Party;
They are Obama stenographers;
They are not reporters; there is no media!
Reason this is important is that some on our side still waits for Media to see it our
way, and they never will. My good buddy Andy McCarthy has a book no
impeachment that says you first have to have the right positioning the citizens.
Republicans announce that impeachment is off the tableObama take that to mean
that he is free to do whatever he wants.
Republicans dont step back because of Obamas race; they step back because of
the media. Journalists are very bit the enemy to Republicans as Obama.
I dont pretend to be media or a reporter because I am a Conservative advocate.
They are Leftist Democrat advocates. Reporters were there with Obama and UK
Cameron and they were there to protect Obama, not question him.
The Republican Party is paralyzed and will not voice what they really think. Media
doesnt need to wait for Obama to attack Republicans, they can do it themselves (as
Media is doubled down on how Obama plans to raise taxes and pay for free college.
1. Obama cares and is fair; 2. Republicans are mean and oppose it to hurt the
middleclass. Obamas plan doesnt stand a prayer and so it is time to shame
Republicans to go along.
Same with American Sniper attacked in Dennis Jett when he hasnt even seen it.
Racist, bigoted, killer and by seeing it you celebrate murder. That chorus is being
joined by Leftists in Hollywood.
>>> Rednecks, Texas, gunsit is about everything Leftists hate.
And they are just getting started. There are even Feminist offshoots.
Seg#7: How do you lose? Let me count the ways says caller/fan
Michael Moore says that snipers shoot from a distance and are cowards.
Caller: Packers should have won, 0.5 yards and they kick a fieldgoal?
They should have had 14pts rather than 6pts in the first ten minutes.
>>> Youve got 5sec for your second point; hard break cuts me off.

Radio news gets it wrong: Both teams were using the same balls but
it was previously said Patriots wanted to run more and Colts pass more.
Did K-EIB Patriot Radio not listen to Rush? Or did they just play a clip??
Segment#8: Obama being Santa Clause is a ten-day event
Caller-KY: Patriots really beat the Colts. Media must be making it up.
Somebody must have said something, and now the Colt mgt is embarrassed.
Colts have not even gotten close to beating the Patriots.
The nut that owns the Colts has a rule that each quarterback has to play through
each contract before getting another. The $25million to keep Andrew Luck must
have been made up by media. The owner was asked and he said, that is the
furthest thing from my mind.
Emotion overcame Russell Wilson after the game (and they had a group prayer, as
your editors recall). ((Clip: God is good to us every time; people used to doubt.))
He is crying as he says it. He holds to God and media has to hold him back. He
went from playing the worst game of his professional career, in NFL playoff at home
stadium, to winning in the last three minutes.
The botched onside kick was handled by Brandon Bosick. He was not part of the
hands team and was there to block! He is going to carry that the rest of his life.
Caller-ID: Way to go Broncos. Obama comes here on Wednesday. We all have flags
flying on our cars and concealed guns in our glove boxes.
It is not why he goes to Boise, timeline is reversed in State of the Union with
saying what Santa Clause will try to deliver. It is not a report to Congress on the
state of the nation.
Reason he is pre-announcing is that ratings for watching are way down. They were
also down with Bush. Fewer and fewer people are watching, so Obama is making it
a week event. He will get the message out with media covering.
>>> Is making it a ten-day affair good politics? I ask you.
Seg#9: There is another book on politics in Rush Limbaugh
This will be Obamas first visit to Idaho. Ratings are lowest, except Clinton.
Caller-MN: The young caller should rent God in not Dead movie.
She is loaded for bear, took it to that teacher, and needs no help.
Caller-parent: We need a tool from you to compare Liberals to Conservatives;
something I can give to children to prepare them for their teachers.
We prepared our three books without politics, just about America and
Founding Fathers. This is what they believed and how they fought for freedom.
Who was their enemy? We didnt want the books to become targets.
Human dignity, power of the individual, how America was founded and became
great. Yours is not a bad ideaa book to explain the difference.
>>> And I know I am not working hard enough.

Segment#10: OK, Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich
>>> and the way Republicans should respond, coming up next.
K-EIB Radio news: Some are calling it Deflate-gate. Tom Brady laughs.
Seg#11: Help other understand that words have consequences.
Stand by with soundbytes 20 and 21. 1-800-282-2882, call in. Obama is out
announcing details of the State of the Union. The Hill says, Obama plays Robin
Hood which is ill-reported. He stole from the government, not the rich. He was
getting back the confiscatory taxation.
Robin Hood was a tax protester.
Obama is Jonathan Gruber and thinks people are too stupid. There is a stat out
there to greet with skepticism. 1% of the world population controls over half of the
world wealth. Simple math tells you that this is wrong because governments
control over half of the money in the world. Who ever heard of this group? How can
they document that?
Yeah, Obama; go rob from the rich and give it to me! No, you will never see it as
it goes to the bureaucracy. It is not how you move up to middleclassyou have to
work for it. Why wait for government to provide success? Obama wants you to
think you will get rich from a handout, not getting a job.
How are you going to get it?
Drive around your neighborhood and look at those that appear successful. How did
they get there? They worked! Low info voters have been conditioned by media that
the rich need to pay more and suffer. It benefits only government coffers.
Conventional wisdom that there is no way, Jose, that Republicans give it not a
prayer. But look at the current crop of Republicans not opposing Amnesty. The key
to me will be in the language they use to respond, it occurred to me recently. I
cringed when I saw the exit poll that Obama cared more then Romney. The other
question showed still blaming Bush. How do you change that?
Romney kept going on and on regards to talking about private sector. Private?
That is private and not allowed? Public sector? That means zoo to some.
Republicans make the mistake (it is a shame there is lack of perception) Nobody
has sympathy for business even though most people work for someone.
Republicans have to explain tax increases will hurt middleclass!
92million dont care about small business and entrepreneurs because they are
not either one. It requires an assumption that the majority of the voting public
understands and supports the importance of companies and small business.
Republicans should not assume what the public understand.

The Democrats own the appeal because of the conditioning. It is painful but true:
Obama tax increases will destroy the middleclass. Does the voter understand?
There needs to be better wording.
>>> Ill be developing this more. Words mean things and have an effect.
K-EIB ad: I have the Left surrounded with the Limbaugh Letter.
Seg#12: Neville Chamberlain pacifism resulted in millions dying
Ill get to the soundbytes in a minute. After media conditioned the low-info voter,
you cannot talk about business being important. Leftist in media and Democrats
have been successful in demonizing business.
Caller: During the Korean War, my father was the top sniper, not a coward. His job
was to hunt down in the field those waiting to kill our soldiers.
It is outrageous that you would have to call in to defend a great man. Exactly,
it is defensive. They take out other snipers on the other side in war.
>>> It is war, for crying out loud! What do Liberals expect? Roll over?
Seg#13: Democrats keep getting away with THE BIG LIE .!.
Yes, it is frustrating: Obama proposes what has failed for a thousand years, every
time it is tried: Socialism. We already have taxation on the rich with Obamacare,
and how has that worked out?
You do not get ahead with Socialism. Low-info people should drive through well-todo neighborhoods and ask, What do they do to facilitate their own success? They
do not wait for government.
Look at Cuba, or Mao; socialism always fails. Look at France, in revolution, until
JFKerry got there and spoke French, Youve Got a Friend sung to them.
Bob Schieffer couldnt believe that a new Republican Congress would do what prior
congresses couldnt do. ((Clip)) He would love it if the new congress went along
with Obama. And if they dont, Republicans will get blamed.
So you raise the money from the sale of stocks by the Koch brothers and it goes to
the US Treasury. Obama will spend them on projects and not in your pocket. People
will lose jobs or product prices will rise. The little guy always gets the shaft when
Democrats raise taxes. But Republicans cant say business.
Did the rich get richer when JFK and Reagan lowered taxes? Did they not need to
work for it? Obama raised taxes on everybody, so how did the rich get richer?
Stealing from you? How the Hell did they steal so much from you? Did you have
that much before? That is what Obama/Democrats want you to believe.
What taxes have gone down for the rich? Income tax hasnt gone down; stock tax
hasnt gone down; FIFA tax hasnt gone down; You had to die to get the death tax
benefit. So how have the rich kept getting richer?
>>> It is stunning that Democrats keep getting away with [THE LIE].

Seg#14: The community organizer wants to redistribute your wealth
Free community money; free child care;
free phones . . . did that help the
people in the good neighborhoods? They dont give you any money. They buy your
vote, giving you nothing, and you must then just sit around waiting for it.
((Clip-Romney: Under Obama the poor have gotten poorer. We will bring jobs to the
American people and end poverty in America.)) Media is already ripping Romney for
saying this. Romney doesnt understand :::
>>> the only way for the poor to get rich is by redistribution.
Points production was going to be at a premium said an NFL owner. You mean you
have to score points to win a game? [Segue to home security systems.]
Seg#15: Family Formation in the Private Sector?
>>> No football tonightwell see you tomorrow.
Closing: See you tomorrow, after a 21-hour show-prep break!
Distributor for Rush's radio show: Premiere (holding trademarks)
"The Rush Limbaugh Show" and "EIB, Excellence In Broadcasting".
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Mannteruption"
Time magazine delves into the plight of working women who must, unfortunately,
attend meetings with men. According to Time columnist Jessica Bennett, these
encounters are replete with sexism. Because men, the selfish, self-absorbed,
egomaniacs that they are, cannot stop interrupting when females are speaking.
Bennett coins a term for this boorish behavior: manterruption. In How Not to Be
Manterrupted In Meetings, Ms. Bennett claims any woman in the working world
would recognize the phenomenon. We speak up in a meeting, only to hear a mans
voice chime in louder, she writes. We pitch an idea, perhaps too uncertainly, only
to have a dude repeat it with authority. We may possess the skill, but he has the
right vocal chords, which means we shut up, losing our confidence (or worse, the
credit for the work).
So, women, the victims, suffer. They hold back. They relinquish the credit thats
due them. Their ideas get re-appropriated. Women then question their own selfworth; they spiral down into self-doubt and become bag-ladies.
Heres how Time advises women to prevent being manterrupted: 1) Create a buddy
system with a male friend, who agrees to nod and look interested when they
speak. 2) Practice assertive body language. 3) Practice speaking with authority. 4)
Support companies with women in power. If none of those work, 5) Talk really, really
There could be another school of thought: perhaps men who interrupt women at the
office do so because it's the only place they can get a word in edge wise. Certainly
not at home! Who knows.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
TIME: How Not to Be 'Manterrupted' in Meetings [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"Redistribute the Oscars. If we're going to redistribute income, if we're going to

redistribute health care, why not redistribute the Academy Awards?"
"There's no alarm made that can wake me up because of my deafness. I've tried
those vibrating beds. They don't work on me -- and the cat couldn't care less. If the
cat isn't hungry, she isn't going to wake me up, and the cat doesn't need to wake
me up to go outside 'cause she can get to the litter box on her own."
"They sent John Kerry over for some sort of press conference with the French and
the French media and intended for the French people. They actually dragged in
James Taylor and Kerry spoke French again, which is embarrassing enough in itself,
and then James Taylor sang 'You've Got A Friend.' I'm embarrassed to be an
American today."
"Why, when the focus of the most recent terror attacks happens to be Al-Qaeda in
Yemen, why the hell is Obama releasing Al-Qaeda from Yemen from Club Gitmo?"
"I think Obama and a number of leftists actually believe that when a terrorist says,
'Yeah, I saw those pictures at Abu Ghraib, yeah, that's what made me a terrorist.' I
think he believes it."
"If we're going to redistribute income, if we're going to redistribute health care, why
not redistribute the Academy Awards?"
"I don't know if Harbaugh's a conservative or not. I've never met Harbaugh. I don't
know any of the Harbaughs. Never met 'em. I only know them like anybody else
does, see 'em on TV. But this sound bite makes it pretty clear to me what happened
to Harbaugh."
"The donors to the Republican Party do not want any opposition to amnesty,
however it happens, if Obama does it, the Republicans, they don't care. They just
want an end to deportations and the normalization of the illegal immigrants who are
here now."
"Not one Democrat in the US Senate willing to defend the Constitution. What a great
message for a future campaign."
"I think the normalization of a relationship with Cuba fits perfectly in the theme that
Obama believes much of American history is flawed and mistaken and unwarranted,
and I think he believes the Cuban embargo was something that never should have
"I think in the Democrat Party, you know and I know, that in their world the United
States is and has been the destabilizing force in the world, be it our superpower
status, be it our large economy, be it our racism, be it our bigotry, be it our
exclusionary policies, whatever, there's a large segment of the Democrat Party and
its voting base that considers the United States the problem in the world. We don't
liberate; we conquer."
"The Democrat Party is just infested with people who do not believe the United
States is good for the world."
"There ain't any conservatives in Hollywood. There might be a couple of voters, but
the Academy, Hollywood, is all liberal, and there is not a single African-American
nominee that counts. This is going to be fun to witness."
"The Patriots and Seahawks are going to be in the Super Bowl. That's what's going
to happen on Sunday. Patriots and Seahawks win."
Rush Limbaugh Echo for Tuesday, 1/20/15

Opening: Excited Drive-By Media thinks SOTU is BIG!

Seg#1: Who wants to watch lies for 50 minutes? No state of USA given
The State of the Union has become is a wish list of give-aways to buy votes. Then
you will have illegals sitting by Moochelle in the gallery, a few Dreamers.
Weve been talking about Selma and Oprah. There arent enough people
pronouncing Selma with enough soul, like Al Sharpton: you need to speak a
regular sentence and when you come to Selma say it more reverence and pain.
For Oprah, she should pronounce it Sell-More. Liberals think Selma should be
obliterating American Sniper and it is the other way around. Conservatives are
deciding to leave home and see a movie. So that irritates Liberals.
Libs think Conservatives are not part of the American landscape, just like man is not
part of Nature.
In 2010, June 15th Obama said this (the state of the union) on BP oil spill. He was
wrong! ((Reading: The consequences of our in-actions are evident. Other nations
are using clean energy. For decades we have known the days of cheap oil are
numbered.)) There is a secret about why oil prices and gasoline prices are down.
Yes the Saudis. There is another reason.
Remember the controversy when they couldnt find the spilled oil?
Sea salt water is powerful and just ate it up.
Tax from gasoline is also down. Federal tax is static at 18 cents, but state tax on
gasoline can vary. One reason the price is down is demand with Economy is in the
tank. 92million Americans that can work are not working. You will not see DbM
note this since is it against the Agenda.
>>> The US Economy is NOT going gang-busters. [media cover-up]
Rush reminds us that tonight will be wish-list promises, not status of America.
Seg#2: What are the accomplishments of The Obama Regime?
We are not out of the woods by electing Republicans to Congress. We are yet to see
the worst. It doesnt matter if Congress opposes or not, he will just do what he
There are so many violations of the Constitution now that people stop noticing.
Even our side begins to say, We just have to wait till Obama is gone, and then
reverse. That wont be easy, and Obama will maintain a home in DC to prevent
Just keep a sharp eye.

Presidents point out their accomplishments; what will Obama claim? Will he brag
about how we lost Iraq? Will he brag about releasing from Git-mo? Will he brag
about releasing murderers from Cuba? Will he brag about opposing AZ in enforcing
the border? IRS scandal? [Rush listed half a dozen more. See his web highlight,
and quotes tomorrow.]
>>> Look at Obamas approval rating at 30%
Seg#3: [We thought Romney was going to run a different campaign]
Ratings are way down, particularly from when Obama was fascinating. Now, he
drives and flies all over the country to get the propaganda out in advance. He
wants to get as many media events out of it as possible.
We are going to get an hour on how Democrats are compassionate and Republicans
are not. I got a note that the season conclusion of a series is opposite for those that
do not want to watch. [Also, the webTV of the Glenn Beck team will do time-delay
with answers to lies.]
Reuters has an article on the decline of the middleclass.
How are new fees on corporations going to help the middleclass? Government
programs and welfare do not create jobs and help the middleclass. It only helps the
Democrat Party. Socialism is a miserable failure, and we have to listen to rot-gut for
50 minutes. Taking money out of the private sector helps no one.
I fell into my own trap, mentioning Private sectore.
Romney was addressing poverty and started the great intentions of LBJ. This from
the guy who Liberals/Democrats said he let a woman die by not supporting
Obamacare. He was the guy who let his dog ride on the roof, and doesnt care
about you. Was it to turn the other cheek to praise LBJ.
Even the movie Selma doesnt praise LBJ.
This is what is wrong with the current crop of Republican hopefuls. They do not
fight! Heres the clip ((Clip-Romey: His heart was in the right place.)) No it
wasnt! His heart was to make Republicans a permanent minority.
Just like FDR, LBJ wanted a permanent underclass and control of power.
>>> Republicans are never going to win by being nice to opponents.
Seg#4: Obama should be a laughing-stock by now
So Reuters puts the lie to the expansion of the middleclass, and say Obama goes
into the speech tonight with a blemish. America remains the greatest nation at
many levels.

For the government has to get bigger it has to take things out of the pockets of
citizens and from free enterprise. Obamacare takes 1/6 of the Economy. So Obama
daily chips away from free enterprise and wants to raise taxes.
It never happens that the middleclass gets a return.
Obama should be a laughing-stock by now. The people on the Left .!.
Caller: On one side, Obama is saying everybody gets something. On the other
juxtaposition, you have an NFL coach, John Fox, says you have to work for what you
get, new coach of the Bears.
Obama says he wants to get even; John Fox says they have to earn their
position. If John Fox were thinking like Obama, he would say, We are going to take
money away from our quarterback Jay Cutler and give it to second string players.
>>> John Fox tells players they have to work hard to keep their positions.
Segment#5: Paris mayor thinks their reputation is impaired.
>>> They have no-go zones where police dont goonly for Muslims.
Seg#6: Obama wont help Hillary as he tries to destroy Republicans
(Theme Music) There will be two responses from Republicans: the pig castrator in
English, and a Spanish-language response by Carbello, confirmed by Boehner. He
agrees with Obama Amnesty.
[[Listening to Rush, we thought that Curbelo would deliver a response; but
instead, he will only being a translation of Joni Ernsts Republican response.]]
Boehner talks a good game and then picks a freshman congressman that supports
Amnesty. Republicans should just punt. Bring Bob Dillon out to sing, Everything is
going to be Fine.
((Clip CNN: The honor of Paris has been blemished. We are going to have to face
reality. Who will you sue? Fox News.)) No-go zones are where cops cant go or
where they refuse to go. FoxNews reported and the mayor lady thinks it is time to
sue FoxNews, and wants to ban the talk on no-go zones.
This will make Fox even bigger; I heard about the zones before it was reported on
FoxNews. Where is the free speech? FoxNews Brit Hume tweeted two days ago, I
never imagined that in 2015 free speech would be controversial, not just in
America, but around the world, an especially in colleges.
CNN is estatically happy that FoxNews might be sued. If you dont defend
something, you have no excuse when they come after you also.

I have to work and concentrate to not become synical about the state of the union
speech tonight. What gets to me is it is hyped as more important than other news
when it isnt. It is not going to make a difference. Who falls for the trick?
((Montage-DbM: He is really creating a platform for Hillary in 2016; over and over.
Other Democrats can fight for it after Obama is gone.)) They all say the same
thing. They read instructions from Drive-by Central?
Never mind the fact that Obama doesnt like her at all. He would sabotage her if he
could. Obama doesnt care! He only cares about himself. If any Democrat or
Republican tries to undo anything, Obama will fight.
Snerdley, do you think Obama is setting up Hillary?
Obama only tries to get himself elected. He doesnt help Democrats.
>>> I dont doubt it is about destroying the Republican Party.
[[ BTW, in Segment Seven, Rush is taken off the air in L.A. for a minute:
After praising Romney, he said, Romney could say anything and . ]]
Segment 14: More on Mitt
// We need candidates that will fight .!.
Caller-supporting-Romney: He said Obama policies are wrong, and Romney is not in
control today.
So Romney wants to bring up his solution, why even mention LBJ and his
mindset? We cannot go after Obama personallyonly his policies was said and it
bothers me when Mitt Romney was attack seriously with silliness.
Showing respect to people that dont show you respect and attack you isnt
working. It wont syphon off votes anywhere. The aggressor always sets the rules.
>>> We need candidates who will fight, not just be nice.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Real Target"
Here we go again. The President has proposed raising taxes: $320 billion over the
next ten years. The targets of his latest proposal, reports the Washington Post, are
wealthy individuals and large financial institutions.
The income that would supposedly be generated would supposedly pay for new
programs, including Obamas supposedly free community college proposal. Lowincome and middle class families would supposedly benefit.
According to the Post: The ambitious, and controversial, proposals demonstrate the
White Houses increasing confidence about the trajectory of the US economy. For
the past year and a half, it has debated how much it could trumpet the recovery,
when so many Americans have not felt any change in their own economic outlook.

What BS! The economy is still sucking wind, despite constant claims to the contrary.
Obamas massive tax increases would depress the economy further, and are the
last thing the new Republican Congress should vote for.
If Obama were serious about creating jobs and opportunity, hed propose lowering
taxes. Especially the corporate tax rate, which is a massive job killer. Hed also
eliminate Obamacare! But hes not serious.
The truth is, Obamas tax proposal isnt a tax proposal. And his targets arent the
wealthy, or financial institutions. The real targets are low-information voters. People
looking for handouts, who will carry the lie that its Republicans who are for the
rich and against the little guy into the next election cycle. That's what this is all
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"I am a literal guy. I am the mayor of Realville. I am profoundly literal, and most
people aren't. That's not a criticism. It just puts me in frustrating circumstances a
"The world's wealth, much more than half of it, is in the hands of governments. It is
not in the hands of private citizens, for crying out loud. That's simple math."
"I help a lot of people with their problems on their iPhone, or their iPad or their Mac.
You know, I'm the guy in my group of friends and family that has the answers. I'm
the go-to guy if you need something fixed."
"Let me tell you about the Rush Revere books. We purposely left expressed politics
out of the books. It's there, but it's not identified. Those books are about freedom.
Those books, the Rush Revere books, are about liberty and how the United States is
the lone outpost for it in the world and how that came to be."
"The State of the Union is not the State of the Union anymore. The State of the
Union is Santa Claus announcing who's been good and who's been bad and what
who's been good is gonna get. That's all State of the Union is. Santa Claus actually
"I don't pretend to be media, and I don't pretend to be a journalist. I'm an activist, in
a sense. But more than anything else, I'm an advocate."
"I guarantee you the Colts do not think they lost that game because of the condition
of footballs. And now this thing's blown up and the NFL's investigating. And I'll bet
you the people inside the Colts are a little embarrassed about this."
"Libs going after libs is a fun thing to watch."
"The movie American Sniper is under assault. It's everything Hollywood hates:
Rednecks, Texas, guns. Add to it war, Iraq? Plus, it now holds records for most
money made in the opening weekend, and they're coming after it like the people at
Selma wish people were paying attention to it."

"I don't take too many Monday holidays. Besides, Dr. King wanted everybody to
work. That's what separates him from the modern day Democrat Party."
"Most low-information people, they watch the news thinking they're watching the
news. They're not watching the news. They're not watching media. They're watching
the daily Democrat Party devotional, or whatever else you want to call it."
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